I don't suppose for Watchtower, you accidentally left the types as "Card Types" or some such? That seems a lot more likely to produce "Map. Comment"
I can see how it might have turned "Action" into something like "make" or "work", which got changed from one similar verb to another until it ended up as "map", the verb rather than the noun.
The reason I asked is that I believe the words for “map” and “card” are the same in German.
Oh good point, that they are. Although I think Reaction --> Comment takes less of my imagination than Type --> Comment. Would be interesting to hear OP's answer to your question.
Interestingly, when I go straight from English to German, "Card Types" goes to "Kartentypen", which I would guess is enough context for any German or any translation service to know that it's "card type" and not "map type". But who's to say. I'm no linguist, and I was an awful German student.
Funnily enough, my original thought was also prompted by German, and how if "Action" somehow ended up at "machen" due to an intermediate translation, then the meaning could get warped pretty fast. But your reasoning takes less of a leap in logic.