I just had a game where I managed to Inherit Destrier in a Kingdom where the only other possible Inheritance target was the non-spammable Bounty Hunter (Supplies, Anvil, Fishing Village, Monkey, Bounty Hunter, Investment, Festival, Hunting Lodge, Mine, Destrier, Inheritance, Way of the Ox, Colonies). I used Supplies and Anvil to get the required two gains (I also had Festival, but didn't wind up needing to buy a Copper), and then used Anvils to gain more Estate-Destriers. It should be noted that the player to the left of me didn't think to go for Monkeys, or that might have given me pause about gaining so many cards a turn (pointing out that possibility at the end of the game got Monkey vetoed from future games by the player to my right, since she couldn't have benefitted from Monkey like the player to my left could have).
I also discovered a minor synergy between Exile thinners like Bounty Hunter and Inheritance: Normally, Inheritance games make you choose between trashing your Estates to reach Inheritance faster and keeping your Estates for when Inheritance kicks in, but Bounty Hunter lets you thin your Estates from your deck short term and still get them back once they're actually useful. It might not be too helpful on faster boards, but it's still better than trashing your Estates.