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Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:39:48 pm »

How have your thoughts on Adventures changed since you first saw the spoiler (or first played with the set, if you're a non-spoiler kind of person)?

Coin of the Realm - didn't think much of it at first, mostly because you can't use it for +Actions the turn you play it.  But wow, this turned out to be a really powerful village.  Like, I'm starting to think one of the best even?  One of the most flexible, for sure.  Only downside really is you can't move your +1 bonus tokens to its pile.

Travellers - no clue at first.  These are both crazy powerful though, especially the Page line.  Teacher is massively game-warping, totally changing the way engines are built.  But it doesn't really affect money or slog or rush-type decks because Disciple and Teacher are both majorly engine-focused in terms of application.  Champion might be the most game-warping card yet though, someone I played a game with recently (forgot who) said that once you get the card into play the game doesn't really feel much like Dominion anymore and I kinda agree.

Amulet - I was one of the foolish people who thought this looked strong.  It's not.  It's not bad at all and can be nice as a Silver gainer, but I think it's only a little better than Trade Route as a trasher.

Transmogrify - looked amazing; is amazing.  It's not the greatest opener because you have to get lucky to both play and call it before the second shuffle, but still, it's often a good option, and it's a card that can trash and help you hit $5 on the same turn, like Junk Dealer, but also in that process gains you a $2 or a $3 for that Estate.  And later in the game it can really save your ass too: turn a Silver into a $4 village to turn a late-game dud hand into a Province-buying turn.  Only downside is that it can't actually thin your deck.

Caravan Guard - looked terrible; is terrible.  The on-play effect is a joke and the reaction ability is nice and all but it's just a Peddler, and there are literally no attacks that it helps mitigate.  Even against Bridge Troll, a reacted Caravan Guard is no better than just a Peddler in hand in place of the CV.

Mission - looked interesting at first.  Now I think it's really really good and maybe even broken sometimes.  Mission + Torturer is bullshit of the highest order.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 02:56:10 pm »

Caravan Guard mitigates discard attacks very well. Instead of deciding on keeping a cantrip or not, you gain the information right away. It's still not, like, great, but hey it's a $3 cantrip that does well against discard attacks.

Travellers - realizing Teacher is better than Champion was the biggest one for me. Champion is really underwhelming, actually. It's just a thing you both do, and then it's done, and now you both buy and play terminals exclusively, and nobody attacks each other. Yawn.

Amulet I had the opposite opinion of - thought it was weak but it's pretty okay. About Steward tier.

Treasure Trove is definitely a card I thought would be unremarkable but it turned out would be game defining. Same for Distant Lands.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 03:01:45 pm »

Steward is just ok?!?!!?


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2016, 03:04:23 pm »

yea, i had the same reaction as pops.  amulet's def a notch below steward and i'd still call it very good

i didn't initially realize just how nice gear could be in engines, and am starting to think the BM with it is maybe a bit overrated?

royal carriage is turning out to be even stronger than i thought, and it's not like i was low on it at first.  at this point i'd say after the travelers, it's the best kingdom card in adventures.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2016, 03:16:14 pm »

Heh. Frankly, I disagree with about everything you say. Nothing personal, don't worry!

Amulet definitely holds up to the expectations imo. I slightly overestimated the trashing, but I also slightly underestimated the Silver gaining at first. It's not just good with Feodum.

Caravan Guard is not a power card, but it's also not Chancellor-level weak, like I thought at first. It's a mediocre reaction that's somewhat okay against handsize attacks, and otherwise just a cheapish cantrip that comes in handy in several places.

Transmogrify looked mediocre at best, and it's even worse than I expected. It's just so horribly slow and the opportunity cost is huge. Easily one of the weakest Remodel variants, only beating Transmute in that class.

Mission can be pretty nice, but it's nowhere near broken. A Torturer chain is probably its best case scenario, and then it's devastating, but that's mostly because of Torturer, not because of Mission.

Coin and the Travellers are awesome indeed. :)
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2016, 03:20:46 pm »

Mission can be pretty nice, but it's nowhere near broken. A Torturer chain is probably its best case scenario, and then it's devastating, but that's mostly because of Torturer, not because of Mission.

Torturer is only one of very many insane combos Mission has going for it. Ever played a Horn of Plenty megaturn deck with it?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 05:31:32 pm by jsh357 »
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2016, 04:33:46 pm »

Transmogrify looked mediocre at best, and it's even worse than I expected. It's just so horribly slow and the opportunity cost is huge. Easily one of the weakest Remodel variants, only beating Transmute in that class.

As a remodel alone, Transmogrify is mediocre. As a tactical tool, it's amazing. In one game recently, I turned a Goons into a Crossroads so that I could play the three other terminal Actions in my hand.

If you're only considering what your deck needs when using Transmogrify, rather than what your hand needs, you're doing it wrong.


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2016, 04:35:56 pm »

Sorted by the wiki:
Kingdom Cards:
Coin of the Realm
I initially thought this was very weak, but now I think it is one of the strongest Villages in the game, and one of the strongest $2 costs as well.
Page Line
I knew Champion would be good, but even the other Travelers are solid, though not as good as Peasant's. Champion is now the least fun card in all of Dominion for me, even less fun than losing a Cultist Ruins split 9/1, or playing 3 Rebuild games in a row. There's little thinking, only blind playing. It's just not Dominion when Champion is in play.
Peasant Line
Very strong, and stronger than I first envisioned. I thought this would be weaker because it takes awhile to get to Teacher, but that is not the case. The only real drawback is having to play Teacher to get the bonus once every 2 turns, but this is okay, and not brokenly good like Champion. I also love Disciple.

All in all though, I am beginning to hate the Travelers. You almost always have to go for them every game they are in. If you ignore them, you lose. And yes, this is different from trashing cards because many cards can trash. Going for Page is like a more decorative Rebuild, it's so game warping. At least Peasant feels like you're making some rational decisions sometimes.

It is much weaker than I first suspected, though it isn't terrible by any means. It just trashes .5 cards a turn, and you can only choose from your hand, rather than play it when you wish. If you could play it when you wished, it would be a lot stronger for me.
I thought this card was going to suck so much, but it's even better than Ratcatcher, if you can believe it.
This card is worse than I expected, but not much worse.
Caravan Guard
I still have yet to find a game where I have bought a Caravan Guard and not regretted the decision. It is a cheap Peddler when there are bountiful attacks, but the reaction is just so incredibly weak. It's a shitty money version of Caravan.
Weaker than Warehouse, though not much weaker.
I underestimated this card. It is quite possibly the best $3 card besides Ambassador and Masquerade.
I underestimated Guide. Guide never hurts, and is better than Silver. It cycles, and it can help mitigate a bad stall as well. It never hurts to pick up a Guide. The only question is whether you have time to get one.
So incredibly slow to activate, and playing a Terminal with no instant benefits hurts a lot more than you would first assume. It is comparable to Saboteur and Sea Hag in how much it sucks in this regard. However, in a game with no gaining, Duplicate is insanely strong. In a game where cost reducers exist, Duplicate can even easily be a Province. This cannot be understated. All in all, Duplicate should not be picked up en mass until you're drawing your deck. Maybe one is fine. I think it is well balanced.
Everyone drastically overrated Magpie. It is not bad by any means, but it is not even close to the automatic Laboratory that people were afraid of, and losing the Magpie split will not cost you the game, only make it a bit harder.
One of the most fun Dominion cards of all time is also (predictably) one of the worse cards. There are some parlor end game tricks you can do, but that's about it. And no, sending your opponent an extra Potion does not hurt as much as it helps him.
I thought this card was going to suck. It's a fixed Pirate Ship. It can be used in an engine for sure. It is best to think of Miser as a Develop. If if is worth picking up a Develop to trash coppers only, it is worth it for sure to get a Miser.
Strong strong strong engine enabler. I never doubted this.
Technically 'weaker' than Smithy, you give up one Action card for a fantastic play later, a la Tactician, and you also get a free +buy. I wish the second play of Ranger also gave +1 Action to make the analogy complete, but that is that. One of my favorite cards, which is why it was my avatar for awhile. I also keep forgetting Ranger is a source of +buy. Ranger Big Money sucks.
About as strong as Remodel, maybe less. It is so incredibly slow, you do not want more than two at the most. I had this card rated higher before, but every time I overbuy Transmogrify, I regretted it. Visions of piling out the Provinces with Transmogrifies ended in only sadness, despair, and jsh's phantom voice laughing over me in sheer delight, that devil.
It kind of sucks. It's not worth $5 for the effect, but it's worth more than $4. It's fantastic with Tactician for a guaranteed Province, and there are some parlor tricks you can do with engines, so it's not all bad, but it is underwhelming.
Bridge Troll
Who knew that a lack of virtual coin actually hurts a lot? I sure didn't. The attack isn't that great, which is okay! The nice bit is that it can really enable engines due to the duration aspect of it.
Distant Lands
I had this card tremendously underrated. Seriously. People hyped it up, and then I played some games with it, and I hated it afterwards. Turns out, I was only using it wrong. It's a fantastic game warping alt-VP card.
I thought I'd hate Giant. I don't. I love it. I wish there were more Dominion cards that used the Journey token.
Haunted Woods
I thought the attack was lame, but you really don't understand how evil it can be until you play with it.
Lost City
if you're going to want tons of Lost Cities, get them all in a single turn. Get the pain over with. I had this card about where I think of it now.
Wow, is this card better than I thought. It's not the best attack in the world, but it hurts a lot more than it feels like.
Royal Carriage
This proves my theory that you'd pay $5 for a Throne Room. It is a little weaker than Throne Room, sure, but it is a bit more flexible and gives you more options. However, not being able to chain Thrones kills the mood, not to mention the art is so terrible, jsh would pimp-slap whoever did it.
I am still confused about this card, and I think it will be this way for a long time for many. Still too early to tell, but I think it is on the weaker side.
Swamp Hag
Weaker than I expected. It doesn't stop megaturn engines much at all, and if you're wasting time getting this, it means you're desperate and behind.
Treasure Trove
WOW did I underrate this card. I thought it would be like Cache, but it's so much stronger. If Treasure Trove and any draw is available, consider going for that over an engine. Seriously.
Wine Merchant
It's like Baron, but suckier due to not being able to open with it. It has its uses if you need instant payload though. I still think it's underrated a little tiny bit, but that will not be realized until much later on.
WOW did I underrate this card. Much much much better than Gold. I don't know how many Hirelings is too many, or when to stop getting them and start winning, but a good way to think of it is how much you are drawing your deck. This card makes it more likely you do, and faster.

Event Cards:
Pretty much where I expected it to be, very strong in the right situations. You can even get Gardens with it, and Tactician loves this card.
Getting an extra dollar at any time is fantastic. It even has the feeling of debt hanging over you, to where you want to use it every turn to mitigate the loss of card. It's worse to have one less card over a dollar, but I love this card anyways.
Probably the weakest of the Events, though it has it's uses and it is $0.
So flipping strong, even at $1. Save changes the game, almost game breaking. Not even kidding.
Scouting Party
I thought it was a little weak at first, but I have now decided that the card is actually very good and for very cheap. And who can deny the art was really well done? I mean, look at this fantastic rendition of a Scouting Party:

Travelling Fair
I undervalued this card, but for the wrong reasons. It's great, not because it can top deck, but because it gives buys.
Great trasher. Yes, you'll spend $3 to get rid of 2 Coppers. Much better than Silver.
I still think people underrate this Event. It's so freaking good. I underrated it before as well.
Not as broken as I thought, and it's more fun than I thought as well. I thought I'd hate this event.
Still underrated, but it is not incredibly strong. This card confused me for awhile.
It's either OP or meaningless. Try using Mission in games with Cultist, Torturer, Mountebank, Rebuild, and other cards that will have people rethinking their relationship with you!
This is so incredibly underrated, possibly the most underrated Event ever. Like, people do not understand that spending $4 twice to get 3 cards of your choice is just flipping fantastic. The only question is when to buy the first dud, which is a total turn off.
I think it is still undervalued. I cannot say enough that you can buy this as many times as you like with no penalty after the first one.
It's alright, not the worst Event of all time. (Don't tell anyone I said this, okay? I want it to continue being a joke)
I underrated it.
About as good as I expected it to be, as in not very great at all. It has its uses, but it's going to be a very poor engine game for you to want this most times.
Lost Arts
I underrated this.

And that's about it, folks. You can take your tickets and demand a refund now.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 04:42:14 pm by Seprix »
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2016, 04:41:44 pm »

I'm re-evaluating Miser. (at least I was when I stopped playing two weeks ago)
It's not too bad, offers very concentrated money, and the awful slowness of the thinning is compensated by not needing to buy payload for the engine. When you want one, you probably want at least another one. 7+7+2 gives a neat sixteen, which is pretty handy.

Not as terrible as I thought.


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2016, 05:13:48 pm »

My opinions shifted quite a bit from reveal to 2015 ratings.  It's hard to remember those, and they don't differ significantly from other people.  But I've also re-evaluated a few cards since the 2015 ratings:

Miser: I still haven't seen this work in an engine, but I have seen it work in a slog.  I wasn't expecting that.  The longer the game (in turns), the better Miser becomes.

Coin of the Realm: I thought it would be good.  Usually, it is.  With terminal draw, it's fantastic.  I didn't foresee that.  (Lost Arts and Page are also great for terminal draw, which I either anticipated or learned quickly.)

Mission: Always worth looking out for.  It can be bonkers on a variety of boards.  More game-warping than I foresaw.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2016, 05:15:26 pm »

I don't have time to give my thoughts on cards just yet, but I find it funny that I disagree with a lot of what posters believe about the current power level of Adventures cards. I mean, I agree on some points, but I feel some cards people think are weak, I feel are strong, and I feel some cards people think are strong, I think are weak.

It still seems after a month, we are still getting used to the cards and players still have very divergent beliefs regarding them.


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2016, 05:42:11 pm »

I don't have time to give my thoughts on cards just yet, but I find it funny that I disagree with a lot of what posters believe about the current power level of Adventures cards. I mean, I agree on some points, but I feel some cards people think are weak, I feel are strong, and I feel some cards people think are strong, I think are weak.

It still seems after a month, we are still getting used to the cards and players still have very divergent beliefs regarding them.

I will be happy to hear your thoughts on this matter.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2016, 07:45:17 am »

i have opposite reactions to almost every card here.

caravan guard sounded terrible to me, but I think it's a pretty good card. I think people are thrown off because the reaction is, in fact, quite uninspiring, but:
1. as others have said, the reaction has its moments against discard attacks, e.g. sometimes it's right to pass up terrible cantrips like pearl diver in the face of discard attacks but caravan guard is truly "free"
2. that's not the point; the point is it's a 3-cost peddler (yes, the delay makes it worse than peddler; no, it's not overpriced at 3). you are never going to build your deck around caravan guard but there are many many decks where you're always buying it over silver with 3 to spend.)

swamp hag sounded game-breakingly awesome but is just not that strong. same for haunted woods.

bridge troll seemed like a strong attack but turns out to be a duration-bridge attached to a forgettable attack.

travelers are about as strong as they seemed. i disagree that they are annoying but i remember liking tournament an epsilon longer than everyone else did too...

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2016, 08:10:38 am »

bridge troll seemed like a strong attack but turns out to be a duration-bridge attached to a forgettable attack.

True. Another thing I hadn't noticed in advance: a duration-Bridge is batshit insane. It enables megaturn engines more often than not.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2016, 08:56:17 am »

bridge troll seemed like a strong attack but turns out to be a duration-bridge attached to a forgettable attack.

True. Another thing I hadn't noticed in advance: a duration-Bridge is batshit insane. It enables megaturn engines more often than not.

I've noticed this too. What I like about the attack of Bridge Troll and Relic is that they don't overlap with very many other attacks. They can complement pretty much any other attack except Raid in the case of Relic.

I like Caravan Guard a lot in games with attacks or just games with Tokens. Raze and Ratcatcher just don't play well with Tokens.

Speaking of Raze, I find It to be quite effective.

I've had fun inheriting Miser in some cases. All your Estates are now trasher/payload cards.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2016, 09:06:32 am »

I like Caravan Guard a lot in games with attacks or just games with Tokens. Raze and Ratcatcher just don't play well with Tokens.

Speaking of Raze, I find It to be quite effective.

I've had fun inheriting Miser in some cases. All your Estates are now trasher/payload cards.

Well, all cheapish cantrips rock in games with tokens. Even Pearl Diver is a rock star with Pathfinding, Training or Teacher on the board (to a lesser extent Lost Arts/Seaway).

And yeah, Raze is pretty awesome. It's actually stronger than Ratcatcher, which surprised me at first since it doesn't draw anything when trashing Copper. But the non-terminal trashing without delay is very strong. And you can't overbuy it; if you ever have too many Razes in your deck, just let one of them trash itself.

Miser doesn't seem like a great Inheritance target btw, you typically want something spammable, usually a cantrip or a Village. That way, you can actually buy Estates without them getting in the way.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2016, 10:27:34 am »

I am only going to talk about cards which I remember my initial impression and have a convinced opinion about now.

Coin of the Realm: I thought it would be quite good and it actually is amazeballs. I still keep underestimating it in games where my opponent gains it with high priority and works some magic with it.

Page: I wasn't happy when it was previewed and thought it would be broken, regardless of how long it actually takes to get to it (which was unknown at the time). It's not broken, it just sucks.

Raze: This seemed cute and I came to love this card really quickly. I am probably overrating it but I can't help it. Raze is aRazing.

Gear: I thought it seemed good, not broken or anything. Boy, was I to get overwhelmed by its actual performance!

Duplicate: Compared with Talisman it seemed insane. Duplicate isn't as much better as I thought, though. Certainly a worse opener but much better after your second shuffle.

Magpie: It's a bit worse than I expected.

Ranger: I underrated it similarly to how I underrated Tactitian at first glance. Turns out, one really big hand with 2 buys is very good!

Artificer: I keep overrating this card, probably due to one game where I managed to gain a lot of good cards with it. But I realize most people have already been disenchanted with it.

Bridge Troll: Much better than I expected.

Distant Lands: Just as amazing as I anticipated. One of my favorite cards in all Dominion!

Giant: It's quite good on some boards and I certainly didn't expect to like the card as much as I do.

Lost City: Absolutely nuts with other engine components available. I genuinely don't care about the drawback on-gain.

Relic: I slightly underrated it.

Royal Carriage: I agree with Seprix that Throne Room would have been a decent card at the $5-price point so, naturally, Royal Carriage is a good deal for $5. Flexibility is the key in weaker engines.

Treasure Trove: Who woulda thunk lotsa cash is so sick? I certainly haven't.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2016, 04:05:31 pm »

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2016, 07:46:16 pm »

the key advantage of royal carriage over any other throne variant is that you only need one of a given payload card in your whole deck, or maybe two

i've worked some magic with monument, which might be the card that benefits most from that sort of thing.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2016, 09:09:48 pm »

I don't have time to give my thoughts on cards just yet, but I find it funny that I disagree with a lot of what posters believe about the current power level of Adventures cards. I mean, I agree on some points, but I feel some cards people think are weak, I feel are strong, and I feel some cards people think are strong, I think are weak.

It still seems after a month, we are still getting used to the cards and players still have very divergent beliefs regarding them.

I will be happy to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Man, I was almost done typing my response and then I accidentally hit refresh.  :( I guess tomorrow I will post my thoughts.


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2016, 06:09:57 am »

This thread show that we are still in the "first impressions" phase : there would not be so much disagreement if we were in the "reality" phase.
At least, personnally, I think I still have a lot of things to discover in Adventures, more than in any other expansion.


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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2016, 06:58:59 am »

Treasure Trove is what Explorer would be if Explorer was actively trying to be the best $5-cost card ever.

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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2016, 08:08:35 am »

the key advantage of royal carriage over any other throne variant is that you only need one of a given payload card in your whole deck, or maybe two

i've worked some magic with monument, which might be the card that benefits most from that sort of thing.

I mean, obviously Bridge is the best card to combo with Royal Carriage, but basically Royal Carriage makes any attack into Cultist. This effect can't really be understated. Swindle eleven cards at a time? Torturer just keeps going until their hand is shit or they have seven Curses? The possibilities are endless.
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2016, 11:08:20 am »

This thread shows that we are still in the "first impressions" phase : there would not be so much disagreement if we were in the "reality" phase.
At least, personally, I think I still have a lot of things to discover in Adventures, more than in any other expansion.

We are not in the first impressions phase. We are in transition to the final current result, which is always subject to change with more experience. Cards change as time goes on too, so it's not like Laboratory is set in stone forever in a certain place. For example, Forum now exists, and it's better than Lab. Thus, Lab falls a little, Forum rises a bit.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 11:10:40 am by Seprix »
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Re: Adventures: first impressions vs. reality
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2016, 12:29:21 pm »

We are not in the first impressions phase. We are in transition to the final current result, which is always subject to change with more experience. Cards change as time goes on too, so it's not like Laboratory is set in stone forever in a certain place. For example, Forum now exists, and it's better than Lab. Thus, Lab falls a little, Forum rises a bit.
Cards are not "set in stone", obviously. That was not my point.
Me and many other members play adventures now for a little bit than a month, it's still fairly early for us. We are not to the point where there is a general consensus for some cards like in previous expansion, for example, almost everyone agree that herald is a strong $4. And even if some people play adventures since a year, they are only a part of the F.DS community.
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