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The tournament was a while but I finally got around to writing my summary post for it. It includes a link to the spreadsheet containing all the kingdoms used, and some discussion of the designed kingdoms used for the finals.

Tournaments and Events / 2P Tournament, 4/20/2024, 1PM, Cincinnati OH
« on: January 22, 2024, 09:36:57 am »
Victory Pints in Maineville, OH
For those of you who have attended my previous tournaments, this is a NEW LOCATION (same as the last two tournaments but different from all the others). Please don't show up to Maverick's expecting the tournament to be there!

48 W Foster-Maineville Rd, Maineville, OH 45039

Facebook event

This tournament will consist of two-player games, and have a $5 entry fee. Portions of the prize pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers. Prizes will be given out in cash.

Due to table space limitations, this tournament will only be able to take 30 entrants. In the unlikely event that the event fills up, priority will be given to people travelling to the tournament from out of town, then people who RSVP to the event, at my discretion.

Any questions or RSVPs can either be posted here or the Facebook event, PMed to me, or you can send me E-mail at . Hope to see you there!

All expansions and promo cards may be used except for deprecated first edition cards. All kingdoms used in the finals will be designed and playtested by me and a couple of helpers who are not playing in the tournament. Regardless of its release date, Rising Sun cards will not be in this tournament.

The winner of the tournament will have the opportunity to play a "trophy match" against me, the Dominion world champion for 2017. You may pick any kingdom you like and you may go first; if you win, you get to hold on to the Scout trophy until the next tournament. If you lose, you still get the standard first-place prize for winning this tournament.

We'll be done by 8PM, and if you are eliminated early on in the tournament you could be done as early as 4:15PM-- everyone who enters is guaranteed at least four games in the tournament. When you're done with the tournament, feel free to stick around and play some other games (or more Dominion if that suits you) at Victory Pints!

Here's a link to the Format/Rules document for this tournament.

Here's a link to information about all of the other IRL tournaments I've run.

Tournaments and Events / 2P Tournament, 10/7/2023, 1PM, Cincinnati OH
« on: July 24, 2023, 10:11:47 am »
Victory Pints in Maineville, OH
For those of you who have attended my previous tournaments, this is a NEW LOCATION (same as the last tournament but different from all the others). Please don't show up to Maverick's expecting the tournament to be there!

48 W Foster-Maineville Rd, Maineville, OH 45039

Facebook event

This tournament will consist of two-player games, and have a $5 entry fee. Portions of the prize pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers. Prizes will be given out in cash.

Due to table space limitations, this tournament will only be able to take 30 entrants. In the unlikely event that the event fills up, priority will be given to people travelling to the tournament from out of town, then people who RSVP to the event, at my discretion.

Any questions or RSVPs can either be posted here or the Facebook event, PMed to me, or you can send me E-mail at . Hope to see you there!

All expansions and promo cards may be used except for deprecated first edition cards. All kingdoms used in the finals will be designed and playtested by me and a couple of helpers who are not playing in the tournament.

The winner of the tournament will have the opportunity to play a "trophy match" against me, the Dominion world champion for 2017. You may pick any kingdom you like and you may go first; if you win, you get to hold on to the Scout trophy (pictured) until the next tournament. If you lose, you still get the standard first-place prize for winning this tournament.

We'll be done by 8PM, and if you are eliminated early on in the tournament you could be done as early as 4:15PM-- everyone who enters is guaranteed at least four games in the tournament. When you're done with the tournament, feel free to stick around and play some other games (or more Dominion if that suits you) at Victory Pints!

Here's a link to the Format/Rules document for this tournament.

Here's a link to information about all of the other IRL tournaments I've run.

Blog post about the tournament is up. It includes some pictures, standings, and a link to the spreadsheet with all of the kingdoms used in the tournament. It also has my thoughts on all of the designed kingdoms. Check it out 🙂

Tournaments and Events / 2P Tournament, 4/15/2023, 1PM, Cincinnati OH
« on: February 07, 2023, 01:34:52 pm »
Victory Pints in Maineville, OH
For those of you who have attended my previous tournaments, this is a NEW LOCATION. Please don't show up to Maverick's expecting the tournament to be there!

48 W Foster-Maineville Rd, Maineville, OH 45039

Facebook event

This tournament will consist of two-player games, and have a $5 entry fee. Portions of the prize pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers. Prizes will be given out in cash.

NEW VENUE: I'm using a new venue for this tournament so please don't show up to Maverick's expecting the tournament to be there. Due to table space limitations, this tournament will only be able to take 30 entrants. In the unlikely event that the event fills up, priority will be given to people travelling to the tournament from out of town, then people who RSVP to the event, at my discretion.

Any questions or RSVPs can either be posted here or the Facebook event, PMed to me, or you can send me E-mail at . Hope to see you there!

All expansions and promo cards may be used except for deprecated first edition cards. All kingdoms used in the finals will be designed and playtested by me and a couple of helpers who are not playing in the tournament.

The winner of the tournament will have the opportunity to play a "trophy match" against me, the Dominion world champion for 2017. You may pick any kingdom you like and you may go first; if you win, you get to hold on to the Scout trophy (pictured in the Facebook event) until the next tournament. If you lose, you still get the standard first-place prize for winning this tournament.

We'll be done by 8PM, and if you are eliminated early on in the tournament you could be done as early as 4:15PM-- everyone who enters is guaranteed at least four games in the tournament. When you're done with the tournament, feel free to stick around and play some other games (or more Dominion if that suits you) at Victory Pints!

This new venue has lots of food and drink options available, as well as coffee and local craft beer (Cincinnati has a huge craft beer scene). They also have a HUGE game library and are open late so plan to stick around after the tournament.

Here's a link to the Format/Rules document for this tournament.

Here's a link to information about all of the other IRL tournaments I've run.

I agree that Rope's power level probably is more mid than we think, but it is really nice that it is a good card on almost every board.  It's in my deck frequently, which makes me like it more.

Sure, and there's no consistent way to rate cards based on which of these things you care about more. It's part of why rating cards is hard and why the data gathered from card ratings needs to be used extremely carefully. But this isn't the place to rant about that.

I personally didn't rate the traits because I couldn't think of a super consistent way in my mind to do it. A similar thing with Allies. The poll states that you can pick and choose what you rate and what you don't (I didn't rate Tournament and Black Market because they've been on my banlist since I started playing so I don't have enough experience with the cards).

But there's no harm in putting them on the poll, letting people select a number, and putting those numbers in my spreadsheet. I don't intend to make any comments or conclusions from those numbers, but some people will be happy that those numbers are there so I put them in the poll.

The point of this is to get peoples' first impressions on the cards. If that means it's a complete guess upon reading the card one time then that's what it means. In a few months I'll do another poll, which will go into the composite stats, but I'll also write another blog post/do another podcast maybe on how things have changed after people have had some time to play with the cards.

So in my book, complete guesses are totally welcome. Don't let the upvotes dissuade you. There is so much noise and subjectivity in card ratings that a little bit of experience with the cards tends to have much less of an effect. And in the cases where it does, your complete guesses are welcome in this particular poll more than normal. The stats from the first impressions aren't included in the overall stats I keep for card power levels.

Dominion General Discussion / Plunder Card Power Levels First Impressions
« on: January 05, 2023, 11:10:36 am »
link to poll

Give your first impressions on the new Plunder cards by rating them on a scale of 0-10 in terms of "power level" -- this poll will be open for about a week and then I'll compile the results and write a blog post reporting the results and maybe some of my opinions as well.

It's time again to rate all of the card-shaped objects! The focus this time is on Allies, and Seaside/Prosperity/Hinterlands 2E cards. Feel free to rate whichever cards you like, but if you've rated cards with my polls before, those are the new ones. More information is in the description of the poll.

This poll will be open for a week or two. I'll collect the results then, write up a blog post about them, and link it here.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Summary of all errata
« on: July 04, 2022, 12:31:44 pm »

It's my own notes in my own shorthand, and it's only functional errata, but I plan to keep it updated as new errata come out.
According to my notes there have also been changes to the following:

Coin of the Realm
Embargo (though this is now a deprecated card)
Envoy (the original didn't use the correct terminology)
Nomad Camp (though this is now a deprecated card)
Oracle (though this is now a deprecated card)
Royal Carriage
Trade Route (though this is now a deprecated card)

Alas my notes don't tell me how significant the changes were.  I know that some are edge cases (e.g. the 2nd Edition Cellar says "Discard any number of cards, then draw that many" instead of "Discard any number of cards. +1 Card per card discarded" which means that it works differently with Way of the Chameleon.  It's not impossible that one or two cards with non-functional changes have crept into my list.

I intentionally didn't include deprecated cards on this list, but if that's going to be useful to other people then I'll just add them.

I'll double-check this list for any functional errata that aren't already on the spreadsheet when I get a chance. Probably will be tomorrow before I can get to it though. It's important to me to have a complete list because all of the physical cards I own are from when they were first available to buy, and when I run IRL tournaments I want to make sure that I don't run into the situation where someone expects a card to work a certain way because that's how it works online and post-errata, and another player reads the card in front of them and expects it to do that. I need to have potential errata problems like this planned for and addressed before people buy cards in that game.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Summary of all errata
« on: July 04, 2022, 12:08:04 am »

It's my own notes in my own shorthand, and it's only functional errata, but I plan to keep it updated as new errata come out.

Tournaments and Events / Dominion Galactic Championship
« on: May 13, 2022, 06:48:04 am »
It's official -- I'm hosting a 128-person tournament at GenCon this year (2022)! Check out this blog post for all the details, you can sign up starting this Sunday!

Here's a post on my blog with a summary of the tournament:

My next IRL tournament will be one of two things (not quite sure yet).

Possibility 1 (more likely, I hope?) is that I'll host a tournament at GenCon. 128 players, all 2P games, $700+ prize pool (I'm projecting over $300 for first place). I don't have final approval from GenCon yet but things are going well so far with no real problems. GenCon is the first weekend in August.

Possibility 2 would be another IRL tournament in Cincinnati around September, and that's if the GenCon thing doesn't work out for whatever reason. There's a small chance I'll do a smaller tournament in addition to the GenCon one at a different Cincinnati venue (a new board game bar that opened during covid) but all of that is pretty fuzzy for now.

The tournament is just one week away! I wanted to give a final update here:

In addition to the vaccine requirement, FACE MASKS WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED TO PLAY IN THE TOURNAMENT. Please remember to bring a mask and proof of vaccination if you plan to attend.

Right now I'm estimating a turnout of 21 people based on RSVPs I currently have, but RSVP is NOT REQUIRED to show up and play, only the vaccine/mask thing. Hope to see you all in a week!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: March 25, 2022, 09:22:58 am »
Data has been collected and my blog post is up, go check it out!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: March 21, 2022, 10:26:06 pm »
I gave two cards a 10

My criteria for giving something a 10/10 goes like this:

The card warps the strategic and/or tactical landscape, causing most games to revolve around it. Ignoring or misusing the card will almost always result in a clear loss

Of course your definition may be different but that's what I use. I gave lots of 9/10 ratings (including Specialist at least, which I think is an extremely strong card, whatever that means) but I didn't see anything that fit that description. But hey I could be wrong...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: March 21, 2022, 11:35:01 am »
I was struck by the lack of power cards in the expansion. There's a lot of cards that are quite situational, although the built-in combos mean that you will wind up going for them more if you play with more cards from this expansion.

When I did my screamin' hott takes on the podcast I noticed that I didn't have any 10/10 ratings -- several well-deserved 9/10 cards but no tens. You could make an argument that some of the Allies could be 10/10 but like, what does that even mean?

My opinion is that power level isn't something that's super important in terms of design, but there are some things you need to be careful of when it comes to very powerful cards, especially powerful payload cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: March 14, 2022, 08:51:39 pm »
Are we rating the cards relative to each other or relative to all other official cards? I don't think any would be a 0 or 10 if the latter case is the scale we're using.

You're rating the cards relative to the numbers 0 and 10. Whatever you use beyond that is entirely up to you.

In my experience, even if you try to define what "good" or "powerful" means, people are going to use whatever criteria they want. That plus as Awaclus said, there are serious issues with trying to come up with a definition that holds up and is beneficial.

These ratings are mostly for fun, but can serve as a starting point for a discussion about actual Dominion cards instead of numbers if that's something people want to do.

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion: Allies First Impressions
« on: March 14, 2022, 11:56:47 am »

Rate each Dominion card (or card-shaped-object) on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being the most powerful. The cost of the card, not just the effect, should be taken into account for your score. I have a few suggestions:

1. Your name is "required," you can put anything there though -- I'd prefer some username that I can recognize so that I can make sure submissions are unique. If you troll me, I reserve the right to not count your input :-P

2. You can pick and choose which cards you rate -- feel free to leave some cards blank if you don't want to rate them for whatever reason.

3. You may use whatever criteria you like for your ratings.

This may be helpful for looking up what cards do:

This form will accept responses until March 23-24ish, 2022. After that, I'll collect the data and write up a post similar to the ones I did for the last three expansions:

Tournaments and Events / 2P Tournament, 4/9/2022, 1PM, Cincinnati OH
« on: February 23, 2022, 08:30:08 am »
Maverick's in Mason, OH
For those of you who have attended my previous tournaments, this is the same location -- the name of the store has changed from Game Swap to Maverick's and they have new management.

1065 Reading Rd, Ste E, Mason, Ohio 45040

Facebook event

PROOF OF IMMUNITY TO COVID-19 BY VACCINE IS REQUIRED TO ENTER THE TOURNAMENT. I'll almost certainly be requiring face masks as well but the final decision on that will be made closer to the event. If you have a medical exemption feel free to talk to me privately about it.

Join us for my 12th Dominion tournament at 1PM on Saturday, April 9, 2022 in Mason, OH (near Cincinnati). RSVP is not required -- you can just show up, but it helps me plan if I know who is coming in advance, and if you're traveling in from far away I can make sure you don't get left out if you get stuck in traffic or something; you can respond here or to the Facebook event I linked above.

This tournament will consist of two-player games, and have a $5 entry fee. I will attempt to bring cookies or something similar for those who enter. Portions of the prize pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers.

Portions of the prize pool (80% of the entry fees) will be given to the top finishers. Prizes will be given out in cash (as opposed to some past tournaments where prizes were given in store credit).

All expansions and promo cards may be used EXCEPT for the newest expansion (Allies); I'll be using the first edition of Seaside so no new 2E Seaside cards either. I won't be using any of the removed cards from Base or Intrigue, though. All kingdoms used in the finals will be designed and playtested by me and a couple of helpers who are not playing in the tournament.

The winner of the tournament will have the opportunity to play a "trophy match" against me, the Dominion world champion for 2017. You may pick any kingdom you like and you may go first; if you win, you get to hold on to the Scout trophy (pictured on the Facebook event) until the next tournament. If you lose, you still get the standard first-place prize for winning this tournament.

I anticipate we'll be done by 8PM, and if you are eliminated early on in the tournament you could be done earlier -- everyone who enters is guaranteed at least four games in the tournament. After the tournament, there will be the regular board gaming event at Maverick's.

Any questions or RSVPs can either be posted here or the Facebook event, PMed to me, or you can send me E-mail at . Hope to see you there!

Dominion General Discussion / Card Power Levels: Menagerie Revisited
« on: November 23, 2020, 02:20:52 pm »

^^ click here to take the poll. I'll have it open for about a week before collecting data. When I write up the post that presents the data I'll link it here too.

It's time for another round of collecting power level data! The idea here is to focus on how perceptions of the Menagerie cards have changed since the first impressions a few months ago; I'd urge you to give all of the cards up through Dismantle some thought and rank them all. Feel free to rank all of the cards if you'd like, all ratings will be recalculated in early December 2020.

If you've already a power level rating, just put in the same or a similar name to what you did last time -- you don't have to re-rank all of the cards, only the ones you feel like adding or changing. I'll merge the data for you. If you'd like to check your previous rankings, you can find a list of all rankings I have here:

This may be helpful for looking up what cards do:

Info on previous power rankings, including write-ups like the one I'll be doing for these results, can be found here:


Rate each Dominion card (or card-shaped-object) on a scale from 0-10, with 10 being the most powerful. The cost of the card, not just the effect, should be taken into account for your score. I have a few suggestions:

1. Your name is "required," you can put anything there though -- I'd prefer some username that I can recognize so that I can make sure submissions are unique. If you troll me, I reserve the right to not count your input :-P

2. You can pick and choose which cards you rate -- feel free to leave some cards blank if you don't want to rate them for whatever reason.

3. You may use whatever criteria you like for your ratings, but I have a guideline that can be used as an example or a template if you would like something to get you started -- the examples in parentheses are just my opinions, feel free to disagree!

0 - Adding the card would make most decks worse than adding nothing (Scout, Secret Chamber)
1 - The card almost never sees play in good decks, and when it does, its effect is marginal at best
3 - The card is not necessarily bad, but usually doesn't play a key role in any deck; still not worth picking up some of the time
5 - The card plays a minor supporting role in many decks, or has some synergies that make it good in a few situations
7 - The card plays a support role in most decks, plays a critical role in many decks, or can be the backbone of good or mediocre decks with proper support
9 - The card is almost never ignorable, and usually plays a large role in the best decks that can be built
10 - The card warps the strategic and/or tactical landscape, causing most games to revolve around it. Ignoring or misusing the card will almost always result in a clear loss (Donate, King's Court)

Landmarks can sort of be judged on a similar scale, kind of. Again, feel free to rate Landmarks using whatever criteria you want, but I personally would give higher scores to landmarks that are more likely to influence the strategy, tactics, and/or outcome of the game.

Mullinspiele has been postponed indefinitely. Not sure when I'll be able to host a tournament again, but I'll make another thread when that time comes.

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