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Mean Mr Mustard

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IsoDom 3 Round 2
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:50:55 am »

Congratulations to everyone who progressed!  Please have your round 2 matches completed by noon on Tuesday, February 14. Report the results to this thread.  As a reminder, all rounds are best of seven, with a preselected Kingdom to be played in the first game.  This week's Kingdom, submitted by A_S00 (nice job!) and approved by the community (thanks for that!) will be:

Counting House, Vault, Laboratory, Golem, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Tunnel, Chancellor, Apothecary, Hamlet

Again, if anyone has any issues please let me know as soon as possible.

Round 2 Match-Ups

<b>1. Fabian</b>
5. Volkmar

2. michaeljb
<b>3. Lespeutere</b>

<b>1. RisingJaguar</b>
5. Lekkit

<b>2. Olneyce</b>
3. shark_bait

<b>1. Geronimoo</b>
4. greatexpectations

<b>7. rspeer</b>
6. Mad Max

<b>1. Rabid</b>
4. PSUmvp

<b>7. Dubdubdubdub</b>
6. JanErik
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 03:01:20 pm by Mean Mr Mustard »
Jake <a href=>opening: opening: Silver / Jack of All Trades</a>
<b>IsoDom1 Winner:  shark_bait
IsoDom2 Winner: Rabid
Isodom3 Winner: Fabian</b>
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalie ar Atanatári, Utúlie'n auré!


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 12:08:06 am »

Some fun games with Lekkit, especially the first game so props to that.  It was much better than I expected at first look. 

Game 1:
I have some very interesting thoughts on the set itself, but I'll save that a bit.  The game itself came down to what I hope it would be, as it was the theme of this week.  Crazy/odd contraption vs. decent BM.  I got to play the role of crazy odd contraption.  Lekkit starts off with silver/silver to vault.  He picks up a lot of tunnels along the way, but somehow only gets three gold of it... one he bought.  That was very odd to me. 

My actual thoughts... Initially I had two ideas here.  Golem*n/Chancellor/Vault with as many tunnels as possible.  When it works, ie I get all 3 pieces by turn 7 or so, its a wonderful set up.  The point of this was that chancellor resets the golem setup, vault/golem creates mass gold so you can provinces in non-vault turns eventually.  It hits all provinces by turn 23-25, that's with duchies and tunnels along the way.  But if you miss the set up early, it struggles mightly. 

I do start WV/chancellor to be safer and honour this week's challenge.  I didn't get much to test this method, but I'm certain it involves Golems, Chancellor, Counting house, Coppersmith, WV/hamlets.  I realize that vault was not as good as I was expecting here.  I had ideas of discarding coppers, bringing them back up and what not but no go here.  Maybe just not proper timing.  I'm also convinced that tunnels don't help that much in a copper based deck.  Probably obvious, but not to me.  The tough part here is the lack of a +card, and Golems sifts through SO well, but worries of triggering counting house too early was always on my mind.  All in all, good series, and I'm glad I this was voted (although I still think MMM's version looks great). 

The game itself, again it was odd he only had 3 golds.  That has to be horrible shuffle luck.  Vault/Tunnel must cause gold to close to depletion right? The tunnel advantage causes me to have to get 5/3 province or really fight out a duchy war.  Then T14 gets to 3/2 provinces him.  Then the mechanism kicks in to save the day! This was definitely horribly built that ran into some good luck.  I liked my opening though, I think +buys are vital and silvers are useless (or should be if you're doing this deck right).

Game 2:
We both had very similar ideas here, although I suspected he would go a different route (Mass platinums from tacticians which I'm not sure if that's dominant considering there's +buys through hamlet).  Double Tactican to Action $ (minions, conspirator).  Conspirators ended up being more important than minions here (the attack is so weak here).  It was a lot of deck management (ie. to trash further, use for money, what to buy.)  The game log doesn't do it justice but this had some very intricate play. 

Game 3:
Lekkit goes for Mandarin/remake/hamlet, and subsequently misses out on remake till T5.  That pretty much ended it.  I take a little long to get to scrying pool, but the early shuffle luck for him did him in.

Game 4:
A game where farmland should have had a real chance to shine here.  Margrave+FG with no trashers.  We split FGs evenly.  I think Lekkit was too honed in crossroads as he buys a farmland on T6 and T7 (without trashing either).  Probably should've been a second Margrave.  Luck and second margrave net me 3 KC in T6-8.  That's essentially game. 

Farmland here has a chance to shine as it uses every aspect of it.  It's the only trasher, there's actual reason to trash coppers for $2, really complements crossroads, +buys.  If there was silk road and no KC, this looks about as ideal a Farmland set I can think of. 

So 4-0 RisingJaguar - Lekkit.  I can attest to some great shuffle luck, although game 4 was more about the early farmland.  I had a lot of fun, a real nice guy.  I think game 2 is the only game where I outright won without some great variance occuring. 

Game 1: Obviously
Game 2: Is tactician/trashing/hamlet/mass platinums stronger than the engines we built? I assume no, but I've underestimated mass platinums before. 
Game 3: In that context, ambassador or remake? ambassador because of the engine possibility (scrying pool). 
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 01:22:25 pm by RisingJaguar »


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 04:59:21 am »

Ok, so here are my thoughts.

Game 1. Tunnel/Vault is usually really strong. Get two Vaults, get Tunnels and Golds, then Provinces. I haven't really tried to perfect this strategy, but something in this game went wrong. RisingJaguar goes for an intricate deck that performs nicely. Since engine building is not really my stronges asset I could not have pulled some crazy engine off without huuge amount of luck, so I didn't even try.

Game 2. I realize Conspirators are going to be key here. The only reason one would want Minion here is to dig trough your deck for Conspirators and Tactician. At least that's what I think I'm actually considering opening Steward/Conspirator just to get a Conspirator advantage, but end up not doing it. RJ manages a 6/4 split and that is huge. We danced around with some VP cards in the end, but RJ managed to seal the deal with a double Colony buy in the end.

Game 3. I have a soft spot for Mandarin and hopes that the Remake can keep those early Estates and Coppers at bay while the Mandarin helps my economy to be able to snag enough VP before his engine kicks in. It doesn't and I get crushed. Even though it missed the reshuffle this time, I'm not sure it's really worth it. But it's Mandarin. :)

Game 4. Another mirror game. Hi gets his Margrave on turn 3. I get mine on turn 5. At this point I think I have to do something else to upset the mirror. So I go for early Farmlands with the hopes of getting one or two lucky draws later. I don't and doesn't really stand a chance to his KC'ed Margraves and Crossroads.

I enjoyed all the games a lot and RisingJaguar is a really nice guy. And I'd say he's the better player too, so even if I had some bad shuffle luck here and there I'm certain he would've won. Or should've won if I managed to knock enough games off him. ;)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2012, 02:06:54 pm »

Rabid 52 - 47
25 Golds in play, enough said...  I was fortunately to get early draws that yielded Golems, but I didnt really have the other action cards to support them.  As a result golem would discard my entire deck, vault would then draw it back, leading to 2-3 bad turns afterwards while I tried to get back to the actions.  Rabid made good use of the chancellor to avoid the same fate.

Rabid 40 - 29
Peddler game with only +buy coming from Spice Merhcant.  Rabid more effectively sliced down his deck and had a monster turn 13 to take two provs and a commanding lead

PSUmvp 30 - 27
Saboteur game, I was lucky to island a prov before it could be sabbed.

Rabid 43 - 34
Weird game, alchemist available but completely ignored.  Lot's of discarders (festival, remake, Horse Traders) with ample +Actions (Festival & Crossroads), so we each tried to cycle on Libraries.  Rabid did it much more effectively than I.

PSUmvp 39 -37
Vineyards game, no one wanted to take the second to last pile.  stalled out at the end

PSUmvp 53 - 33
Laboratory cycle game with BM.  remake was available and we both took one, but surprisingly we didnt really slice down our decks.  Late game Tunnel fueled a gold rush.  Rabid had a strong turn 17 that should have put him in the lead, but the Prov's were getting thin and could have at best tied (with going first).  This let to him buying three Duchies instead and me taking a Prov on the next turn.  Just not enough left in the piles to catch up, though I think he had the deck to do it for sure.

Rabid 61 - 15
Bad move early by me...  I took a Mint trying to size down my deck, and get favorable witch draws on the shuffles.  I was not able to load Rabid up with enough Curses to make it worthwile.  His buy of Hunting Party was much more effective at cycling through the deck.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2012, 02:27:13 pm »

Dubdubdubdub beats JanErik 4-3. I only have some of the logs, will upload soon. Had a lot of fun again :)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2012, 03:52:30 pm »

Congrats Dubdubdubdub! 
Hello.  Name's Bruce.  It's all right.  I understand.  Why trust a shark, right?

Is quite curious - Who is the mystical "Celestial Chameleon"?


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2012, 04:44:34 pm »

Thanks :)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2012, 05:43:34 pm »

lespeutere beats michaeljb 4-2

I forgot to save the first logs and then decided to wait for council room for all the games. I'll comment as soon as possible.

Thanks to michaeljb for this nice match, it was good fun!


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2012, 06:55:02 pm »

Geronimoo beats greatexpectations 4-0
Apothecary, Chancellor, Coppersmith, Counting House, Golem, Hamlet, Laboratory, Potion, Tunnel, Vault, and Worker's Village
Geronimoo 40 - greatexpectations 27
The fixed set was fun to play with. Contrary to the previous set I played this a few times against n00bs and found a Coppersmith strategy to be very strong. I'm not too fond of Tunnel, it being a bit random. I think I got some very nice draws this game. Normally I expect to need a Lab or something to get the big hands, but I got 3 double Provinces turns 10, 11 and 13 which was nice. My opponent's deck was also on the right track, but I believe brewing Potions dominates this board and not digging Tunnels. Very fast game!
Crossroads, Cutpurse, Farmland, Festival, Inn, Library, Masquerade, Secret Chamber, Thief, and Tournament
Geronimoo 41 - greatexpectations 35
A Tournament board and greatexpectations decides he'd rather open a Cutpurse than Masquerade. That likely costs him the game. Masquerade thins the deck which is better for Tournament/Province collision. I get the Followers, so I guess that proves it, right ;) Still pretty close in the end...
Alchemist, Ambassador, Bazaar, Ghost Ship, Horse Traders, Loan, Merchant Ship, Nomad Camp, Potion, Stash, and Wishing Well
Geronimoo 36 - greatexpectations 29
Unlike WanderingWinder I won't go too crazy out of my way to avoid Ambassador (even though I also despise the card). So when my opponent decides to build his deck instead of filling mine with junk I do the opposite and get nasty. How nasty? Well, by the end of the game he's got 10 Curses, 6 Estates, 8 Coppers and a few Potions. All thanks to the Alchemist chain (another card I don't really like). I fully understand his rage quit (no "gg"). Must have been a very frustrating game.
Adventurer, Black Market, Cache, Cartographer, Duke, Envoy, Fishing Village, Secret Chamber, Treasure Map, and Worker's Village
Geronimoo 52 - greatexpectations 41
Fishing Village/Envoy for me and a seemingly underpowered Black Market/Silver opening for my opponent. It's obvious my opponent will be going for Dukes this game (because of Silver over FV), but I'm not worried because the FV/Envoy engine (with Worker's Village) should be sick enough. I get $6 a few times and feel like I'm forced to transition into a more BM game (which might not be true, but buying Envoys/Worker Villages over Golds really feels wrong to me). I make sure my economy can handle all the Provinces (instead of 4-5) by getting an Adventurer. My opponent helps me a little by buying a Province as well and transitions to Dukes a little late (I think).

All in all I wasn't too unhappy with my playing here and thanx to greatexpectations for being a good sport (despite the awfulness of game 3)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2012, 08:19:13 pm »

smoked 4-0 by geronimoo.  some comments...

game 1 - i didn't prepare for the set, and it was an easy win for geronimoo.  to me there were two main strategies, mine and his.  the trouble is i'm not a good enough player with golem and apothecary so i would likely lose the mirror attempt anyway.  i swung for it (vault/tunnel) and missed.

game 2 - this is the one we had the most discussion about.  i still stand by my opening, and really don't think it cost me as Geronimoo implied. i think the attack is powerful in the early game.  it pinned him at $2 turn 5, and it is one less card to use with masquerade. to me the difference was (as it usually is) followers. i had both a slight lead and equivalent buying power when he pulled it first.  he then played it two turns straight and that did it. personally, my worst buy was probably the tournament over gold turn 10.

game 3 - i wanted no part of alchemist, so when i saw him make that move i went all in on with my lead and a messy deck, hoping he would take too long to get cooking.  i built my deck for a single pass through and hoped for the best. fwiw, i wouldn't call failing to gg a rage quit, especially when we are playing a set. no offense was meant, i just wasn't too interested in discussing strategy after a 25 minute game.

game 4 - down 3-0 i wanted no part of a mirror with an envoy/bm or envoy/village draw deck. i opened black market (witch and wharf) and figured i would shoot for duke.  i think my mistakes were buying gold over cache and in the order i bought duke/duchy.  i thought geronimoo had more duchys then he had, and i wanted to keep him from points.  anyway, i think duke was a better option than this game might show and id probably do it again, especially against a player <lvl40. if my money spreads a little nicer ($9/2 buys turn 12, $10 on turn 18, $4 on 19, $4 on 22, among others) it is a different game. 

anyways, thanks to Geronimoo for the games and some good strategy discussion.
momomoto: ...I looked at the tableau and went "Mountebank? That's for jerks."
rrenaud: Jerks win.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2012, 10:12:17 pm »

So I've uploaded the games from my match with lespeutere to my YouTube channel. I've also sent an email to dominionstrategy, so hopefully the games will be viewable from their channel soon.

This was my first attempt at making annotated videos of my gaming, so hopefully they're alright. I'll work on getting better quality for future videos I may make.

Congrats to lespeutere on advancing, it was a fun match and I hope you do well in the coming rounds.
🚂 Give 18xx games a chance 🚂


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2012, 04:40:02 am »

I did a bit of simulating for game 4 against greatexpectations and it's as I suspected: Fishing Village/Envoy completely destroys Duchy/Duke (which should indeed buy Cache over Gold!). The Duke deck should expect to win about 1 in 20 games. If he's lucky enough to get a very early Witch out of the Black Market, the Duke deck has much better odds, but still only wins about 1 in 3 or 4 games.

Here are the bots:
Code: [Select]
<player name="Duke (with Cache)"
 description="Duke deck from (game 4)">
 <type name="Optimized"/>
 <type name="SingleCard"/>
 <type name="BigMoney"/>
 <type name="Bot"/>
 <type name="UserCreated"/>
 <type name="TwoPlayer"/>
 <type name="Province"/>
   <buy name="Duke">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Duchy"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Duke"/>
         <extra_operation type="plus" attribute="7.0" />
   <buy name="Duchy">
         <left type="getTotalMoney"/>
         <operator type="greaterOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="14.0"/>
   <buy name="Duke">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Duchy"/>
         <operator type="equalTo" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Estate">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Duke"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Cache"/>
   <buy name="Silver"/>
   <buy name="Copper"/>

Code: [Select]
<player name="Envoy/FV"
 description="Envoy/FV engine from (game 4)">
 <type name="Optimized"/>
 <type name="Bot"/>
 <type name="Engine"/>
 <type name="UserCreated"/>
 <type name="TwoPlayer"/>
 <type name="Province"/>
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="8.0"/>
   <buy name="Duchy">
         <left type="gainsNeededToEndGame"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Estate">
         <left type="gainsNeededToEndGame"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Gold">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Gold"/>
         <operator type="equalTo" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Envoy">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
         <operator type="equalTo" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Envoy">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Envoy"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="countCardTypeInDeck" attribute="Village"/>
         <extra_operation type="minus" attribute="1.0" />
   <buy name="Worker$s_Village">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Worker$s_Village"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Fishing_Village"/>
   <buy name="Fishing_Village"/>
   <buy name="Worker$s_Village"/>


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2012, 02:34:07 pm »

I haven't been able to reach [MAD] Max (forum username: Darboux) yet. Any suggestions?


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2012, 03:10:48 pm »

olneyce wins 4-2 over shark_bait

Game 1: shark_bait 40 - 23 olneyce
He did a much better job of turning Golems into big hands with lots of gold. 

Game 2: shark_bait wins
I didn't grab the log, but it was a Young Witch game, with Cellar as the bane.  We spent the first 15-20 turns buying terrible handsize-reducing cards and failing to land any Young Witch hits.  Eventually he transitioned into Fool's Gold and bought enough green cards to pull ahead.

Game 3: olneyce 60 - 54 shark_bait
He opened Ambassador/Silver, and I opened Silver/Courtyard.  I went for a Duke strategy and got 5/5 on Duchies/Dukes.  And then I had to race him for two of the five remaining Provinces, which I barely managed.  I think if he hadn't bought the Ambassador he probably would have won, since he got pretty minimal use out of it - and the extra coppers didn't hurt me at all. 

Game 4: shark_bait 21 - 24 olneyce
Sea Hag mirror match.  We both bought 2 Hags, 5 Oases, moved onto Cities once we could and danced a bit around the Green cards as the match winded down.  I was ahead by a couple points the whole way and that's how it finished.

Game 5: shark_bait 31 - 38 olneyce
Minion mirror match.  I managed to get a 6/4 split (mostly due to better luck discarding his cards with my Minions), and that's why I won.  The only interesting question about this one: should I have added a Hunting Party with my $5 buy on turn 11?  Is Jester a better addition to a Minion deck?  I think it probably is.

Game 6: shark_bait 33 - 42 olneyce
Fishing Village/Embassy/Mint mirror match.  He managed to manipulate his Embassy earlier and was able to trash 5 coppers buying his Mint, while I was only able to trash 3.  However, that mattered much less than expected since we were drawing big hands with Embassies pretty regularly.  He used a Trader to gain 5 Silvers from his early Contraband purchase; I thought that would swing the game to him.  Is it just bad luck for him to have lost?  I can't really see anything I did that was that special here.

Some very drawn-out games here, but many of them were pretty by-the-numbers.  I think we played almost exactly the same strategy in five of the six games, and the only one where someone was clearly outplayed was the first one.  Otherwise, these were pretty much in doubt right until the final turn.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2012, 03:14:12 pm »

olneyce (2) over shark_bait (3) in a 4-2 series

Game 1:  shark_bait 40 - olneyce 23

Both of us ignored the obvious counting house/coppersmith synergy instead going for an engine consisting of Golem, Laboratory, Hamlet, Tunnel and Apothecary.  I picked up more Golems and olneyce sidetracked for a vault.  I also opened with Chancellor and used it's effect to reset my deck.  With slightly better cycling, I was able to use tunnel's gold gaining ability more often and pulled ahead for the victory in the end game.  Unfortunately, this was the only game of the series where a clear victor was decided.

Game 2:  shark_bait 44 - olneyce 36

This was a weird game featuring Young Witch with a Cellar bane.  We goth open Young Witch/Cellar and proceed to not curse each other very much and not have very much money.  I opt for Fool's Gold over Silver and trash a few for Golds.  The game 3-piles with Fairgrounds, Cellars and Fool's Gold. 

Game 3:  shark_bait 54 - olneyce 60

This was a very close game featuring Duchy/Duke, Vault, Courtyard and Ambassador.  I open Ambassador/Silver to Olneyce's Silver/Courtyard.  I do a little bit of thinning with Ambassador but sidetrack to take some of the Duchies.  Olneyce get's a 5/3 split with both Duchies and Dukes but with my slightly better deck, I am able to get provinces.  Our decks completely stall midway through and both of us work on restocking our decks to make a stab at the last few provinces.  Unfortunately for me, olneyce clears the estates with his extra turn to win by 6 when I had Courtyard, Gold, and Gold in hand.

Game 4:  shark_bait 21 - olneyce 24

This was an unexciting game decided for luck.  Just look at the final composition of our decks.  They are almost identical.  My draws during my second to last pass through my deck were horrendous.  On turns 20 and 21, I get nothing.  Then on Turn 22 at the bottom of my deck, I'm forced to not play 1 City and 2 Oases because I would have forced a mid turn reshuffle with 2 fully upgraded cities and 4 oases not in my new deck.  Not to say that olneyce didn't have his share of bad luck in this game (I hit his hag once in the beginning), but this game was just completely uninteresting and totally determined by a RNG.

Game 5:  shark_bait 31 - olneyce 38

Another largely uninteresting game with a significant luck factor.  The minion split is won 6/4 in olneyce's favor partially due to the effectiveness of his minion's attack on me.  I realize I made a mistake by going for a scheme, but buying treasure in a minion game isn't usually the best option either.  I keep it kind of close with a jester, but I can't overcome his minion advantage.

Game 6: shark_bait 33 - olneyce 42

I'm forced to open Contraband/Native Village with a 5/2 start to olneyce's Fishing Village/Silver.  He correctly blocks me from getting golds when I played my Contraband.  I get a couple more Native Villages when I have another CCEEE hand and when I have 6 and Gold is blocked (Trader/Native Village).  I manage to pick up silvers from my contraband and transition to a BM type of game but it's not fast enough and olneyce takes the win.

Overall, it was decent series and I absolutely respect olneyce as a fantastic dominion player.  However I felt like this series didn't offer many chances for unique and interesting play.  Also, kudos to A_S00 for making an awesome set.  That was by far the most fun and interesting game of the series.
Hello.  Name's Bruce.  It's all right.  I understand.  Why trust a shark, right?

Is quite curious - Who is the mystical "Celestial Chameleon"?


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2012, 07:05:11 pm »

Game 6: shark_bait 33 - 42 olneyce
Fishing Village/Embassy/Mint mirror match.  He managed to manipulate his Embassy earlier and was able to trash 5 coppers buying his Mint, while I was only able to trash 3.  However, that mattered much less than expected since we were drawing big hands with Embassies pretty regularly.  He used a Trader to gain 5 Silvers from his early Contraband purchase; I thought that would swing the game to him.  Is it just bad luck for him to have lost?  I can't really see anything I did that was that special here.

Game 6: shark_bait 33 - olneyce 42

I'm forced to open Contraband/Native Village with a 5/2 start to olneyce's Fishing Village/Silver.  He correctly blocks me from getting golds when I played my Contraband.  I get a couple more Native Villages when I have another CCEEE hand and when I have 6 and Gold is blocked (Trader/Native Village).  I manage to pick up silvers from my contraband and transition to a BM type of game but it's not fast enough and olneyce takes the win.

You know, reading the descriptions alone, two of you seemed to be talking about different games...


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2012, 07:34:46 pm »

It was mirror in the sense that we both played an Embassy/BM type of game.  Through draws, I was forced to go Native Village whereas he was able to go Fishing Village.  I also needed to pick up Trader to swap my Contraband for Silvers because late game, my Contraband would be a huge detriment as he would block VP cards.

He used a Trader to gain 5 Silvers from his early Contraband purchase; I thought that would swing the game to him.  Is it just bad luck for him to have lost?  I can't really see anything I did that was that special here.

If you look at what I drew at the end of Turn 7 and what I played on Turn 8 after playing my Embassy, take a guess at what my Embassy drew.
Hello.  Name's Bruce.  It's all right.  I understand.  Why trust a shark, right?

Is quite curious - Who is the mystical "Celestial Chameleon"?


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2012, 07:42:14 pm »

Could you not have opened Embassy or Embassy / NV with 5/2?
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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2012, 09:29:13 pm »

I could have, but since I was 1st player, I didn't like the idea of giving him a free silver before his first reshuffle.  Perhaps I misplayed it though and should have just bought the Embassy anyways.
Hello.  Name's Bruce.  It's all right.  I understand.  Why trust a shark, right?

Is quite curious - Who is the mystical "Celestial Chameleon"?

Mean Mr Mustard

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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2012, 11:25:35 pm »

@rspeer:  Max has a stellar history in IsoDoms past; give him some time.  If he doesn't turn up you'll get a pass.
Jake <a href=>opening: opening: Silver / Jack of All Trades</a>
<b>IsoDom1 Winner:  shark_bait
IsoDom2 Winner: Rabid
Isodom3 Winner: Fabian</b>
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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2012, 12:35:45 am »

Congrats to Geronimoo for being the fastest at this week's challenge.  Also, bigger kudos for doing it the 'proper' way.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2012, 03:39:16 am »

I haven't been able to reach [MAD] Max (forum username: Darboux) yet. Any suggestions?

Okay, I've heard from him now and we should be playing tomorrow night.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2012, 12:19:49 am »

[MAD] Max and I played our series and I won 4-1.

Game 1: Max 32 - rspeer 49. We both went for Rube Goldberg combos with Golem. Strangely enough, though, despite the appeal of Chancellor and Counting House together, I never bought a Chancellor and he never bought a Counting House. Max got golems earlier and managed to buy the first two provinces, but I think my counting house was essential to the mega-turns that let me overtake him. (1-0)

Game 2: Max 49 - rspeer 40. There was really nothing you could do with action cards on this board. I think even my Cartographer was a bad idea. And my Banks probably should have been Gold.

Game 3: rspeer 48 - Max 33. We both went for double-Tactician decks with Warehouses, Conspirators, and Goons. I made an incredible blunder in the middle where I played too many Warehouses, ending up with four cards including the Tactician that I had to discard three of. That would leave me with nothing to discard with the Tactician if I played it. And losing your Tactician chain in the presence of Goons is pretty bad. But I was fortunate enough to recover from this. (2-1)

Game 4: Max 19 - rspeer 34. We both had trim decks full of Festivals, Watchtowers, Native Villages, and Conspirators. In one way or another, mine bought Provinces faster. (3-1)

Game 5: Max 35 - rspeer 35. There wasn't much to do here besides go for money, but I added a Courtyard because it tends to be good in those kinds of games. I made a really boneheaded play in the middle. ("I've got more than enough money here - I'll put a Gold on the deck for next turn! Hmm, also, I still have an action and a Stables I can play, so I'll churn my deck... Huh. I drew all my Gold including the one I just put there.") I feel bad about the way that I won -- the point counter was on, and Max thought he was 5 points behind, so he bought the last Province. He was actually 6 points behind; I believe he hadn't checked to see that my single Silk Road had gained a point. So the match came down to me winning on turns. (4-1)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2012, 03:32:09 pm »

Volkmar and I had planned on playing tonight, but he's sick and so we're postponing. Hopefully we'll find a time suitable for us in the next couple days, but just a heads up for the organizer.
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