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War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« on: July 28, 2014, 12:54:02 pm »

Stumbled upon this while I was bored today, just finished the tutorial.  The core mechanic is that every turn you draw 3  randomly from a wad of cards that are all candlestick makers, you take one coin token.  You buy cards like Market and Urchin (except like, an urchin that attacks creatures) using the coin tokens so they get shuffled in your deck and try to kill the other guy.

It seems cool so far, design wise.  I might get disappointed by the stuff that tends to surround flash CCGs and their monetization though :(


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 01:19:49 pm »

I saw this a while ago. I tried to play it but it overheated my laptop 3 times in a row. I don't what it is, but it's using up so much power. It seemed reasonably fun as a time killer for the short amount of time I played it.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 02:39:09 pm »

I didn't have any issues at all, but it's not uncommon for flash games to be written in super innefficient ways that consume lots of power.  Maybe they fixed the perfomance issue since then.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2014, 07:07:35 pm »

They just added draft mode!


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2015, 04:36:10 pm »

Still playing this! Prismata overheated my laptop but this game doesn't. 

It has gotten a lot better over time, it's pretty balanced now.

I play Hearthstone when I want to play the game everyone is talking about and War of Omens when I want to have fun.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 05:47:45 pm »

This is pretty neat. The rules are actually quite smooth. The green deck at least eliminates many of the problems that you could see in deckbuilders. For example, there are no terminal actions so you don't collide. You stop playing cards when you have only money. From what little I've seen on the red deck and the purple deck, this is not universal. I fear that my green deck will make me spoiled when I attempt to play the other decks.

Right now I've only unlocked the red deck. I'm intrigued by the purple deck, but I cannot play it yet.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2015, 09:55:49 pm »

You people are awful. I didn't want to spend the last three hours playing this game. :/


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2015, 11:15:13 pm »

This is pretty neat. The rules are actually quite smooth. The green deck at least eliminates many of the problems that you could see in deckbuilders. For example, there are no terminal actions so you don't collide. You stop playing cards when you have only money. From what little I've seen on the red deck and the purple deck, this is not universal. I fear that my green deck will make me spoiled when I attempt to play the other decks.

Right now I've only unlocked the red deck. I'm intrigued by the purple deck, but I cannot play it yet.
For the most part there aren't cards that collide badly when you draw them together.  The purple faction has lots of cards that you want to hold in the "pocket slot" (the card you can hold in between turns without skipping a draw, since the hand limit is 4 and draw per turn is 3) so it can feel like clanking terminals in that respect. 

If you build a red deck that combines sacrifice-creature cards with creature cards, you can draw all of one or the other and be disappointed.

Green is really popular.  It's really not a bad thing to be spoiled and play nothing but green.  There are several good decktypes within green.

Purple seems to be the least popular color to play by a pretty decent margin.  It was added late in development, the other 3 colors are "core" and purple is kinda extra.  I think even if they never fix the design issues with purple the other 3 colors are enough of a game for things to be swell.

The real fun happens when you play draft mode man.  It's craaaazy.  It's like, Knights, Black Market, and Menagerie man.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2015, 12:14:20 am »

The store portion is getting a bit tedious though. Part of that is that the campaign is not yet finished. There are only nine chapters, but you need to win way more than nine before you can start doing the next level of difficulty.

I did go ahead and spend $3 to unlock the middle pack, though I think I'm better off opening the first pack so that I can upgrade my commons. The tutorial made it sound like you can upgrade within a game, but I think it's only when buying cards (and I guess crafting?).
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2015, 07:10:05 am »

Oh sure, when I try the multi-Loan strategy, it's a trap card. When the AI does it, I get annihilated. *glares*
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2015, 09:28:04 am »

Pending money to unlock the Silver pack early one won't help, because it's recommended to fully upgrade commons first, yeah.  You want to max all of them or almost all of them.  A lot the uncommons are remarkably non-essential, more so than the commons. 

Btw, click "Herd of Boars", "Ritual Sacrifice" and "Orphan Gang" whenever they come up.  They comprise the best budget deck in the game, although you won't be able to play it at all before you're finished upgrading the Uncommon boars.  The deck can use some other stuff like Rite of Combat, Lepers, or Scrivener, but those are just seasonings and aren't as pivotal to it.

For the sake of full disclosure, "not yet finished" would technically be a misleading representation of the campaign.  They aren't really working on it.  They started focusing on draft, and then new cards instead.  I don't know how frequently they are adding new content at all, it's been three weeks since I got back into it and I haven't seen anything new, but I like the stuff that's already there.

The medium difficulty level of the adventures is pretty hard.  It can take like 8 tries to beat some of them.  I will tell you that when I first unlocked the medium difficulty I was not ready, and I ignored those campaign missions for a good long time.

Reportedly the hard difficulty level on the campaigns is absurd, and requires a totally complete collection, skill, and luck.

You can't upgrade cards within a game, but when you have upgraded a card you can use the improved version of it and the weaker version it both in your deck.  They might have been touching on that in the tutorial.  They made the tutorial a loooooong time ago so it's likely just wrong though.

Loan is a really bad card before you upgrade it.  Upgrading a card reduces how much gold it costs you to buy it.  For a card whose main purpose is fulfilling a certain role, like "provides you health" or "destroys an ally", that can be unimportant.  For a card whose main purpose is to give you gold -immediately-, the -immediate- gold cost is really relevant.  I don't think I've ever seen anyone run the 4 cost or 5 cost versions of Loan in a multiplayer deck, only the 3 cost version of Loan, fully upgraded.
The AI probably just got lucky and redrew the Fiefs they bought a ton.  Or maybe they did the cute "debt collectors don't know about my offshore Magic accounts" thing, which is difficult to pull off consistently.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2015, 10:47:02 am »

I can see Loan being a bad trap card when it's not upgraded. You're paying 5 to gain 8 and then paying 8 for the next 4 turns, so you are down 5 for the benefit of buying one or two cards early. That -2 per turn can be murder. And though it becomes zero sum when played from your hand, you still have that initial cost, so the card is always a negative income overall. But yeah, I could see how it can be worth paying 3 extra to get someone great out there.

I don't have any cards upgraded. No wait, Merchant's Guild got upgraded when I hit a certain level. I have some cards that are getting close.

So you could theoretically have the level-1 version, level-2 version, and level-3 version in your deck? So I could have three times the Orphan Gangs? Just have to be willing to pay the higher cost when that comes up?

I started playing my red deck a bit more seriously this morning. I discovered the quests, and I need to win 5 apprentice battles with red. Conveniently I also need to win 5 apprentice battles. Nice bit of double-dipping there. I can definitely see the appeal of red. Considering that I also had to skip buying anything on the first turn with green due to card costs, red is a different feel. I miss the free draws (which probably explains why green is so expensive), but I didn't miss them as I threw out cards left and right. I believe I replaced a ritual with my war pig (dire boar, I think?). It's the x3 attack that eats my weakest ally. Considering my Rat Catcher can bring out more allies (ironically, the Catcher is weak so he might get eaten), this is not such a bad thing. So not quite a default red but pretty close.

Well, now I'm bummed that I opened so many of that middle pack trying to skip the Commons. I'll stick to the first pack for a while. I beat the first chapter on the second level, but I was stymied on the second chapter. The end guy was gaining +1 gold and +1 skull every turn. I could not keep up. I suppose I will have to come back with a better deck.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2015, 11:17:35 am »

Right, you can have the level 1, 2, and 3 versions of a card all in your deck.  Orphan Gang isn't exactly the poster child for that, since he is a niche-filler, his job is to give you something cool to do with your food, when you play a second one you just get the mediocre body, you already had a food converter.  I do run 2 copies of Orphan Gang in my Esboar deck just to mitigate the risk that I never restock any Orphan Gangs the entire game, but I would never play a third.

Being able to run 3 copies of the same card is part of why buying oak packs and upgrading commons is so good. It's easy to get a fully upgraded card, then run 3 copies of it and have an internally consistent strategy.  And if you decide to run just 2 of your 3 copies, -both- those copies cost 1 less than they would have if you weren't fully upgraded on the card.  Ambush is another card that is really sweet to triple up on (blue).

Each hero has a special card associated with them.  You get the card at level 6, and it upgrades at level ..14 I think? Then you get the max upgrade at level 28.  Level 28 takes a long long long time.

Dire Boar is confusing to me, I don't understand it.  Losing an ally seems really bad to me, but people play Dire Boar and beat me, so I don't know.  It's definitely not good in draft, which is the mode I spend the most time thinking about.

Red was my favorite faction for a long time when I first started playing.  I played a Rite of Brood, I liked getting lots of stuff.  And I liked playing Lepers to make green allies kill themselves, then sacrificing my Lepers for resources when I was tired of them.  I think the cards being cheap might make red a tad more fun to play.  If you unlock the green guy that gives you 1 gold every turn that makes green a lot less expensive to try to play, but I opened many many packs without seeing him, so hence I was a red player.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2015, 11:23:12 am »

If you spend any money on the game again, btw, buying the Endazu starter kit is the most $ efficient thing by a broad margin.  It contains a guaranteed epic coin.  Epic coins are the rarest thing ever, and you can use an epic coin in every deck (any color) and every deck will be slightly better for it.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2015, 06:30:18 pm »

Holy shit, multiplayer sure is humbling. Not that I thought I was hot stuff anyway. With no matchmaking in place, I'm encountering people with funky coins. I don't even stand a chance.

But on a bright note, I can lose faster in multiplayer than I win against the AI and get 50 silver and an ingot out of the deal.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2015, 07:06:23 pm »

Yeah, I got a quest for "Win 10 multiplayer games". Hah.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2015, 07:42:38 pm »

10 muliplayer wins as endazu, that really takes the cake.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2015, 07:43:21 pm »

Epic coins are so incredibly rare that you often queu up against a longtime veteran, and they still have about 3 epic coins.


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2015, 09:37:01 pm »

Heh, yeah, I'm definitely going to ignore any win MP quests. I'm just glad that today's quest for me was to play in 3 MP matches.

But hey, I finally won my first game. It was with my red deck. At least I live and die quickly. I may have to configure my deck to go for maximum speed. I did win with my Dire Boar though. Five foods and a full roster laid waste to the opponent.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2015, 09:55:08 pm »

BTW, I've seen people with two colors. Is that possible only with certain heroes?

Though I'm not sure I want to mix green and red.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2015, 11:33:05 pm »

So, I've opened quite a few oak packs (been playing for the past 4 hours or so, THANKS POPS), and haven't gotten any new heroes.  How do you get those?
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2015, 12:06:31 am »

It can take a lot. I finally got my third hero. I almost ignored it even though it says "New Hero" at the bottom. But then I read the description and said, "Huh, that sounds just like an enemy I faced...hey wait a minute!"

So here's hoping to unlock purple. Purple intrigues me the most. I guess I should start building a blue deck too, but I'm going to work on leveling green and red.
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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2015, 12:27:27 am »

So, I've opened quite a few oak packs (been playing for the past 4 hours or so, THANKS POPS), and haven't gotten any new heroes.  How do you get those?

You just have to open a lot of packs.  You're drawing random samples without replacement, so the time it takes can be inconsistent.  I've gotten every common, uncommon, and scarce hero with oak packs and patience.



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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2015, 12:38:06 am »

BTW, I've seen people with two colors. Is that possible only with certain heroes?

Though I'm not sure I want to mix green and red.
No one is allowed to go into the deckbuilder and pick 5 red cards and 5 green cards because their hero's name is Fred, no.  Well, no human is, there are campaign enemies that do that.

Green and purple each have 1 card that can produce a random card that could come from any faction.  They are named Miracle and Summoning Portal.  They are both rare.  One is expensive and only gives you good stuff, one is cheap but takes a while to charge up and might give you awful stuff anyway.
Blue can steal stuff from the opponent in a broad variety of ways, so it's not uncommon for Blue to have a lot of other colors going on in its tableau.
Red fights honest.  I'm pretty sure red doesn't have a card that gets you nonred cards.

There's an epic coin that lets you restock a random card from any faction, but no one actually has it because you have to get to level 28 on a draft hero, so you can't even throw 2,000$ at the game and get it.  A few months ago there was a headcount and literally no one had it, maybe a couple people do by now.  Doubtful though.

There's another epic coin that lets you restock Fireship, which is a green colored card.  I think that one is in packs, so if you really want some green in your red deck, that's the best way to get it.

As a final note, the hero that comes the closest to feeling like a "dual colored deck" by a broad margin is Birondelle.  Her ability is "whenever you buy a card, N% chance to restock a card from your opponent's 10".  There are little tricks you can do to make the ability proc a lot and play a mix of blue cards and your opponent's cards.  She is very popular for this reason.  Unfortunately she is pretty expensive to play well in terms of getting a collection.  If you're trying to do what your opponent is doing, only a little bit better, it's really important to be streamlined and have the same number of epic coins they do, and have your money producing be really efficient.  She's really popular to play because of the unique nature of trying to play your opponent's deck and is the closest thing to a fifth color in the game.

But most importantly, everyone gets to use all 4 colors together in draft.  Go do draft. Draft is so awesome.  Draft draft draft. 


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Re: War of Omens, flash CCG with deckbuilding elements
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2015, 08:18:17 am »

Draft does sound like it would be a little close to fair. Of course, the experienced players would know what all the cards do already, so they have that advantage, but that's to be expected. What's the Silver/ingot reward like?

I was risking leaving late this morning because I had a quest of winning three Apprentice battles in a row. The first two battles were against purple, which usually falls to my faster red deck (but if they get the right cards out I'm doomed). The third battle was another red, and we were trading blows left and right. I won that one by having three dire boars out. They actually can work in your favor. I also had rat catchers, which helped. I'm actually glad I didn't have the overseer in my deck because a new dire boar could eat an orphan, which means the orphan isn't there on my next turn to do damage. At least without the overseer, the orphan gets a shot off before getting devoured.

I have a few upgraded cards, and they feel nice. No level 2s obviously. That cost is rather steep. No wonder the silver pack is a trap buy.
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