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Whose Kingdom should be used for week two?

- 9 (47.4%)
- 1 (5.3%)
- 2 (10.5%)
- 5 (26.3%)
Mean Mr Mustard
- 2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: February 04, 2012, 02:31:16 pm

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Author Topic: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions  (Read 6945 times)

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Mean Mr Mustard

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IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:10:26 am »

The theme for Round 2 will be <i><a href=>Rube Goldberg's Challenge</a></i>

Submitted by A_S00:

Counting House, Vault, Laboratory, Golem, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Tunnel, Chancellor, Apothecary, Hamlet

Submitted by shark_bait:

Colony, Peddler, Forge, Possession, Ghost Ship, Golem, Farming Village, Bishop, Wishing Well, Apothecary, Pawn

Submitted by Dubdubdubdub:

Transmute, Duchess, Trader, Cache, Ill-Gotten Gains, Inn, Haggler, Border Village, Farmland, Hoard

Submitted by Olneyce:

Market, Cartographer, Scout, Noble Brigand, Farming Village, Spy, Wishing Well, Swindler, Apothecary, Secret Chamber

Submitted by Mean Mr Mustard:

Colony, Cartographer, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Ironworks, Wishing Well, Warehouse, Apothecary, Scrying Pool, Hamlet, Native Village
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 07:58:13 am by Mean Mr Mustard »
Jake <a href=>opening: opening: Silver / Jack of All Trades</a>
<b>IsoDom1 Winner:  shark_bait
IsoDom2 Winner: Rabid
Isodom3 Winner: Fabian</b>
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalie ar Atanatári, Utúlie'n auré!


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 01:26:57 am »

I love it.
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 06:59:43 pm »

Might I make the suggestion that after there has been a decision as to what round two's theme kingdom is, that you post the suggestions that didn't make the cut to the top 5.

It would be interesting to see what didn't make it.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 11:38:49 am »

I'm excited.

Mean Mr Mustard

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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 02:31:45 pm »

Poll up for week 2.
Jake <a href=>opening: opening: Silver / Jack of All Trades</a>
<b>IsoDom1 Winner:  shark_bait
IsoDom2 Winner: Rabid
Isodom3 Winner: Fabian</b>
Utúlie'n aurë! Aiya Eldalie ar Atanatári, Utúlie'n auré!


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 04:46:54 pm »

Needz moar Apothecaries.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2012, 04:49:45 pm »

One of these seems waaaay better at accomplishing the intended goal than the others, and while I haven't looked at voting or planning on voting myself, I'm kinda not looking forward to playing that set next week because it's so weird :)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2012, 11:03:37 am »

I don't think I quite understood the concept, even though these look incredibly fun.  Could someone explain why the leading set (or any of them) best represents Rube Goldberg's Challenge? ie. apply the wiki-page to these sets.  (Of course, after the voting is complete)

I hope the complicated set prevails over silly BM.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2012, 11:14:07 am »

Well, we sure didn't get to play with the one I expected.. More comments after the game I guess.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2012, 01:06:52 pm »

I don't think I quite understood the concept, even though these look incredibly fun.  Could someone explain why the leading set (or any of them) best represents Rube Goldberg's Challenge? ie. apply the wiki-page to these sets.  (Of course, after the voting is complete)

I hope the complicated set prevails over silly BM.

I saw the challenge as making a set that led to other other things.  As I described to MMM in my submission,

A rube-goldberg type of set needs multiple components that follow a sequential order to accomplish a single task.  Therefore, including colony/platinum is a given as it adds another step in terms of treasure acquisition.  The addition of alchemy also adds this by going potion-->apothecary-->golem-->possession.  This set has a variety of other potential goldberg type sequences that could occur.  Most obviously is the path to peddler which consists of cantrip spamming.  Other sequential actions that mimic a rube goldberg can be seen in apothecary/farming village/wishing well in which each can be played in a specific order to get the most out of the cards.  And yes, I felt it necessary to include possession.  There are many counters to it in this set (ghost ship, bishop and golem) and also one big danger (forge).  Knowing whether to go for possession will not be so cut and dry in this set unlike a possession/chapel game where both players refuse to get good decks knowing that they will just be possessed.

I think Fabian was clearly thinking about Dubdub's set.  Where one buy could result in a massive chain reaction of gaining more cards and/or reactions to the gained cards.  In my opinion, this is the best rube goldberg interpretation as everything is triggered one after another without any delay.
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Is quite curious - Who is the mystical "Celestial Chameleon"?


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2012, 01:55:49 pm »

I like how I seem to lose "dubs" with every mention in this thread ;)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2012, 02:04:17 pm »

I didn't vote for dub's kingdom. I focused on the one which I felt would be the coolest/weirdest from a strategic standpoint.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2012, 02:21:26 pm »

OOOOH I guess that's how people looked at it, which makes sense.  I'll refrain from saying the one I voted for but it had like pieces that sorta go together if you squint hard enough, but don't really do all that much together (although on second look, its could be super powerful).  Hence, I hope BM doesn't beat it. 


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2012, 02:27:11 pm »

I have a feeling you voted for the one I'm thinking of, then. A few of these kingdoms seem.. really (well, comparatively) uninteresting from a playing perspective.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2012, 03:11:29 pm »

Oh voting is closed? Well the one I chose was by MMM.  At first it seems uninteresting, but since it's all based around coppers, I thought it looked cool.  Aside from hamlet/native village (not sure how they fit exactly), all the other pieces work to getting coppers in your hand. 


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2012, 03:15:25 pm »

Yup, that's the one. I've done a full 180 and now kinda want to play it :)


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2012, 04:07:28 pm »

My thoughts on the kingdom I submitted and the theme (spoilered if you don't want your thoughts tainted before playing it :P ):

I was imagining the engine deck in my kingdom to be huge, complicated, and vaguely perpetual-motiony (I know perpetual motion isn't really what a Rube Goldberg machine is about, but it's what I think of when I think of big complicated machinery).  So I tried to come up with the kingdom that would best facilitate a deck that makes something (in this case, your copper) go around and around and around (discard>draw>discard>draw>etc.), using lots of different moving parts (action cards) to accomplish a simple goal (making $$$).

I do also really really like dub's take on it, using a bunch of different cards that trash each other or can be trashed into each other in complicated sequences.


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2012, 04:38:20 pm »

I didn't vote for dub's kingdom. I focused on the one which I felt would be the coolest/weirdest from a strategic standpoint.

I swear I will be called " " sometime soon :p I was too late to vote, but really like A_S00's set. Can't wait to play!


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Re: IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2012, 10:53:24 pm »

I swear I will be called " " sometime soon :p
You got it easy compared to the guy named !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
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