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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Getting back into Dominion
« on: November 29, 2020, 11:29:30 pm »
So, what do I need to know? What are the good new cards and combos?

New expansions have breathed new life into Scout; it is now in the top 5 rankings for $4 cards.

I see that the meme meta hasn't changed much.

Dominion General Discussion / Getting back into Dominion
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:25:37 pm »
I've been out of competitive Dominion for about 5 years, and have been on here occasionally in the interim. I was thinking of getting back into it this winter. I have some experience with Empires, but none with Nocturne, Renaissance, or Menagerie.

So, what do I need to know? What are the good new cards and combos? Is f.ds still the place to be to discuss Dominion strategy, or are people more on Discord or something?

Other Games / Re: Deck-Building Games
« on: September 06, 2019, 03:27:59 pm »
Thanks for all the thoughts!

I had considered getting the Hogwarts Battle deck builder, but when I looked closer, it seemed like there wasn't much meat there. Has anyone played all 7 years? Does it get any better?

Also, has anyone played The Quest for El Dorado? It looked very interesting based on a review I saw.

Other Games / Deck-Building Games
« on: September 01, 2019, 01:44:30 pm »
Dominion is my favorite game -- the only one I've rated 10 on Board Game Geek. I expect many of you feel similarly about it. I've always wanted to find another deck building game that is great, but none that I've played come close to Dominion. For me, one of the biggest flaws of most other deck-builders is that they have variable supplies -- when one player buys a card, it gets replaced by a random card from a deck, meaning it can be somewhat random whether you or one of your opponents gets a good card that comes out. I love that in Dominion, if you buy a card, your opponent can as well, because of the fixed supply.

So, I'm wondering if any of you have any recommendations. Here are my ratings and short thoughts on deckbuilders I've played:

Dominion - 10
Besides the fixed supply described above, I also love:
- Limited actions/buys and the ability to draw your deck if you play things right.
- Variable end game conditions.

Clank! In Space! - 8.1
Pretty good game here, though a lot of it is in the board in addition to the cards.

Mystic Vale - 7.8
The card modifying mechanic is interesting, but I didn't find it gripping.

Star/Hero Realms - 7.6
This is my favorite of it and similar games like Ascension and Shards of Infinity, partly because of its simplicity and partly because it does the race interaction well.

Ascension - 7.5
Only played once, thought it was fine.

Shards of Infinity 7.2
Not quite as good as Star Realms.

A Few Acres of Snow - 6.4
Only played once, didn't have a great time.

Legendary - 4.9
Only played once, didn't have a great time, not into the theme.

Thunderstone - 4.4
Really didn't like this one much at all.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: February 03, 2018, 08:06:12 pm »
Unless I missed something, this hasn't been mentioned: this thread now has over 1 million views.

Now and at the start of your next turn: +3 Cards, take 2 Copper.

Maybe it's just in comparison to these other cards, but this doesn't seem like a half bad idea, if you interpret the end to mean "gain 2 Coppers".

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: future plans
« on: November 16, 2017, 11:01:52 pm »
This is a talk I recently watched that discusses why OOP has a hard time keeping track of time. Stef's discussion reminded me of it. I don't know if anyone here is interested in such things, but it made me wonder if implementing Dominion would be easier in a functional programming language.

They're a lost cause.  Play other games with them. Get new friends.


Puzzles and Challenges / Re: How high can you go
« on: May 12, 2017, 07:57:38 pm »
I just discovered this thread and spent the last hour reading it. It is amazing.

Why did this thread stop? Is 1E930 really the max? I was hoping it would end over 1E1000.
Well, I don't think I ever got above 10^673 and it would take a lot of work for me to try to replicate what stef did... so it kinda died off.

EDIT: this was before empires and the seconds editions though I think... so maybe it's worth coming back to.

It included Empires, since the best solution included Rocks, which is Empires. Looks like it was before second editions.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: How high can you go
« on: May 12, 2017, 12:00:32 am »
I just discovered this thread and spent the last hour reading it. It is amazing.

Why did this thread stop? Is 1E930 really the max? I was hoping it would end over 1E1000.

I've been out of the fan cards scene for a long time, so I'm guessing something like this has been mentioned before. My idea is to have non-cards like Events/Landmarks that, when used, change the rules of the game. But, unlike Events, they aren't things you can buy, and unlike Landmarks, they don't just affect scoring. Can anyone point me to where this type of thing has come up in the past, assuming it has?
Asper's "Edicts". They're near the bottom of the OP in blue.

I had seen a few of these Edicts, but thought they all had to do with "reacting" to some in-game event. Now that I look further, I see that many of them are more along the lines of mine here. Maybe it would be better to separate these two ideas into different types of things? Maybe not?

Either way, thanks for the pointer!

I've been out of the fan cards scene for a long time, so I'm guessing something like this has been mentioned before. My idea is to have non-cards like Events/Landmarks that, when used, change the rules of the game. But, unlike Events, they aren't things you can buy, and unlike Landmarks, they don't just affect scoring. Can anyone point me to where this type of thing has come up in the past, assuming it has?

Here are some ideas I had for such cards. They would all change how the game was played, some more so than others, in a way that might feel a lot like "house rules" or a total game variant. You certainly wouldn't want to play with them all the time, but I could imagine some of these making for some interesting Dominion.

During Cleanup, draw 6 cards instead of 5.

Add an extra Kingdom card pile on top of this card. When you buy a card from this pile, +1 Buy.

Play with your cards visible to your opponents.

Copper, Silver, and Gold give +$1 more when played.

After looking at the kingdom, you may choose the number of Coppers in your starting deck, anywhere from 0 to 10.

(2-player only) When you buy Victory cards, they go into your opponent's discard pile. At the end of the game, whoever has the fewest victory points wins.

Masterpiece + Triumph

Get a mega turn where you have a ton of money and 2 buys. Get tons of Silvers and 1VP for each one.

Solo Challenges / Re: Embargo x100
« on: February 25, 2017, 07:36:59 pm »
Turns out there's a workaround for loading solo games. You have to create a normal table with 1 player, then under "options" tick the checkbox labeled "load game". Thanks Watno!

Solo Challenges / Re: Embargo x100
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:01:36 pm »
Is there a deadline? Are we supposed to submit the best result or just post here?

I'd just post them here; no deadline. Unless people want to turn these into a more regular competition, I think its fine to iterate on each others' solutions.

It looks like Shuffle iT is broken for loading of 1-player logs. I posted a bug report here:

My first un-optimized attempt:
16 turns. Log 1505394. Cards: Chapel, Lurker, Embargo, Stonemason, King's Court, Bridge, Council Room, Fishing Village, Scrying Pool, Villa, Borrow, Pathfinding.
I barely used Stonemason, Council Room, Fishing Village, and Borrow. I'm sure I could do much better by just replacing those with some better gainers. Also, not sure if Chapel is the best trasher here.

Solo Challenges / Embargo x100
« on: February 25, 2017, 09:44:37 am »
I remember enjoying solo challenges back in the day on Isotropic. They were a fun way to try out something challenging not just theoretically, but in practice.

Now, we have Shuffle iT, which can link to full game playthroughs, as well as many more cards and events than we did then! Here's a new solo challenge, if people are interested in trying it!

The Challenge: You must put 100 Embargo tokens on the Province pile. Whoever does this in the fewest turns wins.

The Rules:
- Solo mode on Shuffle iT
- You can choose the Kingdom
- You may have up to 2 Events/Landmarks
- Bonus points for buying a Province to drain the Curses
- Post the game number here so we can look at your log -- this isn't a theoretical challenge, you have to actually do it!

This puzzle is similar to some that have been given in the past. But, at the time of those challenges, I don't think it was actually possible to give out 100 Embargo tokens like it is now.

In the very first game I played with Lurker, I got Apprentice out of the Black Market deck. This ended up being a cool combo, since I could trash my expensive actions for big card draw, and get them back later that turn. I had a few Artisans, which was great for a 6-card draw.

That game made me think that Lurker should probably be in the top 5 or 7 $2 cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What Have I Missed?
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:49:00 pm »
Cubs won the World Series

I'm painfully aware of this as an Indians fan.

Am I the only who hears this song every time I read this thread title?

This was stuck in my head as I made this thread.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What Have I Missed?
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:02:30 pm »
Scout hasn't been implemented properly into the new Dominion Online yet, we're all still waiting on that.

I see that the memes metagame hasn't evolved much.

Dominion General Discussion / What Have I Missed?
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:30:27 pm »
So, I've been essentially out of competitive Dominion since a little after Guilds was released. I've started playing a lot with the release of, and want to get up to speed for more competitive play again.

I'm wondering what big shifts in the metagame I should know about. Are Rebuild, Cultist, and Ambassador still dominant cards? What new cards are similarly dominant? What Events and Landmarks make the biggest impact on the game? Are Castles ever the best strategy? How does debt change the game? What questions do I not even know to ask? Have there been any good memes? Etc.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: February 26, 2016, 12:11:15 pm »

Took me a while.

I still haven't got it. Somebody wants to grab this chanse to make the joke funnier?

It's a spoiler on a moat.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Adages
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:08:59 pm »
I can't believe no one has yet given the oldest adage I can remember on this forum:

It depends on the kingdom.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Throwing games
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:35:58 pm »
It's perfectly fine to request your opponent's resignation but you gotta be consistent with it. I personally like a T1 "You're going to lose anyway so why not be nice and save us both some time?"

Even if they decline it puts the pressure on them right from the beginning.

"Oh you're just asking to be slow-rolled, aren't you?"

Now you know why SCSN invented Blitz Dominion.

I'm talking about auto-play for trivial logistics only; I'm not going to include stuff that auto-builds you a game-winning engine (pretending for a second that I could).
So not engine, but #AutoBMSmithy yes?

I was thinking #rebuild would be nice for playing Rebuild boards.  ;D

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:34:33 pm »

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