Tasks effectively create minor "minigames" throughout your game of Dominion that should not deter you from the general game but may occasionally help you.
Tasks are a pile of shuffled face-down landscape "cards", with the top card turned face-up (still in the Task draw pile).
There is also a pile of
Rewards cards, similarly shuffled, stacked face-down, and starting with one face-up on top.
The top card on both the Task and Reward draw piles is face-up (revealed) at all times - as soon as one is removed, flip the next face-up.
At any point in the game, when either pile is emptied, keep the current face-up card, shuffle the rest to make a new pile, then put that card back on top.
In your Buy Phase, you may buy a Task for $2, then you Take the revealed Task. Some cards may also let you Take a Task (without buying it).
Take is a new keyword (e.g. Take a Task; Look at the revealed and next 2 Tasks, Take one and discard the rest; etc.). It triggers a number of things:
- the top, face-up Task is brought into your possession (similar to a set aside card)
- you choose to take the revealed Reward or discard it to take the next one
- the taken Reward gets set with the Task (also face-up)
When you accomplish the Task (i.e. complete the "instructions" on it), you may immediately, or at the start of any phase (as long as it remains accomplished), Receive its paired Reward, to put the Task and Reward into their respective discard piles.
This is optional (uses "may") for 2 reasons - there are times you may accomplish it when you don't want to receive the reward yet (maybe you're in the wrong Phase), and then obviously for accountability (and the fact that you'd have to be constantly checking to see if people have accomplished their Task).
During Clean-up, you may only have 1 Task set aside (unless a card, likely a Duration, allows you to have more). If you have too many Tasks, you choose which extra(s) to discard (with their Reward).
Tasks generally should not distract (or at least not detract) from the game. They will usually be things that will already happen within a typical game. You just might choose to do things in a slightly different order because of a task. Rewards are usually helpful, but not overpowering - likely between the power level of a Boon and a Way. There will be times that the Reward you end up with just doesn't work with the timing of the Task you buy/Take, but usually there will be some benefit (like drawing a Chapel or Baron turn 3 without any Estates in hand).
Possible Tasks(1 mocked up, 9 more listed - if there were 10 unique Tasks like these, I'd have 2 copies of each printed for a game):
(RGB colour code 1.2/0.2/0.6 if anyone wants to mock up more)
have 3 action cards in play
have 3 unique treasures in play
have 3 copies of the same card in play
have 6 treasures in play
have 5 unique cards in play
gain 2 cards in the same turn
buy a victory card
have 3 card types in play
during clean-up, have $2 unspent
Possible Rewards(1 mocked up, 23 more listed - there would only be 1 copy of each printed for these):
(RGB colour code is 1.0/1.0/0.2)
+$1, +1 Buy
+1 Action, +$1
+1 Card, +$1
+2 Cards
+1 Card, +1 Action
gain a gold
+3 Cards, discard 2
discard your hand, +3 cards
this turn, treasures cost $1 less
this turn, actions cost $1 less
trash a card from your hand
return a card from your hand to its pile to gain a card costing exactly 1 more than it
set aside a card from your hand, at the start of next turn put it in your hand
this turn when you gain a card you may put it on your deck
gain a card costing up to 6 and a curse, both on your deck
gain a card costing up to 3 onto your deck
Receive the face-up Reward, leaving it there
look through your discard pile, you may put one card from it onto your deck
look at top 4 cards of deck, discard any number and put the rest back in any order
each player (including you) reveals the top card of their deck; discard or put it back, your choice
name a card type, reveal top 3 cards, put any that have that type in your hand, discard the rest
if you buy a card costing $5 or less this turn, gain a differently named card costing the same amount
This week's Design ChallengeDesign a Card or WELP that interacts with Tasks. Other fan mechanics will likely not be allowed, to avoid unnecessary complexity (but if you feel one fits very appropriately, post it as a submission and ask).
Contest closes Thursday, January 27th at noon, ESTI considered having any cards that interact with Tasks have a new Type (e.g. Action-Task) for set-up purposes, similar to Fate cards using Boons or Looter cards using Ruins. But with Horses in Menagerie, no additional type was added, so I didn't feel it necessary.
You are welcome to discuss the balance, design, and strategy of Tasks and Rewards. The lists above are not set in stone - if there's something broken in some of them, things can be modified, removed, or new ones added. I welcome any questions.
(After the contest closes, I will post 14 cards that I have designed to go with Tasks - with the above Tasks and Rewards, it makes a 200-card "add-on" that could be added to any Dominion collection.)