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Author Topic: Squire  (Read 42825 times)

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Re: Squire
« Reply #75 on: July 02, 2014, 05:58:01 pm »


I'm not sure how viable that is as an engine board, Squire is the only +buy (card inefficient and helps the 3-pile), there are neither gainers (and I grant most gainers make Gardens more powerful) nor trashing, and the payload actions are fairly weak (Vault is decent, but not the greatest), and while Haven is helpful for the engine, it can also be good to the Gardens setup.

Would you give the same board with one of the useless cards (like Stash) being replaced by strong trashing (say Steward or Remake)?

My point is just that there are counters to Gardens/Squire and just like using scaling TfB isn't an assured thing, neither is Squire/Gardens. I could just as easily have cited something like Margrave where you don't get to $4 without Silver and suddenly that engine setup looks better than spamming the Gardens for some set of engine enablers.

Oh please, it is not ad hominem. You have been doing nothing but appealing to the authority of your copious number of games played. If those experiences are valid evidence for an argument, then they should readily translate into accurate syllogistic expressions. You've been freely saying things that either actually trying to play the combo (e.g. Remake/Squire/Rabble/$3 village) or simple inspection says are not so. You've told us that Chapel/Upgrade/Squire is slower than Transmute to gold. You've told us your deck gets thinner by trashing something other than a Squire without taking into account $5 drawing attacks. You've told us that a counter cannot work because Sabbing silvers goes to estates.

I have no idea how good a player you are but I'd guess everyone on the board is at least top 10% in the world; plenty of people have extreme amounts of tacit knowledge that lets them play extremely well without explicit analysis. I fully expect that when you play a board you will not make the same mistake, the tacit knowledge works for a lot of things. It is my guess that most people on this forum are better tactical players than I am unless I court a headache and track entire decks ... but tacit knowledge isn't transferable and tactical play doesn't (completely) identify the best strategy on a board.

My hunch is that when you play 90+% of your games you are sufficiently endowed with tacit knowledge and tactical skill that you can win a very high percentages without maximal play. Playing Squire differently along the lines I've suggested it should be considered would affect about 20% of your Squire boards. In those games it might, drive a good player's win loss rate down 10%. If you are already at 66% win rate, that moves you up to a 69% win rate for that subsection. Squire will be in 5.8% of your games (slightly higher with Yw and Bm). So only 1.16% of your games will have Squire/TfB/Attack or so. Let's be generous to me and say that half of Squire/TfB/Attack games make it the better strategy. So now we are talking about 0.58% of your games. Of course you will only win 3.3% more of those. So now we are talking about .019% of all your 3000 games will change a win to a loss.

Net result, if you are the strong player in the stats above, even if I am totally correct; you've lost about .57 games by being wrong. Finding that type of margin needs well over 10x as many games as you have played to be statistically significant. The better player you are (after some threshold), the less information each of your games contains about the cards and the more it contains about you. A good player is more likely to win in general, so how often you win with a given strategy needs multiplicatively more games to tease out the card affects from your personal skill.

So when does the combo matter? When your win rate is a lot lower. The closer you are to 50%, the bigger the impact of small changes in optimization. Somebody who doesn't have your tacit knowledge and tactical skill will be a lot more likely to pick up wins by better seeing possible Squire strategies. Likewise, when you power pair with folks who also hit high win rates eking out smaller skill differentials makes for stronger play. This is why I'm very leery of appealing to thousands of games by a single player, or even a small group of players, player tactical skill can easily dwarf smaller, but significant strategic signals.

The point of articles like this is to have explicit analysis so that people who don't have a wealth of tacit knowledge can see how to look at the board. Your tacit knowledge works great when playing, but when you state your impressions explicitly, they just don't measure up. You'd need to play tenfold more games to even begin to have a hope of seeing the impact under discussion.

So why bother with something that small? Largely because everything in any Squire article is going to be on that order of magnitude. Squire shows up in just a small percentage of games, single card combos are very rare in all random games. Your ability to play Gardens/Squire likely doesn't matter in a lot of games either; you could ignore the combo every time it came up and it would only effect about 7 games. Of those 7, I'd tag a WAG that at least a quarter are ones where Squire/Gardens isn't that great (e.g. Miltia/Margrave engines, Tournament games with decent setups, etc.), another quarter are likely ones where a strong player can win out with engine against a typical opponent even without engine being the best option. Your dataset isn't anywhere near large enough and your ability to deduce syllogistic statements from your dataset just hasn't been in evidence.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 06:06:11 pm by jomini »


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Re: Squire
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2014, 06:38:16 pm »

please write me with a lowercase s  :P

I'm not sure how viable that is as an engine board, Squire is the only +buy (card inefficient and helps the 3-pile), there are neither gainers (and I grant most gainers make Gardens more powerful) nor trashing, and the payload actions are fairly weak (Vault is decent, but not the greatest), and while Haven is helpful for the engine, it can also be good to the Gardens setup.

Would you give the same board with one of the useless cards (like Stash) being replaced by strong trashing (say Steward or Remake)?
isn't a weak board part of the point? I wanted to address solely the saboteur issue, not whether squire/gardens is good or not. Your claim was that saboteur can be a counter to it, so I must assume that it means games where the engine alone is not strong enough to beat gardens anyway, otherwise it's a worthless thing to claim.

You can have loan, would that be sufficient?

@the KingZong argument:
I don't think anything he has posted justifies the claim that he has done "nothing but appealing to the authority of your copious number of games played". Really, I think KZ is an awfully nice guy, much nicer than me for that matter.

You're backing your opinion up, but man, it's incredible how one-sided you can make something sound by making arguments for just one position. I'm not going to dissect every single point you made, but I'll give you an example.

You've told us that Chapel/Upgrade/Squire is slower than Transmute to gold.

What he said was this:

Because you aren't getting a Gold via trashing Squire. You are going through a process that takes a really long time. Probably longer than it takes Transmute to get a Gold.

and your answer, which you're now implying was correct, was this:

Not at all. Transmute requires you to:
1. Buy Potion.
2. Use a buy (early) on a 0P card.
3. Save a green.
4. Collide a green/Transmute
5. Use an action.

It slows you down in multiple ways. Squire, unlike Potion, is not a dead card. At worst it is a copper. This makes a big difference when you are going to engines, but unlike Transmute if you don't collide it, you still are pretty close to hitting $5. With Transmute you are carrying around three dead cards (potion, transmute, estate) waiting for the collision, with Squire you are carrying one at most. Transmute requires you use a $4 buy - something you virtually never see on a junk I-just-trashed-two-cards hand while Squire is just $2.

and some more stuff.

Now, there are several problems here. Firstly, KZ said "probably," which means he was never wrong in the first place, no matter how fast Transmute or Squire is. Secondly, you made a lot of arguments why Squire into Gold is better, but KZ never said it's not better, he just said it's not faster, which probably means "how many turns does it take you to gain your first gold via Transmute/Squire->Trash->Trash for benefit". That's a very different thing. And also, he was using Transmute as an example, as a method of describing the speed of Squire, he never actually cared about how fast Transmute is, so even if what he said was wrong, it's not really a big deal.

@theory: I hope your post was just a suggestion... I love these kinds of discussions though.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2014, 07:46:05 pm »

isn't a weak board part of the point? I wanted to address solely the saboteur issue, not whether squire/gardens is good or not. Your claim was that saboteur can be a counter to it, so I must assume that it means games where the engine alone is not strong enough to beat gardens anyway, otherwise it's a worthless thing to claim.

You can have loan, would that be sufficient?

You are completely right that this is a marginal question. I know that a strong engine that gets unlucky, e.g. a T5 Chapel, can claw back a win after Squire/Gardens gets enough bloat to beat all the provinces; what I don't know is exactly where the line is drawn. Certainly Sab on the board increases the engine's marginal win rate where you would beat the rush but lose to the slog.

I'll give it a go with Loan, would you be free tomorrow night (EDT) to try? I'll be free then, but then I'm off to the beach on vacation.

Now, there are several problems here. Firstly, KZ said "probably," which means he was never wrong in the first place, no matter how fast Transmute or Squire is. Secondly, you made a lot of arguments why Squire into Gold is better, but KZ never said it's not better, he just said it's not faster, which probably means "how many turns does it take you to gain your first gold via Transmute/Squire->Trash->Trash for benefit". That's a very different thing. And also, he was using Transmute as an example, as a method of describing the speed of Squire, he never actually cared about how fast Transmute is, so even if what he said was wrong, it's not really a big deal.
The problem with this is that the speed, thus definied doesn't matter. Take Silver vs Transmute.
T1/T2: Potion/x
T2/T3: Transmute/x
Now we have 14 cards, on average we get 1 estate a hand. It is 3 hands to get through the deck so we expect to hit Transmute/Estate on T6.

T1/T2: Silver/Silver
T2/T3: We expect to have an estate in each hand so we expect to hit 5's so we buy silver/silver.
T5: We have 4 silvers, 7 coppers, 3 Estates. We have $8 from Silver and $7 from coppers. That gives us $15 and hence an average hand of $5. Now we do have some high variance so we should expect one hand in T5-T7 to have 2 Silvers, 2 Coppers.

In other words, by this metric Transmute is no slower than Silver.

What about other cards? Chapel/Market Square is one of the fastest, most reliable shots at gold.
T1/T2: Chapel/Mrksqr
T3/T4: You have a 10/12 chance chapel is in one of these two hands naturally; if it is you have a roughly 4/11 shot that Mrksqr is in the same hand. 30% Chance of a T3/T4 gold.
T5: We dropped 4 cards, likely bought a second Mrksqr. Odds are maybe 2/3rds that you hit your gold here.

Can you do faster still? Sure Death cart is an easy Gold. Baron has good odds for gold quick, MrkSqr/Smithy/Mint(or Doc) ... but those sort of things are the absolute fastest you get and all have their own problems.

Generally, when people say Transmute is slow, it isn't that you get your first Gold on T6-T7, it is that it slows down your deck and that getting more stuff later is even slower. If speed to first gold is what he means, then again, it goes back to his sense of how things work not translating well into syllogistic statements; Transmute is a pretty much worthless benchmark for the speed to get to gold; it is about as fast as the average card (certainly faster than stuff like Spy, Hag, Oasis, Taxman, Mine, Market, Witch, Lab, or Hunting party).

The ultimate question is how how useful is Squire's on-trash setup. About a quarter of potential Squire boards have at least the theoretical ability. A subset of those will actually be somewhat viable. More often Squire/TfB/$5 will make some better option more reliable. I had a T5 Chapel that hit CCCC. I can still use Squire for Minions/Goons/Pillage/Jester/etc. I only talk about fast golds insofar as that one of the things that is easy to calc shows that Squire can be competitive. For things that are harder to calc, Squire is a lot better.

Develop/Squire/good draw attack/decent 4 is a thing. You can develop Squires into drawing attacks. You can Develop Estates into Develops, Develops into $4/Squire and Squire into $3/drawing attack. Is this faster than raw Develop? Certainly. You don't have to spend 5's on strong drawing. You can use them on payload (like Merchant Ship) or for more reliability (like Lab or Cartographer) or for accelerants (like Butcher); you can also run more Develops as Squire/Develop/Develop/C/C isn't a bad hand.

And I can go on with lots of highly degenerate setups. None of that is going to show up in just 3000 games worth of sampling. Even it it halves Zog's loss rate; he'd have to have a fairly low win rate for his experience to conclusively show one way or another that Squire's on trash benefit is not that useful. Looking for the less common Squire/TfB/$5 is going to take even yet higher data. This is why I don't like looking at single player's experiences - a good player with a bias towards or against certain strats will have their own skill swamp the effect of the strategy.

I just don't know what to tell you. Should I let drop that I play Dominion against a professional statistician from the BLS? Should I let drop my 10,000 games (though a LOT of those are pre-DA and a huge number have been where we played semi-random kingdoms)? I certainly can remember where Squire/scaling TfB/Attack has won me the game, but would I have won without it? Zog clearly thinks not, I think likely. The numbers certainly are not there to determine it. It is pretty much a worthless show stopper to say "I haven't seen X be useful in Y games" unless Y is abysmally large or your win rate is very close to parity.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #78 on: July 03, 2014, 08:52:12 am »

I'll give it a go with Loan, would you be free tomorrow night (EDT) to try? I'll be free then, but then I'm off to the beach on vacation.
I'm 6 hours apart (utc+2). any specific time?


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Re: Squire
« Reply #79 on: July 03, 2014, 06:10:45 pm »

Looks like I missed you then unless you are a night owl. I'm on for another hour or two and then I'll be gone for vacation.


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Re: Squire
« Reply #80 on: July 03, 2014, 06:12:26 pm »

Looks like I missed you then unless you are a night owl. I'm on for another hour or two and then I'll be gone for vacation.
let's do it then. I'll be in outpost


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Re: Squire
« Reply #81 on: July 03, 2014, 06:19:09 pm »

I'm getting a javascript error trying to get Goko going. I'm seeing if Java needs an update.

For some reason I can start playing, but I get a void() call if I try to login, I'm a guest.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 06:20:40 pm by jomini »


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Re: Squire
« Reply #82 on: July 03, 2014, 06:22:02 pm »

you did join the game, i just didn't start because i didnt know for sure it was you. guest and all.
just join again


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Re: Squire
« Reply #83 on: July 03, 2014, 06:32:48 pm »

up for a second shot?


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Re: Squire
« Reply #84 on: July 03, 2014, 06:34:01 pm »

up for a second shot?
if you're actually trying to sabotage the gardens instead of outracing the strategy and adding one saboteur this time... sure

i forgot to add loan, you can't seem to read ingame chat. should i rehost it?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 06:36:18 pm by silverspawn »


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Re: Squire
« Reply #85 on: July 03, 2014, 06:46:44 pm »

okay so, summary you bought 1 saboteur in each game respectively, the first game you hit garden exactly once and won, the second time you hit it 5/5 times and lost. After what you said I expected you to build an engine that plays as many saboteurs as possible per turn, not to play a village/smithy engine that adds one saboteur. But regardless, I remain unconvinced that the card is useful without KC or at least TR



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Re: Squire
« Reply #86 on: July 03, 2014, 07:25:56 pm »

I have to respond to your play. When you start poaching villages, I face a choice: add more Sabs & eat more villages (thus bringing about a 3-pile sooner) or keeping my engine balanced, delay the 3-pile, and get Provinces.

Basically each Sab I added shortened the game by one turn (Gardens & Squires are empty, you are piling villages). It costs me $8 to add a Sab/village to my engine. Each additional turn the game lasts nets me a bit north of a Province (with full deck draw at the end I was up to $16, but I wasn't reliable enough anymore). With all the Silver and Villages you had; there is no way even getting 3 Sabs up and running will pay out shortening the game.

What Sab did for me was change your play. If you had gone coppers and I had skipped Sab, you'd have crushed me. Without spamming Silvers, you can bulk the deck a lot more (you'd have gone up at least 1 point per Garden with fewer Silvers/Villages and more Coppers). I'd be tempted to not even bother buying the Sab, the fact that your Gardens are worth fewer points goes a long ways.

The second game was as I feared, without any acceleration the engine took a long time to get off the ground. When I did get going I trashed out a Gardens a hit (netting me what 4 points? each) and never missed a province buy on it. I did miss a province on my ultimate turn (I was due, I believe the next turn or so to miss, so just a slight bit early on engine failure). I bought provinces there when I failed to have +buy. Buying only one Squire meant if I needed to use it for actions or if I failed to draw it, I had the choice of getting a Sab without the actions to play it, a village, or a Province. Later, I'm looking at Province being +6 points now and Sab/Village being -4 points a turn from now. In retrospect, I think I'd have won by shifting one province buy to Sab/village, but timing that is tricky and that would have been challenge.

Squire has the option of responding to Sab with Silver gaining. This is good in that it protects the Gardens, but it does lower the number of Provinces I need to win. If you go Silvers (which does defeat Sab) in case I go Sab, then skipping Sab may well tip the engine into the lead.

As always drawing data from a sample size of two is dodgy. What would be nice would be to see how Squire/Gardens does against the same boards where the engine just tries to race to the finish.

Sorry for the lack of communication, but Goko appears to think Guests don't need to chat. I tried typing back to you, not sure if it works and I know guests are locked in the lobby. This conforms well with my expectations of Goko.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 07:27:31 pm by jomini »
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