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« on: June 10, 2013, 06:25:11 pm »


Squire is my new favorite card. Its biggest strength lies in its versatility, which makes it a potential contributor in almost any deck, yet it is almost never the star of the show. Let’s take a look at several of its different roles:

Squire in an engine:
As Village: Squire-as-village is actually pretty bad as far as villages go, at least as the main village of an engine (somewhat similar to Shanty Town in this way). The reason, of course, is that it doesn’t draw cards. This leads it to having 20% fewer cards in your initial hand to start off a draw chain with. It furthermore hampers the efforts to draw your whole deck, as like a treasure, it counts as a ‘stop’ card. Thus, with a smithy variant, you end up with one more card than you started with rather than two, which is a pretty big deal when you are trying to run chains of actions together, and the $1 just doesn’t make up for this. It can still work if other things set up well, but it is harder to make happen than with most any other village.
But, I hear you ask, what about Fishing Village? Fishing Village also only gives you $1 and 2 actions on its turns and doesn’t draw cards, and it’s like the best village there is! What gives? Well, fishing village gives you the bonus twice, but actually more important, it is effectively a Bazaar on the second turn. Bazaar is a 5-cost card, and a pretty good one (and note that you have the full 5 to start drawing things with on the second turn). There is a squire-village tacked on the front to draw it DOWN to 3-cost (along with it missing the shuffle a bit more and being slightly delayed)! So when you look at it this way, it makes squire-as-village look pretty bad. And I think it is fairly bad, though not terrible.

Of course, there are other things to do in an engine with squire. Mostly this is using it as double-buy. How often do you need that many buys? Well, not *that* often, but it can often be useful. This is particularly true when you are trying to buy engines off of cheap components – and squire is one of these, so that is more often than normal. It also has nice synergies with cost reducers, principally highway, in this sense.

Squire for Big Money:
Yup, squire has a place in the big money deck. Let’s look at it first of all as a silver-gainer. Against bureaucrat, it gives you $1 more, but the silver isn’t top-decked, and you don’t get the attack. Against Jack, you get $1 for the filtering and drawing and trashing. Against explorer, you usually end up with $1 less. In general, these are all ‘disadvantage to squire’. But these cards cost a fair bit more than squire. Okay, except jack (which has numerous advantages), they aren’t very strong, either. Actually the best comparison is ironworks, which is exactly the same upon gaining silver.
But this isn’t the whole story. Squire once again has versatility. For the big money deck, this usually won’t mean the buys. But the actions option can be pretty useful here. The thing is, the biggest downside of all those cards mentioned above is that they are terminal. But squire doesn’t have to be. If it collides with one other terminal, it can still be a copper. And with two, it can be quite a boon. So it plays really well in those BM decks where you’d like to play a decent number of non-terminal-draw actions – decks which feature e.g. militia, merchant ship, marauder, monument (what is it with the ‘m’s?), cutpurse, swindler, fortune teller, or even other silver-flooders. Generally, in this kind of deck, you can have cantrip-with-bonuses, usually either some lab or peddler variant, but while this is still possible here, it tends to be slightly less effective, as this pushes out the squire’s usefulness. As normal, it’s all opportunity cost here. In any case, such decks with take the silver-flood-ability of squire when it doesn’t come with other actions and use the village-ness when it does.

Perhaps the best use of squire is in the slog. It looks like there are two good options here: +buys (and gain lots of coppers), or gain a silver. Actually, you almost always want to take the silvers. I actually must admit, I have gotten this wrong a lot. Okay, first thing’s first: you are generally just trying to maximize your money per hand in a slog, so more or less we can just look at money density. The thought I had was that more coppers are going to be more resilient than silvers to the bloating of a deck, because each extra green card has less of an overall impact. This trend is true generally, but 2 coppers can of course *never* produce a higher money density than 1 silver – it’s the *same* amount of money but with an extra card. So generally, you want the silvers. The exceptions to this rule are if you want to run something which cares about copper (potentially apothecary, coppersmith, counting house), something very unusual with piles running out, if you want to use at least one of the extra buys on something other than copper, or for a card like Gardens. With gardens, 4 isn’t much harder to hit with coppers than silvers, and you get an extra card for points at the end.
Why is Squire a particularly good card here, when the other silver gainers mentioned above aren’t considered magnificent? Well, for one thing, those cards aren’t terrible. For another, it’s cheaper. This helps a lot in comparison to explorer, which you normally don’t want to spend the time to get many of. It actually helps a fair bit in comparison to the others as well, as it is not unusual to miss $4 relatively often in such decks. And against them, it also provides $1 of cash, which is pretty big in a slog deck. Finally, you can use its own excess buys to pick up something like 3-6 of them really quickly, and this just gets you lots more silver a lot quicker.

General Considerations
Squire, more than any single card, can empty piles really fast. This is mostly because it has the 2 buy option, but the cheapness of the card itself also helps quite a bit. You can singlehandedly run 3 pile in 12ish turns fairly consistently (though you really don’t want to do this, as most often one of these needs to be curse, and you end up with 1 VP…). So you have to watch out for piles chomping down fast. Indeed, I have launched an assault through *all* the ruins in only a couple of turns to end a game in a flash before.

Squire can also be trashed to gain any attack card in the supply. This actually ends up being not a very useful ability – the thing is, by the time you get the trasher, the squire, and manage to get them together so that you can trash the squire, it usually would have been easier to just buy the thing. But okay, there are still some cases where this can be potent – most notably, if you are wanting to trash *everything* via chapel, or even more to the point, watchtower, which in hand turns $2 and a buy to any attack in the supply, topdecked. On the attacks side, it can be a quick way to gain Goons and especially Scrying Pool and Familiar. Actually, because you *have* to gain an attack, it can sometimes (quite rarely) be a downside, as you can’t say junk deal squires on some boards without having to gain thieves. Mostly, though, this ability is a nice little bonus to a deck where there are attacks you would like to gain already, trashers you would like to use already, and squire is relatively useful and a card you at least wouldn’t mind having in your deck already. It’s rarely something you want to go out of your way for.

Works with:
Jack of All Trades
Solid non-drawing Terminals
As icing and glue in an engine
Slogs - Duke and Silk Road and especially Gardens and Feodum

Conflicts with:
Terminal draw Big Money
Most engines without other villages
Usually not a bad card, but can be pushed out if there is something better – opportunity cost.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 09:45:38 pm by WanderingWinder »


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Re: Squire
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 06:39:55 pm »

First comment to mention Feodum!
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Re: Squire
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 06:46:21 pm »

First comment to mention Feodum!

Does Squire have any advantage here apart from being a Silver gainer?  What makes Squire better than Jack or Bureaucrat or Trader?  OK, maybe it's unfair to demand it improve upon Trader.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 06:47:34 pm »

It's interesting, because at first glance it looked like such an engine card to me, like it was basically just a slightly different Hamlet, offering +buy, virtual coin, and +action... everything engines want! And of course, it is nice in engines and in many of the same ways as Hamlet, but yeah, it's not actually such a star there at all.

But really, it's a Slog/Rush card, for use with Feodum, Gardens, Silk Road, and Vineyards.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 06:51:38 pm »

First comment to mention Feodum!

Does Squire have any advantage here apart from being a Silver gainer?  What makes Squire better than Jack or Bureaucrat or Trader?  OK, maybe it's unfair to demand it improve upon Trader.

Flexibility, speed, and price. You can piledrive Squires without worry about collisions, you can do it quickly using its +buys, and it's cheap. But no... there's no beating Trader for Feodum support.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2013, 06:53:39 pm »

It's amazing in Gardens games.  They each give you a coin, and you can get a lot of buys from them.  One time, I played a squire for actions, a squire for buys, another squire for buys, and bought a gardens and four copper.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2013, 06:54:03 pm »

First comment to mention Feodum!

I didn't get that in there? XD Fixing shortly.

By the way, I've never actually *done* that - how does it work? Something like Step 1: Buy as many squires as possible, as fast as possible. Step 2: Buy as many feoda as you can, always gaining as many silvers with the squires as your hands allow (and poaching provinces when possible?) Step 3: Continue gaining as many silvers as possible, and pick up the odd province and duchy here and there?

How strong is this? I mean, I would guess it beats most big money, but I would think it would lose to most engines. Of course, the three pile threat will be big, so maybe not?


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Re: Squire
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2013, 07:45:10 pm »

How strong is this? I mean, I would guess it beats most big money, but I would think it would lose to most engines. Of course, the three pile threat will be big, so maybe not?

I think that's right.  Looking over my Squire/Feodum games, I don't see any where my opponent went engine and I responded with a pile of Squires, so it must never have looked very good to me.

If your opponent mirrors, then I think you want all the Squires you can get, but otherwise you don't need all that many.  Here's a semi-mirror where we started by running out the Squires and the rest of the game played like a rush:

Here I stopped at 4 Squires vs. Boodaloo's BM-nothing:

And this one I bought 6 Squires and lost to a BM with hoard that sniped 4 of my Feodums:
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Re: Squire
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2013, 09:10:59 pm »

Hoard is a pretty good counter to alt-VPs because sniping start to look pretty nice when it comes with a Gold (or maybe more).

I don't see how Squire is good for Vineyards. Is it just because is a resonably spammable action?

About the article directly:
"+buys (and gain lots of coppers), or gain a copper."
last word should be silver, and I would also say "buy lots of coppers" instead, because it makes the distinction of the two options clearer.

It seems that at some point you are recommending against Squire for Duchy/Duke, but I'm not entirely sure, and I think it would be best to mention it a little bit before the "works/conflicts with" part.

I would add that is pretty good for Goons, even if you cannot trash it to get Goons (of course it you can, is a lot better). It can give you actions if you need them, and also plenty of buys for the big turns to pay off a lot, and also, its really cheap so its a nice buy for those mid-to-end-game turns when you need to acquire some points to manage the VP difference when 3-pile is close.

I think its also pretty good for Wharf engines, because Wharf draw is so good that even the village that doesn't draw can make it work pretty well, and the fact that you can get lots with Wharf's +buy makes the engine construction way faster, giving options like Wharf/Wharf+Squire/Wharf+2*Squire/2*Wharf, which is pretty good to avoid wasting money and smoothing the engine-building. Since you are not wasting money, the +$1 comes in pretty handy, and I would consider using Squire ahead of Native Village for building a Wharf engine (although possibly combining them is better?).

Finally, I would point out that is pretty nice for 5/2 opengins, especially when you get a nice $5 terminal. There are not that many 2s that you want on most 5/2s, and the ones that you do want, is because they probably dominate and you would get them for 3 in many cases (Chapel, Fool's Gold). This one has its own little "useful contribuition" that you almost always want, together with Haven and Hamlet.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2013, 09:50:51 pm »

Hoard is a pretty good counter to alt-VPs because sniping start to look pretty nice when it comes with a Gold (or maybe more).

I don't see how Squire is good for Vineyards. Is it just because is a resonably spammable action?
It's cheap and gives buys. And can be nonterminal or even a village. But I don't think this merits special mention.

About the article directly:
"+buys (and gain lots of coppers), or gain a copper."
last word should be silver, and I would also say "buy lots of coppers" instead, because it makes the distinction of the two options clearer.
Thanks! Fixed.

It seems that at some point you are recommending against Squire for Duchy/Duke,
What makes you think this? I wasn't trying to give that vibe at all, and I don't see it when I am reading it. I am suggesting going for silvers in slogs rather than copper. Maybe the above error threw you off, and it's better now that that is fixed?
but I'm not entirely sure, and I think it would be best to mention it a little bit before the "works/conflicts with" part.

I would add that is pretty good for Goons, even if you cannot trash it to get Goons (of course it you can, is a lot better). It can give you actions if you need them, and also plenty of buys for the big turns to pay off a lot, and also, its really cheap so its a nice buy for those mid-to-end-game turns when you need to acquire some points to manage the VP difference when 3-pile is close.

I think its also pretty good for Wharf engines, because Wharf draw is so good that even the village that doesn't draw can make it work pretty well, and the fact that you can get lots with Wharf's +buy makes the engine construction way faster, giving options like Wharf/Wharf+Squire/Wharf+2*Squire/2*Wharf, which is pretty good to avoid wasting money and smoothing the engine-building. Since you are not wasting money, the +$1 comes in pretty handy, and I would consider using Squire ahead of Native Village for building a Wharf engine (although possibly combining them is better?).

Finally, I would point out that is pretty nice for 5/2 opengins, especially when you get a nice $5 terminal. There are not that many 2s that you want on most 5/2s, and the ones that you do want, is because they probably dominate and you would get them for 3 in many cases (Chapel, Fool's Gold). This one has its own little "useful contribuition" that you almost always want, together with Haven and Hamlet.
None of these things is really incorrect, but I am not trying to list out all the interactions - I mean, I could list out at least a dozen others of this quality. So mostly I am trying to get archetypes and specific spectacular interactions (like watchtower). I mean, these things you would just generally expect, more or less from general principles, and if I've written things right, you should be able to work those out from reading the article.

If I listed everything, the article would be way too long to read.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2013, 11:01:19 pm »

It seems that at some point you are recommending against Squire for Duchy/Duke,
What makes you think this? I wasn't trying to give that vibe at all, and I don't see it when I am reading it. I am suggesting going for silvers in slogs rather than copper. Maybe the above error threw you off, and it's better now that that is fixed?
I think this made it: "With gardens, 4 isn’t much harder to hit with coppers than silvers", which made me think that for $4 alt-VP slogs (Gardens and possibly Silk-Road) Coppers may be a better choice at some point, but for the more expensive alt-VP (basically Duchy/Duke) you'd rather have the Silvers. I think it would be good to clarify what to recommend for each of Garden/Silk Road/Duchy-Duke/Curse slogs, and I think its Copper for the first two and Silver for the last two (that's what I currently understand from the article, although I cannot say it states it categorically other than for Gardens.

None of these things is really incorrect, but I am not trying to list out all the interactions - I mean, I could list out at least a dozen others of this quality. So mostly I am trying to get archetypes and specific spectacular interactions (like watchtower). I mean, these things you would just generally expect, more or less from general principles, and if I've written things right, you should be able to work those out from reading the article.

If I listed everything, the article would be way too long to read.

Ok, its true I went a little far with the list, but I thought Wharf was worth mentioning because it goes against what you specifically indicate that Squire is usually bad as a Village. As I said, getting the +Buy from the drawer gives the money you get from Squire more valuable.

Goons I also put it in the list because is the case in which you do want to use all those buys in an engine, but yeah, is probably too particular.

In any case, is your article, I just throw suggestions, catch the ones you think serve you well.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2013, 10:52:24 am »

Trashing squire for some attacks is pretty good in the mid game. A big shot here can be a scaling TfB. Take Upgrade. In the mid game, where you can expect to draw your entire every other turn (i.e. before you have a reliable draw deck) you may find yourself with a spare $2. Using his on Squire can be extremely cost effective. Next time you pair the Squire with Upgrade, the Squire becomes say a Rabble and a Village. You just gained 6 value off $2 and a "+1$" action. This is quite strong. There are boards (like Margrave/Fishing village/Upgrade) where I'd often be tempted to spend $5 as a Fv/Squire knowing that next turn the Squire becomes Margrave/Fishing village.

Which is one of the potentially strong bits about the on-trash benefit of Squire. It will often net you $3 coin in value when you trash it (making a worthless late game Chapel into a pseudo-Expand), with a Remodel or Upgrade type card (e.g. Governor, Develop, etc.) you get 5 coin of free value (if you have a $5 attack). My favorites here are Salvager - I spend $2 now to make $7 over the next two plays - and Squire is good for setting up engines where I can Salvage twice, Forge (either Forge  Squire + 5 to make 7 so I can say gain Kc/Develop the Forges later or Squire + Goons direct to Province) and Procession - +2 coin and pick a very nice combo of buys, silvers, or actions, gain $3 action and gain a $5. If there are any decent $6 actions as well, well this just becomes a quick path to insanity.

Long story short, with the right attacks on the board (e.g. Ghost Ship, Rabble, Margrave) any action trashing can make Squire a really nice value adding strategy. With scaling TfB's (e.g. Bishop, Salvager, Forge, Expand), Squire can add a lot of value one turn delayed. With Procession this just enters the realm of insanity, you can potentially gain 12 in value (2 silvers, a 3, and a 5) - allowing you to non-terminally gain the ingredients needed to Forge a colony or a Province + Gold.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2013, 01:13:58 pm »

Nice article as usual. A few questions/comments:

1. As jomini said, I think you're underselling the usefulness of the on-trash ability for engines. Sure it's great with Watchtower, but it's only slightly less good if you're drawing a lot. Plus, since you have that extra squire floating around that it going to turn into an attack card eventually, you have a slightly better village density.

2. You should say it "works with" draw-to-X, since there the lack of +card isn't a big deal.

3. Does it really "conflict with" terminal draw big money? Sure you can draw it dead, but you don't actually draw *that* many cards in this way. You draw at least twice as many cards live as dead, and a reasonable amount of draw cards at least have a semi-remedy for dead draw (Library, Embassy, Vault, Catacombs) It's probably not the best opening, but it seem like it should be better than Silver/Silver in a lot of cases. It might not be the greatest strategy ever, but I don't think the synergy with drawing terminals is much worse than with non-drawing ones.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2013, 06:06:38 pm »

Maybe it's just me, but squire looks like it should compete with fishing village for best draw-to-x-engine village, especially when your draw is watchtower (whether or not there is an attack present).  The lack of $1 the next turn is unfortunate but the buy option for later seems like it would really help you in maintaining your engine in the endgame. Maybe not though (I'm just now into the "really get better at dominion" stage).


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Re: Squire
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2013, 06:12:16 pm »

Maybe it's just me, but squire looks like it should compete with fishing village for best draw-to-x-engine village, especially when your draw is watchtower (whether or not there is an attack present).  The lack of $1 the next turn is unfortunate but the buy option for later seems like it would really help you in maintaining your engine in the endgame. Maybe not though (I'm just now into the "really get better at dominion" stage).

The big thing for Fishing Village isn't the coin on the next turn, but the free action on the next turn.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2013, 12:54:22 pm »

Maybe it's just me, but squire looks like it should compete with fishing village for best draw-to-x-engine village, especially when your draw is watchtower (whether or not there is an attack present).  The lack of $1 the next turn is unfortunate but the buy option for later seems like it would really help you in maintaining your engine in the endgame. Maybe not though (I'm just now into the "really get better at dominion" stage).

The big thing for Fishing Village isn't the coin on the next turn, but the free action on the next turn.
Oh yeah that's huge, since it means you have two shots to find your branching action with your terminal draw effects.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2013, 03:20:23 pm »

First comment to mention Feodum!

Does Squire have any advantage here apart from being a Silver gainer?  What makes Squire better than Jack or Bureaucrat or Trader?  OK, maybe it's unfair to demand it improve upon Trader.
It's non-terminal, I just played a game with Jack and Squire.  And playing with one Jack, a few squires let me get 17 Silvers pretty quick...I forget exactly how quick.  But I liked it.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2013, 05:47:14 pm »

Just played a Chapel/Squire/Familiar game....

Never have I seen the curse pile emptied faster in a real game of dominion.  I think I had 3 Familiars in deck at the end of Turn 6 with a deck that could play each of them every turn.  My opponent went the traditional route through potion.  I shudder to think how fast they'd go with both players going the Squire route.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2014, 07:30:03 am »

I just realized that the on-trash ability is really, really weak in most cases, since even if you manage to connect Squire and your trasher, it's not very good because you are trashing a good card instead of a junk card, which means one more junk card in your deck and one less good card in your hand. You can probably just buy another Squire that turn, so it's as if you just bought the Attack card and did nothing else, and you spent both of your opening buys doing that; double Silver would have been better almost certainly.

It can be worth it with trashers that trash more than one card (especially Chapel, Forge and Count which trash an unlimited number of cards) or if getting the attack early is very important and not very likely to happen through normal means. But usually, it's a trap. And I just got trapped last game.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2014, 07:42:11 am »

I just realized that the on-trash ability is really, really weak in most cases, since even if you manage to connect Squire and your trasher, it's not very good because you are trashing a good card instead of a junk card, which means one more junk card in your deck and one less good card in your hand. You can probably just buy another Squire that turn, so it's as if you just bought the Attack card and did nothing else, and you spent both of your opening buys doing that; double Silver would have been better almost certainly.

It can be worth it with trashers that trash more than one card (especially Chapel, Forge and Count which trash an unlimited number of cards) or if getting the attack early is very important and not very likely to happen through normal means. But usually, it's a trap. And I just got trapped last game.

You can also pair it with upgraders like Remodel or Governor (especially your opponent's).  Or cards with more restricted trashing, like Jack, Hermit, or Death Cart.  But yeah, it doesn't quite shine for trashers which are designed for removing junk.
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Re: Squire
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2014, 12:45:27 pm »

It can be worth it with trashers that trash more than one card (especially Chapel, Forge and Count which trash an unlimited number of cards) or if getting the attack early is very important and not very likely to happen through normal means. But usually, it's a trap. And I just got trapped last game.

Chapel doesn't trash an unlimited number of cards. It trashes up to 4 though, which is usually enough.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2014, 01:31:13 pm »

I just realized that the on-trash ability is really, really weak in most cases, since even if you manage to connect Squire and your trasher, it's not very good because you are trashing a good card instead of a junk card, which means one more junk card in your deck and one less good card in your hand. You can probably just buy another Squire that turn, so it's as if you just bought the Attack card and did nothing else, and you spent both of your opening buys doing that; double Silver would have been better almost certainly.

It can be worth it with trashers that trash more than one card (especially Chapel, Forge and Count which trash an unlimited number of cards) or if getting the attack early is very important and not very likely to happen through normal means. But usually, it's a trap. And I just got trapped last game.

My initial impression was a bit biased because the first game I played with Squire I was able to use the on-trash ability to great effect. There was Forager, and once I had trashed out all the starting cards and was drawing my deck, I could trash a Squire, use the buy to get a new Squire, and gain a Knight. Since then, however, it really hasn't come up as often as I'd have thought.

The big things I think are that:
1. You need to be drawing a lot of cards so that spending 2 cards out of your hand is not a big deal)
2. You need to have buys to spare. if you end up buying the Squire for $5, you might as well have just bought the attack.
3. You need the attack to be something you want en masse more so than wanting them soon. For example, it's better to just buy your Mountebank to get it fast, but if you're building your engine off lots of Rabbles or something, you can get them via Squire.
4. You need to actually *remember* that Squire has that ability. Since you're not using it primarily that capacity that often, it's easy to forget!


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Re: Squire
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2014, 01:35:18 pm »

The way I see squire's on trash effect is that sometimes it's cool, but mostly not a big deal. It's cool with Scrying Pool and Familiar. It's fun with Goons. But otherwise you rarely trigger it on purpose unless maybe its a Dark Ages only game with things like Procession. That's actually probably the best case for it.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2014, 03:42:30 am »

Works with:
Jack of All Trades
Just curious if there's any particular reason these two make the list but Library doesn't? 
it's a shame that full-random is the de facto standard


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Re: Squire
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2014, 03:47:33 am »

Works with:
Jack of All Trades
Just curious if there's any particular reason these two make the list but Library doesn't?

Watchtower is an obligatory mention because it lets you trash Squire immediately when you buy it.  If you open Watchtower, you can pretty much guarantee getting any attack card you want on the second reshuffle.  Most notable are Familiar (no Potion needed!) and Goons.

JoaT also has the ability to trash Squire alongside the fixed draw, so maybe that's why it's mentioned.  I'm less certain about that.
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