I was going to post this in the "Which cards are the slowest?" topic, but this topic has a slightly different contextual meaning; that is, which cards slow down the game in general. I recently had an hour-long game on Isotropic; here were the important cards: Forge, Familiar, Ghost Ship, Colony, Platinum. I hate going for Familiar so I respond defensively by going for Ghost Ships, to make my opponents play their Familiars less (and to considerably slow them down in general). Unfortunately the only source of trashing was the Forge, so it took quite some time to rid of most of my Curses. (if anyone wants to see the log:
I also wanted to mention this combination of cards in this regard: Pirate Ship and Secret Chamber; SC is a very nice counter but it lengthens the game considerably by 1). making it much harder to make your Pirate Ships worth something, and 2). unnecessarily triggering a reaction ability when all you desire is the money from the Pirate Ship. (Plus Pirate Ship is already quite a slow card as mentioned in the other thread.) FYI I tend to play three-player games so Pirate Ship excels more as a strategy, so it's hard for me to ignore it. Whenever I ever see SC though... just no.
What I'm curious about is how long the absolute longest games are on Isotropic. I'm not exactly eager to experiment with this though. What I am interested in is other extremely long games people have had (maybe involving specific card combinations or specific cards themselves).
And, once you realize you're gonna be in for an hour-long game or more, what's the proper etiquette to handle it? I rarely like to resign, but I also hate to sit through excessively lengthy monotonous games. I decided to sit through the whole of the game above, but only because the initial Ghost Shipping was my fault. X_X