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Author Topic: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - FINALE: WINNER REVEALED  (Read 127970 times)

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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1200 on: September 08, 2016, 08:22:25 am »

Cool.  :)


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1201 on: September 08, 2016, 08:34:53 am »

I'll be semi-away starting  tomorrow and won't be able to do Video/Voice chat for 2 or 3 weeks after today. So I'm afraid today is the only da this can happen.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1202 on: September 08, 2016, 08:41:43 am »

Alright, I can't do today so doesn't look like this'll happen. I'll just post all the questions at once tonight and you guys can answer then however you would like, text, video, interpretive dance, song whatever you like.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1203 on: September 10, 2016, 12:24:04 pm »

I'm out of town this weekend so the jury has until tomorrow night to get their questions in and I'll post Sunday or Monday


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1204 on: September 11, 2016, 09:37:07 pm »

Welcome Jury members!  Time for the annual Survivor roast!  And by that I mean, fire away with those questions.  We'll keep this going for about a week, jury members feel free to jump in and ask further questions or respond to their answers or what have you.  On to the questions!

Adam H:

Hi guys, long time no talk. I'm just gonna get right to it.

Watno, I'm not going to BS you and pretend you have a chance of getting my vote; you don't. I'm voting for Eevee to win the game and I don't think you can say anything to change my mind, though I guess you can try if you really want to. Allow me to explain why I feel this way and why I also think the rest of the jury should follow my lead.

It seems that you have chosen to not participate in some aspects of the game that you don't find fun. I can't fault you personally for that, it's just a game and nobody can make you do something you don't want to do. On the other hand, I feel like this is a great reason for you to not get votes to win the game.

I've been eliminated from the game for months, with no chance of winning, never having survived a tribal council, all of this after cutting ties with a community I had invested a lot of myself into. It has not been an easy journey for me as a jury member but based on what I've heard from other jury members, I feel like I have invested more time and energy into the game after my own elimination than you have; and I have had no chance of winning for months now. It would have been really easy to just peace out but I chose not to because I wanted to finish what I started, even if I didn't like it.

One could make an argument that I deserve my jury vote more than you do, and I certainly don't deserve it. My performance in this game was pretty bad. As a jury member, when I see someone still left in the game who doesn't care enough to even participate in a challenge because it doesn't look like fun; meanwhile I'm sitting on the jury and would love the chance to still be in the game and have a shot at winning final immunity; I can't help but feel disrespected. I'm sure it was a good idea to vote me out and everything but it's really irritating to see someone advance further in the game than me who just doesn't give enough of a crap to even participate. I can't reward that with my vote.

Then there's the fact that Eevee has played a great game based on what I've heard from other jury members, one that outshines yours in every facet I can think of. Eevee has gone out of his way to form personal connections with every single member of the jury, to the point where most of us are here because we trusted him too much. It's so difficult to convince people that you're on their side like that and have them invest their entire game in you being loyal and Eevee just crushed that. I have zero messages from you in our QT since the merge. The last time you said anything to me was the first day of the first challenge -- granted I didn't reach out to you since then either but I'm not asking for your jury vote and I'd feel pretty silly doing so. The vibe I'm getting from everybody here is that Eevee is running circles around everyone and you have been just kinda there, not really all that active.

And the story checks out, everything I've seen suggests that no matter how you look at it, Eevee deserves the win more than you do. So I'm gonna vote for him and I think everyone else on the jury should do the same.

Congratulations, Eevee, you've done some really amazing stuff and it's really impressive to see you win... again.

Watno, in spite of everything I've just said, you did way better than me (and the rest of the jury members) in this game and getting to the final tribal council is hard to do. So congratulations on getting as far as you did. Just because I don't think you belong anywhere close to winning the game doesn't mean I think you did poorly, or I feel like things should have gone differently.



1) Were you always planning to vote me out from the beginning or did you adapt because you heard I was trying to blindside you?

2) Of every player on the jury, who do you think you could win against at F2? Give us all a few sentences please.

3) Do you feel like you need a perfect score at the end to be truly accomplished as the winner? Why couldn't you just take Hydrad who was at most getting one or two votes anyway? Why so greedy Eevee???

Go through every player and say


Why didn't you just quit when the game was not fun anymore?


ok question for Eevee: What made you want to win the game so badly that you went against all of your alliances to get to this point?

question for Watno: What have you done in the game that you feel is worth me voting for you?

For both of you, you both backstabbed me. My vote would've gone to Watno had that not been the case. Good luck to both of you tonight.


Congratulations Eevee and Watno for making the final 2!

First things first, a few things are going to be different when you're answering to me. First of all, if you try to flatter me, you will almost certainly fail and it'll hurt your chances of getting my vote. Second, if you have any questions for me, then that's okay too. I understand that I backstabbed a lot of people so if you want to know why, I can answer.

Eevee and Watno: Please tell me about the moves that you've made this game, and why you made them. (No hard feelings, of course. Just want to know.)

Watno: Would you say you've ridden on gkrieg's coattail for most of the game? Why or why not?

Finally, I'd like to urge the jury not to be bitter. We all signed up to play a game, and both our finalists made legal moves in the game to get them to this point. Just think a year in advance, when you reflect on this season. If you are bitter, you will regret it. Trust me.

Thank you.

By the way, I'd also like Eevee to explain his decision to take Watno to the end over Hydrad. Thanks!



Did you expect this ending for a while or was it a more recent idea that you had. Did you ever plan to go all the way with me and if you did what changed your mind.


What even was you plan. I'm guessing it was go with gkrieg but after he got voted out did you have to make plans from scratch or did you have backups this whole time.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1205 on: September 13, 2016, 12:19:45 am »

It's very late, so I'll probably have to split my answering to two parts and sleep in between them, but since it's been a while already, I wanted to at least start. Whew, it's exciting to finally be here!

Long time no talk indeed! I really appreciate the high praise, especially coming from you. No question there for me even, but I just wanted to bow and say thank you anyways.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1206 on: September 13, 2016, 01:14:25 am »


1) I wasn't planning to vote you out from the beginning - not at all! On the contrary our early alliance, at least from my side, was 100% genuine. From the start, I instantly recognized how good you were at all aspects of the game, and was drawn to, and liked working with you a lot.

I'm not sure what happened, but at the merge, I started feeling like something was off in our interactions, like we weren't as close as before. Again, at least from my side, we had been working as equal partners, towards plans we were making and honing together, and I started feeling like you weren't coming to me to fine-tune the details and discuss our next move as frequently, or in an as engaging way. Or maybe what happened was just an unintended consequence of us booting Adam, the biggest threat, from the game; us subsequently each becoming the biggest threat to each other, and both recognizing the situation and starting to make sure we come out on top, I don't know. But I thought I might be in trouble because you'd make a move against me, or because you had played such a damn good game I might not be able to beat you, so I flipped to the people you thought we had used to get Adam, took Hydrad with me and we dismantled the old Necro alliance for good. It's not that I planned it from the start of the game, but it also wasn't that I waited until I knew you were against me.

2. I just want to remind you of my perspective - I didn't get to read anything any of you guys said after you got voted out, not a word of it. I had no idea how the jury was feeling about me, I didn't even know the full jury composition at the time. As inactive as mcmc and Awaclus were in the game, I thought they might as jurors also listen to other people's input, and I thought the biggest movers and shakers from the game all had pretty good reason to be mad at me, as far as me having screwed them over in the game goes at least. For sure I was worried that I was viewed much more negatively compared to say Hydrad or gkrieg.

Hydrad - When making the decision, I thought I would probably beat him narrowly, but that there were scenarios such as if Adam was extremely mad at me where that could also be terribly mistaken. Hydrad really played a great game, I don't know how much of it was obvious to you guys since he talked to me so much more than he talked to anyone else, but he really did. And everyone in the game really liked him, and I would know since I brought him with me to so many alliances. It was never hard selling working with Hydrad to anyone in the game, not one time, until there at F4 with Watno.

Teamlyle - I think I could have beaten him. We would have to have had to betray the same people to get to the end together, and I feel the jury would have felt I was more in the driver's seat in that scenario.

gkrieg - This, I really, really don't know. At the time I felt I might have no chance against him, but after I've started to have second thoughts about that. That might just be my brain factoring in the fact that I did vote him out post mortem, which of course would not have happened had we gone to the end together, so this is hard to answer for me. Again, I had no idea how Adam was feeling, or how opposed to voting me any of the other Necros would be for that matter. I was definitely legitimately concerned I couldn't beat gkrieg at the time. Must say, the way you (Iguana) went out really, really rattled me.

Awaclus - I think I could have beaten Awaclus.

Iguana - I think it would have been a fair match up. I think as long as we were together in the game, either of us could have been the favorite in the end, depending on how it went.

mcmc - I think I could have beaten mcmc.

Adam - Again, same as Iguana, I think either of could have beaten the other, depending on what happened in the game.

3. No, definitely not. Had I known Hydrad would only get two votes, I would have taken him without second thought. Again, what's obvious to you in the jury, isn't so much for the players still in the game, at least it wasn't for me.

This already took.. a long time, so I'll cut it off and continue tomorrow. Thanks for the questions Adam and Iguana.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1207 on: September 13, 2016, 06:05:00 am »

Let's start:

I felt pretty disrespected by the last post you made in our QT as well. Do you think I'm stupid?
If you hadn't made that post, maybe I would have talked to you after that again.
You say Eevee played well by making people trust him, I'd say it was just a terrible idea to trust anyone in this game. That might work if you're actually trapped on a lonely island with hardly any food, but it certainly doesn't translate into our online game.
If I could have made people trust me by excessive amounts of Small Talk and you think I should have done that, I don't regret not doing it.
Regarding the last challenge I chose not to participate in, I stand by the statement that I think it's just a terrible idea. I might have a much better shot at winning this game if I did, but I'm pretty sure I'd hate myself for wasting my time that way and so I don't regret that either.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1208 on: September 13, 2016, 06:13:16 am »

The part I said wasn't fun was the last Immunity Challenge, which I did not do. Why would I quit the whole game because of that?

I wouldn't quit a multiplayer game without a very good reason. It's a principle thing, it ruins the experience for the other players. I have finished quite a number of games that I thought sucked horribly because of this (I'm getting livid memories of playing Bloodrage for 5 hours after I had only agreed to join that game because I was told it would take 1.5 hours).

That said, if not participating in that Challenge (and by participating I mean participating to the best of my ability) would have required me quitting the game, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have cared about principle and quit.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1209 on: September 14, 2016, 07:16:53 am »

@gkrieg: First of all, let me say that I don't think "good" play is worth a vote. If you're looking for an answer in that vein, it will probably be covered by later questions anyway. I think you should use your vote to incentivize people helping you.

I worked with you for most of this game and voted with you in nearly every vote. It is true that I did vote you out in the end, but I helped you come that far in the first place. If Eevee hadn't had the idol, I would have helped you go even further.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1210 on: September 14, 2016, 07:19:46 am »

just a reminder, jury members are allowed to post in this thread


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1211 on: September 14, 2016, 07:24:15 am »

@teamlyle: Yes. Does the why refer to why I would say that or why I did it?
In the first case: Because it's true.
In the second case: Our goals coincided most of the time. Furthermore, people consider taking a lot of initiative "good" play, and therefore want to vote out people who do that. I believe flying under the radar made very few people seriously want to vote me out, which seems to be a good thing to me.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1212 on: September 14, 2016, 09:02:20 am »

Valid question, I don't really have a good explanation. The thing is, I'm just such a big fan of survivor. So many times I've shaken my head at the choices the contestant make in the show. Playing this game has been so_much_fun for me, I can't emphasize it enough. So I guess it's my love for survivor that's making me play so hard - I know there is zero chance I'll ever get to play for real, so this is my outlet. I am terribly sorry if I've hurt someone, that was never my intention. I didn't lie to anyone because I wanted to be a villain or because it was fun for me, it was always for a goal, the goal of winning the game.

For what's it worth, I think it's also a little bit of a slippery slope, in that at the merge, I betrayed Adam, maybe the best friend I have from the forums. You know, I justified doing that to someone I consider a friend by "it needed to be done, it's the game". And as you know, I was betraying friends every other vote from then on. Finally, at F3, I win immunity and there is Hydrad, definitely a friend, someone whom I had exchanged hundreds of messages with for the past year, and Watno, whom I have nothing against, but had only talked to a few times. The strategic part of my brain, especially having just seen Watno refuse to do a challenge at F3 (figured the jury might not like that), instantly realizes that my chances are probably much higher against Watno, compared to the likable Hydrad,. So, if I'm playing to win, I would take Watno, only reason to keep Hydrad would be friendship. But then, wouldn't it sort of cheapen what I did to Adam or what I did to you, if now all of a sudden I'm putting friendship over the game, when when the decision was about you, I prioritized the game? So, and believe me I went back and forth on this, I even submitted a vote on Watno at one point, I felt that if I took Hydrad, it might undermine my earlier decisions in the eyes of the jury, make me look weak, or even worse, make Adam or you feel that it wasn't that I was prepared to betray anyone if needed, it was that I didn't like either of you so much that I could still betray you. Does that make sense?

And, and I didn't want to say this earlier because I think it makes Watno look good, he told me he'd be voting for Hydrad if I voted him out. So, while to you (the jury) it maybe was an unnecessary dickmove to vote out Hydrad then, from my perspective no one had told me they were voting for me, but Iguana on his way out had promised his vote to Hydrad, Watno was promising to vote for him now. Only needed two more votes (say Adam and Awaclus whose games I destroyed, or gkrieg whom I stabbed in the back very cold-heartedly), and Hydrad would win the game.

I thought there was a real chance I might end up the Russell Hantz or Boston Rob who played too hard and made the jury too mad, and Hydrad could have been the Natalie or Amber to come along to the final as the more tolerable partner who played a semi-straight game, was honest and kind to people, and that people would respect him more than they did me.

As to why I blindsided you gkrieg -  in the same vein, I just thought you might be impossible to beat for me. You hadn't destroyed Adam's, Iguana's and Awaclus's games, that was me. You had played a strong, strategic game, but all your people had gone out pre-jury!

Of course, Adam turned out not be bitter at all, had I had a chance to observe his attitude towards me when he was sitting in the tribal councils as in the show, maybe I would have gotten that. As it was, I thought there was a legitimate chance the people from my tribe I had voted out were poisoning the jury against me, so I thought I need to take precautions to make sure I can win at the end even if the jury hates me.  Again, I didn't do it because I enjoyed stabbing you all in the back, or because I wanted to win a with a clean sheet, I just thought it's what I need to do to win.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 09:25:06 am by Eevee »


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1213 on: September 14, 2016, 01:56:19 pm »

I don't have any more questions I think. Maybe some more random interjections though.


I wish you had been more confident in yourself and your play to know you could have won against Hydrad. I probably would have voted for you either way (despite what I said earlier, I was just being a drama queen then.) Still, it would have been nice to see Hydrad, who was in our tribe and on our alliance, sitting there and not Watno. I guess I contributed to that, so, uh, my bad (Sorry Hydrad.)


Nothing against you. You have a real knack for staying in the game and well uh it shows. But I don't think you did as good of a job at making people want to vote for you to win as Eevee did, so I won't be voting for you. In the end, you, just like everyone else, couldn't get rid of Eevee. That alone would preclude anyone from winning my vote after what happened to me and what I warned everyone about. 
Point iguana. Not that points really matter with a result, but still.
Igu is town or trying the hardest he ever has as scum.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1214 on: September 14, 2016, 04:38:23 pm »


I wish you had been more confident in yourself and your play to know you could have won against Hydrad. I probably would have voted for you either way (despite what I said earlier, I was just being a drama queen then.) Still, it would have been nice to see Hydrad, who was in our tribe and on our alliance, sitting there and not Watno. I guess I contributed to that, so, uh, my bad (Sorry Hydrad.)
I (now) feel the same way, Hydrad should be here with me. I know "deserve" doesn't really come to play in survivor, but.. yeah. I made a mistake, and I regret it.

I hope you (the jury) can understand why I felt the way I did though, even if it was wrong. I was just vey worried (paranoid?) about what the atmosphere in "ponderosa" (the jury thread) was like. You (iguana) were a real power player in the game, and you went out in such a blaze of glory, I thought there was a legitimate chance you and Adam might continue as power players in the jury as well, and not to my advantage. I'm also somewhat proud about the fact that at F5 I picked the guy I want to sit next to, to make sure I win, and managed to make that happen in the end, despite at no point really working with the guy in the game, or without even having a real working relationship with him (in that he was pretty much against me at all turns after the F5 point). But I'm not so proud about what I had to do to make that happen, mostly because it seems it was unnecessary for my goal. I never meant to do any of these "bad" things unnecessarily, but it's a tough balance. Really, I think my ruthlessness (in the game) might be the biggest reason for why it's me here, and not you, Adam or gkrieg, so I guess it comes with the territory.

Ahh, I wrote ~half of my answer to teamlyle earlier, but I don't think I can finish it today, it's such a book already (again). Sorry from my end we are dragging this out a bit, I think I can get the rest of the questions tomorrow though. If anyone has any follow up, I'm of course all ears.

I wish I wasn't so "sorry sorry" in my answers all the time - I know I should just own up my game. It's much easier to me to play the game hard than it is to face you guys and own it like I should. Fwiw, I don't think I'd ever be able to do this lying and backstabbing stuff in real life - it really isn't in my nature, and I'm not so good socially in real life. I feel playing the game was a little bit of a bubble for me, and it's possible I might have gotten lost in it too much at times. On the other hand, I'm also incredibly proud I got here, so there is that.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 04:39:45 pm by Eevee »


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1215 on: September 14, 2016, 04:52:01 pm »

Yeah, I mean, everyone was trying to backstab everyone. You were just the most active and everyone was scared of you and eventually your idol (for no reason, since you never played it.)

How are we supposed to hold a grudge when we all wanted to do exactly what you did?

If we had all been playing a loyal game, it would have been different, but then we would have been voting you out as the only backstabber (or maybe you would have adjusted your play accordingly and won anyway, who knows!)
Point iguana. Not that points really matter with a result, but still.
Igu is town or trying the hardest he ever has as scum.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1216 on: September 16, 2016, 05:28:16 am »

@Hydrad The closest thing I had to a plan was going far with mcmcsalot and winning a lot of challenges (our abilities allowed us to always have full energy when working together.) However, mcmcsalot started to disappear, so that didn't work out. After that, I didn't have a plan, and I don't think there's a need for one. I just played opportunistically. I would probably still have tried to get gkrieg out, but I wanted Eevee to go before.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1217 on: September 16, 2016, 05:29:50 am »

@iguana: Eevee did play the idol at F4. The only reason he didn't have to play it at F5 was that everyone assumed that was the latest possibuility to do so, since that has always been the case in Survivor.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1218 on: September 16, 2016, 10:52:24 am »

If you look at the odd-numbered votes from the merge on, Adam was booted at 9 (excluding myself, I would say he was the biggest jury threat at the time), Iguana at 7 (again, the same), gkrieg at 5 (again, the same) and Hydrad at (3, again the same). That's not a coincidence, I wanted to get out the people that could mobilize others to get me out, or win against me at the end, and I wanted to make my moves on the odd-numbered votes, because it's easier to shake a new majority in them, mostly then using the even-numbered votes to appease and win over whomever I needed to make the next big swing work. Furthermore, the Adam-move was planned with Iguana, the Iguana-move was planned with gkrieg, and the gkrieg-move was planned with Hydrad (who had been the steady constant with me all game, voting with me every time). To make these moves possible, I won challenges (I think I ended up winning the most), made good connections, made people feel like they were going to the end with me (or at least struck against them before they did against me). I found the idol on exile, and managed to not have it flushed before it was too late. I led people to believe I could only play it until 5, which helped keep me safe through F4, and finally won the final challenge to make sure I was sitting here. Pre-merge, my tribe crushed the other tribe in all the challenges, and post-merge, I voted with the majority (and dare I say controlled the vote) every single round. If you have any questions about any specific moves, I'd be happy to expand!


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1219 on: September 16, 2016, 11:18:23 am »

I planned on going to the end with you for most of the game - as long as I felt like I could beat you. Again, it was when (and the way) Iguana was voted out, it made me worry the jury saw me as so unlikable I wouldn't be able to beat people who were well liked by everyone (like yourself, or gkrieg), and I started thinking it may be necessary to bring someone the jury would want to vote for less (say Watno or teamlyle) to make sure I can win, even if some or even most of the jury was mad at me. I thought getting you out would turn the people who thought "I'm mad at Eevee, I don't want to vote for him" to "I'm mad at Eevee, but I got to tip my cap for what he's done and I can't not give him my vote". That clearly wasn't the case, and voting you out was a miscalculation by me. I'm sorry for that, it's really too bad, would have been cool to sit here together.


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1220 on: September 16, 2016, 11:28:01 am »

And that's everyone! (unless someone has some follow-up)

For a closing statement, I'd just like to say that while I'm proud of what I managed to do, especially considering the target I came in with, I also know that I made some mistakes, did some things unnecessarily. The closer to the end we got, the pressure got higher and higher, and while I think being more ruthless may be the reason I'm here over some of you, I maybe went overboard with it, and betrayed some people I didn't need to.

I never meant any malice though, and I hope you can still respect my game enough to give me your vote, but if not, there are no hard feelings from my end towards anyone, and any of you ever come to Finland, I'd be happy to buy you a beer and show you around (except for RR until you turn 18!).

I've had such, such a blast all game, and I'd like to thank you all, as you definitely made the game so fun for me. It was great to make new friends, and get to talk more with some old ones. Also special thanks to Ahoppy for preparing and running the game, and everyone who helped him with it.

Eagerly waiting for the results,

Eevee out!


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1221 on: September 16, 2016, 12:06:26 pm »

(except for RR until you turn 18!).

It's going to take a while before RR is going to turn 18!.
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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1222 on: September 16, 2016, 12:53:14 pm »

(except for RR until you turn 18!).

It's going to take a while before RR is going to turn 18!.

Really that is what you come in this thread to do?


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1223 on: September 16, 2016, 10:43:44 pm »

I'm only 15 lol
"In your face." -Jacob
"Ooh. You just got burned." -Jack
"First place again, disciple!" -Ruikai
"Ugh... 399 cursors. Time to hack!" -Ben
"You gotta do your homework, dude!" -Yul
"Come on man, let the plat play." -The Plat
"It's nice to have a good 'in your face' every once in a while." -Jacob
"OBJECTION!!! The witness is being SUPER gross." -Phoenix Wright
"Milord, Inquisitor Fey sentences that burger to my stomach!" -Maya Fey
"Dude, I only had 4 cups of coffee this morning so I'm gonna crash." -Swi
"Okay, okay. My team name is: Team Lyle: the Advancing Armadillo." -Lyle
"I’m sorry Cedric, we just have to do what we have to do to get me to be a op." -Paul
"Well, I prefer loyal people. I don’t want anyone to be a La-Ya except for me." -La-Ya
"I don't play Monkey vs. Monkey. I'm too busy in pacifist mode, watching my buildings survive and thrive!" -Joshua
Lyle's mom: Are you guys going to play regular Dominion, or are you going to play cheat?
Lyle: Of course we're playing Cheat Dominion!


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Re: F.DS Forum Survivor Season 3 - F3 Final Immunity: Hang in there
« Reply #1224 on: September 16, 2016, 11:24:55 pm »

(except for RR until you turn 18!).

It's going to take a while before RR is going to turn 18!.

Hey Awaclus! Are you going to cast a vote?
"In your face." -Jacob
"Ooh. You just got burned." -Jack
"First place again, disciple!" -Ruikai
"Ugh... 399 cursors. Time to hack!" -Ben
"You gotta do your homework, dude!" -Yul
"Come on man, let the plat play." -The Plat
"It's nice to have a good 'in your face' every once in a while." -Jacob
"OBJECTION!!! The witness is being SUPER gross." -Phoenix Wright
"Milord, Inquisitor Fey sentences that burger to my stomach!" -Maya Fey
"Dude, I only had 4 cups of coffee this morning so I'm gonna crash." -Swi
"Okay, okay. My team name is: Team Lyle: the Advancing Armadillo." -Lyle
"I’m sorry Cedric, we just have to do what we have to do to get me to be a op." -Paul
"Well, I prefer loyal people. I don’t want anyone to be a La-Ya except for me." -La-Ya
"I don't play Monkey vs. Monkey. I'm too busy in pacifist mode, watching my buildings survive and thrive!" -Joshua
Lyle's mom: Are you guys going to play regular Dominion, or are you going to play cheat?
Lyle: Of course we're playing Cheat Dominion!
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