pg 9: I think it would be better if the paragraph for Fate brought up Will-o'-Wisp. I know you bring it up on the same page with Swamp's Gift, but it may be better if it was all in one paragraph. Even the Nocturne rulebook does this.
I might change this if there's a new version.
pg 41: Under "cards that let you cheat," you should also mention how Quest doesn't require you to reveal discarded Curses.
Good catch, will add it.
EDIT: Actually, I remember that I already considered but decided against it, because it's so marginal. It's different than Opulent Castle, because with that card there could be information that you in theory don't want to reveal (exactly which Victory cards you're discarding). With Quest there is no such consideration.
pg 58: Under Fortune you say you can spend Coffers if you played Fortune with another ability. Is that allowed? If my Venture reveals Fortune, I get to spend Coffers?
Yes, correct. The ruling is around here somewhere.
Also in all of section VI, the Boons written as "Sky's Gift, The" Is this intentional? Cause it just looks weird.
It's intentional, and quite normal in encyclopedias etc. when the entry is not alphabetized by that word ("the", "a", "an"...)