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Messages - Kudasai

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General Discussion / Re: Thanks for making me feel respected
« on: August 03, 2022, 10:53:23 pm »
You've helped explain me out of a few jams. Much respects and thanks!

Hermit/Madman comes to mind. The opportunity cost of turning Hermits into Madmen is going to be a lot higher for a player who is "in the lead". This isn't always the case though, but can be.

Keeping with the opportunity cost theme, maybe things like:
  • Card costs or effects that require you to skip a turn to get.
  • Effects that care about not using all of your Actions, etc.

Dominion Articles / Populate - Gladiator/Fortune Interaction
« on: June 03, 2020, 04:18:18 pm »
Maybe it's already well known, but I wanted to point out that Populate can gain Fortunes if all the Gladiators are gone. This is because the Fortune pile is technically an Action pile even though it's a Treasure.

Fortune for $10 + all other Action cards. What a deal!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie rule book is up!
« on: March 17, 2020, 02:36:38 pm »
Can anyone confirm that the rulebook has all the Kingdom cards listed? I'm eager to start reorganizing my binders!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 09, 2020, 03:32:53 pm »

Another round of apologies are in order for yet another delay. I’ve suddenly come down with an illness and thought it best to rest last night versus finish this up. But even with the delays I’m still coming in at just under 7 days from the last results posting! Ultimately I didn’t get to write as comprehensive of a review for each entry as I would have liked, but hopefully there is enough here to work off of. If anyone is looking for more feedback please just personal message me!

Spectacle - NoMoreFun (
$3 cost Lost City on first play, but with a very sharp power drop-off on all future plays. Generally this will lead to players only grabbing 1 or 2 of these. Clever players who can avoid collisions may try for 3. The rewards may be worth the risk. In general though I believe if a card is going to offer a big pay-off it has to be earned and not given immediately. Crossroads is a good example. The big pay-off is good drawing power, which potentially gets better with each play. The once per turn effect of getting Actions is just there to help with that.

Mountaintop Outpost - [TP] Inferno (
Certainly feels like it favors Big Money. Could help accelerate Engine play, but you’d need a decent mix of Treasures to make that work. This could be fun if two things happen: (1) BM isn’t sped up too much and (2) this works with some sort of hybrid Treasure-Action engine. I can only speculate, but I think this will almost only ever work with the former. Maybe if it gave a bit of base coin to spend for your next turn? This might expand the number of ways players can use this.

Barter - mandioca15 (
This can occur more than once per turn. Play Barter, gain a card through an Action that comes with a cheaper card from Barter, play another Barter, etc, etc. But barring that this is just a cheaper, weaker Haggler. The cheaper gain happening once per turn could be a buff though. Hagglers forced, cheaper gain on every card gained can be a bit rough.

Craftsman - grep (
A cheap cantrip with no immediate benefit, but with potential rewards later on in the game. I think the key to pulling cards like this off is making sure they are only viable at most 50% of the time and I think this achieves that. Players will have to think hard about if the buildup is worth it. Even when this isn’t viable as a gainer, cantrips have a wide range of uses now-a-days. “Ways” being the most recent! Throwing the cantrip portion on the bottom is clever and really accentuates the once per turn aspect.

Samoyed - spineflu (
Strong first play and then a big fall-off. Similar issues could arise as with NoMoreFun’s Spectacle. Please see that for more info!

Regent - D782802859 (
Clever use of the once per turn effect! Being able to do three good things only once is interesting, but I wish the choice being made had more of an impact. For instance, maybe the first time you play this you get an enhanced version of whatever choice you make. As it stands though, there is certainly incentive to grab 3-5 of these to make sure you’re getting all of the effects. I didn’t factor this into my judgement, but the effects do seem too strong.

Bell Tower - Aquila (
Always ahead of the curb. First with Villager tokens and now with converting +Cards into +Coin. You generally want draw power early in your turn and coin later, but the fun part about this is trying to get the timing on that transition correct. Affecting all draw from all cards seems a bit hard to work around, but it does give 4 cards or 4 coins. Knocking it down to 3 each and having it only effect itself might be more manageable. 

King - Kru5h (
As with a few other cards on here, the main issue with this is that it has limited functionality after it’s first play. You probably only really want 1 for this reason, but being a $6 cost you might only want 1 anyways. The fact that it can gain itself really pushes a player to try and run a deck with more than one. I do enjoy this aspect.

Sycophant - somekindoftony (
An interesting twist on a card that wants to avoid collisions with itself. The influx of Golds makes that statistically more viable. Although I have had some issues with cards that have limited functionality after the first play, I do like the Gold gaining aspect of this and that it is contingent on gaining more Sycophants Certainly fancy, but the hope is that it’s also functional.

Hierophant - Gazbag (
I think you summed your card up nicely! I really like the power arch of this throughout the game. Starts off mediocre, gets really good, but then weaker than it started. How fast you go through that progression is completely up to you the player as well. Even with no ability to get extra Actions, this is just useful enough that you might get it for $2. What I really enjoy is that no matter how the card is functioning, it will always be deck neutral. A little touch that helps with developing strategies around it.

Lessor/Bogus Lands - X-tra (
As you pointed out, this can technically be played more than once, but I’ll judge it as if it could not be. :) Bogus Lands is quite brutal. A stop card you can’t trash, although now there are options to get rid of them via Exciling. Even so, players will generally have no answer for dealing with all the Bogus Lands they are getting. They do sort of self defend, but I’m not sure how that will play out. Building anything around Lessor’s Victory card cost reduction seems wonky as you can lose them at any point, so you probably only want 1 or 2 Lessors purely to junk your opponents. I appreciate all the subtle interactions the mechanics of Lessor and Bogus Lands offer, but I don’t really see all the un-trashable junking and emphasis on building a mega-turn with that junk in your deck working out. If you’ve done any playtesting I’d love to hear how it went though!

Cask of Amontillado - Violet CLM (
A severely buffed Chapel. Could be some opportunities to build a bit of an engine in an attempt to get more than 4 cards on your Exile mat per turn. Mainly I think you just get this early and play it as often as possible. Where Chapel falls off and can have some collision issues early on this has none of those problems. Probably too good to be fun.

Mad Fairy - majiponi (
Powerful, even for a once per use, but ultimately I believe it runs into issues not having any functionality afterwards.

Meadow / Unicorn - scolapasta (
There’s a lot of good early game functionality here. Trashing an Estate at the start of your turn gives you a 7 card hand. A nice reward given getting Unicorns can take awhile. I think the most interesting decision comes when your Estates are gone. Do you immediately go for a Unicorn per turn to try and the maximum VP, or do you hold off, keeping your deck clean. Interesting choice!

Thank you all for participating, especially during previews week!


3: Hierophant - Gazbag (
2: Sycophant - somekindoftony (
1: Craftsman - grep (       <-------WINNER!!!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 08, 2020, 06:20:55 pm »
Apologies, but judging is going to be delayed for about 7 hours. I'm just about wrapped up here, but wanna give each card one last good look. Also, I think the site has been having some issues, so I wanna make sure people have had a chance to get their last minute entries in!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 07, 2020, 06:06:50 pm »
Just a heads up. I have to judge this weeks contest a little earlier than normal, so expect that to happen sometime Sunday (3/8/20) around 18:00 boardtime (EST). Which I guess is about 24 hours from now. So 24 hour warning everybody! Sorry for any inconvenience.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Previews 5: More Cards
« on: March 06, 2020, 04:05:00 am »
I'll do one a day, and if people request stuff they'd like to see, I'll try to pick one of those things. They can be kingdom cards or sideways ones.

If there is some sort of Veterinarian card I request that please. Someone in my play group is going to school for that, so it would be a real treat!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 04, 2020, 01:45:00 am »
This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, Cargo Ship and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.
Does Cargo Ship qualify? It carries a card per Cargo Ship in play, so it's efficiently an effect per card, not a single effect in a turn.

Does Merchant qualify? What about Fool's Gold (which has a negative effect once per turn)

Cargo Ship specifically says "once this turn" so it qualifies. I hadn't considered Fool's Gold, but yes it would qualify. Merchant would not qualify. Although you only get +$1 on one Silver played, you can get the +$1 more than once per turn.

EDIT: You raise an interesting question about Cargo Ship. I was certain the setting aside only can happen once per turn, but now I'm not so certain. Can anyone confirm this? If you have 2 Cargo Ships in play do you get to set aside 2 cards that turn? I'm guessing no.

I've thought more on Merchant and I will except cards worded that way. In it's current wording it was a bit hard for me to parse, but when changed to "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +$1 per Merchant you have in play." it seems more clear to me that it actually fits the challenge requirements.

Sorry for the back and forth. Hopefully I'm not creating a precedent here for some convoluted entries. I think everyone has a good sense of what "once per turn" means though. Thanks for all the questions!

Still feels lile Merchant shouldn't count - "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +$1 per Merchant you have in play." isn't really accurate, if you consider TR-Merchant gets you +$2 with only one Merchant in play.

Could that be one way to validate whether a cards qualifies - does TR-card do something only once? (the equivalent for Treasures would be Crown or Counterfeit, and my own custom Cabal  8)* for Night cards)

* I wear my sunglasses at Night...

Yeah, I like this idea. So Merchant-esque cards won't count unless worded in such a way that Throning it does not produce the effect more than once.

I swear I thought I had all the kinks figured out for this thing. Thanks for your help.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 03, 2020, 11:13:01 pm »
This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, Cargo Ship and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.
Does Cargo Ship qualify? It carries a card per Cargo Ship in play, so it's efficiently an effect per card, not a single effect in a turn.

Does Merchant qualify? What about Fool's Gold (which has a negative effect once per turn)

Cargo Ship specifically says "once this turn" so it qualifies. I hadn't considered Fool's Gold, but yes it would qualify. Merchant would not qualify. Although you only get +$1 on one Silver played, you can get the +$1 more than once per turn.

EDIT: You raise an interesting question about Cargo Ship. I was certain the setting aside only can happen once per turn, but now I'm not so certain. Can anyone confirm this? If you have 2 Cargo Ships in play do you get to set aside 2 cards that turn? I'm guessing no.

I'm fairly certain it's per Cargo Ship played.

Found a reference (in relation to TR / Processioning a Cargo Ship):

Wow. I thought Cargo Ship was strong capped at one set aside card per turn. My mind is blown!

Apologies for yet more back and forth, but Cargo Ship would not be applicable to this contest. It would if it only allowed one card overall to be set aside.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 03, 2020, 08:37:51 pm »
This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, Cargo Ship and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.
Does Cargo Ship qualify? It carries a card per Cargo Ship in play, so it's efficiently an effect per card, not a single effect in a turn.

Does Merchant qualify? What about Fool's Gold (which has a negative effect once per turn)

Cargo Ship specifically says "once this turn" so it qualifies. I hadn't considered Fool's Gold, but yes it would qualify. Merchant would not qualify. Although you only get +$1 on one Silver played, you can get the +$1 more than once per turn.

EDIT: You raise an interesting question about Cargo Ship. I was certain the setting aside only can happen once per turn, but now I'm not so certain. Can anyone confirm this? If you have 2 Cargo Ships in play do you get to set aside 2 cards that turn? I'm guessing no.

I've thought more on Merchant and I will except cards worded that way. In it's current wording it was a bit hard for me to parse, but when changed to "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +$1 per Merchant you have in play." it seems more clear to me that it actually fits the challenge requirements.

Sorry for the back and forth. Hopefully I'm not creating a precedent here for some convoluted entries. I think everyone has a good sense of what "once per turn" means though. Thanks for all the questions!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 03, 2020, 02:55:11 pm »
This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, Cargo Ship and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.
Does Cargo Ship qualify? It carries a card per Cargo Ship in play, so it's efficiently an effect per card, not a single effect in a turn.

Does Merchant qualify? What about Fool's Gold (which has a negative effect once per turn)

Cargo Ship specifically says "once this turn" so it qualifies. I hadn't considered Fool's Gold, but yes it would qualify. Merchant would not qualify. Although you only get +$1 on one Silver played, you can get the +$1 more than once per turn.

EDIT: You raise an interesting question about Cargo Ship. I was certain the setting aside only can happen once per turn, but now I'm not so certain. Can anyone confirm this? If you have 2 Cargo Ships in play do you get to set aside 2 cards that turn? I'm guessing no.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 03, 2020, 11:40:09 am »
This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, Cargo Ship and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.
Does Snowy Village qualify as a "once per turn" effect? Effectively, you can only get its +actions once per turn.

Oh yes, nice catch! The +4 Actions can only occur once per turn.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 02, 2020, 10:41:34 pm »
And I'd like to clarify by "cool factor" I mean interesting and original, not necessarily big and bold. Crossroads is just as cool as Fortune in my book!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 02, 2020, 09:23:09 pm »

Hey thanks for the win! Judging can be quite the task, but the community greatly appreciates everyone putting in the time. I believe it's the core of why the Weekly Design Contest is still going strong. Now let's see if I'm up to the task!

This weeks contest: Design a card that has a once per turn effect. No Projects, Landmarks, Events or Artifacts please. The effect can encompass the whole card text or just be a part of it. Split piles and Travelers (if you for some reason hate me) are both fine. The card does not specifically have to say "once per turn", but should limit it's use in one way or another.

Official card examples: Fortune, Crossroads, Outpost, Messenger, and Fool (among possible others). Other cards like Tormentor, Leprechaun and Tactician are nearly always once per turn, but situationally can be more. I would accept them as-is, but would prefer a "once per turn" added.

Judging: I'm always partial to existing mechanics being used in new and creative ways. Today's five Menagerie card previews are good examples of this. I'll try and judge more on cool factor versus balance, but if something is far out of whack I will have to consider that.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing what people come up with!

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion Fan Card Versions Standardization
« on: February 28, 2020, 07:04:26 pm »
Hello All!

I've been seeing more and more version information attached to fan cards lately. I think it's a neat addition that can show how much work has gone into a card. However, other than seeing how many iterations a card has gone through, it doesn't convey much information beyond that. Perhaps we can all change that by coming up with a standard. Is anyone interested?

  • Come up with a standard acronym. Something like DFC (Dominion Fan Card).
  • Determine pertinent information to include. Something like DFCv0.1-DFCv0.99 for untested ideas; DFCv1.1-DFCv1.99 for baseline tested; DFCv2.1-DFCv2.99 for play tested; and DFCv3.1-DFCv3.99 for both baseline and play tested.


DFCv0.2 would show this is the 2nd iteration of an untested card idea.

These are just some initial ideas to get the ball rolling. I'd love to hear everyone's input!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:14:37 pm »
Thanks for looking!

Choose one: Put a non-Command Action card onto your Army mat; or play this as if it were all the cards on your Army mat (played in any order).
The "play this as if it were" phrasing was phased out with the introduction of Command cards, and anyways makes no sense here. The card should just say "play the cards on your Army mat in any order, leaving them there." Even then, it is unclear to me whether you determine the order when you play Army or if you can switch things around once you played the first card from the mat. If it's the latter, maybe you want the wording "As often as you like: Play a card from your Army mat that you haven't played yet with this, leaving it there."

I believe I phrased it the former way to avoid strong interactions with Encampment. Encampments on your Army mat can never be returned to the Supply with "leaving it there" phrasing. But this still requires that you line up Encampments with a $6 cost card (An Army instead of a Gold) to keep your Encampment. The Encampment is then permanently safe, but the window to line it up is generally 4 other cards versus 6 other cards when Encampment is actually played.

All in all I now think it's a cool interaction and isn't as strong as I once believed. It's very thematic as well. Thanks for the feedback!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 25, 2020, 05:26:13 pm »

Seems stronger than Bank. At least early on when Bank relies mainly on Coppers for coin generation. Bank does have more versatility, but I don't think enough to make it stronger than Brazier's unconditional +$2.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 25, 2020, 04:06:38 pm »

Kind of a tough challenge as I don't think Gold is particularly strong for its cost. Of course every game has to have a way to reliably hit $8 and up and that is Gold's job, but generally there are better alternatives. So this makes the $6 cost space a bit tricky as these cards can't be exclusively better than Gold (a not so good card), but they can be situationally better.

With this all in mind, this is my attempt at such a card. Army can be very, very good, but it takes a bit of time to build up. You may build the greatest Army card known, but how long will that actually take? So it can be better than Gold, but not always.

Thanks for looking!

Choose one: Put a non-Command Action card onto your Army mat; or play this as if it were all the cards on your Army mat (played in any order).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 21, 2020, 12:34:59 am »
So when my opponent, who went first, gets their witch on turn 3, they can wreck my ability to be Twice Industrious?

I don't think Witch effects getting Twice Industrious, but even without that interaction it's probably a bad design anyways. I think I'll change its abilities to reflect a cost $2 card or make it a debt card. This way you don't have to rely on taking a chance and getting lucky. Thanks to you and Naitchman for the feedback.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 20, 2020, 06:27:25 pm »
Contest #62: A card that has +1 Buy and uses it well.


[v0.2] Thanks everyone for the feedback! I was leaning towards a $2 cost stop card for Lumber Camp, but ultimately I went with GendoIkari's idea as it seems a little more forgiving if people accidentally overload on these early. I considered preventing interference from cards like Ill-Gotten Gains and Messenger, but I do believe a few hard counters is fine and does make the card overall more interesting. So this is likely more viable and stronger than I'd like it to be, but I do think it's in a good spot for testing and will likely be a lot of fun to try.

[v0.3] Okay, so I caved and removed the negative interactions with Messenger and Ill-Gotten Gains, etc. Thanks to grrgrrgrr for the suggestion.

Lumber Camp: Action - $4
+1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, When this is gained during one of your first two turns of the game, if you: don't have Innovative, take Innovative; do have Innovative, flip it over to Twice Innovative.

Innovative: State
At the start of your turn, +1 Card per empty Supply pile.

Twice Innovative: State
At the start of your turn, +2 Cards per empty Supply pile.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 16, 2020, 02:30:47 pm »
Wow! Seems like a lot has happened since I was gone. I guess I want to say a couple of things:

As far as judging: It is currently 1:30 am where I am, so I am going to go to bed and judge the entries in the morning. I think there's still a bit of time left of my 36 hour warning, so if anything comes in the next couple of hours I'll count it. That being said, I'm guessing there probably won't be anymore entries. Because of the large number of individual cards (I think there might be close to 100), I'm not going to comment on every single card, however I might comment on interesting/intriguing cards and give suggestions if something catches my eye. My plan is to comment more on the general mechanic and give suggestions if I think of any.

Kudasai: Sorry for the judgement that didn't go your way. I think X-tra said it well; it's unfortunate you're put into this awkward situation and most of us know that your thinking doesn't necessarily mirror segura's. Like I said, the decision was not so clear cut, and I was on the fence; but I ultimately felt it didn't count. I didn't explain my reasoning at length in the original post, but I felt if heirlooms didn't count, than leaders couldn't either. Many people keep cursed gold in the same stack as pooka meaning setup is minimal (especially considering there is no decision time), so heirlooms have less setup than leaders. I didn't say this in the original post, but I was planning on giving feedback on leaders if you didn't change your submission (Perhaps saying this might have made the situation not blow up as much).

Segura: I'm sorry this judgement has bothered you so much. It's also unfortunate that I wasn't able to respond to your comments (due to Shabbat) because I feel that might have deescalated the situation. I've explained my reasoning in the paragraph above in more detail than I did in the original post. Judgements sometimes don't go your way but as a general rule, we need to accept judgements (even those we don't like) so the system can work. On the flip side, judging is sometimes hard; you have to aware of the inevitable ramifications. In this case I was aware of the downside of disqualifying kudasai's card; however, if I had allowed it, some people might have complained saying they held back ideas that were similar because they didn't think it would qualify. In the end, I had to go with my gut, and what I felt fit within the framework of the contest. I would like to state that I hold no ill will towards you because of this; everyone makes mistakes and everyone has bad days. You've been on this thread for quite some time and have contributed many good ideas, and I know that you are usually respectful and considerate. I don't take this personally at all and look forward to you joining us again soon.

To all entrants: Wow! Great job. I thought this week was going to be hard and was worried there would be too few entries, but you guys definitely did deliver. I think there's at least 18 new mechanics. What's great about this is we can all use these ideas for future card ideas (I probably will). Also, as Gazbag has pointed out, you are all disqualified and Gazbag wins with blank cards. 😜 (As an aside, I burst out laughing when I read that)

To those who felt this week was a little harder than normal, sorry about that; hopefully you'll get back on the train next week.

I 100% understand. For the two contested I created I immediately wished I had rephrased things once submitted! :)

Also, don't worry about leaving comments for Leaders. You already have a lot of judging ahead of you!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 13, 2020, 06:06:23 pm »
Posting this in case I miss the deadline.

 Also Kudasai those Leader cards are fun. I want to choose Tactical which is perhaps why I'm actually seldom winning my games.

I appreciate the comment! I'm torn on Tactical. It seems strictly better than a double Silver opening, which I don't like. Not that double Silver is especially strong. It is however the ever present strategy that allows a player to hit higher price points. Tactical does the same thing, but without adding 2 stop cards into your deck. It probably needs to give enough debt to make you skip around 2.5 to 3.0 turns. Or just straight up say, "skip your first 3 turns of the game."

Anyways, I'm glad you think they're fun and I think you've chosen the strongest of the 4 Leaders. So it's probably not your card assessment that's losing you games! :P

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 12, 2020, 06:14:08 pm »
Challenge 61: Create a New Simple Mechanic Submission:

First of all, I'm not sure this submission qualifies as it adds an extra game setup step. If it doesn't I'm happy to remove it!

Leader Cards: These play exactly like Projects. The big difference is each player may chooses one and only one Leader for free before the start of the game. All Leaders are available to be chosen and they are not pile limited (so multiple players may choose the same Leader). All Leaders provide a benefit, but beware, all Leaders also have drawbacks. If the Kingdom lacks an extra Action, the Industrious Leader might look appealing, but all non-terminal Actions will cost you $1 extra for the whole game!


These may not be exactly balanced, but again these are just to highlight the concept. Thanks for looking!

Challenge 61: Create a New Simple Mechanic Submission:
Industrious: At the start of your turn, +1 Action. During your turns, cards with +Action amounts in their text cost $1 more.

Devout: During your turns, once per phase, when you discard a card (from anywhere), you may trash it. At the end of each turn you trashed any cards with this, each other player gets +1VP.

Political: During your turns, Victory cards cost $1 more. When you gain a Victory card, +1VP.

Tactical: At the start of the game, take 9debt. At the start of your turn, +$1.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 09, 2019, 02:01:47 pm »

Essentially an Action Silver that can stack and play off of each other to give a village effect. Playing a Bivouac with a Bivouac doesn't use an Action so you end up with an extra one. This also can top deck itself so lining them up will eventually happen (no luck factor there).

Sounds a bit strong, but the forced topdecking might hurt more than it helps. Having 2 Bivouacs will essentially mean you start each turn with +$4 and +2 Actions, but at the cost of drawing 2 less cards. I can't tell if this is balanced. Thoughts are always appreciated!

Bivouac - Action - $5
+1 Action
You may play a Bivouac from your hand. At the start of Clean-up this turn, if you have 3 or more Bivouacs in play, discard them all. Otherwise, put them all onto your deck.

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