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Messages - Aleimon Thimble

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Rules Questions / Re: Is '$3, $4, $5 or $6' the same as '$3 to $6'?
« on: November 26, 2018, 07:55:58 am »
I've noticed this difference before, but it doesn't really qualify as a translation error in my opinion, just a different way of saying the same thing.

I said that draw is economy, because it puts cards into your hand which generate coins. Holunder9 said that was false, because what if you're overdrawing your deck. I said that if you're overdrawing your deck, the problem isn't that you're drawing too many cards, it's that you trashed too many cards. You said that sometimes overdraw is good if it puts cards into your hand which generate coins. You seriously don't think anything is funny here?

I really don't, and you're attributing something to my name which I never said. Other than the fact that the notion that 'draw is economy' is a misleading statement, you didn't mention mid-turn gaining or discard for benefit and I had no reason to assume that's what you meant. But even if I did, my post replied to a different post of yours, where you said that overdraw is a sign that you overtrashed, which is also a misleading statement.

This is false. If you overdraw your deck adding more draw power doesn't increase Coin (or Coffers) yield.

While you are of course totally right that drawing cards make it more likely that you draw payload cards it is simply a bad way to think about the game because there is often an elementary trade-off about adding draw or payload power to a deck. Pretending that the former implies the latter is not helpful at all for deck construction and I seriously doubt that you actually think according to your "Cards=Coins" claim during playing. If the game were so simple it would be solved.

If you "overdraw" your deck, the real problem is that you have overtrashed your deck.

Well, sometimes overdraw is good, for example with mid-turn gaining or discard for benefit.
Somehow you've come full circle and now try to use the original argument Awaclus was making against him. I suggest always checking the context of a discussion to avoid chiming in with a completely beside-the-point comment.

Awaclus never said that in this topic. Maybe one of his other posts implied it somehow, but I'm not seeing that right now. Either way, surely he doesn't need you to defend him so furiously? You sound like an overzealous groupie.

This is false. If you overdraw your deck adding more draw power doesn't increase Coin (or Coffers) yield.

While you are of course totally right that drawing cards make it more likely that you draw payload cards it is simply a bad way to think about the game because there is often an elementary trade-off about adding draw or payload power to a deck. Pretending that the former implies the latter is not helpful at all for deck construction and I seriously doubt that you actually think according to your "Cards=Coins" claim during playing. If the game were so simple it would be solved.

If you "overdraw" your deck, the real problem is that you have overtrashed your deck.

Well, sometimes overdraw is good, for example with mid-turn gaining or discard for benefit.

When playing Dominion yesterday evening, we noticed a mistranslation that's not yet found on the Wiki, namely Orchard. Dutch Orchard forgets to mention that only Action cards count; it omits the word 'Action' ('Actie').

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 13, 2018, 09:31:19 am »
Now I want to see a rhyming Dominion expansion!

Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker?

Just posting to say that it's good to see you on the forums here :)

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Renaissance Cards: Inventor
« on: November 13, 2018, 05:48:58 am »
If I thrown room my inventor I get a $4 cost card and a $5 cost card correct?

Well, up to $4 and $5 respectively. You can still pick a cheaper card if you like.

It's kind of amusing to me how upset people can get about trivial things like card colors being somewhat different (as long as it's the front and not the back - that would be horrible), when instead we Dutchies have to deal with this:

Now THOSE are mistakes.

And even then I don't actually get THAT upset about it, I just have to remember how the actual cards work and not forget to tell people before the game starts.

Instead of judging the cards, I'm going to judge the mistranslations themselves. Let me start off by saying that every mistranslation is stupid and that the Dutch cards have way too many of them, and that I wish that someone who is actually fluent in both languages and actually plays Dominion would do the translation. However, not all mistakes are equal.

11. Triumphal Arch - Honestly it's debatable if this is an actual mistranslation or just clunky word usage. The words on the card don't actually make a coherent Dutch sentence in my book, which is not great but it's slightly less bad than an actual mistranslation.
10. Plan - probably the most understandable mistranslation, I was confused as well when I read Plan for the first time. Its mechanics are rather counterintuitive, and this is probably the only mistake I could have made as well.
9. Young Witch - Makes so little difference mechanically that it's somewhat forgivable.
8. Madman - It would be cool if Madman worked this way, but otherwise it's a dumb mistake.
7. Tribute - It would be cool if Tribute worked this way, but otherwise it's a dumb mistake.
6. Stonemason - This mistake totally breaks the card, which is pretty awful.
4/5. Pirate Ship/Rogue - They basically made the same mistake TWICE, that's an extra reason to end up higher on this list.
3. Bandit - This is a serious mistake that could have been avoided so easily. Furthermore, it's in the new Base set, so everyone who plays Dominion is now bothered by mistranslations, not just players who play with expansions...
2. Urchin - If they confused +Action with +Buy, they have clearly never played the game.
1. Gladiator - How the actual f*** did they screw up translating a number? All they had to do was NOT change it. Seriously.

In Donald's defense, becoming pissed does not usually solve a whole lot.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why Peasant Will Be On My Ban List
« on: November 09, 2018, 05:37:16 am »
Peasant stands out as one of the cards that favour the better player the most in my sample of logs.

If you usually beat your opponent in 60% of the games, you'll win 63.5% of the Peasant boards.
(Page also favours the better player but not as much, Chapel on the other hand makes the weaker player win more than expected.)

Myth busted. :P

Maybe you just suck with Peasant? Everyone has cards they're not good with. I always lose Black Market games somehow.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Secret History discussion thread
« on: November 09, 2018, 04:27:52 am »
It turned out Ben King had been working on a Dominion program as a fun project, and he programmed in Renaissance and we playtested it some there. Thanks Ben! He also wrote some bots to demonstrate how powerful some particular cards were.

Dominion programs with stronger bots? Yes please!

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 09, 2018, 03:42:12 am »
You can totally build a single-Province engine with 10 cards. I guess the only problem is that you will have to cannibalize engine parts after greening, but even then, it's possible.

The presence of Cathedral does weaken junking attacks to the extent that I probably wouldn't buy them.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:30:24 am »
My first impression of Cathedral is that it's pretty amazing. Yes, the mandatory trashing is a bit annoying late-game; it helps if you have extra +Buys and maybe something to topdeck your cards with, such as Royal Seal, Watchtower or Tracker. However, you can start trashing before your first shuffle (only few card-shaped things can manage that, including Bonfire and Goat), which more than makes up for it. Usually you don't need any other trashers if you have Cathedral, and you'll get your engine rolling quickly.

Guildhall + Beggar

Even without +Buy or other help, these two together can make for a surprisingly fast Province rush.  Guildhall gives you +1 Coffers every time you gain a treasure, which means Beggar essentially reads +$6.  There's probably some optimization here that I haven't figured out yet, but the basic strategy is to open Beggar-Beggar, buy Guildhall with your first $5 (which should be very easy with a Beggar play), then buy Province every time you play Beggar, and buy extra Beggars on hands without Beggars.  I can usually get 7-8 Provinces in about 12 to 13 turns, and I've had a few games where I emptied Provinces by turn 10 or 11.

On a related note: Guildhall + Masterpiece
Buy Guildhall with your first $5, then Masterpieces, overpaying as much as possible. Uncontested, Silver runs around turn 8, afterwards you can easily buy a Province per turn. In a mirror, Silver runs around turn 6-7, and the game ends by turn 10 or 11. Obviously Gardens and Feodum love this.

Doesn't emptying the Silver pile seem a little excessive if it's just a Province game?

Well, in a BM game you need a money density of $1.6/card to buy a Province every turn on average. Your deck starts out at 10 cards with $0.7/card, so if all you do is buy Silvers ($2/card), you'll need more than 20 Silvers to get your money density high enough. Considering the fact that Masterpieces themselves are just Coppers, it gets even worse. I wouldn't be surprised if getting around 30 Silvers is optimal, which is not quite an empty Silver pile but pretty close to it.

With all the coffers you get from that last Masterpiece?

That's a fair point, but by the time you get enough coffers from a single Masterpiece not to need so many Silvers anymore, the Silver pile is also almost empty.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Engine Building Help
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:14:43 am »
I usually distinguish six factors to help my engine building:

- Alt-VP
- Trashing
- Attacks
- Villages/Splitters
- Draw
- Buys/gains

If most or all of these factors are present, you can usually build an engine; sometimes you can do with fewer factors (there are plenty of engines without attacks or alt-VP, without trashing, with only cantrips instead of villages or with only 1 Buy - only engines without draw are rare). There are also exceptions where an insane rush/slog/combo deck is better than the engine, but those exceptions are also fairly uncommon.

If you decided that an engine is the way to go on a certain board, then:

- Always open with a trasher if possible, otherwise if the trasher is $5 or more get it on the second shuffle. Trash aggressively;
- Gainers are also very strong in the opening;
- From the second shuffle onward, balance terminals and splitters, and make sure your deck is not skewed too much in either direction;
- Add attacks as soon as you can play them somewhat reliably. Some attacks are so strong that you want to buy them ASAP, such as Mountebank;
- Figure out what your engine could conceivably do; many engines are happy just going double Province, but sometimes you can triple Province or megaturn, or double Colony, or alt-VP of some sort. Act accordingly. For example, a double Province engine needs to have at least $16 and +1 Buy; keep track of what cards you have to attain this goal.
- Green as late as you can get away with, but not too late so that you don't run the risk of your opponent getting points lockdown or ending the game on a win. Green worsens your deck, but it's usually inevitable. Also beware of three-pile endings.

Of course, exceptions apply to these rules, but it's good to be aware of these rules first.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Missing auto-plays
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:57:56 am »
Autoplay Workshop/Gardens on suitable boards.

Autoplay Smithy-BM on Base only boards without splitters. :P

(and without Workshop/Gardens I guess)

Guildhall + Beggar

Even without +Buy or other help, these two together can make for a surprisingly fast Province rush.  Guildhall gives you +1 Coffers every time you gain a treasure, which means Beggar essentially reads +$6.  There's probably some optimization here that I haven't figured out yet, but the basic strategy is to open Beggar-Beggar, buy Guildhall with your first $5 (which should be very easy with a Beggar play), then buy Province every time you play Beggar, and buy extra Beggars on hands without Beggars.  I can usually get 7-8 Provinces in about 12 to 13 turns, and I've had a few games where I emptied Provinces by turn 10 or 11.

On a related note: Guildhall + Masterpiece
Buy Guildhall with your first $5, then Masterpieces, overpaying as much as possible. Uncontested, Silver runs around turn 8, afterwards you can easily buy a Province per turn. In a mirror, Silver runs around turn 6-7, and the game ends by turn 10 or 11. Obviously Gardens and Feodum love this.

Doesn't emptying the Silver pile seem a little excessive if it's just a Province game?

Well, in a BM game you need a money density of $1.6/card to buy a Province every turn on average. Your deck starts out at 10 cards with $0.7/card, so if all you do is buy Silvers ($2/card), you'll need more than 20 Silvers to get your money density high enough. Considering the fact that Masterpieces themselves are just Coppers, it gets even worse. I wouldn't be surprised if getting around 30 Silvers is optimal, which is not quite an empty Silver pile but pretty close to it.

Keep in mind that the value of Poor House goes down as you get more, because they're all treasures. Two can be good but the third is just a Silver, and the fourth is a Copper.

Yeah, but the difference is you could play your Poor Houses after all your other Treasures. With a $5/$2 opening and good shuffling luck, you could literally buy a Province on your third turn.

The difference between what you are saying and what? Buying a Province on your third turn is no big deal. You can do that for example with Death Cart (alone, no combo needed) and some shuffle luck if you want to.

Also Coppersmith.

Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Renaissance Initial Impressions
« on: November 06, 2018, 08:31:13 am »
Hideout is not as insane as it looks. The fact that it's a mandatory trasher really hurts; once you've trashed down your deck, you also can't use it as a Village reliably anymore. Cantrip trashing is still nice, and it mitigates terminal collision in the first few shuffles, but you really have to jump through hoops (massive Copper gaining, for example) to use it as the only Village in your engine.

Capitalism drastically simplifies infinite loops. This is a loop for arbitrary amounts of VP:

Hand: Storyteller, Rogue, Monument, Watchtower

Trash: Mandarin

Play Storyteller to play Monument, Rogue gaining Mandarin (topdeck Storyteller, Monument, Rogue), reveal Watchtower to trash, draw Storyteller, Monument, Rogue back from Storyteller.

Awesome find. You don't even need Monument per se; anything with +coins and +buy will also do the trick, since you can play it an arbitrary amount of times and just empty the supply afterwards. Goons is best, of course, but you win even without the VP chips.

Still, you'll likely not see a board with all of Mandarin, Storyteller, Watchtower, Rogue and Capitalism in a lifetime if you always play full random.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Renaissance online release
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:04:26 pm »
Although I have been somewhat vocal in the past about not being thrilled with ShIT, I do have to admit that you did an amazing job getting Renaissance out so fast :) Playing it right now, and it's awesome! Thanks a lot!

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Who played game #20,000,000?
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:03:14 pm »
I was just playing online, trying out Renaissance, when I noticed this:

Joining game #19999867 on tokyo.
Joining game #20000570 on tokyo.

Twenty million games played on ShIT, it seems :) Who was the lucky person to hit 20M exactly?

Monday is fine. Not like I have a lot of time this weekend. :P

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