Some grammar, formatting, and other suggestions:
1) pg. 2, paragraph 1, grammar: "To start playing, you should read chapter I, and the paragraphs..." The comma after the word "and" is unnecessary and ultimately interrupts the flow of the sentence
2) pg. 2, paragraph 1, word choice: ...and the necessary sections of COMPONENTS OF THE GAME and SPECIAL SETUP
according to yourif you have any relevant expansions...Check chapter III if you're
playing withusing cards from
theany relevant expansions
3) pg. 2, paragraph 2, word choice: If you already know
how to play Dominion...Chapters II and III
giveprovide more details
4) pg. 2, paragraph 6, grammar: So do terms with
an initial capital letter
Alternatively: So do terms with initial capital letter
sI think the first sounds more professional, though either is acceptable.
5) pg. 2, paragraph 8, is unnecessary, as the indented text is explained in the last paragraph of pg. 1.
6) pg. 2, under published games, word choice: Dominion (here
calledreferred to as Base game)
7) pg. 2, when describing expansion symbols, "expansion" should probably be used instead of "set." Also, within the parentheses, there should be a comma following the word "Additionally"
8 ) pg. 3, paragraph 2, formatting: the
symbol and the words "Victory points" should switch locations, so that the sentence would read: The winner is the player who has the most victory points (
) at the end of the game. This also applies when introducing VP tokens and the coin symbol.
9) pg. 3, paragraph 4, word choice: You
mostlyusually start your turn...
10) pg. 3, paragraph 4, formatting: you forgot to color an instance of the word "deck" in the last sentence.
11) pg. 3, paragraph 5, formatting: the word "Supply" should be purple, as it has a definition according to the rules of dominion
12) pg. 3, paragraph 6, clarification: you should specify that the shuffled cards are added
to the bottom of your deck
13)pg. 3, paragraph 6, formatting: the following words should be purple in the last sentence: deck, opponent (actually unsure about this one), turn, deck (again)
14: pg. 3, Components of the game, Cards, Base cards, paragraph 2: There are also basic Treasure and Victory cards in
- Platinum and Colony - and
a basic Treasure
s in
Alchemy: namely Potion