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Author Topic: The 0 card deck start  (Read 3953 times)

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The 0 card deck start
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:18:06 pm »

So imagine you started dominion with no cards (instead of a deck of 7c/3e). All anyone can buy is copper for a few turns. Then I can't imagine there are any $2 cards you'd bother to buy when you have only 2 coppers in your deck...(oh wait! duchess! it would be actually useful in this situation) and then you have $3 are there any cards you'd buy over silver? Well technically woodcutter is more useful than silver at $3 (unless you bought that duchess :P). And then you hit $5. Do you want any of the $5 cards yet? Well Witch obviously, but you don't want any Labs or Libraries untill you have at least 7 cards....

I feel i'd take a workshop at this point. You desperately need to expand your deck....

Does anyone have any thoughts to add to this weird scenario?


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 10:29:25 pm »

$2 Cards worth buying as soon as you have $2:  Fool's Gold, Lighthouse, Duchess
$3 Cards worth buying before Silver:  Woodcutter if FG is out; Workshop if any useful $4s are on the table, especially a useful $4 terminal silver; Village if you already have two good terminals (or use Workshop --> $3/$4 Villages).
$5 Cards worth buying immediately:  Any Curser; any terminal silver + Attack; any +$

After there are $6 worth of Silvers or actions, start trashing Coppers.
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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 11:24:39 pm »

My first thought to this scenario is LOL CHAPEL/STEWARD/BARON


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 12:12:47 am »

Jack of All Trades seems like a good investment.  Copper->Copper->Embargo->Jack would get your deck going quite quickly.


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 12:19:57 am »

Copper-Copper-Duchess-Treasure Map-Treasure Map will do far better, I believe.


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 04:50:32 pm »

$2 Cards worth buying as soon as you have $2:  Fool's Gold, Lighthouse, Duchess
$3 Cards worth buying before Silver:  Woodcutter if FG is out; Workshop if any useful $4s are on the table, especially a useful $4 terminal silver; Village if you already have two good terminals (or use Workshop --> $3/$4 Villages).
$5 Cards worth buying immediately:  Any Curser; any terminal silver + Attack; any +$
After there are $6 worth of Silvers or actions, start trashing Coppers.

Fool's Gold is a really great buy in an empty deck. Copper --> Copper --> FG --> FG --> FG --> Colony!

Also I don't think you need to start trashing coppers, at most you have 3. Actually maybe coppersmith would be a good buy given the density of copper you could achieve readily.

But honestly you should never really need to trash again given you started out completely empty.

Copper-Copper-Duchess-Treasure Map-Treasure Map will do far better, I believe.

Haha! I hadn't thought of that. That is probably the most speedy start.  On turn 6 a 7 card deck with 4 golds. But super vulnerable when it starts greening presumably.

I just realised that Bishop would be pretty hardcore. You're very well set up to make the golden deck, and the trashing doesn't help your opponent.


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2012, 04:53:38 pm »

$2 Cards worth buying as soon as you have $2:  Fool's Gold, Lighthouse, Duchess
$3 Cards worth buying before Silver:  Woodcutter if FG is out; Workshop if any useful $4s are on the table, especially a useful $4 terminal silver; Village if you already have two good terminals (or use Workshop --> $3/$4 Villages).
$5 Cards worth buying immediately:  Any Curser; any terminal silver + Attack; any +$
After there are $6 worth of Silvers or actions, start trashing Coppers.

Fool's Gold is a really great buy in an empty deck. Copper --> Copper --> FG --> FG --> FG --> Colony!

Also I don't think you need to start trashing coppers, at most you have 3. Actually maybe coppersmith would be a good buy given the density of copper you could achieve readily.

But honestly you should never really need to trash again given you started out completely empty.

Copper-Copper-Duchess-Treasure Map-Treasure Map will do far better, I believe.

Haha! I hadn't thought of that. That is probably the most speedy start.  On turn 6 a 7 card deck with 4 golds. But super vulnerable when it starts greening presumably.

I just realised that Bishop would be pretty hardcore. You're very well set up to make the golden deck, and the trashing doesn't help your opponent.

Less vulnerable than you might think. I hit 8 provinces in 15 turns, and imagine it probably averages 16-17.


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2012, 05:16:07 pm »

What about copper copper copper copper money lender.
Bit slower getting the golds, but also clears out those coppers.
Try the Ozle Google Map Challenge!

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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2012, 05:21:48 pm »

Some of these can be tested with the simulator using the 'start state' (but you need to start with 1 Copper so add a turn).

The Treasure Map gets all 8 Provinces in about 18 turns on average:
Code: [Select]
<player name="Treasure Map (1 Copper to start)"
 description="(See Start State)">
 <type name="Province"/>
 <type name="SingleCard"/>
 <type name="BigMoney"/>
 <type name="Generated"/>
 <type name="Bot"/>
 <type name="UserCreated"/>
 <type name="TwoPlayer"/>
    <hand contents=""/>
    <discard contents=""/>
    <drawdeck contents="Copper" shuffle="true"/>
   <buy name="Province"/>
   <buy name="Gold"/>
   <buy name="Treasure_Map">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Treasure_Map"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Gold"/>
         <operator type="equalTo" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Silver"/>
   <buy name="Duchess"/>
   <buy name="Copper"/>


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Re: The 0 card deck start
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2012, 06:02:23 pm »

I just realised that Bishop would be pretty hardcore. You're very well set up to make the golden deck, and the trashing doesn't help your opponent.

Yeah, you can get it set up in 7 turns just buying money and the 1 Bishop.  You chew through all 8 provinces and have 44 points on turn 15.  That's pretty darn fast.

But if you really want to go fast...

Copper->Copper->Embargo->Bridge->Quarry->King's Court.

Turn 7, KC the Bridge, you now have $6 with 4 buys at -$3 (actions at -$5).  Grab Mint/KC/Bridge.

Turn 8, KC/KC/Bridge/Bridge.  Buy 6 Provinces and a Farmland, trashing the Mint and gaining a Province, for 44 points.

In a Colony game, on turn 8, you should grab 2 more KCs and Bridges, and 3 good drawing cards.  All you need to do is draw 2 KCs with your draw and you should be able to get all the colonies at once.
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