scolapasta's Retriever
As a 2-cost +2 cards with a reaction, this is in good company. Plus, it has added upside of giving itself back to you next turn! It turns discarding into deck thinning, and it counters trashing attacks. It seems a bit too narrow to be worth buying a lot of the time.
silverspawn's Tavern
This is extremely overcosted. I quite like the idea, a dead card with duration draw on-gain, but 6 is much too expensive for what it is. 4 or even 3 would be a better price.
mathdude's Borrowed Land
Not a bad concept, but another undertuned one. The issue is that, barring alt-vp cards which are uncommon, it only does anything when your opponent gains a province or colony since duchies just give an estate. It' just not buyable most of the time.
Aquila's Magnate
Magnate - Victory, $4 cost.
When you gain this, gain a non-Victory card costing up to $4. When you trash this during your turn, cards cost $2 less for the turn.
Quite like this. It gives you a potential big turn, but with some difficulties and a reason to buy it otherwise.
BBobb's Trapper
Hunting Grounds with a downside. Great card. A -1 Card Token is a big downside that comes with a big upside, since you start with a smaller hand, allowing you to easier dud, but it's often worth it.
Xen3k's Horse Racer
A cheaper lab, but only later into the game since you need to have non-copper buying power first. It reminds me of Grand Market, and that's certainly a good thing. It not cost reducing when you have a bunch already is a good thing too.
spheremonk's Dignitary
An interactive terminal draw card, which is a double lab with some help from the other player. The design here's nice, although it may be a bit strong once provinces start being consistently gained.
mandioca15's Brazier
Brazier (Action, $5)
+3 Cards
While this is in play, when you finish playing an Action and it's still in play,
you may trash it for +1VP.
This seems like a nice skill testing card. It can be a win condition or just get rid of things you don't need.
faust's Burglar
On its own, this is a much worse Candlestick Maker. However, once you start greening, it gets a lot better. The weak early, strong late tradeoff is quite good, and likely makes for some very interesting decision-making.
Timinou's Homestead
I'm not a huge fan of how feast or famine this is. Unlike other cost reducers, it does absolutely nothing without extra buys or gains and requires quite a lot of setup to do much.
X-tra's Wooden Spikes
A neat little trasher, and another tricky one. It can ax a whole lot of coppers at once, but this isn't without downside, mainly losing your buy for the turn.
fika monster's Quick Deal
A riff on Innovation as an action. A nice way to accelerate some cards, and it works on non-actions. I do feel "action or treasure" should be specified.
Mahowrath's Cloakroom
I’ll admit, I’m not quite sure the purpose of this. It thins you, but it gives you just as much junk back.
NoMoreFun's Sensei
Turn your spare action cards into +cards. Some cool decisions to be made, since you can grab random 2s and 3s to make Smithies.
emtzalex's Fanatics
This may be a bit too much of a downside. It’s akin to Mission, but that being an event instead of a full pile and not taking up deck space is significant.
Commodore Chuckles's Eager Hound
Nothing too complicated, just a nice 2-cost card. A bit like Den of Sin, but a Moat and duration draw are very different while in the deck.
pubby's Panner
This seems very interesting decision-wise. You get a strong card for cheap, but also mildly junk yourself.
spineflu's Profits
I quite appreciate the creative use of the reserve mat within the rules. A one-shot fortune you can save also seems like it would play quite well.
Gubump's Harbor
Border Village, but on a Smithy. Of course, this isn’t to say it would play out the same. Villages are quite different than smithies.
LibraryAdventurer's Bridge Builder
Bridge Builder
$6 - Action
+3 Cards.
While this is in play, cards cost $1 less.
Another simple, but nice card. Bridge gives the buys part of a cost reduction megaturn, Highway gives the actions, this gives the cards.
Honorable Mentions:
Wooden Spikes
Eager Hound
Panner, by pubby.
Hard choice, but well done to all of you this week!