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Variants and Fan Cards / A simple card without name
« on: July 15, 2014, 01:18:48 am »
Action - $5
Choose one:
+3 actions or +2 coin

+1 card

This an idea that I cam up long ago, It is not particularly exciting, but I think it should be a fine card so I decide to post it any way.

While both choice is quite weak for a $5 card, I still priced it as $5. While it may not be apparent, but consecutive plays of it make it works as a peddler variant. It gives 4 coins for 3 plays with one leftover action (you can consider it a bonus of 1/3 coins for each play). Not to mention its great versatility. And sometimes you may want a village so much that you are willing to pay $5 for it.

I do understand that the card may not be one that is fun enough and can even be considered similar to bazaar, the reason I post it is just to see whether it is balanced, do you thinks it is?

Variants and Fan Cards / Throne Room?
« on: August 01, 2013, 10:01:19 am »
Throne Room
Play an Action card from your hand, play this card as if it were the played card.
This is that card until it leaves play.

In normal case this is similar to normal throne room, not sure about the other case though.

Throne Room
+1 action
Reveal an Action card (other than throne room?) from your hand, play this card as if it were the revealed card.
This is that card until it leaves play.

This is better than normal throne room and can function as a village to play different actions. If you reveal a throne room it becomes a super village.

Innovation Game Reports / New player's fermenting/ reformation
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:23:55 pm »
I have some Fermenting and Reformation games today, I am a rather inexperiment with only about 30 games, so I might have done a lot of of thing wrong. I will be glad if you can tell me how I can improve.

1. fermenting/ reformation(socialism!)/ combustion!
I caught up after using socialism to ensure absolute icon domination and get a late monument. then combustion all his score away and get 4 more achievements. It is interesting that I get this right after I got destroyed by combustion in the previous game:

2. fermenting/ reformation/bicycle
Just a fermenting/reformation/bicycle game. I exclaimed "BICYCLE!" when I saw it in my hand and pulled it off.

Variants and Fan Cards / Reverse Chancellor
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:14:48 am »
Reverse Chancellor
Action- $???
+2 coin
you may shuffle your discard pile and put it on top of your deck.

Or The same thing, but on Scavenger
+2 coin
Look through your discard pile and put one card from it on top of your deck.
you may shuffle your discard pile and put it on top of your deck.

3(do not quite work):
+2 coin
you may shuffle your discard pile and put it on top of your deck.
Look through your deck and put one card from it on your discard pile.
shuffle your deck

Just a random idea, but probably not a good idea seeing the fact that Chancellor is not a good card. It is not exactly reverse as you still get the cycling effect to play new cards quicker. Except your current hand misses the reshuffle and the bottom cards of your deck are still on the bottom. And this one don't even combos with Counting house and Stash.

One thing I can think of is to use 2 copies of the second version to lock all cards below the Reverse Scavenger and never see them again.

Variants and Fan Cards / Deep Deck inspection?
« on: May 28, 2013, 08:18:12 am »
Action- $3
+1 Action
Reveal the top eight card of your deck, put them back in any order.
I randomly got this idea, a card that do nothing other than revealing cards, would things like this even work?
I am not at all a good player and this is my first attempt to post a fan card. So I am quite afraid that I am just making a unbalanced scout variant.

There is a variation of the Idea.
Action- $3
+4 cards
+1 Action
put 4 card from your hand on top of your deck in any order.

Another concern is the interaction with wishing well and mystic, would it be overpowered or depends on the kingdom too much?

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