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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Changeling's on-gain ability
« on: January 24, 2020, 07:54:41 am »
According to the play stats markus has collected, the winner gains an average of 0.7 Changelings per game, but plays an average of 1.5 Changelings per game, suggesting that at least 0.8 Changelings on average are exchanged for when that player gains a different card (this is a lower bound, because it's possible to gain or exchange for a Changeling without playing it - especially during pileouts).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: October 06, 2019, 05:41:53 pm »
Dark Ages
1. Cultist
2. Urchin
3. Wandering Minstrel
4. Hermit
5. Counterfeit
6. Junk Dealer
7. Ironmonger
8. Knights
9. Forager
10. Fortress
11. Altar
12. Market Square
13. Hunting Grounds
14. Procession
15. Catacombs
16. Bandit Camp
17. Squire
18. Count
19. Rebuild
20. Rogue
21. Marauder
22. Graverobber
23. Storeroom
24. Rats
25. Armory
26. Band of Misfits
27. Scavenger
28. Sage
29. Vagrant
30. Mystic
31. Poor House
32. Feodum
33. Pillage
34. Death Cart
35. Beggar

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: October 05, 2019, 01:42:09 pm »
1. Governor
2. Captain
3. Black Market
4. Sauna/Avanto
5. Envoy
6. Church
7. Walled Village
8. Dismantle
9. Prince
10. Stash

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: October 04, 2019, 11:55:00 am »
For those of you who are surprised that Silk Merchant is considered a power card, I recommend watching the following two videos:

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: October 03, 2019, 07:55:12 pm »
1. Recruiter
2. Silk Merchant
3. Old Witch
4. Inventor
5. Lackeys
6. Seer
7. Sculptor
8. Treasurer
9. Priest
10. Spices
11. Mountain Village
12. Cargo Ship
13. Swashbuckler
14. Experiment
15. Border Guard
16. Patron
17. Research
18. Hideout
19. Flag Bearer
20. Improve
21. Ducat
22. Scepter
23. Acting Troupe
24. Scholar
25. Villain

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: October 01, 2019, 08:31:04 am »
1. Vampire
2. Den of Sin
3. Cursed Village
4. Exorcist
5. Shepherd
6. Blessed Village
7. Ghost Town
8. Pixie
9. Tragic Hero
10. Monastery
11. Cemetery
12. Devil's Workshop
13. Werewolf
14. Necromancer
15. Tormentor
16. Skulk
17. Pooka
18. Secret Cave
19. Changeling
20. Conclave
21. Sacred Grove
22. Cobbler
23. Guardian
24. Leprechaun
25. Idol
26. Night Watchman
27. Tracker
28. Druid
29. Faithful Hound
30. Bard
31. Fool
32. Crypt
33. Raider

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 29, 2019, 03:36:03 pm »
1. Butcher
2. Stonemason
3. Herald
4. Plaza
5. Advisor
6. Doctor
7. Journeyman
8. Merchant Guild
9. Soothsayer
10. Baker
11. Candlestick Maker
12. Masterpiece
13. Taxman

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 27, 2019, 08:10:36 am »
1. Margrave
2. Highway
3. Border Village
4. Stables
5. Spice Merchant
6. Haggler
7. Jack of all Trades
8. Scheme
9. Crossroads
10. Develop
11. Ill-Gotten Gains
12. Fool's Gold
13. Inn
14. Embassy
15. Oracle
16. Cartographer
17. Nomad Camp
18. Tunnel
19. Farmland
20. Oasis
21. Trader
22. Silk Road
23. Duchess
24. Noble Brigand
25. Mandarin
26. Cache

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 24, 2019, 11:32:11 pm »
1. Villa
2. Encampment/Plunder
3. Groundskeeper
4. City Quarter
5. Overlord
6. Catapult/Rocks
7. Crown
8. Forum
9. Enchantress
10. Wild Hunt
11. Archive
12. Chariot Race
13. Patrician/Emporium
14. Sacrifice
15. Legionary
16. Castles
17. Charm
18. Engineer
19. Farmers' Market
20. Capital
21. Temple
22. Settlers/Bustling Village
23. Gladiator/Fortune
24. Royal Blacksmith

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 22, 2019, 06:29:51 pm »
Bridge Troll
Lost City
Haunted Woods
Royal Carriage
Swamp Hag
Coin of the Realm
Distant Lands
Wine Merchant
Treasure Trove
Caravan Guard

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 20, 2019, 07:56:36 pm »
1. Cathedral
2. Sinister Plot
3. Academy
4. Sewers
5. Citadel
6. Star Chart
7. Innovation
8. Silos
9. Canal
10. Crop Rotation
11. Pageant
12. Guildhall
13. Piazza
14. Barracks
15. Fleet
16. Capitalism
17. Exploration
18. Fair
19. City Gate
20. Road Network

Dominion General Discussion / Re: COMBO: hunting party/patron
« on: September 19, 2019, 09:17:37 am »
I tested Hunting Party + Patron out solo.  Without support, I found that 1-2 Patrons and 4 Hunting Parties was optimal.  If you get an unlucky $4/$4 distribution on turn 3/4, 3-4 Patrons with 3 Hunting Parties can also hit these benchmarks:

   Turn 11-12: 4 Provinces, 27 VP
   Turn 13-14: 6 Provinces, 39 VP
   Turn 15-16: 8 Provinces, 51 VP

Decently fast to 4 Provinces, and very reliable to 8 Provinces.  If there's decent trashing and +buy, you don't do the monolithic thing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 17, 2019, 10:43:06 pm »
1. Donate
2. Save
3. Pathfinding
4. Lost Arts
5. Inheritance
6. Ferry
7. Dominate
8. Triumph
9. Bonfire
10. Summon
11. Mission
12. Travelling Fair
13. Seaway
14. Plan
15. Alms
16. Training
17. Ball
18. Windfall
19. Borrow
20. Advance
21. Expedition
22. Salt the Earth
23. Delve
24. Trade
25. Conquest
26. Scouting Party
27. Pilgrimage
28. Wedding
29. Banquet
30. Quest
31. Tax
32. Raid
33. Ritual
34. Annex

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 15, 2019, 04:26:46 pm »
1. Tournament
2. Remake
3. Hunting Party
4. Menagerie
5. Horn of Plenty
6. Hamlet
7. Farming Village
8. Young Witch
9. Jester
10. Fairgrounds
11. Horse Traders
12. Fortune Teller
13. Harvest

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 12, 2019, 09:17:24 pm »
1. Goons
2. King's Court
3. Mountebank
4. Worker's Village
5. Grand Market
6. Peddler
7. Quarry
8. City
9. Watchtower
10. Expand
11. Rabble
12. Forge
13. Mint
14. Bishop
15. Monument
16. Bank
17. Hoard
18. Loan
19. Vault
20. Talisman
21. Trade Route
22. Venture
23. Contraband
24. Royal Seal
25. Counting House

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 10, 2019, 09:49:22 pm »
1. Scrying Pool
2. Possession
3. Familiar
4. Apprentice
5. University
6. Vineyard
7. Alchemist
8. Apothecary
9. Golem
10. Herbalist
11. Transmute
12. Philosopher's Stone

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 08, 2019, 03:13:49 pm »
The play stats for Mining Village and Conspirator are remarkably similar.

The winner gains at least one copy of Mining Village / Conspirator in 69% / 69% of games, and an average of 2.6 / 2.4 copies.  Games with Mining Village are slightly faster than average but end with slightly below-average VP.  Games with Conspirator are approximately average in game length and VP at game end.  Mining Village and Conspirator seem to have a very similar power level.  I think the biggest Intrigue misrank is Courtyard, which should probably be above Mining Village.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 08, 2019, 02:53:00 pm »
1. Ambassador
2. Wharf
3. Ghost Ship
4. Outpost
5. Fishing Village
6. Caravan
7. Bazaar
8. Lookout
9. Smugglers
10. Lighthouse
11. Sea Hag
12. Salvager
13. Warehouse
14. Native Village
15. Tactician
16. Haven
17. Treasury
18. Island
19. Explorer
20. Cutpurse
21. Treasure Map
22. Pearl Diver
23. Embargo
24. Merchant Ship
25. Pirate Ship
26. Navigator

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 06, 2019, 08:19:21 am »
1. Masquerade
2. Bridge
3. Torturer
4. Steward
5. Upgrade
6. Minion
7. Replace
8. Swindler
9. Ironworks
10. Lurker
11. Nobles
12. Mining Village
13. Patrol
14. Conspirator
15. Mill
16. Courtier
17. Courtyard
18. Diplomat
19. Wishing Well
20. Pawn
21. Baron
22. Trading Post
23. Secret Passage
24. Shanty Town
25. Duke
26. Harem

Dominion General Discussion / Re: ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 04, 2019, 10:57:24 pm »
1. Chapel
2. Sentry
3. Witch
4.Throne Room
5. Artisan
6. Laboratory
7. Militia
8. Village
9. Smithy
10. Market
11. Remodel
12. Moneylender
13. Festival
14. Council Room
15. Poacher
16. Merchant
17. Bandit
18. Workshop
19. Library
20. Vassal
21. Cellar
22. Moat
23. Gardens
24. Harbinger
25. Mine
26. Bureaucrat

Dominion General Discussion / ThunderDominion Card List Results, 2019
« on: September 04, 2019, 10:56:30 pm »
For the second year in a row, members of the Dominion Discord are ranked cards in each Dominion set as a community.  For the results of the first ThunderDominion, see this thread.

This year, we used a different process (mostly because it's different, not because it's superior).  We ranked cards using a communal insertion sort.  The process:
  • An expansion is chosen.  Initially, all cards are unsorted.  We sort cards one at a time in the order they appear on  Higher cards are better and lower cards are weaker.
  • For each card, anyone can vote on which place in the sorted list the card belongs.  Voting for a card lasts anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours depending on how quickly the votes come in, how close the votes are, and my schedule.  In practice, cards receive between 15-35 votes.
  • At the end of the round, the card will be added to the sorted list in the position of the median vote.  Then, we move on to the next card.

2+ months later, we've ranked all of the Dominion cards.

Dark Ages

Tournaments and Events / Dominion Online Championship 2019
« on: August 07, 2019, 08:25:58 am »
For the third year in a row, ShuffleIt is hosting and sponsoring a large online Dominion tournament.  You can learn more information and signup on the ShuffleIt forums:

  • It begins on September 16th
  • You need a Gold subscription
  • There is a prize pool!
  • It's a single elimination bracket
  • Matches are 6 games, like the Dominion League

markus has some stats.  If I remember correctly, it wasn't until there was 8 VP on the pile that taking it first is correlated with winning on average.

Develop is a high-skill card.  I recommend reading this article:

Apprentice is simpler.  It’s great at trashing Estates, so you should usually get one unless there is a stronger Estate trasher.  As for when to use it for primary draw, you need to measure it against other draw options and the gainers available.  Gold gainers like Bandit are great.  Gaining from the trash like Rogue works well.  Trashing Fortress is great.  Something like Ironworks is borderline - on the weak side.  But, even if Apprentice is outclassed for primary draw, it can be good to pick up near the end of the game to guarantee a big turn.

Dominion Articles / Re: Notes on Castles
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:13:25 am »
I'd like to give my own take on the Castles, which includes a lot of agreement, but some disagreement.  I'll be using play stats markus has collected to support my points.

I mostly agree with your high level thoughts on Castles.  The way I would describe in which games to go for Castles is: any game when you would otherwise buy Provinces over multiple turns.  This is a slight majority of kingdoms.  Castles are a slightly better source of points than Provinces in these games, but you'll usually want a mixed greening strategy.  Castles can usually be ignored on megaturn boards (think Bridge), boards with exceptionally strong Alt VP (Goons with support, Colonies), and boards that are going to end on piles quickly.  Castles are stronger Alt VP than Fairgrounds, and ought to be gained more often.  The winner gains at least one Castle in 58% of recorded games, and the pile empties in ~26% of games.  Compare with Fairgrounds, where the winner gains at least one Fairgrounds in 29% of games, and the pile empties in only ~7% of games.

When looking at the individual Castles, I'd like to start from the end.  You say: "[Opulent Castle is] also the only Castle that is definitively a good card for you if you are otherwise ignoring the Castle pile and plan to win on Provinces."  I think this applies best to the last three Castles in the pile, which are all Province substitutes: Sprawling Castle, Grand Castle, and King's Castle.  Sprawling Castle is worth at least as much as a Province + Estate, and can be worth 1-3 VP more depending on whether you have Crumbling Castle or get King's Castle.  Grand Castle is almost always at least as good as Province in straight points.  King's Castle is usually a 15 VP swing from one player to the other (sometimes 17 VP, rarely 13 VP or less).  Province is a 12 VP swing, so King's Castle is also often better than Province.  Gaining each of these three Castles is positively associated with winning the game.  The player who gains Sprawling Castle wins 56% of the time; Grand Castle: 64%, King's Castle: 68%!

I'm not as high on Opulent Castle as you.  In my experience, it tends to be revealed late enough in the game that I can't get great value out of it's on-play ability.  It anti-synergizes with sifting.  For all that, it is a solid card, and you'll know the games in which it's going to be unusually good.  In general I wouldn't worry about leaving it for the opponent.  The player gaining Opulent Castle wins 55% of the time.

Haunted Castle is better than you give it credit for.  The on-gain attack is great at causing a partial dud.  Even without the excellent attack, Haunted Castle is a Harem/Conquest variant, and better than both in the presence of sifting, remodelers, or any Castles synergy.  The player who gains Haunted Castle wins 57% of the time.

Small Castle is usually strong; it gives a lot of endgame control, as long as you have the +actions to play it.  Crumbling Castle and Haunted Castle are the best targets.  I would almost never trash Humble Castle over the Small Castle itself (Humble Castle is always 2+ VP and $1 if you have this choice).  Small Castle has additional synergy with cards that recover it from the trash, like Rogue and LurkerThe winner gains Small Castle 54% of the time.

Crumbling Castle is indeed the weak link in the Castle line.  It is the only Castle gained more often by the loser than the winner (48% by the winner).  Adding a money density of $1/card from a flat 2 VP is a bad deal at almost every point in the game.  Still, it has its good cases.  If you can trash the Crumbling Castle for benefit, it can end up better than a Conquest/Harem (and cheaper!).  On some Donate boards, a pre-Donate Crumbling Castle buy can be worth playing for/around.

Humble Castle is where the pile starts.  This card is powerful for its cost, but often gained too early.  The player who gains it wins 53% of the time, but the loser is more likely to gain it before turn 10.  Hovel and Keep can tempt players to open Humble Castle, but even in these cases you should strongly consider your other options.  Opening Humble Castle for Keep is especially dubious.

People tend to gain Castles too early.  Yes, the early Castles are better for your deck than straight green cards, but not better than other cards you could be buying.  In fact, because Castles will increase the amount of VP before the game ends, you might not want to get Castles until you would otherwise buy Provinces if Castles weren't there.  I agree with ehunt that getting 3-4 Castles in one turn is an excellent start to greening.  With Humble, Crumbling, and Small Castles, you force your opponent to contest by buying some Castles, which are less synergistic for their deck.  If your opponent goes off pre-cocked and picks up just Humble Castle and Crumbling Castle: grab Small Castle and Haunted Castle and be happy.  In all of these cases, prepare your deck for the extra stop cards.  Crumbling Castle, Haunted Castle, and Sprawling Castle in particular add two stop cards each.

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