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Mafia Game Threads / ong class="highlight">Reong>: f.ds Mafia Hub
« by WestCoastDidds on December 29, 2023, 10:47:42 am »

...... Quote from: Swowl on December 13, 2023, 09:16:41 pm  Ok  ............  Annual Treasure Hunt has also started!  So if we want a game  ............  am gonna need to wait until after Holidays to launch but I  ............  be happy to open it up!  Also, if anyone wants to  ............  in a crazy awesome treasure hunt - let me know!    I’ ............  back in the US…/ ......

...... From the base game rulebook:  Quote   If you have to do  ............  with your deck - for example draw, look at, reveal, set aside,  ............ , or trash cards - and you need more cards than are left in your deck, first  ............  your discard pile and put it under your deck, then do the thing. If  ............  are still not enough cards, you do the thing with  ............  many cards you can. If when shuffling there are no cards in your deck, the  ............  discard pile simply becomes your new deck.   Note thatreveal”  ............  listed. ......

...... Quote from: grrgrrgrr on December 29, 2023, 09:12:08 am   ............  for the late reply; time to close this contest without the  ............  24h warning! The activity seemed promising at first, but then it  ............  off completely after december the 20th, resulting into 4  ............  to judge. I really got a feeling this contest isn't very  ............  anymore.     It's probably the time of year. I was  ............  about entering something here. I just didn't get around to  ............  because I was busy with hanging out with the family  ......

...... Quote from: ewew00 on December 27, 2023, 05:32:28 am  is  ............  thread alive?    Hopefully not yet!  ......

...... Quote from: LuinGor on January 05, 2024, 05:40:31 am  Ok, ............  Ménagerie now !    So... Among the latest expansions, ............  your position is that Menagerie is the best one in the category "fun and  ............  too complex" ?   For me this is a very fun expansion. It  ............  Ways, the Exile mat, Horses and adds more Events and  ............  cards. Might seem a lot of new items, but they are not too complex. ............  You can introduce them one by one. There are (only?) 3 Attack cards,  ............  in a special sneaky way. Preview: https://wiki. ............ .com/index.php/Menagerie_(expansion......

...... Quote from: StrangerSon712 on January 05, 2024, 10:14:35  ............   You do know that rotating moves more than one card, right?   Ohhh that is the  ............  information! Sadly the Allies instructions are the  ............  one i can't find. "To rotate a Supply pile with  ............ -named cards in it is to move all copies of one card on  ............  of the pile to the bottom, so as to expose the next  ............ -named card in the pile." <https://wiki.dominionstrategy. ............ /index.php/Rotate> ......

......  Quote  Fjord - $6 Action - Victory - Remain +$2 +1  ............  per Action overplayed. - Worth 3 VP  Combines remain  ............  overplay mechanics. An expensive Duchy you can play as  ............  Silver. Every extra action spent keeps it out of your  ............  for an extra turn (similar to Distant Lands, but only  ............ ). (exact VP and price can be tweaked, 3VP seemed like a  ............  middle ground between making it worthwhile (for your  ............ ) and affordable)  ......
Tournaments and Events / 2P Tournament, 4/20/2024, 1PM, Cincinnati OH
« by AdamH on January 22, 2024, 09:36:57 am »

...... Victory Pints in Maineville, OH For those of you who have attended my  ............  tournaments, this is a NEW LOCATION (same as the last two  ............  but different from all the others). Please don't show up to  ............ 's expecting the tournament to be there!  48 W Foster- ............  Rd, Maineville, OH 45039  Facebook event  This tournament  ............  consist of two-player games, and have a $5 entry fee. Portions of the  ............  pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers.  ............  will be given out in cash.  Due to table space limitations, ............  this tournament will only be able to take 30 entrants. In the  ............  event that the event fills up, priority will be given  ............  people travelling to the tournament from out of town,  ............  people who RSVP to the event, at my discretion.  Any  ............  or RSVPs can either be posted here or the Facebook event, PMed to  ............ , or you can send me E-mail at . Hope to see  ............  there!  All expansions and promo cards may be used  ............  for deprecated first edition cards. All kingdoms used in  ............  finals will be designed and playtested by me and a couple of  ............  who are not playing in the tournament. Regardless of its  ............  date, Rising Sun cards will not be in this tournament.   ............  winner of the tournament will have the opportunity to  ............  a "trophy match" against me, the Dominion world champion for 2017. You may  ............  any kingdom you like and you may go first; if you win, you get to hold  ............  to the Scout trophy until the next tournament. If you  ............ , you still get the standard first-place prize for winning this  ............ .  We'll be done by 8PM, and if you are eliminated early  ............  in the tournament you could be done as early as 4: ............ -- everyone who enters is guaranteed at least four  ............  in the tournament. When you're done with the  ............ , feel free to stick around and play some other games ( ............  more Dominion if that suits you) at Victory Pints!   ............ 's a link to the Format/Rules document for this tournament.  Here's  ............  link to information about all of the other IRL tournaments I've run. ......

...... Week 82: Pupil Winner: Governess by Zoyarox.  ............  mentions: Crowded Dormitory by emtzalex.  Scout  ............  Talent by Will(ow|iam).Quote from: Will(ow|iam) on  ............  18, 2024, 11:25:31 pm  Scout for Talent $4 Event +1 Pupil per differently-named card you  ............  in play.    ......

...... If I'm taking things very seriously, Attacks/trashing/+buy/villages, and  ............  cards I know to be good (AdamH's list is a good starting point,  ............  here).   Then I see if any cards go nicely together.  ............  there's an interaction that isn't immediately obvious  ............  I notice, there's a chance my opponent didn't and that may  ............  me the edge to win the game.  In general though I  ............  look for what I think will be a good opening. I had a pretty good working  ............  of what the strong openings were back in the Isotropic days  ............  the habit never left me. It's more of a cursory glance  ............  the rest of the kingdom with the above in mind than a  ............  checklist. I'm more likely to go through the above  ............  waiting between turns than at the beginning, and my opponents  ............  often spur on thinking. Not even sure I play that much  ............  when I spend a long time looking at the kingdom before  ............  my first card (that's not advice, that's just my experience). ......

...... Missed this contests theme.  a quick contribution (TOO  ............  I KNOW)  Quote  Studious Village Action $4  +2 Actions Discard  ............  number of cards. Gain +1 Pupil per differently named  ............  discarded.    A village variant that can save up pupils for  ............ . But to gain those pupils you must suffer in your studies! Maybe you  ............  get quite a lot of benefit from this, but you need  ......
General Discussion / ong class="highlight">Reong>: Movies I watched in 2023
« by GendoIkari on January 30, 2024, 04:27:58 pm »

...... Quote from: Chappy77 on January 30, 2024, 03:41:06 pm   ............  thread has inspired me to keep track of everything I  ............  in 2024.     I've been doing it since 2016 and I  ............  it. Both tracking what I watched and writing a very brief review (usually 2-4  ............ ). I'm no good at assigning actual numbers; so I never rank anything out of 10 or whatever.  ............ 's nice to be able to look back both at the end of the  ............  for coming up with my top 10, but also to look back years later when I'm trying to remember when I saw a  ............  or what I thought about it when I did. ......

...... I don't think you can reliably prevent the opponent from getting Warlords,  ............  the second option is not really an option. Until it is  ............  which way the Warlords split, you should always* build a deck  ............  can handle a Warlord attack. In that sense, I find the  ............  misleading.  Other comments: - the strong synergistic  ............  between Battle Plan and Warlord really wants to be  ............ . Warlord triggers Battle Plan and gives you a larger hand size so  ............  turn it's easier to connect Battle Plans. This often means  ............  even on boards where Warlord's attack isn't relevant,  ............  want both cards. - Archer's attack gets a lot less impressive once your  ............  plays Warlords.  *unless you have access to the real second option: being  ............  by Attacks. ......

...... Design a card or card-shaped thing that's a modified  ............  of an official card, not as a replacement, but like Grand Market is to Market, or  ............  Witch to Witch.  Use an adjective or modifier + the name of the  ............  card it's based on, like Grand Market and Young Witch do.   ............  qualifying official cards: Grand Market and Young Witch (obvs), Old Witch, Coastal Haven,  ............  villages (Border/Mining/Fishing/Farming/...), Devil's  ............ , Farmer's Market, Sea Witch.  Other official cards that  ............  because I like being flexible/creative: Animal Fair ( ............  has +buy so it can be considered a version of Fair), Capital City, Fool' ............  Gold, Lost City, Family of Inventors, all the Ruins except Survivors, Overgrown  ............ , Prize Goat, Silver Mine, Tragic Hero (It has "gain a  ............ "), I probably missed a couple. I'm undecided on Market Square, but I  ............  I'd allow it (if it wasn't already a thing obvs).  Official cards that don't  ............ : Fortune Hunter (not related to Hunter), Horse Traders (not  ............  to Trader), Plateau Shepherds (not related to shepherd),  ............  Blacksmith, Shanty Town, Silk Merchant, get the idea...  Suggestions of  ............  or modifiers you might use: Grand/Big, Little/Minor/Tiny,  ............ , Noble, Shady, Seafaring, Gilded, Buried, Undead, Distant, ............  Mounted, etc. (but you don't have to use one of these)   ............  and Merchant as your base card are discouraged. You can  ............  a modified version of one of them, but I'd prefer you choose  ............  else.  Using small print just for the card's name might  ............  fun if you want to do, say, "Bored Cartographer" or something like that. Don't  ............  to use an official card with a longer name. Just don't  ............  small print necessary for the card text.  edit: oops, I forgot to  ............  in the designated subforum. Can this be moved in  ............ ? Or should I delete this and repost there? edit2: I reposted in  ............  correct place, but I can't delete this post. sorry bout  ......

...... Quote from: Geronimoo on January 01, 2024, 09:44:14 am   ............  fired up the simulator to solve this. Best strategy is  ............  Witch + 1 Moat. Open Silver/Moat or Witch/Moat. Buy the first Witch  ............  Gold. Then just get Money. Adding Poacher(s) is terrible,  ............  the win rate to 41%.  Adding Markets drops the win  ............  by 1%.  Interestingly in a 4-player game the optimal strategies  ............ . If 3 players play Witch you should not buy Witch, just Moats.  ............  2 players play Witch then they win against 2 Moat players.  ............  1 Witch crushes 3 Moat players.    Because the more witches there  ............  that other players don't have, the more your moats will  ............ . With enough moats, you'll get fewer curses from the  ............  other players play than the players with witches will. ......

...... Quote from: Yitzi on February 04, 2024, 03:57:08 pm   ............  from: Awaclus on February 04, 2024, 12:07:54 pm  Some of the stronger  ............  include Bridge, Bridge Troll, Inventor, Highway,  ............  of Plenty, Groundskeeper, Collection, Merchant Guild and  ............  for example, but even Conspirator is a lot stronger than  ............ .    Most of those, powerful as they are (at least in large groups; a  ............  Bridge is usually not that impressive), require an extra  ............  and an extra draw for each payload card. Depending on the  ............ , Vassal may only need extra terminal space and draw for every second  ............  third vassal, or even less. They also all cost more than Vassal.   ............ 's really the thing about Vassal: It's not a super- ............  payload card, but it's (assuming terminal space is at least reasonably available) a  ............ -tier one at a low-tier cost, meaning that you can ramp  ............  extremely quickly once you've got an engine going ( ............  your engine comes with enough +Buy to take advantage of  ............  low cost).   Sure, it is easier to get five Vassals in play than it  ............  to get five Bridges in play. The difference between how  ............  they are is way smaller than the difference between  ............  massive the effects are when you succeed.  Horn of Plenty  ............  probably the most obviously unfair comparison here: in the same  ............  of time a $6 producing engine (that has both the +buys  ............  for Vassal and the uniques required for HoP) can get to double  ............  turn by buying Vassals as per your example, it gets to a triple Province +  ............  Duchy turn by going for HoPs. The Vassals take up about 2 card slots and 2 terminal  ............  assuming every second or third Vassal takes up one, the HoPs  ............  up 3 card slots and 0 terminal slots. If both of these players were given  ............  more turn of time, the Vassal player's fastest way to  ............  points would be to buy 4 Provinces across two turns rather than  ............  any further into Vassals, while the HoP player should still  ............  gaining more HoPs instead of greening on the penultimate turn  ............  gain 7 Provinces and a Duchy on the final turn.  HoPs are  ............  faster, require no terminal space, and while they use  ............  more card slots in this example — which doesn't have to  ............  the case; just get fewer HoPs if your deck can't  ............  that many — they also give more benefits per card slot used. And  ............ 's lower cost was factored in here; it was mediocre when  ............  cost was factored in.  Admittedly, most payload in the game is not  ............  good as Horn of Plenty, but most of it is better than Vassal (even  ............  you consider Vassal's cost). ......

...... Quote from: Holger on February 05, 2024, 04:08:23 pm   ............  general method which works in 3 different ways: Trash  ............  starting Coppers, gain them by (1) trashing Lich, (2) playing  ............  or (3) Shaman's start of turn ability, revealing Trader to exchange them for Silvers.     ............ ! Option number 3 is exactly what I ran into yesterday  ......

...... Just to follow up on this, our wishes have been granted and a Silk Road replacement was  ............  as a promo card, Marchland! Thanks, Donald X! ............ /  Hoping I can get one at  ............  Con this year…  ......

...... Quote from: Jeebus on February 09, 2024, 07:42:15 am  It  ............  that even with the errata to Possession and Outpost, etc., ............  it's possible to get 3 turns in a row like this:  * Alice  ............  turn, Alice plays Possession. * Bob Possession turn, Bob plays  ............ . (Outpost checks that it would be Bob's 2nd turn in a row, so  ............  extra turn is given.) * Bob Outpost turn (2nd turn in a row) * Bob  ............  turn (3rd turn in a row)  Does this check out?    Yes, nothing prevents your  ............  turn from being a 3rd turn in a row.  ......

...... Quote from: BryGuy on February 09, 2024, 04:04:51 pm    ............  the winner be conducting a new contest?     I've shot  ............  a PM a couple of days ago but not heard back yet, so now I'd say  ............  for it, if you have a challenge  ......

...... Quote from: LibraryAdventurer on February 10, 2024, 06: ............ :54 pm  I looked through some of this thread recently for  ............ 's sake and was disappointed to discover most of the  ............  and stuff from the first 100 or so* pages of posts are gone. I  ............  it takes up space somewhere, but it'd be nice for certain  ............  to be preserved for posterity(?). oh well.  (*I'm just  ............  how far it goes. I only glanced through the first ~50 pages of  ............ .)    Be the change you want to see! Whenever you come  ............  something on the Internet that you think shouldn't  ............ , save it on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. They  ............  host it forever, for free. ......
Forum Games / ong class="highlight">Reong>: - Mafia players wanted
« by Zoyarox on February 12, 2024, 12:11:13 pm »

...... 👍  Though there might be similar action happening on the Discord  ......

...... Quote from: majiponi on October 18, 2022, 10:47:29 am   ............  with Allies, Fairgrounds can be worth 26VP.  Basic Supply ( ............  Platinum and Colony) - 9 Shelters - 3 Young Witch - 1 (it's a free 11th pile)   ............  have 10 kingdom cards to fill. One must be Fairgrounds. ............  That leaves 9.  Fairgrounds - 1 Knights - 10 Castles - 8  ............ /Ruins/Spoils - 7 Tournament/Prizes - 6 Page/Travelers - 5 Peasant/Travelers - ............  5 Exorcist/Spirits - 4 Town Crier/Blacksmith/Miller/ ............  - 4 Student/Conjurer/Sorcerer/Lich - 4  Total: 67 unique  ............ . Is it possible to add 70th card without Landscapes?    With  ............  you can add Loot[e.g. Looting] (15 more uniques) and Horses [e.g.  ............ ] for 83 unique cards. Only 81 without Colony/Platinum , which as  ............  pointed out wouldn't pop up without a card from  ............ . Either way, 32 point Fairgrounds.  Without  ............  you would want to swap one of the rotating piles for a Loot  ......

...... Yes, most cost redurcers are only active during turns. ............  I think only the Cheap trait works during counting, so watch out  ............  (Cheap Border Guards don't count, but Cheap Stockpiles  ............ ).  ADD: I forgot Favors placed by Familiy of Inventors, AFAIK they also work  ............  counting. It's not 100% clear since the only card that looks at costs when  ............  is Plateau Shephards, so they cannot be in the same game.  ............  of course another future card may care about cost when  ............  points. ......

...... It was a real question, should I update this. Cornucopia just  ............  one real dud, Harvest. Right? But I got update pack  ............ , and it was clear these sets could really benefit. So I went for  ............ .  Let's look at all the cards that left.  Fortune  ............ : This is weak, although if actions are plentiful it sometimes  ............  up in your deck, doing its thing. It's a fixed Spy; I could do  ............  better, and the fixed Fortune Teller is Relic, in  ............ .  Harvest: The one complete dud in Cornucopia. The  ............  isn't attractive, but since all it does is make $, whatever, it's  ............  to do better. $5 payload cards need to compete with Gold;  ............ 's in every game.  Horse Traders: This card is fine except  ............  it has tons of tiny print. I eventually figured out how to do Reactions like  ............ , but I hadn't figured it out yet here, and the result is a mess. I  ............  it with Guard Dog, which ended up in Hinterlands instead, freeing this slot  ............  another card to tie into Cornucopia's variety theme.   ............ : I thought there was no chance I'd replace this. All the  ............  wanted it gone. But well, it's a love-hate card, I  ............  to preserve it for the love part. Then it turned out that  ............  playtesters didn't hate the Black Market angle, where you  ............  cards no-one else does; they hated Followers and blocking and  ............  snowbally it is. I could address all of those things with a new card. And the  ............  was also ludicrously complex, making you consider a 2x2 payoff grid. Just  ............  words, "2x2 payoff grid," should make it clear how over-the-top complex it was. Plus I  ............  wanted to change a bunch of the Prizes. So I went for it. ............   Farming Village: This one can be hard to see. Isn't this card  ............ ? Well it's a village, Village is great. It does almost  ............  more though; game after game you just treat it like  ............ . A new card could actually do something.  Doctor: Over  ............  years I grew disenchanted with how random this is. It' ............  also more complicated than it had to be.  Masterpiece: This  ............  a certain mild charm, but is pretty weak. Once in a  ............  there's a game where it does something fun.  Taxman:  ............  know, at first it was like, what do I even take out of Guilds, and in the end  ............  am happy to see all three cards go. Taxman just doesn't do enough  ............  a terminal. Sometimes it's the only trashing, but that............  sure no reason to keep it.  And now, the new cards.   ............ : An ancient concept, going back to the original Cornucopia,  ............  in a form that finally seemed to work.  Farmhands: I  ............  a few different villages to replace Farming Village.  ............  was "overpay to set aside cards for next turn." And it was  ............  weak cheap village, +2 Actions +1 Coffers. I liked it  ............  the cost seemed high and I thought mostly you set  ............  one card anyway. So now it's a full village and just  ............  aside one card.  Farrier: For a while this slot was a  ............  card from Allies and then Hinterlands 2E. It was cool but not a  ............  fit here (it was great in Hinterlands, but redundant). I  ............  up just doing a cantrip +Buy as a nice thing to pair with the bottom. The bottom tried to  ............  overpay for Coffers, something that had seemed too  ............  in original Guilds testing. At first it seemed  ............ , but eventually it seemed strong, plus I was sick of it.  ............  it was overpay for Silvers, just like Masterpiece, but I got  ............  of that one so fast. This idea seemed great immediately and  ............  had to overcome people being scared of it. The art depicts  ............ -Hwa Huang, since his previous card, Pearl Diver, got replaced.   ............ : Another ancient concept: a card that comes with a  ............  other card. The actual ancient concept was to make the  ............  card a non-supply pile that was the same every game, but when I actually  ............  it I made it use an existing pile and vary from game to game. ............   Footpad: Kieran suggested doing another thing like Charlatan:  ............  attack with a rules change on it that involves the  ............ . First we tried having a larger hand size, but well you  ............  got to have it, because of the Militia. I tried making the  ............  conditional, so there was a window in the game where you actually got  ............  have those 6-card hands. Then I gave up there and put  ............  this card-drawing that happens on your own turn, so the Militia doesn't hit it.  ............  Infirmary: A straight replacement for Doctor. The  ............  that repeatedly plays the card is a delight. Less random  ............  Doctor across the board, and simpler too.  Joust: The new Tournament. ............  So you don't automatically have it in your deck, it costs $5. It has no blocking,  ............  people didn't enjoy that part, and also it was  ............ ; now there's no payoff grid, you just get a Reward or don't. ............  You set aside a Province so the same Province can't make  ............  multiple Rewards in a turn, to reduce snowball-y-ness. And  ............ , the Prizes are replaced with Rewards. Princess  ............  as Renown, and Courser is a slightly-simpler Trusty  ............ . Demesne is a better Bag of Gold. And then Followers  ............  Diadem are just gone, replaced with Housecarl (on-theme  ............  Cornucopia), Huge Turnip (getting in Coffers from Guilds), and  ............  (just some new thing). There are 6 Rewards rather than 5, and  ............  2 copies of each for multiplayer. And then, instead of one  ............  the only +Buy and one the only village, there are two  ............  +Buy and three that can village.  Shop: Conclave and Imp have  ............  mechanic already, but it just seemed perfect for  ............ , so I did a new one.  ......

...... Quote from: GendoIkari on February 14, 2024, 05:20:41 pm  ............  There are other threads here that show was that you  ............  purchase every card in the supply on turn 1; here's one:  ............ ://    Just to  ............  what was said in this quote... In this thread, you're talking about getting  ............  big buy on your first turn. Whereas the actual biggest first turn buys literally  ............  single card in the whole supply. Like every single  ............  card, every victory card, and all the treasures. ......

...... Quote from: Nukatha on February 22, 2024, 10:54:59 am  I' ............  just chime in to say that I appreciate the Rewards remaining  ............  0-cost cards. I don't like the idea of setting up to win a truly unique card  ............  immediately remodeling it into a Province. 'Gain a gold' ............  (or Loot) cards offer that utility just fine.   Ain’t no fun to swindle  ............  barbarify a Reward into a Curse either which is arguably far more  ............  than Remodeling a strong card into a Province. ......

...... How did Lord Ratington not gain *any* cards at all?  I hit 1,496 points once with Way of the Horse + Collection + Death Cart.  ............  kept buying the same cards over and over again  ............  a bunch of VP each time ............ ?topic=16947.msg895604# ......
Feedback / ong class="highlight">Reong>: Cauldron Card Bug
« by GendoIkari on February 25, 2024, 01:18:26 pm »

...... The forum for online Dominion is here: http://forum. ............ .nl/index.php. This is the section of the Dominion Strategy  ............  for giving feedback about this forum you're on now. ......

...... You got it. Ferryman stack is not in the supply, bane stack is. ......
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