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Author Topic: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters GAME OVER Mafia Wins!  (Read 101648 times)

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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #150 on: May 16, 2012, 01:35:02 am »

Galzria, could you explain your vote for bozzball a little more in-depth?
"I know old meta, and joth is useless day 1 but awesome town day 3 and on." --Teproc



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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #151 on: May 16, 2012, 01:58:31 am »

Fair enough observations Joetheoneh, although I don't think you fully understood my post against Morgrim (or perhaps I was unclear?)

I have no issues with lynching him today. He is in my top 3 suspects, and the only one I know with certainty has SOMETHING he's hiding. Now, my stated hesitancy was twofold:

First, I don't want to seem an ass, and while I disagree with Robz's argument re: Morgrim, I don't disagree with his conclusion. Still, that would put a lot (read: possible majority) against Morgrim, and I wasn't sure we were quite ready to jump there yet.

Second, if he isn't Mafia but indeed a power-role, that will spell trouble for us if he's taken out. Even if he is forced to reveal (which would help us in todays vote), it would likely hurt us more overall.

I wasn't a real proponent of a second day lynch... Just more interested in providing thoughts and options. Still, I have no qualms with seeing him off today. There have been enough missteps that leave me comfortable with that vote. Like I said, I feel there's a 66% chance he's Mafia (2 Mafia, 1 Power-Role). 50% chance at worst (2/2). Those seem as good as any odds first day, and perhaps much better.

As to Bozzball: Robz888 was gone for awhile, came back, and made a courtesy post of "Hey, let me get caught up, and I'll post my thoughts". To me, at least, this seemed rather innocent. To Bozzball it apparently didn't, and he immediately cast a vote on Robz888.

That seemed over aggressive. Like I've said from the beginning, I don't like random play for the sake of randomness. It breeds confusion, the weapon of the Mafia. I'm very careful when I start making accusations to try and produce a well founded argument, so as to not allow uncertainty or wiggle room. I too work in journalism. Political Science focus. I'm very NOT red-meat oriented.

When I inquired further to Bozzball, his answer was short, and I felt rather unsatisfactory. Saying he just felt it was suspicious. It added nothing, and hardly built a case. Since then, he hasn't said a word, allowing for more confusion and accusations to fly while staying disengaged.

Being away in and of itself is not criminal. But the feel of his actions has left me more than suspicious. Would I go so far as to say he IS Mafia? No. But I don't mind applying pressure where I think it's needed.

Answer everything?
Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

Mafia Record:
TOWN Wins: M3, M5, M6, M11, M17, M28, M32, M105, M108, M114, M118, M120, M122, DM1, DoM1, OZ2, RM45, RM47, RM48, RM49, RM55
TOWN Losses: M4, M7, M8, M9, M13, M14, M18, M31, M110, M111, M113, M117, M125, RM3, RM4, RM54
SCUM Wins: M2, M19, M23, M100, DM3, RM1, RM2, RM48, RM50
SCUM Losses: M15 (SK), M102 (Tr), OZ1, RM55

Total Wins: 30
Total Losses: 20


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #152 on: May 16, 2012, 02:07:51 am »

Yep. You're very articulate and thorough in responding to people, which I appreciate. If you are Morgrim's accomplice, you've just thrown him under the bus quite enthusiastically. And since no one as acquainted with the game as you would be in that much of a hurry to be a one-man Mafia, I have little choice but to believe you. And perhaps I'll add bozz to my "suspicious, but not lynch-suspicious" short list. Waiting to hear a defense from him.

Now, some words about my name. It's supposed to be, like my iso username, jtotheonah, which of course is just Jonah with (to the) inserted into it. J to the Onah. Dumb, dorky, but it made for a pithy Twitter handle so I stuck with it. Then, when I registered for this forum I made a typo. So I'm jotheonah. Which, of course, is confusing to everyone, which is why I've seen it spelled like 11,000 ways here. So, call me jotheonah. Or jotheonah. Or, hell, Jonah if you want. Extra letters need not apply.
"I know old meta, and joth is useless day 1 but awesome town day 3 and on." --Teproc



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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #153 on: May 16, 2012, 02:08:28 am »

Ha! made the same typo again.
"I know old meta, and joth is useless day 1 but awesome town day 3 and on." --Teproc



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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #154 on: May 16, 2012, 02:09:22 am »

Some good thoughts here:

Back a little later than I'd planned. You can thank Amtrak for that.

So I've been turning everything over in my head, and the only one who stands out to me as more than just suspicious is Morgrim. He seems TOO concerned about being lynched, frantic to defend himself. And he's said some things that don't make a lot of sense.

I've already stated that this is my opinion, too--and Voltgloss's--so it's good to see people coming around to it. His dodges, his defensiveness, the "kill anyone" attitude, and that one series of confusing statements... it's a surprisingly solid amount to go on him. He just sticks out like a sore thumb at this point. As I've said before, I am uber-hesitant to cast actual votes, instead of just making accusations, but I will cast a vote for morgrim unless something crazy happens to change my mind in the next half a day or so.

Also, I hate to say this, but if Morgrim is mafia #1 than Galzria emerges as a strong suspect for Mafia #2 - given that he originated the "wait til day 2" plan, which would be a good way to save your partner for a day while appearing to be joining in his condemnation. 

Reread the whole thread (or skim it) with a Morgrim-Galzria mafia pair in mind and it's ... not impossible.

Tables, Kuildeous, I still have my eye on y'all, but I'm ready to put a vote on Morgrim

That was really interesting, so I looked back through the thread looking for a Galzria-Morgrim link. It's not impossible, I agree, but it does have one problem: Morgrim put an early vote on Galzria (reply #69). It would surprise me if the mafia would cast early votes for each other in the first round before too much of anybody's mind was made up on anything. It's too dangerous for them, what if things had snowballed against Galzria? If not for that vote I would agree with you that they could be the pair.

At present, I would think Tables or possibly bozzball as the most likely candidates for the second mafia but... mainly because they came after me, somewhat, while I was going after Morgrim. Tables said the things I was raising about Morgrim were "not relevant," and he has never explained that and it kind of stung me. But you know, I haven't heard nearly enough from Insomniac and Kuildeous, so I haven't really been given a chance to suspect one of them as the second mafia. So my thoughts on all this are slight, not strong.

OT: Robz, I'm sure our being journalists can only help us. Asking leading questions, getting people to reveal too much information, stocks of the trade, amIright? I've been copy editing lately but I'm about to start an internship at a major magazine, trying to get back into the reporting game.

Awesome! I have no interest in anonymity, so I can tell you that I interned at Reason magazine two summers ago. The DC journalism scene is pretty great, if by chance that's where you are headed.
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #155 on: May 16, 2012, 02:14:30 am »

Some good thoughts here:

Back a little later than I'd planned. You can thank Amtrak for that.

So I've been turning everything over in my head, and the only one who stands out to me as more than just suspicious is Morgrim. He seems TOO concerned about being lynched, frantic to defend himself. And he's said some things that don't make a lot of sense.

I've already stated that this is my opinion, too--and Voltgloss's--so it's good to see people coming around to it. His dodges, his defensiveness, the "kill anyone" attitude, and that one series of confusing statements... it's a surprisingly solid amount to go on him. He just sticks out like a sore thumb at this point. As I've said before, I am uber-hesitant to cast actual votes, instead of just making accusations, but I will cast a vote for morgrim unless something crazy happens to change my mind in the next half a day or so.

Also, I hate to say this, but if Morgrim is mafia #1 than Galzria emerges as a strong suspect for Mafia #2 - given that he originated the "wait til day 2" plan, which would be a good way to save your partner for a day while appearing to be joining in his condemnation. 

Reread the whole thread (or skim it) with a Morgrim-Galzria mafia pair in mind and it's ... not impossible.

Tables, Kuildeous, I still have my eye on y'all, but I'm ready to put a vote on Morgrim

That was really interesting, so I looked back through the thread looking for a Galzria-Morgrim link. It's not impossible, I agree, but it does have one problem: Morgrim put an early vote on Galzria (reply #69). It would surprise me if the mafia would cast early votes for each other in the first round before too much of anybody's mind was made up on anything. It's too dangerous for them, what if things had snowballed against Galzria? If not for that vote I would agree with you that they could be the pair.

At present, I would think Tables or possibly bozzball as the most likely candidates for the second mafia but... mainly because they came after me, somewhat, while I was going after Morgrim. Tables said the things I was raising about Morgrim were "not relevant," and he has never explained that and it kind of stung me. But you know, I haven't heard nearly enough from Insomniac and Kuildeous, so I haven't really been given a chance to suspect one of them as the second mafia. So my thoughts on all this are slight, not strong.

OT: Robz, I'm sure our being journalists can only help us. Asking leading questions, getting people to reveal too much information, stocks of the trade, amIright? I've been copy editing lately but I'm about to start an internship at a major magazine, trying to get back into the reporting game.

Awesome! I have no interest in anonymity, so I can tell you that I interned at Reason magazine two summers ago. The DC journalism scene is pretty great, if by chance that's where you are headed.

I must immediately correct my suggestion that bozzball could be the second mafia, now that I see morgrim has voted for him, that seems extremely, extremely, extremely unlikely for the same reason galzria is probably not the second mafia.
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #156 on: May 16, 2012, 02:16:32 am »

I've applied for some DC gigs before. I have no doubt I'll end up there eventually, but I really love NYC. I'll be starting at Psychology Today in a few weeks.

At present, I would think Tables or possibly bozzball as the most likely candidates for the second mafia but... mainly because they came after me, somewhat, while I was going after Morgrim. Tables said the things I was raising about Morgrim were "not relevant," and he has never explained that and it kind of stung me. But you know, I haven't heard nearly enough from Insomniac and Kuildeous, so I haven't really been given a chance to suspect one of them as the second mafia. So my thoughts on all this are slight, not strong.

This is really interesting. I made the first no lynch motion, Morgrim jumped on it. We both backed off NL after it was explained how bad it was. Most people jumped on Morgrim for jumping on and off so quickly, but Tables targeted me guns blazing - and he's made no similar accusations. If he was covering for Morgrim, that would make a lot of sense. But, one mafioso at a time.
"I know old meta, and joth is useless day 1 but awesome town day 3 and on." --Teproc



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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #157 on: May 16, 2012, 02:19:56 am »

This is really interesting. I made the first no lynch motion, Morgrim jumped on it. We both backed off NL after it was explained how bad it was. Most people jumped on Morgrim for jumping on and off so quickly, but Tables targeted me guns blazing - and he's made no similar accusations. If he was covering for Morgrim, that would make a lot of sense. But, one mafioso at a time.

One at a time, I agree. And I suspect we might have one.
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #158 on: May 16, 2012, 02:23:00 am »

I need to get some sleep here, so I'll be dark for the next 5 or 6 hours. If we are ready to roll with a vote on Morgrim then, count me in.
Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

Mafia Record:
TOWN Wins: M3, M5, M6, M11, M17, M28, M32, M105, M108, M114, M118, M120, M122, DM1, DoM1, OZ2, RM45, RM47, RM48, RM49, RM55
TOWN Losses: M4, M7, M8, M9, M13, M14, M18, M31, M110, M111, M113, M117, M125, RM3, RM4, RM54
SCUM Wins: M2, M19, M23, M100, DM3, RM1, RM2, RM48, RM50
SCUM Losses: M15 (SK), M102 (Tr), OZ1, RM55

Total Wins: 30
Total Losses: 20


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #159 on: May 16, 2012, 02:31:56 am »

Ditto on needing to go to bed. Robz, I can't help but notice that you're now a Duke. Did you steal that widowed Duchess out from Kuildeous's nose?
"I know old meta, and joth is useless day 1 but awesome town day 3 and on." --Teproc



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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #160 on: May 16, 2012, 02:49:21 am »

Ditto on needing to go to bed. Robz, I can't help but notice that you're now a Duke. Did you steal that widowed Duchess out from Kuildeous's nose?

Haha. What a time for me to get promoted... with Dukes being murdered!
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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #161 on: May 16, 2012, 03:08:27 am »

I am not really in the position where I can log into the server 24 hours a day. If that makes me suspicious, so be it.

My vote for robz888 was because I couldn't see any reason for his post. There didn't seem to be a groundswell of suspicions about his silence (and as I said in the previous paragraph, I can't really understand why there would be - people need to sleep, go to work, meet their friends, whatever). Thus it seemed a very strange thing to do.

My vote is a bit random, but I am having a very hard time believing the claims that a first day vote can be anything other than shooting randomly. I don't see how having a week of analysis can help when the good guys have absolutely no information.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #162 on: May 16, 2012, 07:44:34 am »

For the record however, we've seen a real lack in substance recently from:


Firstly to address this and other people suspicious of me for my lack of activitiy. It's called sleep. I do it during the night, which isn't the same time as most of you in the US sleep. This is the second time I've had to point that out. I was also busy in the evening, which the fact I hadn't been logged on might have indicated.

People have also taken the comments about Robz far too far. I said I found it slightly suspicious. It took two lines, when most of my accusations and points take paragraphs. That really should have indicated that it was more a 'eh, this might be worth looking at' rather than a 'Hey guys, I'm painting a target on this guys head and firing ma lazors'. In particular, having looked back after a night's rest, I don't find the posts nearly as suspicious any more - mainly because I only looked at page 5 where he was rambling about profession, odds, and the setup in general instead of analysis, but he HAD done anaylsis on page 4. So considering that, no, I'm not really suspicious of Robz any more.

Why are so many people talking about who could be the 'second mafia', when we currently have no idea of the first? Sure, making connections between players is good, but they should definitely be treated VERY lightly. Especially because, mafia players rarely want to HAVE that link between themselves, as it means they all fall together. Look for someone trying to be agreeable with everyone, or everyone but one person and you might just have a suspect. Or don't, as even that's unlikely.

jotheonah: I targeted you as you were the first one to suggest it, and the first to defend yourself. The defence wasn't especially convincing. However, Morgrim's defence has been even worse. As for you, since I've been asleep, your position has improved, and you've done nothing to make me more suspicious since your no lynch suggestion. I may come to regret this but I'll leave your no lynch suggestion as an ill concieved idea rather than a malicious one for the time being, and Unvote: Jotheonah.

Morgrim: I'm hesitant to vote for him, however: His argument seems so weak, it looks more like bad town play rather than bad mafia play (no offence Morgrim). I realise that people may suspect me for defending him, especially if he turns out to be mafia, but then, refer back to my previous point. We don't get mcuh from lynching townies, and I'm certainly not convinced he's that suspicious just yet, just, a beginner player.

Another thing to raise: Quietness, or vocalness, isn't suspicious. Often it comes down to playstyle and ability to actually get online. Mafia players might be more likely to slip up when they talk more, but in my experience as both mafia and town, and my experience of moderating games, neither side is more or less active (certainly not by a notable amount) than the other. It's good to pressure quiet players into posting more, but don't call it suspicious or anything, because to be honest, I find using that as an excuse to raise suspicions quite suspicious in itself.

Right now, I have no hugely strong suspicions (as you may have guessed from the unvote). I'm going to reread things, make some notes (hint: Do this), and then come back and give some more analysis on everyone.
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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #163 on: May 16, 2012, 07:58:29 am »

Just posting to note that I've read everything up to this point and have two quick things to add:

- Bozzball, you keep saying you don't see how a first day vote can be anything but random.  That suggests to me that you don't find the arguments against Morgrim convincing.  I would like to hear more detail on why that is so.

- Tables, I am very interested to see your further analysis once you have had the opportunity to complete it - particularly on how to go about differentiating bad town play from bad mafia play.  And also, how to differentiate bad town play from good mafia play.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #164 on: May 16, 2012, 08:13:52 am »

Yes, I'm having the same problem here. A number of players are new, so it's very hard to get reads on them, as you point out: newbies are hard to work out in many cases, and a lot of players here seem to be new. Unfortunately, while I always let the facts and good analysis override me, in lack of good information I tend to be somewhat instinctive in who feels 'scummy', even if I can't give reasons.

While I haven't finished my analysis/note taking yet (only done pages 2-4 so far, and it's taken this long!), I have to say that Voltgloss is looking the most town player: I have repeated notes on how he's made good useful points to the town. Helpful to the town, or good mafia play? Hard to say, but I'm leaning towards town (of course, rereading pages 5-7 could change that). Players I don't have any notes on (i.e. nothing noteworthy to report) for those 3 pages are Kuleidos and Imsomniac. I'll be keeping an eye out for them on the later pages.

The reason I'm saying this now, is because I ended up not finishing by a long shot before I have to go. Since I'm going to be board gaming all afternoon, I might not be back for more play until late this evening (10-11 hours time). Which means even MORE things to read and post about. Yay! (I might leave early, depending on stuff)
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #165 on: May 16, 2012, 08:32:06 am »

I did actually vote for Insomniac, but it didn't take. I suspect because I omitted the colon, and I’m sure the moderator is searching for that (we do provide a lot of text to sift through).

My vote was pretty much random, but I then reread the rules and saw that a tie means that there is no lynch. So, if a no-lynch vote is bad for the town, then it would reason that a tie is just as harmful. So, I'm avoiding the random vote and jumping on the bandwagon. I will vote: bozzball and may the gods have mercy on us if we are wrong.

I would like to ask for a clarification. I know the Doctor and Jailkeeper can prevent a death. Does that include death from lynching?

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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #166 on: May 16, 2012, 08:37:20 am »

I did actually vote for Insomniac, but it didn't take. I suspect because I omitted the colon, and I’m sure the moderator is searching for that (we do provide a lot of text to sift through).

Probably right, which leads me to suggest to the town at large:  If you're serious about voting, make sure to use the "vote: name" syntax.  I see at least one recent post that suggests it intends a vote (jotheonah's, about Morgrim) but it doesn't use the "vote: name" syntax, which renders it unclear.  Apparently (and quite rightly) Axxle is only counting votes that use the "vote: name" syntax.

I would like to ask for a clarification. I know the Doctor and Jailkeeper can prevent a death. Does that include death from lynching?

My understanding is "no" - they can only prevent a death during the nighttime.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #167 on: May 16, 2012, 08:50:35 am »

Things that jumped out in my morning-suggested readthrough:

I like jotheonah's point, but you, sir, could very well be mafia yourself... so could I...

If I were a beginning player in the mafia, that would be an odd thing to say. Even though it's obviously a joke, I would think a mafia player would be on guard against putting that idea further in the forefront of someone's brain.

In fact, I'm beginning to get a bad vibe from Robz. The things he's chosen to respond to aren't exactly... the most relevant things he could have been picking out. Information, not analysis, type posts. Slightly worrying.

Tables, I'll be interested to here if this suspicion has cleared up for you.

I did actually vote for Insomniac, but it didn't take. I suspect because I omitted the colon, and I’m sure the moderator is searching for that (we do provide a lot of text to sift through).

My vote was pretty much random, but I then reread the rules and saw that a tie means that there is no lynch. So, if a no-lynch vote is bad for the town, then it would reason that a tie is just as harmful. So, I'm avoiding the random vote and jumping on the bandwagon. I will vote: bozzball and may the gods have mercy on us if we are wrong.

Kuil, you keep chiming in to vote without doing analysis or explaining. There's no need for you to vote for anyone yet, a tie wouldn't be declared until everyone had voted and we're nowhere near that OR the deadline. Bandwagon voting like that doesn't really help the town and is slightly suspicious.

Also, if your point there was just to vote for someone who already has votes, why bozzball and not Morgrim?

To clear up any potential syntax problems, I'll reiterate. Vote: Morgrim7
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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #168 on: May 16, 2012, 09:01:48 am »

What is there left to say?
Two Questions: When the mafia kills someone, who will they target if you lynch me?
Wh will they target if we lynch bozzball?

Please do not see this as a defense. I am not defending myself, I am merely trying to find out something.
"Oh sweet merciful heavens.

I sit here, lost amongst the cloud, that which is the brain of the Morgrim Mod. Perhaps I will learn the inner workings of that storied mind. Perhaps I will simply go mad.

Mad, I tell you.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaad." -Voltgloss
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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #169 on: May 16, 2012, 09:08:12 am »

- Bozzball, you keep saying you don't see how a first day vote can be anything but random.  That suggests to me that you don't find the arguments against Morgrim convincing.  I would like to hear more detail on why that is so.

Because the arguments seem to be that he should be lynched because he voted for "No lynch", and that he suggested people should get on and vote because there's not much benefit for waiting - as the first day vote will essentially be random. Both of these are arguments that I have made.


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #170 on: May 16, 2012, 09:21:38 am »

- Bozzball, you keep saying you don't see how a first day vote can be anything but random.  That suggests to me that you don't find the arguments against Morgrim convincing.  I would like to hear more detail on why that is so.

Because the arguments seem to be that he should be lynched because he voted for "No lynch", and that he suggested people should get on and vote because there's not much benefit for waiting - as the first day vote will essentially be random. Both of these are arguments that I have made.

Those arguments, while I find... Less than innocuous, aren't tells as far as I'm concerned. Of greater worry to me, were points made in posts #118, #128, and #140. It's those arguments that have me UNVOTE: BOZZBALL, and instead VOTE:  MORGRIM7. I've fully laid out the rest of my reasons to that move in posts #151, and #158.
Quote from: Voltgloss
Derphammering is when quickhammers go derp.

Faust has also been incredibly stubborn this game. In other news, it's hot in the summer, and water falls from the sky when it rains.

Mafia Record:
TOWN Wins: M3, M5, M6, M11, M17, M28, M32, M105, M108, M114, M118, M120, M122, DM1, DoM1, OZ2, RM45, RM47, RM48, RM49, RM55
TOWN Losses: M4, M7, M8, M9, M13, M14, M18, M31, M110, M111, M113, M117, M125, RM3, RM4, RM54
SCUM Wins: M2, M19, M23, M100, DM3, RM1, RM2, RM48, RM50
SCUM Losses: M15 (SK), M102 (Tr), OZ1, RM55

Total Wins: 30
Total Losses: 20


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #171 on: May 16, 2012, 09:31:51 am »

I am now nonchalant about being lynched, for the majority is now on me. My question still stands, though.
Who will the mafia target now that I am doomed to be lynched? I am thinking bozzball. Any other thoughts?
"Oh sweet merciful heavens.

I sit here, lost amongst the cloud, that which is the brain of the Morgrim Mod. Perhaps I will learn the inner workings of that storied mind. Perhaps I will simply go mad.

Mad, I tell you.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaad." -Voltgloss
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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #172 on: May 16, 2012, 09:33:20 am »

What is there left to say?
Two Questions: When the mafia kills someone, who will they target if you lynch me?
Wh will they target if we lynch bozzball?

Please do not see this as a defense. I am not defending myself, I am merely trying to find out something.

What is the "something" you trying to find out?


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #173 on: May 16, 2012, 09:34:21 am »

Correction for typo:  What is the
What is there left to say?
Two Questions: When the mafia kills someone, who will they target if you lynch me?
Wh will they target if we lynch bozzball?

Please do not see this as a defense. I am not defending myself, I am merely trying to find out something.

What is the "something" you trying to find out?

Correction for typo:  What is the "something" you are trying to find out?


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Re: Mafia II: Of Goons and Woodcutters (Day 1)
« Reply #174 on: May 16, 2012, 09:36:56 am »

Correction for typo:  What is the
What is there left to say?
Two Questions: When the mafia kills someone, who will they target if you lynch me?
Wh will they target if we lynch bozzball?

Please do not see this as a defense. I am not defending myself, I am merely trying to find out something.

What is the "something" you trying to find out?

Correction for typo:  What is the "something" you are trying to find out?
Who is likely to be killed now that I am dead?
"Oh sweet merciful heavens.

I sit here, lost amongst the cloud, that which is the brain of the Morgrim Mod. Perhaps I will learn the inner workings of that storied mind. Perhaps I will simply go mad.

Mad, I tell you.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaad." -Voltgloss
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