You are excited. Today, you will build the ultimate Fairground, without that Black Market stuff.
You're not much for fighting in Tournaments either.
However, because you are a minimalist, your goal is to have exactly one copy of each card.
I interpreted the challenge to be how quickly you can obtain a Fairgrounds worth 10 VP. Perhaps this was not the original intent, but it was interesting to think about. In my next post to this thread, I will reconsider the title "The Ultimate Legal Faiground".
I did not end up using Platinum, Colony, or Young Witch. I also did not gain one of every card in the kingdom. There were enough of those challenges already. I did abide by the ban on Tournament and Black Market and elected to gain just one of each card that I did gain. I give my solution below (which I improved to 27 cards).
Kingdom: Shelters, Squire, Duchess, Pixie, Tracker, Fool, Secret Cave, Shepherd, Pooka, Death Cart, Fairgrounds
1st turn:
hand: Necropolis, Overgrown Estate, Hovel, Cursed Gold, Pouch
play Cursed Gold, gain Curse
play Pouch for +buy
buy Estate, buy Tracker
2nd turn:
hand: Copper, Magic Lamp, Goat, Pasture, Lucky Coin
play Lucky Coin, gain Silver
play other treasures.
buy Shepherd
draw pile: Overgrown Estate, Estate, Shepherd, Pasture, Pouch, Tracker, Copper, Silver, Magic Lamp, Curse, Goat, Cursed Gold, Lucky Coin, Necropolis, Hovel
3rd turn:
hand: Overgrown Estate, Estate, Shepherd, Pasture, Pouch
play Shepherd, discard Overgrown Estate, Estate, and Pasture, draw Tracker, Copper, Silver, Magic Lamp, Curse, and Goat
play Tracker, receive the Swamp's Gift, gain Will-o'-Wisp, topdeck it
play Copper, Goat, and Pouch
play Magic Lamp trashing it and gaining 3 Wishes, topdeck 2 of them
play Silver
buy Death Cart, gain Ruined Market and Ruined Village.
buy Fool, topdeck it
4th turn:
hand: Fool, Will-o'-Wisp, Wish, Wish, Cursed Gold
play Will-o'-Wisp, draw Lucky Coin and Necropolis
play Wish, gain Duchy, gain Duchess
play Wish, gain Fairgrounds
play Necropolis
play Fool, receive The Earth's Gift, discard Cursed Gold, gain Squire
receive The Wind's Gift, draw Hovel and Squire, discard Hovel and Lucky Coin
receive The Forest's Gift (+coin, +buy)
play Squire for +2 buys
buy Pixie, Ruined Library, Abandoned Mine, Survivors
Final deck: (27 cards)
Fairgrounds, Will-o'-Wisp, Necropolis, Hovel, Lucky Coin, Cursed Gold, Goat, Curse, Overgrown Estate, Estate, Sheperd, Duchy, Duchess, Tracker, Copper, Pouch, Wish, Silver, Death Cart, Ruined Village, Pixie, Ruined Market, Ruined Library, Abandoned Mine, Survivors, Squire, Pasture.