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Author Topic: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside  (Read 97783 times)

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #200 on: October 02, 2013, 09:05:14 pm »

OK, gonna talk more about my favourites, plus two others.

(Edited to correct a really annoying typo.)

Types: Action
Cost: $5
You may choose an Action card from your hand. Set aside this and the chosen card on your Investment mat. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.

When you play an Action card, +$1 per copy of it on your Investment mat.

There are some varying opinions on this.  Some have counted it too weak due to the amount of trouble you need to get it going.  Others have said that it's too strong.  First, I will copy+paste the paragraph I wrote earlier on this card:

People should note that this is generally not too powerful because this is a $5 one-shot and you have to jump through quite a few hoops.  You need to buy this, you need to buy the action card to Invest, probably many times.  You need to match up Investment with that card, and the turn you use Investment is probably an otherwise weak turn (you're down an action and two cards).  When Investment is good, it's more likely to be an interesting combo rather than something broken.  The most likely use case for Investment is powering up cheap cards rather than stronger ones, because it's easier to buy a lot of the cheap cards and it hurts less to have to Island away one of them for the rest of the game.

And then I will add that this isn't too weak in the games where you can use it to full potential.  Peddler+ at $2 is pretty good, and that's what you would get with any of the $2 Cantrips.  It's not even particularly swingy in the sense that Treasure Map is -- yeah you have to collide this with the target action card, but you're going to want a target that is spammable anyway.  You'll buy a bunch of them and then it's easy to collide them.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, return the gained card to your hand and trash a card from your hand, gaining a card costing up to $1 more than that trashed card.

This is still my favourite, but I am still worried about whether it makes Expand obsolete on bands that are the same.  Further discussion is making me think that it's alright.  A delay on the gain of the Expanded card is not trivial and this misses the reshuffle more often as well.  If this wins, I think any issues could be ironed out after testing.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Set aside a card from your hand face down. At the beginning of your next turn, reveal the set aside card, then reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a copy of it. Discard the other revealed cards and either trash both copies or put them into your hand.

Some people questioned this, saying that there's no need for it to be a Duration.  But it functions a lot differently as a Duration than it would as a regular action, particularly in that it acts as a super-Haven (Haven one card, dig for an extra copy later).  The trashing option makes it even more interesting, and the Duration affects this too.  Say you try to trash your starting Estates with Flagship.  You match it up with one... but there's still a chance it'll whiff on the second turn if you draw those Estates in that hand.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. Gain an Action card costing up to $2 more than it, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, play that Action card.

I still think this is a really neat way to do "Remodel into hand".  If it's too strong, one nerf would be to just put it into your hand for next turn, rather than playing it directly.  A cost increase could also work.  I suppose the restriction to Action cards is also important to note.

Supply Ship
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Gain an Action or Treasure card costing up to $4 and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it.

I have similar feelings on Supply Ship as I do on Dispatch.  I also like that you can gain Treasure and play it in advance.  And I note now that it is a neat combo with Quarry.  Gain Quarry, play it at the start of your next turn.  Now if you have another Supply Ship in hand, you can gain actions costing up to $6 (now reduced to $4).

OK, those are my favourites.  Now the other two.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.

People who are saying that the spelling should be Americanized to "Harbor" are just wrong.  Obviously this is not an American Harbor.  It's some Harbour sitting on some other seaside. ;)

People are saying that the +$1, the self gaining and the self trashing don't make sense, but I think they are actually well thought out.  A "permanent" Duration is really powerful, so it needs a drawback to check it.  So opponents can turn it off by buying VP.  That's OK, but the designer did not stop there -- whoever played Harbour also has to gain another Harbour.  OK, but is that really so bad?  As it turns out, yeah -- because on play, it's just +$1.  That's kind of terrible.

Now, is it so random to give +$1?  I would say not.  The point is to make Harbour junky on play, and there are only so many ways to do that.  The designer opted to keep it simple with a weak vanilla effect, keeping extra text to a limit.  What could the designer give instead of +$1?  +1 Action or +1 Buy are kind of just as arbitrary.  Moreover, +1 Action would actually be pretty good because then you can easily play multiples on the same turn, making the "gain a Harbour" penalty much less of a penalty.  +1 Buy is really strange because, if you want the +1 Buy, you'll want it consistently.  You wouldn't be able to get it consistently on a card that (ideally) never leaves play, so it has conflicting purposes.  So what about +1 Card?  That would match the Duration bonus.  But I think that giving +1 Card just feels a lot worse than getting +$1.  They're both terrible, pretty close to equally so.  But with +$1 I think, "this card gave $1" whereas with +1 Card I think, "this card just used up an action [to replace itself]".  The latter feels worse, even though it probaably isn't on average.  So +$1 feels a little better for the player.

OK, maybe +1 Card would be fine and help further reinforce the idea that Harbours are junk if you don't keep them in play.  I don't think +$1 feels particularly random though, and this would be an easy tweak to make.

As for the self-trash... well, that gives players who fell for the Harbour trap a small way to get out.  I guess it's not entirely necessary.

Overall though, I think the various parts do form a cohesive whole.  As far as long-lived Durations go, I think this is the best one in the contest.  I'm still not fond of long-lived Durations though, so I don't think this will get my vote.  But I think it's OK.

Shipyard (C)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Buys. Now and at the start of your next turn: Look through your discard pile, reveal up to 3 Coppers from it, and put them into your hand.

While this is in play, when you would gain a card, you may gain a Copper instead.

People are blowing this off as just a Duration Counting House without thinking about how that would actually play.  I think it would play much differently.

Without a lot of help, CH is weak because it only really helps you if you draw it near the end of the shuffle.  If you draw it early, it's just a dead card.

Shipyard gets around this problem by being a Duration.  If you draw it early, it'll be there one turn later!  And if that's still not enough, it provides +2 Buys so you can add a few extra Copper to your discard if you want.

I think the more problematic comparison is Merchant Ship.  MS provides a consistent +$2 now and next turn.  Simple, easy.  Shipyard provides $0-$3 now and next turn, and you can guarantee $2 on the second turn if you want to.  So, OK, it provides variable money and it also provides +Buys on the first turn, but maybe it's still not that different from Merchant Ship in general.  Having the Copper and having the bigger hand size is sometimes relevant though.

Anyway, I just don't think Counting House is the right comparison in the end, even though it's the obvious one.  Being a Duration, I think a much better comparison is with Merchant Ship, and I'm curious if Shipyard holds up or not.  Like Harbour, I think this is OK but it's probably not getting my vote.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 06:28:16 pm by eHalcyon »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #201 on: October 02, 2013, 10:11:01 pm »

I'm going to comment on a few cards.  I submitted a card so I will omit some of the cards that I find uninteresting and my own.

Star Charts
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Now and at the start of your next turn, look at the top 4 cards of your deck, discard any number of them, and put the rest back in any order.

While this is in play, when a player buys a card other than a Victory card, he gains a copy of that card, putting it on top of his deck.
This card seems to facilitate stupid amounts of gaining.

Shipwreck Cove
Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Each other player chooses a card he has in play and discards it. If that card would do something at the start of that player's next turn, that effect is cancelled. At the start of your next turn, +1 Action.
I don't like cancelling durations.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+3 Cards. You may discard this from play. If this is in play at the the start of your next turn, trash it and +3 Cards.
This seems to me like it is just another smithy variant.  In my opinion there are to many at $5 already for this to be worth it.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$2. Choose another player. At the start of your next turn, +$1.

While this is in play, when the chosen player buys an Action or Treasure card, you my discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.
Too political; shouldn't choose a player.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. Put a Coin token on an Action card pile in the Supply.

Cards cost $1 less per Coin token on their Supply pile, but not less than $0.
Kind of an anti-embargo; I like it.  Interesting interactions with some cards (like band of misfits) too.

Ship of the Line
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
You may gain a Victory card costing less than a Province. At the start of your next turn, +3 Cards.

While this is in play, Victory cards cost $1 more.
This seems too good.  It would make the only viable strategy rushing these, duchies, and estates, I think.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
You may choose an Action card from your hand. Set aside this and the chosen card on your Investment mat. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.

When you play an Action card, +$1 per copy of it on your Investment mat.
This seems a little too good to me.  Although a little hard to do it can turn every village into a bazaar.  It just seems a little too good for engines.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. +$1.

When you discard this from play, put one of your Fisherman token on a Supply pile that costs $6 or less which is not a Victory card pile.

When you buy a card, gain a copy of it for each of your Fisherman tokens on that pile and remove all of your Fisherman tokens.

Clarification: Each player has his own Fisherman tokens (maybe in different colors) and you only gain copies of the bought card for YOUR tokens.
Interesting but perhaps a little weak.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+2 Buys. +$2. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards 1 card for each card he gained last turn. Each other player with no cards in hand draws 3 cards.
No.  Too much tracking, too good. Too much incentive for buying only one card.

Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Action. +1 Buy. At the start of your next turn, you may trash up to 2 cards that are not Curses. If you trash exactly 1 card, each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. If you trash exactly 2 cards, each other player gains a Curse.
I don't like duration attacks in general.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, return the gained card to your hand and trash a card from your hand, gaining a card costing up to $1 more than that trashed card.
This seems very interesting.  I am a little concerned it seems to good.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $6
+$2. Put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

When you put this on top of your deck, you may reveal it. If you do, choose a card in the Supply; each other player gains a copy of the chosen card, putting it on the bottom of his deck.
I don't like that this can create a junk turn at the bottom of your shuffle.  Otherwise this seems a little weak.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Buy and +$1.

While this is in play, when another player gains a card costing $4 or more, gain a card costing less than it.
This is some interesting player interaction.

Beacon (B)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $2
+2 Cards. At the start of your next turn, +1 Card and put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

While this is in play, when you gain a card, trash that card or put it on top of your deck.
A little too vanilla for my taste; just a combo between watchtower and lighthouse.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. Gain an Action card costing up to $2 more than it, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, play that Action card.
Interesting.  I am not so sure how much I like it.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Look at one card from your deck per $ in its cost. You may put one of them into your hand and discard any number of the others. Put the rest back in any order.
An interesting trash for benefit.

Treasure Fleet
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+1 Buy. +$2. When you buy a card this turn, gain a Treasure card costing less than it, setting it aside. At the start of your next turn, +1 Buy and put the set aside card into your hand.

EDIT: Reworded Treasure Fleet so that it only works and is Throne-able.
Too similar too merchant ship in my opinion.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $2
Now and at the start of every turn this card is in play: Trash a card from your hand. Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, it is also in the Supply.
I don't really like the buying off other players.

Customs Officer
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $1
+1 Card. +1 Action. While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may return it and this to the Supply. Gain a card with cost exactly equal to the total cost of the returned cards.
I don't think this card stays in play or works as intended.

Supply Ship
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Gain an Action or Treasure card costing up to $4 and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it.
I like this card a lot.  It has a lot of interesting interactions, which the more I think about them the more I like them.

Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. At the start of your next turn, +$1 and each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand.
I don't like attack durations.

Seafarer's Charm
Types: Treasure – Reaction
Cost: $0
Worth $1.

When you discard this from play, you may put it on top of your deck. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.

Sunken Treasure
Types: Treasure
Cost: $3
Worth $1.

When you shuffle, put this at the bottom of your deck.

Clarification:  Seafarer's Charm and Sunken Treasure are not Kingdom Cards.  Each player begins with one of each in place of two starting Coppers.  Determine whether these Treasures are used by the proportion of Seaside cards, as one would Colonies or Shelters. Sunken Treasure has a special back.  When shuffling, you may choose the order in which you resolve multiple Sunken Treasures or Stashes.
Not sure if this really fits for seaside.  The setup rules aren't really what seaside needs.  I kind of like the alternate coppers to mirror shelters though.

Docks (A)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Now and at the beginning of your next turn: +1 Card per card you have in play.
Way too strong.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. +1 Buy. At the start of your next turn, +1 Buy.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Each other player may choose one: he draws a card; or he trashes a card from his hand. Now and at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards and +$1.
This seems like it is maybe too strong.  Not sure this is needed in seaside either.

Dock (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. +1 Buy.

While this is in play, when you gain an Action card during your Buy phase, you may put this and the gained card on top of your deck in either order.

EDIT: The under-line effect of Dock (B) is now limited to the Buy phase.
Unique but not so interesting.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.
I don't like permanent durations as a rule but it seems this one might be interesting enough.  I like its condition for leaving play although it could also do so when you buy a victory card.

Shipyard (C)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Buys. Now and at the start of your next turn: Look through your discard pile, reveal up to 3 Coppers from it, and put them into your hand.

While this is in play, when you would gain a card, you may gain a Copper instead.
I like how if you really need the money you can use the extra buys to guarantee it next turn.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Gain an Action card, putting it on top of your deck. Put a copy of it on the Expedition mat. At the start of your next turn: +1 Action and return the copied card to the Supply.

While this is in play, at the start of each other player's turn, he may play a card from the mat, returning it to the mat from play or from the trash at the end of his turn.
I don't like the interactions between this and other durations.  I think it would be too hard to track.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 costing from $3 to $6. Put those cards on top of your deck in any order and discard the rest. At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

When you would discard this from play, instead, trash this and gain a Voyage.
Not sure the self trashing is necessary, although thematic.  I agree with whoever said +1 action would be better.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Now and at the start of every turn this is in play: +2 Buys and +$2.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. Instead, discard it from play when any player buys a Victory card.
I don't like this as much as Harbour.  Just seems a little less interesting than +1 card.

Coastal Raiders
Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $3
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. At the start of your next turn, +$3.
An attack duration which works by not attacking on the next turn.  Seems too similar to militia.

Sea Harvest
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Gain an Action card costing less than $1 per card in your hand. At the start of your next turn, gain a Treasure card costing less than $1 per card in your hand.
I don't like that the treasure gaining is more or less fixed to less than $5.  Maybe if it gained to hand for a little self interaction.  But that would probably be a little too powerful.

That took a lot longer than I thought it would.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #202 on: October 03, 2013, 01:42:42 am »

Picking up where I left off in my previous post...

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Set aside a card from your hand face down. At the beginning of your next turn, reveal the set aside card, then reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a copy of it. Discard the other revealed cards and either trash both copies or put them into your hand.
I'm not really sure I like $5 trashers in general, and it seems like the main function of this is the trashing (aside from that, it can be an action digger which is just way, way worse than Throne Room, or it can be like a Throne Room on treasures).  It's kind of like Steward in that it's a trasher that still does things after you're done trashing.  I don't know, just doesn't feel exciting to me, but probably just personal taste.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Buy and +$1.

While this is in play, when another player gains a card costing $4 or more, gain a card costing less than it.
I just don't think that bottom half works, especially since it can gain victory cards.  Grabbing a Duchy every time your opponents buy Province just makes it too hard for them to get a lead if they're not already ahead.  But even if victory cards are prohibited, I still don't really like being able to get cards off of opponents' expensive buys, especially in multi-player (since opponents are less incentivized to worry about your Vessels, and also because you gain more cards between turns).  And having multiple of them is just way too much.  Like, with three Vessels in play, your opponent actually comes out behind VP-wise if he buys a Province, and that just seems silly.  If both players build an engine that plays three Vessels every turn (actually that's not quite possible is it?) no one could make progress.  I do like how the +buy fits in with the bottom half, but yeah, overall seems like a dangerous card.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
+1 Action. Discard the top card of your deck. Put the bottom card of your deck into your hand. You may put up to 2 cards from your hand on the bottom of your deck.
Seems a little awkward and the bottom-decking seems useful only in a few edge cases.  I guess you can store cards there like a Haven for next turn, if you have a Mermaid in your next hand, but it still seems really situational.

Beacon (B)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $2
+2 Cards. At the start of your next turn, +1 Card and put a card from your hand on top of your deck.

While this is in play, when you gain a card, trash that card or put it on top of your deck.
Seems like a sort of Watchtower variant.  I actually really like the idea of making a card that does to some reaction what Lighthouse did to Moat.  But I'm not really sold on this particular implementation.  You could have like "At the start of your next turn, draw up to five cards in hand" or something like that to defend against discarding attacks, but then you start looking even more like Watchtower.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. Gain an Action card costing up to $2 more than it, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, play that Action card.
I like it, but I think it's too strong at $4.  It can't pull the late game shenanigans that Remodel does, but otherwise, it's just way better than Remodel.  Now it's a limited Remodel, and next turn it's like +2 cards, +2 actions, but a little more limited than that.  I think it just has to be too good, but I still like it a lot.  Also interesting that it can trash Coppers with no penalty when there are no $2's on the board, the complement of the set of cases in which you might want to use Remodel to trash Copper.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Look at one card from your deck per $ in its cost. You may put one of them into your hand and discard any number of the others. Put the rest back in any order.
That's a really unique TfB, which I really like.  At $2 it's a spectacular Estate trasher, but a disappointing Copper trasher, so I think it's fine and fits in with its TfB family in that regard.  I like it a lot.

Customs Officer
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $1
+1 Card. +1 Action. While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may return it and this to the Supply. Gain a card with cost exactly equal to the total cost of the returned cards.
What makes this a Duration card?  I think it still gets discarded at the same time as your regular non-duration cards, right?  Seems like kind of a weird way of doing what Bargain did, maybe it's all right.  I'd have to think about it more.

Supply Ship
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Gain an Action or Treasure card costing up to $4 and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it.
Kind of like an Armory that gives +2 cards, +2 actions next turn?  Maybe not really a great comparison.  Still doesn’t seem that interesting to me.

Drift Bottle
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Cards. Choose one: Trash the card on the Drift Bottle mat; or gain the card on the mat and discard a card per $ it costs. Put a card costing between $3 and $6 from the Supply on the mat.

Setup: Put a Silver on the Drift Bottle mat.

Clarification: There is just one communal Drift Bottle mat.
Seems fairly interesting, but the discarding seems really harsh.  I’m not usually going to want whatever someone (maybe me) stuck there at the penalty of discarding 3+ cards, am I?  Probably it’s decent in engines as a mid-game pick up.  It can also do weird things with DA on-trash effects, but I don’t think there’s anything that’s problematic rules-wise (though you could get a Fortress in your deck without gaining it, but Masq can already do things like that).

Royal Armada
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may choose an Action card in your hand and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it twice.
I think this is way too powerful, but I’m not sure about that.  But even if it’s okay power-wise, it must be a disaster to track.  I can imagine just having a giant fleet of Royal Armadas out because they Royal Armada’d each other (same reason TR stays out with durations), but it would be much more confusing than TR because Royal Armadas are themselves durations, and you have to keep track of which ones are from this turn and which ones are two or three turns ago.  I think Donald X. tried some sort of duration throne room and cut it for similar reasons.

Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. At the start of your next turn, +$1 and each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand.
Sort of a duration Militia.  It doesn’t seem interesting enough to me to be worth going through the Duration-Attack confusions, especially since the second-turn attack is very weak.

Seafarer's Charm
Types: Treasure – Reaction
Cost: $0
Worth $1.

When you discard this from play, you may put it on top of your deck. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.

Sunken Treasure
Types: Treasure
Cost: $3
Worth $1.

When you shuffle, put this at the bottom of your deck.

Clarification:  Seafarer's Charm and Sunken Treasure are not Kingdom Cards.  Each player begins with one of each in place of two starting Coppers.  Determine whether these Treasures are used by the proportion of Seaside cards, as one would Colonies or Shelters. Sunken Treasure has a special back.  When shuffling, you may choose the order in which you resolve multiple Sunken Treasures or Stashes.
I’m not hugely fond of the card anyway, but Sunken Treasures forced re-shuffling position seems very weird to me, in a bad way.  If other players aren’t watching me shuffle, I could try to sneak it into somewhere else in my deck.  But then I guess it has the different back, so they can tell if it’s in my hand when I didn’t just re-shuffle.

Docks (A)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Now and at the beginning of your next turn: +1 Card per card you have in play.
This seems terribroken.  Or maybe just broken.  Even in the worst case, it’s a Caravan without the action.  It’s awful in BM games, and incredible in engine games.  With other durations (especially non-terminals, FV and Lighthouse), you can start of the turn with better than Wharf draw, on a $4 card.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. +1 Buy. At the start of your next turn, +1 Buy.
I actually like this a lot.  It’s very simple, and it’s the sort of thing I could sea being in Seaside (you sea what I did there?).  I’ll stop with the puns now.  It’s a double Market Square without the reaction, which seems reasonable at $3.  I really like the idea of having a duration that is a cantrip with a bonus on play, and then just the bonus on the next turn, so that it’s actually just the same effect twice.  I don’t know why I like that, and I certainly wouldn’t want every duration card to be like that, but having it on just one card seems cool.  +buy is probably the best bonus you could do for a card like that, since it doesn’t add a huge amount to your deck when stacked, but is still quite nice to have in engines.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Each other player may choose one: he draws a card; or he trashes a card from his hand. Now and at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards and +$1.
Wow, that’s a really big card.  It just does so much for you and so much for your opponent that it seems like it would be really, really tough to get the balance right.  My intuition says that this is too generous to other players that it wouldn’t be worth buying at $5, but it’s just really hard to tell.

Dock (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. +1 Buy.

While this is in play, when you gain an Action card during your Buy phase, you may put this and the gained card on top of your deck in either order.

I guess it’s sort of a different take on Walled Village.  I don’t really find it to be all that exciting, but it is kind of nice.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.
I don’t really know what to think about this.  It is quite crazy.  I keep thinking I hate it, but then I think about it some more and decide it’s really interesting.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 costing from $3 to $6. Put those cards on top of your deck in any order and discard the rest. At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

When you would discard this from play, instead, trash this and gain a Voyage.
That’s pretty funky…I think I like it.  I don’t get the below-the-line part at all though.  It just burns through the Voyage pile faster?  How is that relevant to the top half?  I think I must be missing something…

Old Seafarer
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $6
Before the Clean-up phase, set aside cards in your play area. At the start of your next turn, discard your hand, put the set-aside cards into your hand, and each other player draws a card.

While this is in play, you may not play an Old Seafarer.
I like that it’s a unique idea for a duration.  It’s more like an Outpost/Tactician/Haven type duration that specifically uses the duration-ness (durability?) to employ an idea that wouldn’t quite work otherwise.  A lot of other submissions are like that but this one stands out to me as really capitalizing on that.  However, there are bound to be problems with “you may not play”.  Also, it seems a little weird to set aside so many cards all at once.  Otherwise I like it.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Now and at the start of every turn this is in play: +2 Buys and +$2.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. Instead, discard it from play when any player buys a Victory card.
I expect this card to be very dominating and push toward really short games.  In Big Money it’s like a Super Merchant Ship, but I guess in engines it’s interesting.  Maybe it’s all right.

Sea Harvest
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Gain an Action card costing less than $1 per card in your hand. At the start of your next turn, gain a Treasure card costing less than $1 per card in your hand.
Not a fan of the name, but seems like an interesting card otherwise.  I don’t really like how the second half almost explicitly requires you to use Seaside to get a $5+ treasure, but I guess there are enough things that keep it from being “gain a Silver” that it’s okay.  There’s Council Room, Soothsayer, and Governor that can also benefit it.

I hit most of the cards now.  The ones I excluded were ones I didn’t have much to say about (or already mentioned in my previous post).  I may have repeated things other people said because I really only skimmed others’ comments so far.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #203 on: October 03, 2013, 03:15:05 am »

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. Put a Coin token on an Action card pile in the Supply.

Cards cost $1 less per Coin token on their Supply pile, but not less than $0.

I don't know why would you buy this.  You're giving yourself $1, then giving the same $1 to all your opponents.  Sure, you get first crack, but that just means that, if there's 10 more turns, over the course of the game you get $11 to their $10.  I wouldn't buy a card that gave me $11 and my opponents $10. 

I'm not saying it couldn't come in handy, and it has novel interactions with Band of Misfits and Border Village and Catacombs.  But I don't see how you would build a strategy around it.  Needs a lot of work.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
You may choose an Action card from your hand. Set aside this and the chosen card on your Investment mat. Return them to your deck at the end of the game.

When you play an Action card, +$1 per copy of it on your Investment mat.

I think I like this one best.  I wonder if you kind of have to buy it though, if there's cheap cantrips on the board.  Or maybe it's too slow?  Either way, I think it would work as a fun card.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, return the gained card to your hand and trash a card from your hand, gaining a card costing up to $1 more than that trashed card.

Would this be too good at piling out Provinces?  I wonder if it would be better if the $1 had to be "exactly" instead of "up to."

Types: Action
Cost: $2
+1 Action. Trash a card from your hand. Look at one card from your deck per $ in its cost. You may put one of them into your hand and discard any number of the others. Put the rest back in any order.

Great for trashing Estates and Rats, but that's about it.  I don't think the benefit scales upward very well.  Well, it's cheap.  But even Forager seems a lot better.

Seafarer's Charm
Types: Treasure – Reaction
Cost: $0
Worth $1.

When you discard this from play, you may put it on top of your deck. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that Attack.

Sunken Treasure
Types: Treasure
Cost: $3
Worth $1.

When you shuffle, put this at the bottom of your deck.

Shelters seemed weird and random the first time I saw them.  These seem weird and random to me, also.  Sunken Treasure is kind of just homework.  But Seafarer's Charm could be interesting.  Everyone starts with a Moat; that makes you think.  I think having it go back on your deck is too much.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.

If you stack enough of these, you force your opponent to suffocate in Victory cards.  I'm not sure the penalty of force-gaining a Harbor is a penalty, because wouldn't you want all of these anyway?

Shipyard (C)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Buys. Now and at the start of your next turn: Look through your discard pile, reveal up to 3 Coppers from it, and put them into your hand.

While this is in play, when you would gain a card, you may gain a Copper instead.

I like this one, too.  I think it's a little better than Counting House.  But similarly, it would get smoked by any viable engine.  Maybe it would work in a board with limited +actions.  Ideally you'd want to play one every turn.  But, Provinces would still be tough to grab.  You'd need two in play, with 6 Coppers in the trash, and two more coin out of the rest of your hand.

Combos with Counting House, and Coppersmith.  Alt-VP, too.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 3 costing from $3 to $6. Put those cards on top of your deck in any order and discard the rest. At the start of your next turn, +2 Cards.

When you would discard this from play, instead, trash this and gain a Voyage.

This works better as not a Duration, losing the +2 cards.  But I think clearly it works.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Now and at the start of every turn this is in play: +2 Buys and +$2.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. Instead, discard it from play when any player buys a Victory card.

Again, if I just keep buying these and putting them in play, I'm just forcing you to buy Estates and Duchies.  There's no real decision to be made.

Types: Action – Attack – Duration
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. At the start of your next turn, +$1 and each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand.

These duration-attacks have it all wrong.  You don't want to wait till next turn, you want to wait days... weeks... years... let them in live in fear.  Only when they finally start to relax BAM discard a card!  Now that's how you attack.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #204 on: October 03, 2013, 06:25:30 am »

Shipyard seems almost always better than Merchant Ship, on the condition that Merchant Ship is worth having. Merchant Ship doesn't require you to have Coppers in your deck, of course, if you have a thin deck, Merchant Ship is about a Silver (half terminal, half cantrip). Merchant Ship is for decks where you're unlikely to play the same card in two consecutive turns anyway, and those are generally decks with Copper.
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #205 on: October 03, 2013, 07:07:13 am »

I forgot to feature a card yesterday, so I'm doing two this time. Please comment on my comments.

Day 2: Tariff

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$2. Choose another player. At the start of your next turn, +$1.

While this is in play, when the chosen player buys an Action or Treasure card, you my discard a card. If you do, +1 Card.
Basic Idea: Gives money, and it filters when someone draws a card.

Theme: It is a duration, but doesn't have too much to do with the future. It would fit in, but is hardly the best example. Still, it works.

Niche:: This is to me the most important aspect of a card. Does it take a niche, a concept, or a specific mechanic and shape it into a card that is balanced and fun to play with? I think for this card the answer is yes. It takes the mechanic of a duration 'while this is in play' and gives it an interesting, but not too powerful, action you can take.

Balance: Okay, I can't think of anything off the bat to compare this to, other than Merchant Ship. It's $1 cheaper than it, and provides $1 fewer money and an extra effect. I think this is pretty balanced: check out Militia and the hypothetical +$3 card. I also like the way it scales with multiple players.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:25:56 am by XerxesPraelor »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #206 on: October 03, 2013, 07:12:35 am »

I forgot to feature a card yesterday, so I'm doing two this time. Please comment on my comments.

Day 2: Tariff

Theme: It is a duration, but doesn't have too much to do with the future. It would fit in, but is hardly the best example. Still, it works.

Niche:: This is to me the most important aspect of a card. Does it take a niche, a concept, or a specific mechanic and shape it into a card that is balanced and fun to play with? I think for this card the answer is yes. It takes the mechanic of a duration 'while this is in play' and gives it an interesting, but not too powerful, action you can take.

Balance: Okay, I can't think of anything off the bat to compare this to, other than Merchant Ship. It's $1 cheaper than it, and provides $1 fewer money and an extra effect. I think this is pretty balanced: check out Militia and the hypothetical +$3 card. I also like the way it scales with multiple players.

I'd recommend quoting the card in your post. It makes it a lot more likely that I'll read it, since otherwise I have to go searching for the card first.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #207 on: October 03, 2013, 07:25:05 am »

Day 3: Expedition

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Gain an Action card, putting it on top of your deck. Put a copy of it on the Expedition mat. At the start of your next turn: +1 Action and return the copied card to the Supply.

While this is in play, at the start of each other player's turn, he may play a card from the mat, returning it to the mat from play or from the trash at the end of his turn.

Basic Idea: You get an action, unlimited by price, and each of your opponents get to play it as well.

Theme: I don't consider theme as important as Niche or Balance, but I think this card fits Seaside better than all the others. Let's run down the list: Duration (check), Top of Deck (check), Interacts with future turns (two different ways, in the opponents' next turn, and that the difference between what you get and what they get is about the future). I also guess that Expedition refers to a scientific one, though I'm not sure. Boring name, but at least it isn't Expedition (A).

Niche: The niche is 'gain an action card', a mechanic DXV gave up on a long time ago, and I think it's an interesting niche. It certainly changes the game: you want to build a deck that could make use of any of the action cards you expect your opponent to go for. Intriguing!

Balance: Compared to Armory, it gives you an extra action to play it and has no price restriction, but gives a major penalty scaling with the power of the card you get. Seems pretty balanced to me. I especially like the way it reacts with gaining Posession.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #208 on: October 03, 2013, 08:52:22 am »

Rogue/Graverobber shenanegans with Expedition - you gain a Mining Village, they trash the mat copy from play, and then gain it back with Rogue, not having to return it to the mat.
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #209 on: October 03, 2013, 10:14:15 am »

But isn't that just a fun combo? I mean, I don't think it's broken, and it certainly won't come up very much. There's lots of fun things like that in Dominion already.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #210 on: October 03, 2013, 02:48:05 pm »

Yes, it's a silly edge case. I thought that's what f.DS was for.
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #211 on: October 03, 2013, 04:45:21 pm »

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Set aside a card from your hand face down. At the beginning of your next turn, reveal the set aside card, then reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a copy of it. Discard the other revealed cards and either trash both copies or put them into your hand.
I'm not really sure I like $5 trashers in general, and it seems like the main function of this is the trashing (aside from that, it can be an action digger which is just way, way worse than Throne Room, or it can be like a Throne Room on treasures).  It's kind of like Steward in that it's a trasher that still does things after you're done trashing.  I don't know, just doesn't feel exciting to me, but probably just personal taste.

TR isn't really a good comparison.  If you choose not to trash, this card non-terminally adds 2 cards to your next hand.  That's kind of a big deal, I think.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, setting it aside face down. At the start of your next turn, return the gained card to your hand and trash a card from your hand, gaining a card costing up to $1 more than that trashed card.

Would this be too good at piling out Provinces?  I wonder if it would be better if the $1 had to be "exactly" instead of "up to."

I think making it "exactly" would make it stronger, because then it could trash Copper.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.

If you stack enough of these, you force your opponent to suffocate in Victory cards.  I'm not sure the penalty of force-gaining a Harbor is a penalty, because wouldn't you want all of these anyway?

They're really junky though.  I wouldn't want all 10 of these.  Even if I get them all into play, you just buy one Duchy or something and now I have 10 terminal Coppers in my deck.

Shipyard (C)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Buys. Now and at the start of your next turn: Look through your discard pile, reveal up to 3 Coppers from it, and put them into your hand.

While this is in play, when you would gain a card, you may gain a Copper instead.

I like this one, too.  I think it's a little better than Counting House.  But similarly, it would get smoked by any viable engine.  Maybe it would work in a board with limited +actions.  Ideally you'd want to play one every turn.  But, Provinces would still be tough to grab.  You'd need two in play, with 6 Coppers in the trash, and two more coin out of the rest of your hand.

Combos with Counting House, and Coppersmith.  Alt-VP, too.

Why would you need Coppers in the trash?  Do you mean in the discard?

In other news, I just realized that Vessel probably needs a change from on-gain to on-buy.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
Now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Buy and +$1.

While this is in play, when another player gains a card costing $4 or more, gain a card costing less than it.

Suppose it's a 3p game between Alice, Bob and Charlie.  All 3 have a Vessel in play.  Charlie even has 2 Vessels!  Alice buys a Province.

Bob gains a King's Court with his Vessel.  Charlie gains 2.

But hey, now Bob has gained a card and Charlie gained two!  So Alice gains 3 Golds, Bob gains 2 Golds, Charlie gains 1.

Ah, now Alice can gain 3 Duchies, and Bob can gain 4, and Charlie can gain 5...

And yeah.  It also gets a bit confusing over the order in which all these gains resolve.  Basically it
should only trigger when another player buys a card, and there needs to be clarification on order of revolution (turn order, I guess).

I still think the idea is fine.  Again, it doesn't mess with the end game that much because opponents all see that you have this card in play.  As a reaction, someone trying for the 1 point win could be screwed if the opponent reveals the reaction and gains a Duchy.  With Vessel, you can't be caught by surprise like that.  Unless you don't pay attention, in which case it's your own fault.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #212 on: October 03, 2013, 05:16:40 pm »

TR isn't really a good comparison.  If you choose not to trash, this card non-terminally adds 2 cards to your next hand.  That's kind of a big deal, I think.
So does Wharf, which also costs $5, and gives you +1 Buy on both turns, and increases your handsize on the turn you play it too. This one does nothing for me now, and even hurts my current hand. There just aren't that many cards that I'd rather start my next turn with two of, than have one now, especially at the cost of an action; even if I did want to collide two copies of something, why didn't I just buy another copy of it instead?

As a trasher, it's also pretty mediocre - trash a card from your hand and another copy from your deck, for no benefit. Hermits can trash from my discard pile and also gain me Silvers and Madmen, and they cost $3.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 05:20:26 pm by Warfreak2 »
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #213 on: October 03, 2013, 05:28:25 pm »

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Set aside a card from your hand face down. At the beginning of your next turn, reveal the set aside card, then reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a copy of it. Discard the other revealed cards and either trash both copies or put them into your hand.
I'm not really sure I like $5 trashers in general, and it seems like the main function of this is the trashing (aside from that, it can be an action digger which is just way, way worse than Throne Room, or it can be like a Throne Room on treasures).  It's kind of like Steward in that it's a trasher that still does things after you're done trashing.  I don't know, just doesn't feel exciting to me, but probably just personal taste.

TR isn't really a good comparison.  If you choose not to trash, this card non-terminally adds 2 cards to your next hand.  That's kind of a big deal, I think.
Well, if you use it for an action card, in the best case, you find a copy of it next turn and play both copies of it.  Compared to TR, you do get an extra two cards next turn, but you still get two fewer cards this turn, and if you play both cards next turn, you're back down to a 5-card hand, so the only benefit in that regard is that you get a big and a small turn rather than two medium turns.  TR takes up only one action to play "both" cards, whereas Flagship takes an action the turn you play it, and then you have to play each action individually, so it would take three total actions to play both cards.  Also, Flagship misses the re-shuffle more often.  So I think if you used it only for saving action cards, you would generally prefer Throne Room (even if Flagship cost $4).

I still think you mostly use it for trashing.  Maybe I'm underestimating the mini-Tactician aspect of it.  I suppose there are also uses for it with discard/trash for benefit, but that seems like a much less important thing.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #214 on: October 03, 2013, 06:27:13 pm »

TR isn't really a good comparison.  If you choose not to trash, this card non-terminally adds 2 cards to your next hand.  That's kind of a big deal, I think.
So does Wharf, which also costs $5, and gives you +1 Buy on both turns, and increases your handsize on the turn you play it too. This one does nothing for me now, and even hurts my current hand. There just aren't that many cards that I'd rather start my next turn with two of, than have one now, especially at the cost of an action; even if I did want to collide two copies of something, why didn't I just buy another copy of it instead?

As a trasher, it's also pretty mediocre - trash a card from your hand and another copy from your deck, for no benefit. Hermits can trash from my discard pile and also gain me Silvers and Madmen, and they cost $3.

Wharf doesn't have a trashing option.  And as a trasher, it is far better than Hermit.  It can trash 2 cards per shuffle, and unlike Hermit it can trash Coppers.

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
Set aside a card from your hand face down. At the beginning of your next turn, reveal the set aside card, then reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a copy of it. Discard the other revealed cards and either trash both copies or put them into your hand.
I'm not really sure I like $5 trashers in general, and it seems like the main function of this is the trashing (aside from that, it can be an action digger which is just way, way worse than Throne Room, or it can be like a Throne Room on treasures).  It's kind of like Steward in that it's a trasher that still does things after you're done trashing.  I don't know, just doesn't feel exciting to me, but probably just personal taste.

TR isn't really a good comparison.  If you choose not to trash, this card non-terminally adds 2 cards to your next hand.  That's kind of a big deal, I think.
Well, if you use it for an action card, in the best case, you find a copy of it next turn and play both copies of it.  Compared to TR, you do get an extra two cards next turn, but you still get two fewer cards this turn, and if you play both cards next turn, you're back down to a 5-card hand, so the only benefit in that regard is that you get a big and a small turn rather than two medium turns.  TR takes up only one action to play "both" cards, whereas Flagship takes an action the turn you play it, and then you have to play each action individually, so it would take three total actions to play both cards.  Also, Flagship misses the re-shuffle more often.  So I think if you used it only for saving action cards, you would generally prefer Throne Room (even if Flagship cost $4).

I still think you mostly use it for trashing.  Maybe I'm underestimating the mini-Tactician aspect of it.  I suppose there are also uses for it with discard/trash for benefit, but that seems like a much less important thing.

TR still isn't a good comparison though?  I mean, yeah, if you only use it for an action... but you could also use it for a Treasure.  Using actions doesn't matter that much if you're saving a non-terminal.  And saving cards is still cool.  Haven isn't bad, is it?  I just feel like it has too many differences for TR to be a useful comparison.  To me, it feels like you're saying, "Haven on an action is like TR except you only get to play the action once, and not until the next turn".

Anyway, if you guys are arguing that it's too weak, I don't really see it, and it can probably be tweaked pretty easily if it is.  If you guys just find it uninteresting, that's cool -- personal taste and all that.  I like this card because it feels uncomplicated but it is still pretty flexible.  You've got decent trashing, you've got a Haven, you've got extra card draw for the next turn.  I like that it provides flexibility that doesn't feel forced or tacked on.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #215 on: October 03, 2013, 06:57:22 pm »

The good $5+ trashers either trash a lot more (Count, Forge) or are cantrip with some additional benefit (Junk Dealer, Upgrade). Of course, it's a duration card so you can't expect it to trash two cards every shuffle. I really can't imagine ever wanting to buy this card, unless I had a 5/2 split and there really wasn't anything else.
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #216 on: October 03, 2013, 07:05:24 pm »

Yeah, the TR comparison is only for if you're saving an action (which is what I was saying in the context of my first post).  I was just trying to show that of the trichotomy of options on Flagship (save and dig for an action, save and dig for a treasure, or trash), the save and dig for an action option is worse than $4, probably worse than $3 value.  It is a very Steward-like card in that it can do several different things, none of which is individually worth the $5 it costs, but together maybe warrants a $5 cost.  I'm not saying the card is too weak overall, though it may be a little on the weak side.  I'm not really a fan of it but I think it's just personal taste.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #217 on: October 03, 2013, 07:28:59 pm »

The good $5+ trashers either trash a lot more (Count, Forge) or are cantrip with some additional benefit (Junk Dealer, Upgrade). Of course, it's a duration card so you can't expect it to trash two cards every shuffle. I really can't imagine ever wanting to buy this card, unless I had a 5/2 split and there really wasn't anything else.

Don't forget Butcher. That's a pretty great trash-for-benefit card in my experience. It's a terminal $5 that trashes at most one card.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #218 on: October 03, 2013, 07:55:38 pm »

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.

If you stack enough of these, you force your opponent to suffocate in Victory cards.  I'm not sure the penalty of force-gaining a Harbor is a penalty, because wouldn't you want all of these anyway?

They're really junky though.  I wouldn't want all 10 of these.  Even if I get them all into play, you just buy one Duchy or something and now I have 10 terminal Coppers in my deck.

It's a terminal copper, but it's a terminal Copper that casts a permanent wonderful effect.  I mean, "$1, live forever" is a terminal Copper.  In the meantime your opponent is being forced to waste their buys on Duchies and Estates.

I wouldn't want to waste buys getting 10 of these, most of the time, because you don't need that many.  But being given one free is not much of a penalty, just like "gain a free Mountebank" wouldn't be much of a penalty on Mountebank.

Shipyard (C)
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+2 Buys. Now and at the start of your next turn: Look through your discard pile, reveal up to 3 Coppers from it, and put them into your hand.

While this is in play, when you would gain a card, you may gain a Copper instead.

I like this one, too.  I think it's a little better than Counting House.  But similarly, it would get smoked by any viable engine.  Maybe it would work in a board with limited +actions.  Ideally you'd want to play one every turn.  But, Provinces would still be tough to grab.  You'd need two in play, with 6 Coppers in the trash, and two more coin out of the rest of your hand.

Combos with Counting House, and Coppersmith.  Alt-VP, too.

Why would you need Coppers in the trash?  Do you mean in the discard?

In the discard is exactly what I meant.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #219 on: October 03, 2013, 08:15:18 pm »

Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash this.

Do not discard this from play during your Clean-up phase. While this is in play, at the start of your turn, +1 Card. When another player buys a Victory card, discard this from play and gain a Harbour.

If you stack enough of these, you force your opponent to suffocate in Victory cards.  I'm not sure the penalty of force-gaining a Harbor is a penalty, because wouldn't you want all of these anyway?

They're really junky though.  I wouldn't want all 10 of these.  Even if I get them all into play, you just buy one Duchy or something and now I have 10 terminal Coppers in my deck.

It's a terminal copper, but it's a terminal Copper that casts a permanent wonderful effect.  I mean, "$1, live forever" is a terminal Copper.  In the meantime your opponent is being forced to waste their buys on Duchies and Estates.

I wouldn't want to waste buys getting 10 of these, most of the time, because you don't need that many.  But being given one free is not much of a penalty, just like "gain a free Mountebank" wouldn't be much of a penalty on Mountebank.

I'm fairly certain that it's a penalty, because it doesn't happen until your opponent (or you) starts greening, at which point they're greening, which means that Harbours are getting closer and closer to just a plain terminal Copper.  It won't come into play again until you re-shuffle, so you're opponent doesn't have to sit there buying Duchies and Estates to make it not draw.  They can keep building until you get another Harbour back into play, then either wait until the next time they can buy a Province, or just grab one Duchy and make you wait until the next time you can play a Harbour.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #220 on: October 03, 2013, 09:50:15 pm »

I'm fairly certain that it's a penalty, because it doesn't happen until your opponent (or you) starts greening, at which point they're greening, which means that Harbours are getting closer and closer to just a plain terminal Copper.  It won't come into play again until you re-shuffle, so you're opponent doesn't have to sit there buying Duchies and Estates to make it not draw.  They can keep building until you get another Harbour back into play, then either wait until the next time they can buy a Province, or just grab one Duchy and make you wait until the next time you can play a Harbour.

Yes, but they're "greening" because the card forces them to, not because it's the end game.  I'm not sure they're going to be able to end the game that easily with all that junk in their deck.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #221 on: October 04, 2013, 05:32:39 am »

Don't forget Butcher. That's a pretty great trash-for-benefit card in my experience. It's a terminal $5 that trashes at most one card.
Butcher isn't a trasher, it's in the remodel family. It can't thin your deck, unless you're going to spend coin tokens to turn Coppers into Pearl Divers, which is a terrible play. Remodel is also not a deck thinner, as anyone who's played base-only games Goko against beginners knows.
If the only engine on the board is Procession->Conspirator, I will play it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #222 on: October 04, 2013, 06:37:55 am »

Day 4:
Customs Officer

Customs Officer
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $1
+1 Card. +1 Action. While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may return it and this to the Supply. Gain a card with cost exactly equal to the total cost of the returned cards.
Main Idea: You get free money one time if you don't have cost reduction in place.

Theme: This card fits the theme of seaside pretty well. Though it's a duration, I see no reason for it to be one. However, the concept itself seems Seasidey. You buy this card for the future: so that though you won't get anything immediately, you can save it up for when you need to get $1 more to get a colony or province. I think it fits.

Niche: I find the niche of this card to also be very interesting. Though I would prefer if it cost $2 or even $3, though that would probably make it too strong, funnily enough, so the theme is dealt better, the concept of this card feels somewhat like Treasury but more future-related. I'd love to play with this in a long game where the decision comes up again and again. At $2, if you buy it twice it guarantees a $5 on one of your turns, though silver almost does that also.

Balance: The card is weak as standing, but if its cost is raised by one I don't think it would become broken and it would be a power 2, still not as good as chapel, but not like Pearl Diver or something. I like good cheap cards: they encourage +buy, and I get annoyed a lot by how bad +buy normally is.

Wow, I think I'm writing more and more for each of these. I wonder why. I'm not going in order of preference, or backwards. Maybe I'm just more wordy now because I just had chocolate. Who knows?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 06:39:46 am by XerxesPraelor »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #223 on: October 04, 2013, 09:07:32 am »

Don't forget Butcher. That's a pretty great trash-for-benefit card in my experience. It's a terminal $5 that trashes at most one card.
Butcher isn't a trasher, it's in the remodel family. It can't thin your deck, unless you're going to spend coin tokens to turn Coppers into Pearl Divers, which is a terrible play. Remodel is also not a deck thinner, as anyone who's played base-only games Goko against beginners knows.

Remodel cards are trashers, just not deck thinners. You named Upgrade already.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #4: Seaside
« Reply #224 on: October 04, 2013, 09:39:29 am »

I've played with a card very much like but entirely different than Royal Armada.
Royal Armada
Types: Action – Duration
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may choose an Action card in your hand and set it aside. At the start of your next turn, play it twice.

It was a terminal +2 Cards then optionally Haven a card. At the start of your next turn you revealed the card and if it was an Action you played it twice (otherwise it went into hand, obviously). It was incredibly powerful at a cost of $6.

I don't doubt that Royal Armada would be worth its $5 asking price as a cantrip next-turn Throne Room. I don't like that stacking Royal Armadas gives the player +Actions. I think that is unnecessarily confusing when one Royal Armada stacks into another.

Otherwise Royal Armada is an obvious, fun Duration effect. I only don't know if it as written feels different enough from Throne Room (as Procession feels different than Throne Room) to be worth including.

You buy this card for the future: so that though you won't get anything immediately, you can save it up for when you need to get $1 more to get a colony or province. I think it fits.
If it stays in play, it feels like a coin token except that its worse since you actually can't Customs Officer up to Province in most games or Colony ever. If it cost $2 I think it might be worthwhile, but then it looks kind of like a Mining Village opening when you trash it immediately which is a $4 opener.
I also don't like how if it does stay in play it can be used to stop junking Attacks only once.
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