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Topics - Mean Mr Mustard

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GokoDom / Mustard's Bracket Week Three
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:54:34 am »
<b> Here Toaday, Here Tomorrow</b>

This week we will all play matches dominated by Seaside.  Each match is seven total games.  Make sure that you set Isotropic's filter system to include exactly six cards chosen at random from Seaside!

Please report your results in this thread, and have your match completed by 18:00 GMT Thursday 12 April.  Good luck and have fun!

If you wish to play future matches, feel free to do so... but wait to post the results in that week's thread.

Please make up outstanding matches before the end of Group Stage and report them in the correct week's thread.  Also, if you spot an error in point totals speak up!

Week 2 Match-ups

Eurasia Group:

Geronimoo (12)
Nucleus ( 12 )

Rabid ( 16 )
Mangsky (10)

lespeutere ( 18 )
Dubdubdubdub ( 8 )

MrEevee (16)
luliin (6)

Central Europe Group:

Fabian ( 20 )
ugasoft (13)

ArjanB (7)
StickaRicka (16)

JanErik (14)
Lekkit (18)

angboy (11)
Tonks77 (13)

Eastern America Group

Wandering Winder (10)
Mic Qsenoch ( 20 )

angrybirds (11)
Masticore (16)

Voltaire (2)
Robz888 ( 16 )

zxcvbn2 (9)
blueblimp (12)

Atlantic Group:

Young Nick ( 16 )
DG ( 8 )

Kirian ( 14 )
Jonts26 (22)

Greystripe77 (6)
fit1one (10)

elahrairah13 (10)
andwilk (12)

GokoDom / Mustard's Bracket Week Two
« on: March 29, 2012, 11:50:19 pm »
<b>The King's Court</b>

This week we will all play matches dominated by Intrigue.  Each match is seven total games.  Make sure that you set Isotropic's filter system to include exactly six cards chosen at random from Intrigue!

Please report your results in this thread, and have your match completed by 18:00 GMT Thursday 05 April.  Good luck and have fun!

If you wish to play future matches, feel free to do so... but wait to post the results in that week's thread.

<b>Week 2 Match-ups

Eurasia Group:</b>

Geronimoo (12)
Rabid ( 16 )

lespeutere ( 18 )
Nucleus ( 12 )

MrEevee (16)
Mangsky (10)

Dubdubdubdub ( 8 )
luliin (6)

<b>Central Europe Group:</b>

Fabian ( 20 )
ArjanB (7)

JanErik (14)
ugasoft (13)

angboy (11)
StickaRicka (16)

Lekkit (18)
Tonks77 (13)

<b>Eastern America Group</b>

Wandering Winder (10)
angrybirds (11)

Voltaire (2)
Mic Qsenoch ( 20 )

zxcvbn2 (9)
Masticore (16)

Robz888 ( 16 )
blueblimp (12)

<b>Atlantic Group:</b>

Young Nick ( 16 )
Kirian ( 14 )

Greystripe77 (6)
DG ( 8 )

elahrairah13 (10)
Jonts26 (22)

fit1one (10)
andwilk (12)

GokoDom / Need A Player
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:01:54 pm »
Brathannes has become unresponsive.  If anyone wants play, arrange a game with <a href=;u=528>Arjanb</a>.  Otherwise we have our first scratch.

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge Rules
« on: March 21, 2012, 07:34:49 pm »
Weekly Matches

The IsoDom: Challenge threads will be updated every week with match-ups, current point totals and the weekly theme.  Each match will consist of seven games under the following restrictions:

1) Point counter encouraged
2) Exactly 6 cards, chosen at random, in each game must belong to the current week's expansion, using the excellent option to filter cards in Isotropic
3) First player position in first game shall be chosen randomly, losing player plays first afterward.  In event of a tie, random.  We will use the honor system to enforce this; to ensure a random placement make sure to exit and restart Isotropic before the first game and after subsequent ties.
4)The tournament will be scored as follows:  each win will be worth 2 Tournament Points, each tie 1, each loss 0.
5) Players report the outcomes of each match, including scores of each game and optional commentary to the weekly tournament thread.
6) After seven weeks, the player in each group with the most Tournament Points will advance to the Bracket Championship.  In the case of a tie between two players, a First to Four Wins match will be held to determine who advances.  In the unlikely event that more than two players have a share in the lead, a Multiplayer First to Three Wins match will be held to determine who advances.

Bracket Championship:

The top four finishers, one from each group, will play a five game match to determine the winner of each bracket.  These will be four player games scored 3-2-1-0.  In the case of a tie in Match Points between two players who have the lead after five games, those two players will hold a two player match (first player to win four games), to determine the winner.   In the unlikely case of a tie in Match Points between more than two players who have the lead after five games, those players will hold a multiplayer match (first player to win three games), to determine the winner.

IsoDom: Challenge Championship Final:

The winner of both brackets will play a first to five match to determine who is named IsoDom: Challenge Champion.


Any Drop-outs will be treated as <i>unpersons</i>: none of their games will count, and any unplayed games will be replaced with a bye.

GokoDom / Mustard's Bracket Week One
« on: March 21, 2012, 04:21:36 pm »
<b>Season of the Witch</b>

Hiya folks, I would like to wish everyone good shuffle luck for week one!

This week we will all play matches dominated by Base Dominion.  Make sure that you set Isotropic's filter system to include exactly six cards chosen at random from the base set!

Please report your outcomes here; feel free to comment on your games.  Please have your match completed by 18:00 GMT Thursday, March 29.  Good luck and have fun!

<b>Week One Match-ups:

Eurasia Group:</b>

Geronimoo (6)
lespeutere ( 8 )

MrEevee (6)
Rabid ( 8 )

luliin (6)
Nucleus ( 8 )

Dubdubdubdub ( 8 )
Mangsky (6)

<b>Central Europe Group:</b>

Fabian ( 8 )
JanErik (6)

angboy (9)
ArjanB (5)

Tonks77 (7)
ugasoft (7)

Lekkit (10)
StickaRicka (4)

<b>Eastern America Group</b>

Wandering Winder (0)
pops (0)

zxcvbn2 (5)
angrybirds (9)

blueblimp (6)
Mic Qsenoch ( 8 )

Robz888 ( 8 )
Masticore (6)

<b>Atlantic Group:</b>

Young Nick (8)
Greystripe77 (6)

elahrairah13 (6)
Kirian ( 8 )

andwilk (6)
DG ( 8 )

fit1one (2)
Jonts26 (12)

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge Grouping
« on: March 21, 2012, 04:09:25 pm »
<b>Kirian's Bracket:</b>

ednever - PST
shark_bait PST
DGHunter79 - Lost Angels
Titandrake - PST
Insomniac-X - PST Canada
antony - PST
gorgonstar - PST

[MAD] Mergus - MST
Axxle - PST
Jorbles - PST
coheed - PST
Ignorantmen - PST
perdhapley - PST
tlloyd - Arizona
Yuma - MST (Utah)

BJ Penn - CST
ebEliminator - CST
CarpeDeezNuts- CST
michaeljb - Colorado
mnavratil - CST
A_S00 - CST
mikemike - CST
ninjabus - CST

Mean Mr Mustard - Louisville
rspeer - Boston
Brando Commando - Boston
RisingJaguar - EST
greatexpectations - EST
Nicki Menagerie - EST
AHoppy - EST
^_^_^_^ - EST

<b>Mustard's Bracket:</b>

Geronimoo - Belgium
lespeutere - Germany
MrEevee - Finland
Rabid - UK
luliin - W. Europe
Nucleus - Mother Russia
Dubdubdubdub - Netherlands
Mangsky - Mother Russia?

Fabian - Sweden
JanErik - Germany
Brathannes - Germany
ArjanB - Netherlands
Tonks77 - Germany
ugasoft - Italy
Lekkit - Sweden
StickaRicka - Denmark

Wandering Winder - CST (New York, I meant Kansas)
pops - Chicago???
zxcvbn2 - EST
angrybirds - EST
blueblimp - EST
Mic Qsenock - EST Canada
Robz888 - Michigan
Masticore - Colorado

Young Nick - EST
Greystripe77 - EST
elahrairah13 - EST
Kirian - EST
andwilk - EST
fit1one - UK
Jonts26 - EST

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge General Discussion
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:23:05 pm »
Welcome to IsoDom: Challenge!

To begin with, thank you everyone for your interest!  I hope everyone plays through to the end, but is you have any doubts in your ability to finish a round in time or the Tournament in general let me know as soon as possible!  In the event of a drop-out, one of two things will happen: either I will seek out an Alternate, or if that is not possible, all previous games played by the missing player will not count for Tournament Points and a bye will occur for future matches.  Since the Win-Loss record only counts in determining who wins each group this should not effect the other groups.

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge Issues Thread
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:06:49 pm »
Use this thread to report any match-up problems, or if you feel that the scores are wrong in any way, or any other problem or issue you have.

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge Feedback Thread
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:04:49 pm »
Use this thread for any ideas or insights about the Challenge tourney.

GokoDom / IsoDom: Challenge Player List
« on: March 21, 2012, 01:00:56 pm »
If anyone is missing or your timezone is wrong speak up!

Mean Mr Mustard - Louisville
Geronimoo - Belgium
lespeutere - Germany
perdhapley - PST
MrEevee - Finland
pops - Chicago???
tlloyd - Arizona
fit1one - UK
Rabid - UK
shark_bait PST
rspeer - Boston
Fabian - Sweden
Brando Commando - Boston
Yuma - MST (Utah)
Nucleus - Mother Russia
RisingJaguar - EST
greatexpectations - EST
Jonts26 - EST
Wandering Winder - CST (New York, I meant Kansas)
Dubdubdubdub - Netherlands
Robz888 - Michigan
michaeljb - Colorado
mikemike - CST
Mangsky - Mother Russia?
AHoppy - EST
JanErik - Germany
^_^_^_^ - EST
Young Nick - EST
DGHunter79 - Lost Angels
Titandrake - PST
Greystripe77 - EST
elahrairah13 - EST
Insomniac-X - PST Canada
A_S00 - CST
Brathannes - Germany
Kirian - EST
[MAD] Mergus - MST
antony - PST
gorgonstar - PST
ArjanB - Netherlands
Tonks77 - Germany
mnavratil - CST
ugasoft - Italy
Lekkit - Sweden
andwilk - EST
Axxle - PST
blueblimp - EST
Mic Qsenock - EST Canada
CarpeDeezNuts- CST
Jorbles - PST
Masticore - Colorado
ednever - PST
coheed - PST
StickaRicka - Denmark
Nicki Menagerie - EST
BJ Penn - CST
zxcvbn2 - EST
luliin - W. Europe
angrybirds - EST
ebEliminator - CST

Dominion General Discussion / New IsoDom Tournament Announcement
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:13:03 am »
Please visit <a href=>this post</a> in the IsoDom subforum for details and sign up.

GokoDom / IsoDom Challenge Sign-up
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:57:26 am »
<b>Welcome to IsoDom: Challenge!</b>

This is an open, non-elimination Round Robin-type tournament featuring weekly two-player expansion themed match-ups.


This tournament will feature a field of 28 top Dominion players, split by seed and continent into four divisions.  All players shall duke it out over the course of six weeks, each week playing a match against a different player within the division with the aim of gaining enough tournament points to win a place at the final table.

<b>Weekly Matches</b>

The IsoDom: Challenge thread will be updated every week with match-ups, current point totals and the weekly theme.  Each match will consist of seven games under the following restrictions:

1) Point counter encouraged
2) 6 cards, chosen at random, in each game must belong to the current week's expansion, using the excellent option to filter cards in Isotropic
3) First player position in first game shall be chosen randomly, losing player plays first afterward.  In event of a tie, random.  We will use the honor system to enforce this; to ensure a random placement make sure to exit and restart Isotropic before the first game and after subsequent ties.
4)The tournament will be scored as follows:  each win will be worth 2 Tournament Points, each tie 1, each loss 0.
5) Players report the outcomes of each match, including scores of each game and optional commentary to the weekly tournament thread.

<b>Final Match</b>

The final match will take place between the winners of each division, chosen with the following criteria:

1) Highest Tournament Point total
2) In the case of a tie, a best of seven match will be held to decide who will advance.

The final match will be a five game, four-player free-for-all, scored the following way: 3 Match Points for the win, 2 for second, 1 for third, 0 for last.  In the case of a game ending in some kind of a tie, tying players gain the average match score of tying positions. After five games, the player with the highest Match Point total wins the tournament.  In the case of a tie of match points a sudden death game will take place between the winners.

Seating position for each game of the final needs to be addressed, and I am open to suggestions about the fairest way to accomplish this.

<b>Sign Up</b>

<b><u>Everyone is encouraged to sign up</b></u>.  Unfortunately there are only 27 positions open.  The end goal is to have a fun and competitive tournament fielded by players who are willing to commit to see it through to the end.  With this in mind, the player pool will be compiled by Mustard using all of the following criteria:

1) Participation in previous IsoDoms
2) Player Ranking
3) Forum participation

Sign-up is now open, and will end 18:00 GMT on Wednesday, March 21

Please include your timezone

Game Reports / Annotated Game: Mustard vs Wilfred
« on: March 13, 2012, 01:37:58 am »
The Kingdom:  Colony, Farming Village, Fool's Gold, Highway, Laboratory, Lookout, Platinum, Possession, Potion, Rabble, Spy, Vault, and Wharf

Looking over this Kingdom I saw a lot of different and potentially competitive strategies; I immediately ruled out Fool's Gold because I am not crazy about them on a Colony board but other than that every card in this Kingdom could make a nice contribution to a very fast deck.  I really prefer Wharf over the other engine cards, although they could have potentially been used to great effect.  Once that decision was made I decided to play Lookout and some serious treasure and maybe a couple of midgame Farming Villages to go with my Wharf buys.


— Wilfred's turn 1 —
Wilfred plays 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Farming Village.
(Wilfred draws: 3 Coppers and 2 Estates.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 1 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays 4 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Silver.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: 3 Coppers and 2 Estates.)

— Wilfred's turn 2 —
Wilfred plays 3 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Silver.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Silver, 2 Coppers, a Farming Village, and an Estate.)   

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 2 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays 3 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Lookout.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, a Copper, and 3 Estates.)

I wasn't crazy about Wilfred's opening Farming Village buy.  It isn't a strong opener and it gave me a bit of confidence that this would go okay.  On the other hand, though it isn't a prime move at least it was a cog in the wheel he was going to build and I knew that if he got a better draw than me in the next few build-up turns he would mitigate the opportunity loss and maybe come out ahead.  Sticking with my plan to buy liberal amounts of treasure and to help offset the economy loss of buying an opening Lookout I felt I had no choice but to purchase a Silver.


— Wilfred's turn 3 —
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing an Estate, an Estate, and a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
... discarding 2 Estates.
Wilfred plays a Silver and 3 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Wharf.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: 4 Coppers and an Estate.)   

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 3 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing a Copper.
   ... discarding a Copper.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver and 4 Coppers.)

— Wilfred's turn 4 —
Wilfred plays 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Lookout.
(Wilfred draws: 2 Coppers, an Estate, a Farming Village, and a Wharf.)   

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 4 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver and 4 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Wharf.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver, 3 Coppers, and an Estate.)

Wilfred drew both of his opening buys after reshuffling, and I drew CEEE Lookout; not good.  While that wasn't great at least it guaranteed I would draw five Coppers on turn 4 and be able to buy a Wharf.  My opponent however cycled through two Estates with FV and bought his first Wharf on turn three.  He than decided to match my earlier Lookout, which I didn't feel was very threatening;  I felt that a Silver would have served him better.

Wilfred: 7C, 3E, 1 Silver, 1 Farming Village, 1 Wharf, 1 Lookout

Msstard: 6C, 3E, 1 Silver, 1 Lookout, 1 Wharf


— Wilfred's turn 5 —
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Silver.
... putting the Silver into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Silver and 3 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Wharf.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Silver, 2 Coppers, a Wharf, and an Estate.)   

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 5 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver and 3 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Wharf.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, 2 Coppers, and 2 Estates.)

— Wilfred's turn 6 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Copper.
... discarding a Copper.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Silver and 3 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: 3 Coppers, a Farming Village, and an Estate.)   

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 6 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing a Copper.
   ... discarding a Copper.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver, 2 Wharves, and 2 Coppers.)

Wilfred matched his Farming Village with Wharf on turn five, gaining some serious tempo on me.  He bought a Wharf and a Highway on turn six while I gained just one Wharf and again failed to hit an Estate with my Lookout.

Wilfred: 6C, 3E, 1 Silver, 1 Farming Village, 1 Lookout, 2 Wharf, 1 Highway

Msstard: 5C, 3E, 1 Silver, 1 Lookout, 2 Wharf

<b>Ramp up</b>

— Wilfred's turn 7 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Copper.
... discarding a Silver.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Highway.
... putting the Highway into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: 2 Coppers, an Estate, a Farming Village, and a Wharf.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 7 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver and 3 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Farming Village.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, 2 Coppers, and 2 Estates.)

— Wilfred's turn 8 —
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Highway.
... putting the Highway into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing an Estate.
... discarding an Estate.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Lookout.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Silver, a Wharf, an Estate, a Highway, and a Copper.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 8 —
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   Mean Mr Mustard draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing an Estate.
   ... discarding a Farming Village.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver and 4 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Gold.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver, 3 Coppers, and a Lookout.)

— Wilfred's turn 9 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Copper.
... discarding a Lookout.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Silver and 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Highway, a Lookout, a Wharf, a Farming Village, and an Estate.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 9 —
   Mean Mr Mustard draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing an Estate.
   ... discarding an Estate.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Gold.
   ... putting the Gold into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver, 4 Coppers, and a Gold.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Platinum.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver, a Wharf, an Estate, and 2 Coppers.)

— Wilfred's turn 10 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Lookout.
... discarding a Copper.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... (Wilfred reshuffles.)
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Silver and 4 Coppers.
Wilfred buys a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Wharf.
Wilfred buys a Farming Village.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Lookout, 2 Highways, a Copper, and a Platinum.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 10 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver and 2 Coppers.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Farming Village.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, 3 Coppers, and a Gold.)

Early momentum has blossomed into a nice tempo lead, allowing Wilfred to gain 5 Highways, a Platinum, a Wharf, a Farming Village and another Lookout in the next four turns.  I felt pretty good about gaining a Gold and a Platinum, and I could feel my deck tightening up.  My deck was cycling well but I realized that I was in a lot of danger when my opponent bought three Highways on turn nine.  The guy had put me on an extremely short leash; he was going to have a megaturn and he was going to do it long before I could build an unstoppable VP lead.

Wilfred: 4C, 2E, 1 Silver, 2 Farming Village, 2 Lookout, 3 Wharf, 6 Highway, 1 Platinum

Mustard: 5C, 1E, 1 Silver, 1 Lookout, 2 Farming Village, 2 Wharf, 1 Gold, 1 Platinum

<b>A Gambit</b>

— Wilfred's turn 11 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Highway.
... discarding a Highway.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Wharf.
... putting the Wharf into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, and a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Wharf.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Highway, a Wharf, a Platinum, and 2 Coppers.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 11 —
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   Mean Mr Mustard draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing an Estate.
   ... discarding a Copper.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, a Gold, and a Platinum.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Platinum.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Potion.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Wharf, a Platinum, 2 Farming Villages, and a Copper.)

My opponent piles on, and I decide that it is impossible to build a deck that will compete with his.  But I see a beam of golden light: my deck is drawing very well and Possession is on the board.

Wilfred: 4C, 2E, 1 Silver, 2 Farming Village, 2 Lookout, 4 Wharf, 7 Highway, 1 Platinum

Mustard: 5C, 1 Silver, 1 Lookout, 1 Potion, 2 Farming Village, 2 Wharf, 1 Gold, 2 Platinum

<b>Cross Your Fingers</b>

— Wilfred's turn 12 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays 3 Coppers and a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
Wilfred buys a Highway.
(Wilfred draws: 2 Highways, a Copper, a Farming Village, and an Estate.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 12 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Wharf.
   ... putting the Wharf into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Copper.
   ... putting the Copper into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing a Gold.
   ... discarding a Platinum.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, a Potion, and a Platinum.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Possession.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Farming Village.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, 3 Coppers, and a Farming Village.)

My opponent closes out the Highway pile and can now buy Colonies at $2.  I get through my whole deck, play both of my Wharves and buy a Possession and another FV.

Wilfred: 4C, 2E, 1 Silver, 2 Farming Village, 2 Lookout, 4 Wharf, 9 Highway, 1 Platinum

Mustard: 5C, 1 Silver, 1 Lookout, 1 Potion, 2 Farming Village, 2 Wharf, 1 Possession, 2 Platinum

<b><a href= That Bird</a></b>

— Wilfred's turn 13 —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Highway.
... putting the Highway into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... (Wilfred reshuffles.)
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Copper.
... discarding a Highway.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Highway.
... putting the Highway into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... (Wilfred reshuffles.)
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
Wilfred plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, and a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
Wilfred buys a Potion.
Wilfred buys a Farming Village.
Wilfred buys a Province.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: 2 Highways, a Potion, a Farming Village, and an Estate.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 13 —
   Mean Mr Mustard draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
   Mean Mr Mustard draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Lookout.
   ... getting +1 action.
   ... drawing 3 cards.
   ... trashing a Copper.
   ... discarding a Farming Village.
   ... putting a card back on the deck.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Platinum.
   ... putting the Platinum into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Possession.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver, 4 Coppers, a Potion, and a Platinum.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Colony.
   (Mean Mr Mustard reshuffles.)
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Silver, a Wharf, a Farming Village, a Copper, and a Platinum.)

— Wilfred's turn (possessed by Mean Mr Mustard) —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Platinum.
... putting the Platinum into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Highway.
... putting the Highway into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Lookout.
... putting the Lookout into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Lookout.
... getting +1 action.
... drawing 3 cards.
... trashing a Colony.
... discarding a Colony.
... putting a card back on the deck.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, a Potion, and a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
... Mean Mr Mustard gains the Colony.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
... Mean Mr Mustard gains the Colony.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
... Mean Mr Mustard gains the Colony.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
... Mean Mr Mustard gains the Colony.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: 3 Highways, a Wharf, and an Estate.)
Wilfred discards the "trashed" card (a Colony).

— Wilfred's turn 14 —
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Wharf.
... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
(Wilfred draws: 2 Highways, a Wharf, a Province, and a Farming Village.)

   — Mean Mr Mustard's turn 14 —
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Farming Village.
   ... putting the Farming Village into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Colony and a Possession.
   ... putting the Possession into the hand.
   ... discarding a Colony.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Wharf.
   ... drawing 2 cards and getting +1 buy.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Farming Village.
   ... getting +2 actions.
   ... revealing a Copper.
   ... putting the Copper into the hand.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Possession.
   Mean Mr Mustard plays a Silver, 3 Coppers, and a Platinum.
   Mean Mr Mustard buys a Province.
   (Mean Mr Mustard draws: a Lookout, a Wharf, a Platinum, a Potion, and a Copper.)

— Wilfred's turn (possessed by Mean Mr Mustard) —
Wilfred draws 2 cards and gets +1 buy from the Wharf.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing a Copper.
... putting the Copper into the hand.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays a Farming Village.
... getting +2 actions.
... revealing an Estate and a Platinum.
... putting the Platinum into the hand.
... discarding an Estate.
Wilfred plays a Highway.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action.
... reducing all costs by $1.
Wilfred plays 3 Coppers and a Platinum.
Wilfred buys a Colony.
... Mean Mr Mustard gains the Colony.
(Wilfred reshuffles.)
(Wilfred draws: a Highway, a Silver, a Potion, and 2 Wharves.)

All Colonies are gone.
Mean Mr Mustard wins!

GokoDom / ...
« on: March 06, 2012, 03:52:26 am »
<b>Coming soon: IsoDom Challenge, a seven week, non-elimination Isotropic Dominion Tournament</b>

I am currently in the planning stages for the next IsoDom event, and I am seeking input from the community re: viability, entertainment value and fair-play.

Roughly, what I'd like to organize is a 28-man tournament, split into four groups of seven by seed.  The main tournament will take place over the course of six weeks, with each player having a weekly five- or seven-game match against one player in the same group.  There will be no eliminations; instead, points will be tallied as follows: Two for a win, one for a tie, zero for a loss.  Every week will bring a new match against a different player, culminating in a final four-player match between group winners to determine the tournament winner.  The group winners will be determined by overall point standing, with an undecided tie-break scenerio.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Finals!
« on: March 04, 2012, 05:31:45 am »
<b>Big ups to Fabian for his win!</b>

To begin with, I would like to thank all of you for helping make this another fun and successful tournament.  What a superb community we have here.

In the red corner, coming straight out of MIT and the qualifying bracket, with a career record of 779-567-7 and a tournament record of 12-6: our over-performing underdogging Sim-Master rspeer!

In the white corner, coming straight out of the top ten and our overall #1 seed, with a career record of 1984-1287-84 and a tournament record of 12-6: my most feared opponent Fabian!

This week's custom kingdom, brought to you by Geronimoo, will be:

Black Market, Throne Room, Native Village, Menagerie, Quarry, Ironworks, Nobles, Golem, Spy, Fairgrounds

Good, luck, fellas.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 5 Kingdom Submissions
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:27:27 pm »
During each round of IsoDom 3 we will choose one common Kingdom to be used by all players to open the following round.  This week, during Round 4, we will as a group choose the special Kingdom to used in the final.  Every participant, including those who lost in a previous round, may submit one Kingdom per round, to my inbox.  I will choose my favorite five, and we will hold a Poll to decide which to use.  For this reason, I am participating in this tourney as a moderator and not as a player.

Please have your Kingdom submission in by Saturday 12PM EST.  The poll will be open for two days, until Monday.  The Final begins on Friday, March 2.

The theme for the finals will be <i>Break The Simulators</i>.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 4
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:19:02 pm »
Congratulations to everyone who progressed!  Please have your round 4 matches completed by noon on Friday, March 2. Report the results to this thread.  As a reminder, all rounds are best of seven, with a preselected Kingdom to be played in the first game.  This week's Kingdom, submitted by Olneyce (nice job!) and approved by the community (thanks for that!) will be:

Chapel, Fishing Village, Familiar, Worker's Village, Sea Hag, Wharf, Mountebank, Governor, Torturer, Forge

Again, if anyone has any issues please let me know as soon as possible.

Round 4 Match-Ups

<b>1. Fabian</b>
1. RisingJaguar

<b>7. rspeer</b>
1. Rabid

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 4 Kingdom Submissions
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:12:14 pm »
During each round of IsoDom 3 we will choose one common Kingdom to be used by all players to open the following round.  This week, during Round 3, we will as a group choose the special Kingdom to used in Round 4.  Every participant, including those who lost in a previous round, may submit one Kingdom per round, to my inbox.  I will choose my favorite five, and we will hold a Poll to decide which to use.  For this reason, I am participating in this tourney as a moderator and not as a player.

Please have your Kingdom submission in by Sunday 12PM EST.  The poll will be open for two days, until Tuesday.  Round 3 begins on Friday, February 24.

The theme for round 4 will be <i>The Quick and the Dead</i>.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 3
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:05:03 pm »
Congratulations to everyone who progressed!  Please have your round 3 matches completed by noon on Friday, February 24. Report the results to this thread.  As a reminder, all rounds are best of seven, with a preselected Kingdom to be played in the first game.  This week's Kingdom, submitted by Jorbles (nice job!) and approved by the community (thanks for that!) will be:

Tournament, Harem, Venture, Fishing Village, Golem, Bishop, Thief, Remake, Tunnel, Fool's Gold, Colony

Again, if anyone has any issues please let me know as soon as possible.

Round 3 Match-Ups

<b>1. Fabian</b>
3. Lespeutere

<b>1. RisingJaguar</b>
2. Olneyce

1. Geronimoo
<b>7. rspeer</b>

<b>1. Rabid</b>
7. Dubdubdubdub

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 3 Kingdom Submissions
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:01:57 am »
During each round of IsoDom 3 we will choose one common Kingdom to be used by all players to open the following round.  This week, during Round 2, we will as a group choose the special Kingdom to used in Round 3.  Every participant, including those who lost in a previous round, may submit one Kingdom per round, to my inbox.  I will choose my favorite five, and we will hold a Poll to decide which to use.  For this reason, I am participating in this tourney as a moderator and not as a player.

Please have your Kingdom submission in by Thurday 12PM EST.  The poll will be open for two days, until Saturday.  Round 3 begins on Wednesday, February 15.

The theme for round 3 will be <i>It's A Trap!</i>.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 2
« on: February 07, 2012, 02:50:55 am »
Congratulations to everyone who progressed!  Please have your round 2 matches completed by noon on Tuesday, February 14. Report the results to this thread.  As a reminder, all rounds are best of seven, with a preselected Kingdom to be played in the first game.  This week's Kingdom, submitted by A_S00 (nice job!) and approved by the community (thanks for that!) will be:

Counting House, Vault, Laboratory, Golem, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Tunnel, Chancellor, Apothecary, Hamlet

Again, if anyone has any issues please let me know as soon as possible.

Round 2 Match-Ups

<b>1. Fabian</b>
5. Volkmar

2. michaeljb
<b>3. Lespeutere</b>

<b>1. RisingJaguar</b>
5. Lekkit

<b>2. Olneyce</b>
3. shark_bait

<b>1. Geronimoo</b>
4. greatexpectations

<b>7. rspeer</b>
6. Mad Max

<b>1. Rabid</b>
4. PSUmvp

<b>7. Dubdubdubdub</b>
6. JanErik

Other Games / LackyCCG
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:02:34 pm »
Last week sometime I followed a link on these forums to a free version of LOTRCCG at Gempukku.  After playing several matches and building several decks I have discovered that I do not like that game, though I would really really like to.  I love everything Tolkein, but the game blows.

I went on a search for other free online CCGs, and found LackyCCG.  What an awesome, robust tool.  I have downloaded plug-ins for Magic, Decipher's Star Wars TCG, Legend of the Five Rings, the old Middle Earth CCG, and Harry Potter TCG.  These are full, complete versions.  I have only played a couple games of Magic and a nice long session of the Potter game so far, because that is what my playing partner wanted to try first.  Potter is an easy game to learn, which is important because Lackey doesn't enforce any rules.  It is a sandbox, and though I found this to be daunting at first I really like it.

Anyway, I suggest anyone to give it a shot.

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 2 Kingdom Submissions
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:10:26 am »
The theme for Round 2 will be <i><a href=>Rube Goldberg's Challenge</a></i>

Submitted by A_S00:

Counting House, Vault, Laboratory, Golem, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Tunnel, Chancellor, Apothecary, Hamlet

Submitted by shark_bait:

Colony, Peddler, Forge, Possession, Ghost Ship, Golem, Farming Village, Bishop, Wishing Well, Apothecary, Pawn

Submitted by Dubdubdubdub:

Transmute, Duchess, Trader, Cache, Ill-Gotten Gains, Inn, Haggler, Border Village, Farmland, Hoard

Submitted by Olneyce:

Market, Cartographer, Scout, Noble Brigand, Farming Village, Spy, Wishing Well, Swindler, Apothecary, Secret Chamber

Submitted by Mean Mr Mustard:

Colony, Cartographer, Coppersmith, Worker's Village, Ironworks, Wishing Well, Warehouse, Apothecary, Scrying Pool, Hamlet, Native Village

GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 1
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:03:09 am »
Congratulations to everyone who qualified!  Please have your round 1 matches completed by noon on Tuesday, February 7. Report the results to this thread.  As a reminder, all rounds are best of seven, with a preselected Kingdom to be played in the first game.  This week's Kingdom, submitted by shark_bait (nice job!) and approved by the community (thanks for that!) will be:

Torturer, Merchant Ship, Moneylender, Caravan, Familiar, Watchtower, Steward, University, Embargo, Hamlet

Again, if anyone has any issues please let me know as soon as possible.

<u><b>Round 1 Match-Ups</b></u>

<b>1. Fabian</b>
8. Mad Mergus

4. Robz888
<b>5. Volkmar</b>

<b>2. michaeljb</b>
7. Marcus316

<b>3. Lespeutere</b>
6. A_S00

<b>1. RisingJaguar</b>
8 FerrousWheel

4. KristianBahle
<b>5. Lekkit</b>

<b>2. Olneyce</b>
7. Young Nick

<b>3. shark_bait</b>
6. Kirian

<b>1. Geronimoo</b>
8. ccasin

<b>4. greatexpectations</b>
5. DG

2. Smartie
<b>7. rspeer</b>

3. tlloyd
<b>6. Mad Max</b>

<b>1. Rabid</b>
8. Yuma

<b>4. PSUmvp</b>
5. Dr Hades

2. PerdHapley
<b>7. Dubdubdubdub</b>

3. Captain Frisk
<b>6. JanErik</b>


GokoDom / IsoDom 3 Round 1 Kingdom Submissions
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:44:41 am »
During each round of IsoDom 3 we will choose one common Kingdom to be used by all players to open the following round.  This week, during Qualifiers, we will as a group choose the special Kingdom to used in Round One.  Every participant, including those who lost in a previous round, may submit one Kingdom per round, to my inbox.  I will choose my favorite five, and we will hold a Poll to decide which to use.  For this reason, I am participating in this tourney as a moderator and not as a player.

Please have your Kingdom submission in by Wednesday 12PM EST.  The poll will be open for two days, until Friday.  Round One begins on Tuesday, January 31.

The theme for round one will be <i>Curses</i>.

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