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Topics - E.Honda

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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Dominion online log prettifier
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:54:52 pm »
On the site there has been the issue, for me at least and I believe for others too, that when you copy/paste the game log from the browser (firefox in my case) to a text file you get something like this:

Code: [Select]
Turn 1 - E.Honda
plays 4 Coppers
buys and gains a Black Market
draws 3 Coppers
and 2 Estates

If you want to post parts of a gamelog to a thread, you can manually repair that, but if you want to copy/paste a long portion of gamelog this can be a bit of a pain. I had some spare time last week, so I decided to write a tool that does the work of repairing the log for you. It is nothing spectacular, but if you would like to see, use and/or work on it I published it on github:

For those of you that just want to use and not compile it themselves, I also uploaded the executable to dropbox:

You should of course always be careful running executables you downloaded from a random source on the web. I promise this is the executable built from the source files linked above, but if you want to make sure you have to build it yourself of course :) I can hower at least provide you with the SHA256 hash of "" and the files contained within, so you can at least be sure those are the ones I provided when you download them:

Code: [Select]
File Hash         BF5D9CBE7D89616BAB7A2572A9E562EB30983A554A1A750C04F132E10C87675A
logprettifier.exe 66FD22F88B506CB5D7D4B8D1ACC3B3AC0EC24A9D7292C7BA9EDE976C4041AC1B
README.txt         4BFC7E7915824DF8972F4B6ACBD014A48BC0F4CC39B739331CFB878369707D0F

The tool can be used via the console, like so:

Code: [Select]
logprettifier c:/dominion_logs/malformatted_log.txt
which will take the provided textfile and repair it. For more detailed instructions on how to use the tool, see the provided readme. Please send me a message if you find a bug, there might still be some arcane usernames messing with the tool (since I am not really sure what makes a legal username on You can of course also provide fixes yourself for any bugs you find on github. I hope this tool will be of use and save some time for some of you, making it unnecessary to manually repair copy/pasted logs :)

Game Reports / Travelling Fair + Counting House + Bank
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:46:55 pm »
I played a game against limetime today in which they pulled out a really crazy megaturn strategy involving these 3 cards:

$200 to spend on turn 9  :o

So i'm in a game with Heisenberg leading by a big margin with 1 Province left. On turn 18 i have 7 and buy a duchy and an estate to which he replies 'just end class'. (There was no 3 pile ending available) He then proceeds to slowroll me playing one card at a time waiting several minutes in between. So i think Heisenberg should seriously consider not using as much of his nice blue stuff i think its making him crazy

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