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Messages - Morgrim7

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vote: datswan just in case

@EFHW I didn't talk about DatSwan eliminating Galz and Space from suspicion because out of all of us, they seem to be less scummy than you and DatSwan (aside from hydrad. And me, obviously), so to a certain extent I think that is somewhat reasonable. I am not saying I am opposed to lynching Space (I said earlier that they are still on the table as a lynch candidate).

I find it a bit odd that DatSwan eliminated Space and Galz from the lynchpool after calling me scummy for doing the same thing with Galz.

See the frustrating thing is that even though DatSwan is pretty adamant about their read and have been since the beginning of the day I still don’t know if I am positive that it makes them scum...

I still think that the most likely team Swan/EFHW more so than any other team. Galz hasn’t done anything to sully his good name in my books. Space is definitely still on the table, although their claim seems pretty believable to me given how important the flavor is to the story.

I’m gonna go ahead and plop my vote into Datswan for now

vote: datswan

I would like to hear what was the infamous

real algorithm for this game
Aha! I knew that would be a question at some point. And I am very pleased to offer an answer.

The algorithm was very role reliant. In terms of the actual setup, there wasn't much that differentiated this game from a normal game of mafia. The flips were all real (not flipped), the lynches were all real (not rigged), the nights were all real (except for the casual night). There were a few key differences though -

1) The emperor, and emperor appreciation day. LaLight, the emperor and moderator of this game saw the roles and alignments of everyone, and was granted access to one of the QTs because I was feeling like a nice dude. The only thing he didn't know was what the items did, what the dominion cards did, and what they daycops did. He got to call a lot of the shots this game, including the day three lynch and all emperor messages. That was part of his role.
2) The dominion game. Each card had a different "action" that would take effect when played (or when bought, for some of the more difficult to acquire cards like possession). I didn't anticipate the game actually getting anywhere, what with the slow nature of PMs back and forth among three players. Thus, when one of the players died, the other would enter sandbox mode, where he would be allowed to pretty much do whatever he wanted with almost unlimited power. A tasteful bit of chaos that I assumed wouldn't be too abused because the player wouldn't recognize what power they held. Plus, given the ridiculous power of almost everyone else in the game, it wasn't too unbalanced. I guess.
3) The casual night 2 lynch. Just a random idea that I had a while ago that I thought would be cool to implement in a game. It was scheduled to happen every other night, beginning with night 2. We never made it to night four, but it would have happened then too. The lynch on faust failed because chairs's vote didn't count (see Hydrad's role)
4) External party participation. Any vote cast in the game by someone who wasn't actually playing the game would count towards a lynch.
5) Boat counts, which were a count of how many boated players were in the game at the time.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head that differed about the setup of this game than a normal game aside from this. Most of everything is explained in the roles, like the strange D1 lynch that only required sudgy, the odd flips, etc.

Actually, I guess the D1 lynch isn't explained. Sudgy was given the beautiful picture of the Joker as an item, which caused the next person he voted for to be instantly lynched. The rose would have made them immune to lynch for that day, and the bomb would have instantly killed them if they were anyone but the joker himself. The item was randomly selected, and each item could only be given once.

I'll go ahead and explain why the game ended while I'm at it. Before night three ended, the following people were alive:
iguanaiguana's clone

LaLight and chairs were both boated. However, LaLight's role as the moderator gave him a permanent patients alignment (see where he asked me about his alignment in the modnotes QT), which still left the patients in the majority (iguanaiguana's clone was a patient). Note that Hydrad doesn't count as a player for the town towards the game ending because of his role. When LaLight was killed by chairs, the only remaining players were chairs as a boat, and iguanaiguana's clone which was aligned with the patients. A singular scum faction made up half the town resulting in the scum win.

So the scum are obviously leaving Hydrad and I alive as a lynch target for today, that much is clear.

Still kinda have to assume that Galz is town here, which means that two of the remaining three are scum, correct?


In the night, pingpongsam realized that he had been dead for quite some time. He was aligned with the patients. LaLight, brokenhearted by the death of his one true love Morgrim7, vanished into thin air. He was the moderator.

Game over! Sudgy (god-king boat) and Chairs (his first love) win! LaLight gets half of a win.

Chairs gets a special award for being the only person to survive until the apocalypse (aside from iguana's friend, who doesn't really count.

Sorry about the unexpected absence! Phone posting right now do I can’t actually post a vote count, but give me a few hours and something will happen.

I think morgrim has basically already claimed but I think our claims are the same. We are both masons and share a QT that is always open. We are both cops that shared the power. We had 2cop shots. One would return incorrect and one would turn correct. We weren't allowed to choose ourselves with the shot. We could choose who would do the cop action. N1: morgrim used it on iguana and N2: I used it on silver.

Both results turned up as town so I don't know how that happened.
what he said

points at LaLight, raises his wand and shouts: Avada Kedavra

Morgrim7 has died! He was aligned with the boats and the patients.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - waiting...
« on: October 05, 2018, 12:05:00 pm »

Iguanaiguana has been lynched. He was aligned with the patients.

Night 3 Begins!

Thread Locked.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Night 2!
« on: October 05, 2018, 10:57:37 am »
Causal evening vote count 2 and a half.2

Not voting (2): Morgrim7
faust (3): iguanaiguana, sudgy, chairs

faust's causal night lynch failed, because chairs couldn't get his act together.

Can anybody tell me who's still alive?  I'm having a hard time keeping track.

iguanaiguana, and his friend who might be faust
sudgy (not anymore)
not Hydrad


Scum: 1
Boats: 3 - LaLight. Well, not anymore.
Patients: 4

In the night, sudgy was killed. He was aligned with the boats.

Day 3 begins! Today is a special day: it is emperor appreciation day!

Good luck!

Boat count 3.0

One and a half.

Vote count 3.0

Not voting (5): Hydrad, LaLight, chairs, iguanaiguana, and his friend who might be faust, pingpongsam

With 5 alive, it takes three to lynch. I think?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Night 2!
« on: October 04, 2018, 03:24:24 pm »
Causal evening vote count 2 and a half.2

Not voting (6): Morgrim7
faust (1): iguanaiguana

Enjoy a glass of wine on the house while you wait!

The more space talks the scummier he looks to me.

Hydrad and I are in the process of making a list, please stand by...
Space prefers to go by "they".

Absolutely! Thanks, EFHW :-)

If anyone really can't cope with they/them, then I'll accept she/her, but I refuse to be male-by-default.

Gahhh I’m so sorry :( won’t happen again

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - waiting...
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:20:27 am »
A message from the emperor:

The more space talks the scummier he looks to me.

Hydrad and I are in the process of making a list, please stand by...

As it is, masons, do you have daychat? If so, I think you should be debating this in your own QT, then presenting town with a finished list, rather than musing openly in here.

Yeah we're talking about it

Actually, I would like gkrieg to claim first I am curious about the thing he said about being blocked after night one.

I really think I should claim later.  Much of my role is verifiable by what has happened thus far, and it would be beneficial for the blocker to not know exactly how I know I was blocked.

Later meaning when? We kinda have to lynch scum today or we're just about dead in the water, which means everyone should claim today IMO. Are you proposing that you claim nearer to last, or don't claim at all today? If you were suggesting that you should be exempt from the mass claim which should and probably will happen today, that seems scummy to me.

Ugh galz please don't be scum I am literally basing all my reads on you not being scum

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Day two!
« on: October 03, 2018, 10:57:01 am »
Boat count 2.2

Three...DEAR GOD

Vote count 2.2

Not voting (ouch): mcmcsalot, The Emperor
LaLight, our god and king (1): Awaclus, Ashersky
pingpongsam (2): iguanaiguana, iguanaiguana's best friend
sudgy (1): chairs
Ashersky (5): LaLight, sudgy, Morgrim7, the true cool dude pingpongsam, faust

It also appears that anyone who can still give an item can end the day by giving Morgrim a shiny car.

Ashersky has been lynched. He was aligned with the pond scum.

Night two begins!

Evening vote count 2 and a half.1

Not voting (7): Morgrim7

I don't know why it's so quiet, with the exception of DatSwan, but we need to jumpstart things here. Unless there's a significant objection, I suggest we go ahead with the mass claim.

HYDRAD and MORGRIM: Please set up an order for us to claim in!


I guess idek

I ordered that list from who I think is the most scummy to least scummy. Chairs and gkrieg are kinda tied. Pretty sure galz is just town here. EFHW looks really confusing to me.

Actually, I would like gkrieg to claim first I am curious about the thing he said about being blocked after night one.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Day two!
« on: October 02, 2018, 08:00:56 am »
Give item: iguana
Iguanaiguana receives a beautiful new red rose! How incredible!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - waiting...
« on: October 02, 2018, 07:59:07 am »
A message from the emperor:
faust is Modkilled for questioning the Emperor. Night 2 starts now and ends as soon as everyone posts that LaLight is a good boy

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Boat count 2.1

Three? Sudgy, is that you???

Vote count 2.1

Not voting (ouch): mcmcsalot, faust, my best friend in the whole world pingpongsam, Ashersky, The Emperor
LaLight, our god and king (1): Awaclus
pingpongsam (2): iguanaiguana, iguanaiguana's best friend
sudgy (1): chairs
Ashersky (3): LaLight, sudgy, Morgrim7

With enough people alive, it takes several people to lynch. Day 2 ends when I get that new shiny car.

Dayvig: gkrieg

gkrieg has been shot with a knife! He was aligned with the Patients. The dominion game is over! We now enter sandbox mode. To the other player - now is your chance to play whatever cards you want! Hurry, before pesky gkrieg comes back to life!

Daycop: faust

Oh no! Faust is aligned with the pond scum!

@ Masons - You were both on Awaclus lynch Day 1. You must of talked about it. What was the deciding factor to vote there for you?

We actually didn’t talk about it much. For my part, I had a short list of people I was okay with lynching and Awaclus happened to be on that list.

I think we need to revisit the D1 wagons though, because they tend to leave scum and hop on town at the last minute. Which means we should look at people like chairs.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - waiting...
« on: October 01, 2018, 09:10:57 am »
A message from the emperor:
Everyone who is patient-aligned needs to type "LaLight is a Good Boy" in the next post. If they don't, they get modkilled immediately.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Night One!
« on: October 01, 2018, 09:08:01 am »
vote: ashersky:
God has voted for ashersky!

Mafia Game Threads / Re: BMXVIII: The f.ds Insane Asylum - Night One!
« on: October 01, 2018, 07:47:16 am »
NOTE: We are still waiting on funding for the pond scum ward. If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of the mayor, please let me know! A fine reward awaits the man (or woman) that provides details leading to his capture!

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