« on: November 08, 2018, 10:14:43 am »
I usually distinguish six factors to help my engine building:
- Alt-VP
- Trashing
- Attacks
- Villages/Splitters
- Draw
- Buys/gains
If most or all of these factors are present, you can usually build an engine; sometimes you can do with fewer factors (there are plenty of engines without attacks or alt-VP, without trashing, with only cantrips instead of villages or with only 1 Buy - only engines without draw are rare). There are also exceptions where an insane rush/slog/combo deck is better than the engine, but those exceptions are also fairly uncommon.
If you decided that an engine is the way to go on a certain board, then:
- Always open with a trasher if possible, otherwise if the trasher is $5 or more get it on the second shuffle. Trash aggressively;
- Gainers are also very strong in the opening;
- From the second shuffle onward, balance terminals and splitters, and make sure your deck is not skewed too much in either direction;
- Add attacks as soon as you can play them somewhat reliably. Some attacks are so strong that you want to buy them ASAP, such as Mountebank;
- Figure out what your engine could conceivably do; many engines are happy just going double Province, but sometimes you can triple Province or megaturn, or double Colony, or alt-VP of some sort. Act accordingly. For example, a double Province engine needs to have at least $16 and +1 Buy; keep track of what cards you have to attain this goal.
- Green as late as you can get away with, but not too late so that you don't run the risk of your opponent getting points lockdown or ending the game on a win. Green worsens your deck, but it's usually inevitable. Also beware of three-pile endings.
Of course, exceptions apply to these rules, but it's good to be aware of these rules first.