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Author Topic: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)  (Read 17125 times)

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Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« on: October 07, 2011, 01:00:42 pm »

Edit: The newest version is v1.1.4, and includes a 'always include a card giving +2 or more cards' option, and an text card list formatted for Isotropic. The card picker is now hosted online here:

I apologize in advance for a slight thread derail.. however my inspiration for this program came out of my distaste for veto (in physical multiplayer games, in particular). My experience has been that any veto system, beyond obviously leading to metagaming as discussed here, too often still doesn't produce interesting or balanced games. Just as an example, from reading through this thread, I didn't see anyone suggesting that they veto based on game balance (i.e. if there are glaring gaps in the cost or types of cards in the game, veto'ing to acquire cards addressing those gaps), or based on attempting to increase (rather than decrease, what most metagaming players typically do with vetos) the number of possible game strategies.

So, I've been endeavoring to create a (javascript) card picker that could replace traditional 'veto' methods of card picking. Yes, it has a field for 'pre-vetos'.. if you really don't like a card, you can exclude it from the selection, without throwing in the extra metagaming component of veto'ing it after cards have been selected. The program also includes ~60 fields and checkboxes to try to (pseodorandomly) produce games that are balanced, flow well, and promote multiple strategies, without resorting to veto. Don't like some options? Turn them off. Everything is configurable, and all settings save via a cookie so the next time you use the program your previous settings will be saved.

I've attached the .html file if anyone would like to try it. Unlike other card picker programs I've seen, it uses only javascript. The entire card database is stored internally, and the card images are simply links to If there is enough interest in the picker, I'll create a new thread about it.. I am also looking for online hosting for it. ;) Quick note for anyone trying it: error and range checking is not in this version.. so it's quite easy to accidentally place restrictions on the selected card set that will never complete (e.g. selecting only Dominion and Intrigue cards, but keeping the 4-max limit on each :P). So be a little careful of locking up your browser.

I'd love feedback on the program.. and sorry once again for injecting into a thread on veto strategy. ;)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 12:52:10 pm by Toskk »


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 02:57:01 pm »

+1 for doing.

That said, I don't really like what you've done all that much.  I don't think that there is a principled difference between large before game rejections and subtle rejections after the fact.  Indeed, if I had to say which is worse, I would say it's the former.  Consider that you can think of Paralayzed behavior actually as the former (he just rejected every card that wasn't KC, Masq, Goons, ... ), but his approach would definitely NOT work in the veto mode.

Small rules that rarely apply (no combined workshop/ironworks, no combined throne room/KC) basically don't matter in practice. 

If you really want to come up with interesting sets with diverse strategies, you can either explicitly design them and then have a very limited set of games, like is done with the recommended sets in each expansion.  If you want a bit more open endedness in the sets, but still want variety, you can come with some 2 or 3 card combos in rough tiers, and then pick a set up first selecting a tier, and then selecting combos from that tier.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 03:45:04 pm »

Hi Rrenaud,

Thanks for moving this to a new thread.. and thanks for the feedback. :) I'll address each of your points in order..

1). I agree with your point about "large before game rejections".. the point of that particular "don't allow these cards" filter definitely wasn't to promote Paralyzed-like behavior. I definitely don't think just placing every single card other than KC, Masq, Goons, etc. on the exclude list would produce games that anyone other than Paralyzed would want. Most of the rest of the various restriction filters, however, I would categorize as 'subtle before-game rejections'. Typically, they're not obtrusive and don't throw out a huge number of games. They simply artificially select for certain game mechanic characteristics, and keep there from being significant choice-reducing gaps (by 'choice', I'm referring to one of the two basic forms of game design 'decisions') in the cost and functionality of available cards.

2). A whole lot of the particular restriction filters there were more 'proof of concept' than anything else. One of the goals of the filters was to produce games with zero useless or redundant cards.. where all players cannot simply ignore 80% of the board. The particular filters listed could *definitely* use a lot of tweaking.. one of the reasons I was hoping for feedback. :)

3). I'd looked into hand-picked 'combos', and that could definitely be one way to approach artificially selecting card sets. The program does currently include a (one-time, so outdated) snapshot of most of the 'best and worst buys' data, so that could theoretically be used to guide some of those 'combo' selections. However I also really didn't want to eliminate the potential for ingenuity by only artificially-selecting for strategies that have already been used extensively.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 04:58:34 pm by Toskk »


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 04:30:44 pm »

This looks pretty nice, and the options seem to cover just about everything you would want.  The functional restrictions all seem pretty arbitrary to me, but there are a number of them that I could see myself using depending on what sort of game I was in the mood for.  I will probably pull this down and modify it myself for use in RL games, but I would suggest setting all the restrictions to 0 min/10 max, removing any restricted or required cards, and disabling all the functional restrictions by default.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2011, 01:53:10 pm »

Hi Deadlock39,

I'm glad that the available options cover everything you'd want for RL games. :) I definitely hadn't planned on keeping default state of every option as-is.. the current default settings are simply what I personally use for most RL games. I'll definitely switch the defaults to true-random in the next version. As for the functional restrictions section being arbitrary.. I suspect that comes from the fact that I didn't really preface the entire project well at all (as it started out of a thread specifically about the use of vetos to select cards, and the program options do a lot more than limit veto metagaming). The only really arbitrary aspect of those restrictions is that they are incomplete (one of the reasons I was wanting feedback on the program). Here's the rationale behind the program (beyond the fact that it's easier to use a computer program to pick cards than shuffle a 130-card deck) and the argument for non-veto-based artificial selection of cards:

1). Artificial selection pre-game vs. after-the-fact - as was being discussed in the thread that started this, I've always found card selection methods which include vetos a problem, as they too-often lead to metagaming. While there's not necessarily anything 'unfair' about metagaming (unless one player happens to know a lot more about the other player than vice-versa, which can lead to very unfair metagaming strategies), it can often lead to unbalanced, undesirable, or gimmicky strategies (e.g. Paralyzed). I didn't think to mention it when responding to Rrenaud above, but there is definitely a 'principled' difference between pre-game rejections and those after-the-fact: with pre-game rejections, both players have already agreed to reject a specific card before the cards are drawn. By comparison, with a veto system, all players agree to allow vetos, but not necessarily that each player will use said vetos with the same objectives in mind (for example, many players on the veto strategy thread said they just set the veto to random, while other players suggested very specific strategies). So the simple act of agreeing on rejected cards before seeing them already eliminates a huge metagaming component.

2). True-random selection vs. artificial selection - I didn't really mention previously all of what the program options are attempting to do, as they definitely go quite a lot beyond just limiting veto metagaming. I suspect that this is this aspect of the program that Rrenaud didn't like.. and there are definitely players who prefer true-random games.. which is why all of the options are configurable. For those players who already artificially select cards, however.. in my experience, there are two possible motivations for this: to alter the set of cards to favor your play-style or hinder your opponent (metagaming with veto), or to alter the set of cards to make the game more 'interesting'. So if you're using veto specifically because you enjoy metagaming.. keep doing it, but don't use this program. ;) Maybe also try bidding on who plays first? There are some neat ways to metagame card selection. If you're wanting a true-random card picker that still includes the ability to reject specific cards without metagaming, try the program with all other options turned off. Finally, if you're wanting to artificially select cards, there are an extra 50+ options for you. Here is the rationale for artificial selection (as well as for the specific filters included). I apologize in advance for getting long-winded.. but this is going to stray heavily into game design theory..

As the core of gameplay is formed by player 'decisions', the fundamental argument for artificially selecting cards is to attempt to produce 'better' game 'decisions' for the players to make than are typically present with true random selection. Game 'decisions' come in two basic forms: 'problems' and 'choices'. A 'problem' is anytime the player is asked to decide between a variety of options, and there is some mathematical best answer. A 'choice' is anytime the player is asked to decide between things of equal or incomparable mathematical value. Now I definitely need to mention that just because a player doesn't have enough time or information to math out the 'correct' answer doesn't make a particular decision a 'choice'.. it's still a problem, just a sub-set of 'problems' known as 'incomplete information problems'. Dominion 'decisions' (what action(s) to play, and what card(s) to purchase), for example, are often obfuscated by players not knowing the precise sequence of cards in their deck (due to the shuffle and the deck being hidden). Plus, due to random variation sometimes it's very possible for the correct 'decisions' to still lose.. some games are more skill-based than others.

The particular filters currently listed fall into two general categories: those attempting to produce more 'interesting' game decisions, and those attempting to reduce the prevalence of useless or redundant cards in the set. Here is a brief rundown of the various options:

Cost Restrictions - Depending on what settings you chose for these, they can be either very subtle or very intrusive. You could, for example, use them to produce games with zero cost $5 cards, not something that a lot of players would probably want. The goal, though, was to subtly increase the number of interesting 'decisions' the players need to make. For example, in many games the 'decision' between purchasing a $2 card and skipping the buy is an interesting one. Sometimes it's mathematically strongest to skip the purchase during the opening and then pick it up later.. sometimes it's best to grab it right away.. and other times it's best to just pass entirely on a $2 card that doesn't help your particular strategy. All of these decisions, of course, rely on actually having a cost $2 card to debate purchasing. Similarly, the interesting 'decision' "is x $3 action better than a silver?" is only possible when there is an available cost $3.

Include at least 1 card that provides additional buys - This filter does reject enough sets to possibly be subject to some amount of metagaming. By comparison to true-random selection using all 130 cards, this filter rejects roughly 18.43% of sets. So if one player knows they really don't do well in games with the potential for multiple buys, they might want this option off. The reason for this particular filter is probably obvious.. the decision as to how many extra possible buys a player wants is typically a very interesting one. Sometimes the +buy card is very weak (e.g. Woodcutter), and only purchased situationally. Other times, purchasing +buys at the right moment during the game is critical. The presence of +buy in a game also has the potential to dramatically change the pace of a game in ways that are difficult to predict, as victory point totals can change much quicker with multiple purchases in a turn. Further, the possibility of multiple buys often reduces the first-turn advantage, allowing more games to reward player skill rather than who went first.

Include at least 1 card that lets you trash or return other cards. - Once again, this filter rejects enough sets to be subject to some amount of metagaming (roughly 18.43% of sets). I can certainly see this one being metagamed, although removing the ability to veto the trash card after seeing the set prevents the worst of this. The presence of a trashing card typically changes the pace of games, and presents unique decisions. How quickly and aggressively do you trash? Is a weak trash card like Loan worth it at all? When do you purchase a second upgrade-style trash card to remove an early-game trash card like Chapel? How are the available Attack cards affected by the ability to trash?

Include at least 1 card that provides +2 actions - This filter rejects roughly 27.98% of sets, and could possibly be subject to some amount of metagaming. I don't know if any players find they play significantly better/worse with the presence of +card/+action engine opportunities. The presence of +2 action card(s), though, presents several interesting 'decisions'.. for example, what ratio of terminal action / +2 action cards is optimal?

The remaining options all attempt to address the strong possibility with true-random selection of redundant or useless cards. Quite simply, redundant or useless cards are ones that all players immediately dismiss and do not purchase anytime during the game. This definitely doesn't include 'traps'.. promising-looking cards that just don't quite pan out given the card set, or are just too slow to utilize. But maximizing the number of interesting 'decisions' the player has to make includes making sure each card in the set is worth putting thought into. Humans are very potent pattern-recognizers, and have a natural tendency to, on identifying a known 'successful' pattern, ignore everything else without much thought. By artificially removing obviously-useless cards, though, you can force players to re-evaluate their ingrained pattern-recognition more frequently.

As mentioned above, these options are definitely incomplete and/or need some works still. Some of them do have a beneficial effect on increasing interesting game 'decisions', though. The options limiting the number of terminal action and non-action cards, for example, help prevent the mind-numbing Big Money + Terminal games, where player skill typically takes a back seat to random chance and the first-turn advantage on who ends up winning.

While I definitely think the redundancy options, even the very small ones (e.g. Don't allow both Workshop and Ironworks), do matter even if they throw out a very small percentage of sets, I could definitely see the argument for just lumping them all into a single checkbox. Some of them also definitely need reworking or eliminating entirely. The Quarry restriction, for example, probably needs eliminating.. I've now seen quite a few games decided by a multiple-buy + Quarry engine, used to buy out cheap (and now cheaper) Action cards en-masse. I definitely welcome comments and feedback on the redundancy filters in particular. :)


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2011, 07:01:22 pm »

Well, as it looks like the other Hinterlands card images won't be available for a few days yet (until the actual release), this update (v1.0.8 ) contains only a partial set for Hinterlands (the 8 previewed cards). Once again, the images are from, so just the single .html file is all you need to run the program. As suggested, I also switched all of the program defaults to off. A new cookie will still store your selection data, so after you set which options you'd like the first time, it will hold those settings. I also moved all of the 'redundancy functional restrictions' mentioned above into a single checkbox.. there's currently a list of everything that checkbox adds underneath it, mostly for troubleshooting and feedback purposes. If anyone would like any of the options now merged into a single checkbox to be available as an individual option, please let me know. As always, I welcome feedback on the card picker program, particularly related to the restrictions and filters attempting to remove redundant and useless cards. :)


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2011, 02:49:09 pm »

Hey!  Don't be discriminating against us meta-gamers!  I love meta-gaming and veto mode.  We still need love too. 

Could you add the option to randomize 10-17 cards?  The max on all the drop downs would need to go up to 17 too.  Then us horrific meta-gamers could use this amazing tool too.

I know, it will mess up your intent on some items.  Obviously the entire intent of the randomizer can be broken by a wisely placed veto, but some of that could be accounted for by us veto-mode folks by using higher minimums than non-veto folks would. 


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2011, 04:59:18 pm »

Hi Karrow,

*laugh* I don't mean to discriminate against the veto meta-gamers. ;) I enjoy meta-gaming too, and I think veto is great when everyone is on the same page about how vetos are going to be used (e.g. you aren't playing with others who simply set it to randomly veto).

I think I can add that as an option, too.. Ideally, how would it look? Some of the functional and cost restrictions may get a bit messy, but I can fudge those when needed. You'd need up to 17 cards? So 18 with Young Witch (or Black Market)?


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2011, 10:33:47 am »

Hi Karrow,

*laugh* I don't mean to discriminate against the veto meta-gamers. ;) I enjoy meta-gaming too, and I think veto is great when everyone is on the same page about how vetos are going to be used (e.g. you aren't playing with others who simply set it to randomly veto).

I think I can add that as an option, too.. Ideally, how would it look? Some of the functional and cost restrictions may get a bit messy, but I can fudge those when needed. You'd need up to 17 cards? So 18 with Young Witch (or Black Market)?

It would just be a drop down of "# of cards to randomize."  10 cards as default, and most people will never touch it.  A 6-player game would need to randomize up to 17 cards and be able to display up to 18 for the bane.

I wouldn't worry about much else.  Keep the focus on the 10-card smart randomizer.  If it's not too difficult, just allowing the option to randomize more than 10 would be helpful for those who want it.  I've heard of groups that run with more than 10 in the kingdom as a default house rule.  I don't like that myself, but then the randomizer would cover them as well as anyone else who would want more than 10 for whatever reason.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2011, 12:50:30 pm »

Hi Karrow,

Hmmm.. thinking about it, I think I could make blind veto work while still preserving all of the various restrictions, but probably not an open veto as you propose. For example, I'm pretty sure I could add a checkbox under each of the 10 (or 11 with the Bane card) cards, to keep that particular card in for the next round of selection.. so a veto would be replaced by a new (true- or artificial-random) card, preserving any and all restrictions set. e.g. if you veto'd the last cost 2 card and have a minimum for cost 2 of 1, the replaced card would always be cost 2 again.

For an open veto where all possible cards are on the table and the set gets paired down, though, it would pretty much make any restrictions invalid by the end.. not to mention the redundancy check would pretty much need to be turned off entirely, as it would place too tight of a limit on certain cards (e.g. reactions, trash cards, and +2 action cards). I could still theoretically do that, though..
« Last Edit: October 21, 2011, 12:57:50 pm by Toskk »


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 02:57:56 pm »

Alright, I think the veto system is working properly now, so I'll attach the newest version - v.1.1.0. Here is a full list of changes:

All Hinterlands cards are added, however images are not yet available for many of them.. they'll only show up as an alt image label and a labeled veto button. The links are all set up, though, so whenever the images get uploaded to they will start working.

Governor is added, along with a new checkbox for it. This required a new cookie, so any previously-saved settings will be gone, and the new version will save your settings the first time you use it. Just like the missing Hinterlands images, there is currently no image for this one.

Veto buttons - Under each card in the set is now a button to veto it. Although it wasn't quite what Karrow suggested, I ended up going with the blind veto system.. the reason being as it enabled me to apply all of the various restriction settings to the veto card selection. So for example if you veto the last cost 4 card in the set, and you have a minimum of 1 cost-4 card, the replacement card will always be a cost 4. It is possible currently for the veto card to be replaced by the same card.. I've left that behavior in for now to prevent the rare case where the restrictions enabled make it impossible for the veto'd card to be anything else. I've tested the feature extensively using Firefox and Safari.. and while it seems to work just fine using Firefox, on rare occasions if you continue to veto the same card slot over and over again Safari will lock up. :P If anyone notices any unusual behavior with the veto buttons, please let me know.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 07:44:45 pm »

Ok.. version 1.1.2 of the Card Picker program is essentially complete.. earlier versions of the program don't look to have been downloaded too many times (it's for face-to-face Dominion, after all), but for anyone interested, I've uploaded the new .html file.

The big addition with this version is a new (optional) feature for artificial selection.. an attempt to combat the "5/2 gg" phenomenon, where on some boards the player who by luck gets the 5/2 opening split is nearly assured a win. To do this, the program combines opening buy data with card selection criteria. The checkbox to turn on the feature is labeled "Minimize 5/2 vs. 4/3 opening strength variation."

In effect, it does very much what it says.. it tries to minimize the potential for a 5/2 opening split to win the game, by comparing the best-available 5/2 opening with the best-available 4/3 opening (using a scrape of roughly 1000 entries from the opening buys database), and rejecting the set if the difference between the two is outside of a specific range (currently roughly 1.5 'levels' different). The results are.. interesting. It seems to work reasonably well, although as always I'd love some feedback on the feature.

There are definitely some limitations to the method.. probably the first being that the comparison is of course limited to the accuracy of the opening buy database. For example, while it can compare the relative values the various opening combos, it doesn't take into account potentially powerful T3 combos.. for example, Vault/x rates in as a moderate 5/2 opening, but with Tunnel also on the board the opening is probably quite a bit stronger.. and the comparison of just data can't determine (or evaluate) that.

Like previous versions, the javascript program will store a cookie to remember the settings you chose for subsequent games. All settings default to off (i.e. true-random selection), but from an analysis of the published games in the various expansion rulebooks, here are the settings that produce games most-similar to these:

Cost Restrictions:

cost 2 min - 1; cost 2 max - 2
cost 3 min - 1; cost 3 max - 3
cost 4 min - 2; cost 4 max - 3
cost 5 min - 2; cost 5 max - 4

Functional Restrictions:

Include at least 1 card that provides additional buys or gains. - on
Include at least 1 card that provides +2 actions. - on
Don't allow more (2) than Attack card(s).
Don't allow more than (5) terminal Action card(s).
Don't allow more than (3) non-Action card(s).

As always, I welcome feedback on the program. :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 07:47:21 pm by Toskk »


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2012, 07:59:21 pm »


this is a really cool tool. I really like the veto idea for RL multiplayer games for 4 player games with favorites like Sea Hag etc. Also the Platinum/Colony decider.

I just imagine, if it would be possible to view and sort the cards for expansion? e.g.: 3 cards form base, 2 cards from Intrigue etc. (With 6 expansions its getting a pain in the ass getting the right cards from all differrent expansions).

thx for working this out


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2012, 08:03:05 pm »


this is a really cool tool. I really like the veto idea for RL multiplayer games for 4 player games with favorites like Sea Hag etc. Also the Platinum/Colony decider.

I just imagine, if it would be possible to view and sort the cards for expansion? e.g.: 3 cards form base, 2 cards from Intrigue etc. (With 6 expansions its getting a pain in the ass getting the right cards from all differrent expansions).

thx for working this out

Hi Painted_cow,

I'm glad you like the program. :) For sorting, do you mean adding an option to sort by expansion (rather than by cost or alphabetically)? That shouldn't be too hard to implement (I hadn't thought to do it because I keep all my cards alphabetically in one giant box). How would you like the expansions ordered? By release date? How about the Promo cards?



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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2012, 08:14:11 pm »

Yes, you got it right. Release date seems plausible to me, but the exact order of the expansions isnt the matter as long as they are sorted by expansion. And yes, a big box would be really nice nowadays :-)


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2012, 10:28:34 am »

This is a great tool!

I have a few concrete suggestions and a few vaguer ones.

First there are a couple obvious omissions I noticed. Tunnel and Trader both should be treated as exceptions for some of the rules you have for reaction cards, because their reactions don't trigger based on attacks:

* Only allow Reaction and Lighthouse cards (other than Watchtower and Fool's Gold) if there is at least one Attack card.
* Don't allow more than 1 Reaction or Lighthouse card (except Watchtower and Fool's Gold).

In addition, shouldn't there be a rule on that list that ensures that Tunnel only shows up if there is at least one other card in the game that allows discarding (either your own cards or an attack that makes opponents discard)? I mean I know that Tunnel can be used purely for the low cost 2 VP but some of your other rules seem more restrictive (such as not allowing more than 1 standard reaction, even though using 2 reactions to the same attack can create interesting scenarios - e.g. you play a secret chamber in response to a witch to draw a moat into your hand that you didn't have before, allowing you to block the curse. Probably a strongly inferior strategy to just getting a witch yourself but it would be interesting anyway, right?)

A subtle comment then about use of those rules: Does your algorithm work by generating a random set of 10 meeting the other simpler constraints, and then throwing away anything that violated the more complex functional restrictions? If so, then it will end up having an inherent bias against the cards that have the heaviest functional restrictions on them: e.g. if the rule "don't allow both Throne Room and King's Court" means that anytime a set is generated which has both, that set is thrown out and you start over, then that will end up making both Throne Room and King's Court slightly less likely to show up even alone in the final chosen set than any other unrestricted card. For a single rule like this one it's probably rather low odds that it'll have a significant effect on the final card distribution but some cards look like they'll have multiple functional restrictions that potentially cause them to be thrown out so the effect will stack. It's possible for you to adjust for this by calculating the probability that any given card will get thrown out due to functional restrictions, and prior to choosing your set increase the odds of picking that card by compensating for that, but this might be a rather complicated calculation.

Last a vague suggestion that I'd love to see but I'm not sure entirely how to best implement it, but given that those functional restrictions are all "negative" restrictions, the effect is to "guarantee" that you won't have a horrible set (although that's a matter of taste), there's nothing to positively increase the chances of interesting combinations of cards. Much as you have specific rules in place to exclude combinations that result in perceived uselessness, it would be great to have rules to somehow actively encourage card combinations for which the combination is worth more than the collected value of the individual cards. Some of these can happen randomly quite often just with the existing restrictions, such as village and draw engines, but others are specific to certain card effects that happen to coincide nicely. I'm not sure that there's a better way of implementing this though other than listing for each card all the things that it "combos well with" and then using that data for the first 6-7 cards to pick out the last 3-4 cards, and that sounds like a lot of work to accumulate that data, in addition to it being subjective.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2012, 11:47:47 am »

Hi Avin,

I'm glad you like the program. :) I actually have a partially-finished v1.1.3 in progress, that already addresses a few of the points you mentioned.

For example, in v1.1.3, with Tunnel I did just that.. the redundancy filter will ensure that Tunnel is paired up with either a hand-reducing attack or there is a card that allows for discarding.

I'll double-check Trader, too, but even in v1.1.2 I'm pretty sure it's technically outside of the 'make this card useful by always being present with an attack' check.

The 'Only allow Reaction and Lighthouse cards..' filter already does that, I just need to fix the wording. :) Same with the 'Don't allow more than 1 Reaction' filter.

Your question about how the program selects cards is one that I've been thinking about for a long time.. yes, right now the program simply throws out completed Kingdom sets that don't match all the criteria selected. It's quick to calculate, and at the bottom of the screen you'll see a little counter that shows how many sets were thrown out before arriving at one that matched. It does, as you mention, reduce the overall frequency of certain cards being present in the set. :P I've looked into methods for pre-selecting 'partial' Kingdoms, however these end up producing an opposite effect.. increases the frequency of multiple cards of a selected-for type appearing in the set. :P I'd definitely be open to considering other methods for selecting cards, if you can think of one that would have less of an effect on card frequency. :)

I'd also in the past thought about selecting for 'positive combos'.. however I ended up not liking the results. The problem there is that sets end up being too obvious. If the program specifically looks to add well-known combos, it ends up probably eliminating a lot of novelty and potentially unique card interactions. So instead I went with a 'does not play well without' approach, looking to boost the effectiveness of specific 'weak' cards by trying to at least pair them up with something.. the goal being to try to ensure that every card in the Kingdom set is worth time considering (i.e. there are no obviously-useless cards in the set). The filters still aren't quite there yet even in 1.1.3, but I'd welcome suggestions on how to better achieve that goal. :)

I'll post v1.1.3 here momentarily, too, along with a list of what's changed/added. :)


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2012, 11:52:17 am »

Ok, v1.1.3 is now available.. I haven't yet been able to add Painted_cow's 'sort by expansion' option, so this is mostly just a small update/fix. Here's what's included:

* Bug fix for the 5/2 vs. 4/3 split strength variation restriction - it wasn't working 100% correctly before.
* The redundancy filter now makes sure Tunnel will be paired with either a hand-reducing attack and/or a card that allows discarding.
* A few more restrictions added to the redundancy filter.



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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2012, 12:43:34 pm »

Redundancy filter items that I might not want lumped in:

- Only allow Quarry if there is at least one Festival, Market, or an Action card costing 6 or more. (you mentioned this earlier)
- Don't allow more than one cost 3-5 card that provides +2 actions.
- Don't allow more than one cost 5-6 card that provides +2 actions.
- Don't allow both Market and Grand Market.
- Don't allow more than 1 cost 5 Treasure card.

Also, I think that the following...
- Only allow Reaction and Lighthouse cards (other than Watchtower and Fool's Gold) if there is at least one Attack card.
...should add Horse Traders and Trader to its list, as they can also be pretty useful. (I recently learned about the Horse Traders/ Duke combo :) )

Another possible feature, in the realm of "Only allow Attack cards if there is at least one Reaction or lighthouse card.": You could change it to " least one *relevant* reaction...", since some defenses are useless against some attacks. For example, Watchtower and Trader are useless against Bureaucrat, Spy, Thief, etc.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2012, 01:22:52 pm »

Redundancy filter items that I might not want lumped in:

- Only allow Quarry if there is at least one Festival, Market, or an Action card costing 6 or more. (you mentioned this earlier)
- Don't allow more than one cost 3-5 card that provides +2 actions.
- Don't allow more than one cost 5-6 card that provides +2 actions.
- Don't allow both Market and Grand Market.
- Don't allow more than 1 cost 5 Treasure card.

Also, I think that the following...
- Only allow Reaction and Lighthouse cards (other than Watchtower and Fool's Gold) if there is at least one Attack card.
...should add Horse Traders and Trader to its list, as they can also be pretty useful. (I recently learned about the Horse Traders/ Duke combo :) )

Another possible feature, in the realm of "Only allow Attack cards if there is at least one Reaction or lighthouse card.": You could change it to " least one *relevant* reaction...", since some defenses are useless against some attacks. For example, Watchtower and Trader are useless against Bureaucrat, Spy, Thief, etc.

Hi BaruMonkey,

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Hmm.. for the Quarry filter, can you think of any other requirements on it that would make that one better? Or would you just want it removed?

I could definitely lump all of the +2 action-affecting redundancy restrictions into their own checkbox (as there are quite a few of them) and place that underneath the 'require a +2 action card' checkbox. How does that sound?

I suppose that with the no-copper requirement on Grand Market, it's a little bit different than a direct upgrade of a Market.. do you find a lot of games with both where you'd really buy both, though?

For the cost-5 Treasure restriction.. are there specific cost-5 treasures that you're thinking of that work well with other cost-5 treasures?

For the 'Only allow reaction and lighthouse cards if..' restriction (along with the redundancy filter), the goal with that was to try to ensure that the full effect of the reaction card is useful. So Trader I'm pretty sure is outside of that restriction (as you can theoretically gain a card yourself and switch it with a Silver), but Horse Traders is included (as the reaction portion requires being attacked). The *relevant* reaction aspect is actually coded, though. :) The program actually divides attacks and reactions up by type (e.g. hand-reducing, curse-giving, deck-affecting, etc.). The redundancy filter will ensure that any available reaction will be 'useful', and the the 'always include a reaction/defense if there is an attack' filter will ensure the types on the two match. :) Does that help? :)



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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2012, 02:05:52 pm »

Hmm.. for the Quarry filter, can you think of any other requirements on it that would make that one better? Or would you just want it removed?
Maybe "if there exists any +buy card and/or a $6+ card"?

I could definitely lump all of the +2 action-affecting redundancy restrictions into their own checkbox (as there are quite a few of them) and place that underneath the 'require a +2 action card' checkbox. How does that sound?
That sounds lovely (the group I play with really loves +action/+cards engines)

I suppose that with the no-copper requirement on Grand Market, it's a little bit different than a direct upgrade of a Market.. do you find a lot of games with both where you'd really buy both, though?
I was just thinking that vanilla Market might be a good stepping stone towards getting Grand Markets, but I guess it doesn't really do so much better than silver. Disregard that.

For the cost-5 Treasure restriction.. are there specific cost-5 treasures that you're thinking of that work well with other cost-5 treasures?
My mind went to Mine and other cards that deal with treasures (Venture, Bank, treasure-based attacks...). But after I look at the list of cards, I don't see many that conflict. One could empty the IGGs then want to buy others; or buy one and only one Contraband before moving on; playing Horn of Plenty last wants variety, even in treasures...
I guess what I'm saying is that I don't see ones that work *well* together, but that isn't what this tool is for. More importantly, I don't see many that conflict with each other.

For the 'Only allow reaction and lighthouse cards if..' restriction (along with the redundancy filter), the goal with that was to try to ensure that the full effect of the reaction card is useful. So Trader I'm pretty sure is outside of that restriction (as you can theoretically gain a card yourself and switch it with a Silver), but Horse Traders is included (as the reaction portion requires being attacked).
Good point. But, given the Horse Traders/Duke combo, it may be worth giving this its own checkbox?

The *relevant* reaction aspect is actually coded, though. :) The program actually divides attacks and reactions up by type (e.g. hand-reducing, curse-giving, deck-affecting, etc.). The redundancy filter will ensure that any available reaction will be 'useful', and the the 'always include a reaction/defense if there is an attack' filter will ensure the types on the two match. :)
Ah, glorious! Then my only remaining suggestion here is that you add the word "relevant" for clarity.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2012, 05:24:15 pm »

My mind went to Mine and other cards that deal with treasures (Venture, Bank, treasure-based attacks...). But after I look at the list of cards, I don't see many that conflict. One could empty the IGGs then want to buy others; or buy one and only one Contraband before moving on; playing Horn of Plenty last wants variety, even in treasures...
I guess what I'm saying is that I don't see ones that work *well* together, but that isn't what this tool is for. More importantly, I don't see many that conflict with each other.

Hi BaruMonkey,

I'm working on a few of the other little changes to wording and redundancy restrictions now, but thinking more about the 5-cost Treasure restriction, maybe I just wasn't approaching it the right way. It was kind of an attempt to address cards like Stash, Cache, and Contraband. I mean, how often in a game where all three of those appeared would you buy more than one of them? I suppose maybe with Horn of Plenty around too..

Is there perhaps another way to address 'weak' cards like the three above, maybe with their own redundancy restrictions?


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2012, 10:36:54 am »

Is there perhaps another way to address 'weak' cards like the three above, maybe with their own redundancy restrictions?
I'm afraid we've surpassed my abilities at this point. Anyone else?


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2012, 01:51:29 pm »

Idea for another checkbox in the top-right: Include at least 1 card that provides at least +2 cards.


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Re: Dominion Card Picker (forked from veto thread)
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2012, 05:26:11 pm »

Idea for another checkbox in the top-right: Include at least 1 card that provides at least +2 cards.

Oo good idea.. I'll add that option to v1.1.4. :)
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