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Messages - Titus

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 3
« on: June 14, 2022, 02:27:03 pm »
ban stampede lol

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 3
« on: June 10, 2022, 07:36:14 pm »
Even more nuts than Collection + Stampede: Collection + Cavalry + Academy + Way of the Butterfly. 

Yes, this actually happened.

I just got into a game that was completely broken because of Collection + Stampede. It would be an endless game if the other player wouldn't resign. I think that's broken game design.

It was a known issue, but what’s your suggested solution? Would it be better for Collection to have a confusing, hard-to-remember wording? It would be be great if the combo never came up in random sets online.

What if Collection said:

-This turn, when you gain an action card, +1vp, unless you gained another copy of it already.-

No pegasusstampede and overall collection wouldn't be that centralizing at all.
It somewhat is a must buy like goons used to be in most games..

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 16, 2022, 06:09:41 pm »
So with Seaside 2nd E. on the rise, does that mean all the original Dominions will get a 2nd Edition?
And if, do they follow the actual order? In that case Alchemy would be next, what IŽd pretty much like to see happen.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 21, 2021, 09:17:49 am »
Royal Seal looks even weaker now that there is Kerstball. Did you ever consider buff Royal Seal or do you think its still fine?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies
« on: September 20, 2021, 04:29:57 pm »
Wanna ally with that one for sure!
Announcement favors earlier than expected..
Does that mean there is still hope for this expansion being released in 2021?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: August 16, 2021, 08:00:59 am »
You've mentioned that you're hoping to get a set out in October-November. Other expansions released around then (Nocturne + Renaissance) were officially announced the first week of August. Can we expect to see an announcement for this mysterious next set sometime soon?
I'll know about the announcement at the same time as everyone else. It's not a carefully orchestrated thing, it's just kind of random.

Will it still be this year, though? I think lots of people out there are very excited for the next expansion.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 18, 2020, 10:17:31 am »
Did you consider making Potion granting x$+Potion ? It sometimes feels weird having three estates, copper, potion in hand t3 for example..  just asking, ya know.
hopefully my questions don't feel too inconvenient.. Sorry, if they do. Anyway, big fan of your game!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 08, 2020, 03:13:36 pm »
Did you ever consider doing some snowy-mana stuff like in magic? I wonder if this could work out, having cards that can do more if you can reveal another snow covered-card or whatever type. That could be other kingdom-cards of that type or even the first couple victory cards from the supply marked as those or simply copies of itself.
To some degree Potion is in this category.

In Magic you pick what cards to play with from a huge selection. In Dominion your selection is small (each game). So caring about a category is tricky, unless that category is always present. You either put a bunch of non-supply stuff on the table, or it ends up being, there's only one snow card this game.

All right! I just wondered about possible snow cards, like;


Gain a card costing up to 4$.
reveal a snow from your hand; +1 Action

4$ Action - Snow

this is somehow specific, but an example that would work by itself..

Never the less, had you ever some thoughts about modifying the base card supplies? Not talking about tokens but cards!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:24:47 pm »
Did you ever consider doing some snowy-mana stuff like in magic? I wonder if this could work out, having cards that can do more if you can reveal another snow covered-card or whatever type. That could be other kingdom-cards of that type or even the first couple victory cards from the supply marked as those or simply copies of itself.

Stunning Way of doing Expansion like this, this adds so much to the game. Thanks a million Donald!!

What about Tokens from Adventures interacting with Ways? Do I get e.g. Lost Arts benefit for choosing Way at certain Action?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: August 21, 2019, 07:40:22 am »
Talking about play testing. Is there any new upcoming expansion this year? I really look forward to!

So at least will there be some copies at SpielŽ18?

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