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Messages - Stealth Tomato

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Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: What did we get wrong before?
« on: November 06, 2017, 11:38:41 am »
No one saw Jack of all Trades, Rebuild or Ill Gotten Gains as single card strategies when they first came out. They were first thought to be weak, neutral and useless, respectively, IIRC.

And then it swung to, these are OP single card strategies that are impossible to counter when they are out and are ruining Dominion.

I think IGG has suffered the most power dropoff of those three. Rebuild still gets modest support each expansion, and Jack of all Trades has its uses in engines and whatnot.

What was the opinion of Governor when that came out?

High level games turned into Governor races a lot for awhile. Weaker players still use the cards function of Governor way too much.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Bonus Preview #3: Fool
« on: October 25, 2017, 03:31:10 pm »
Donald X, probably: "Let's see how many ways I can make the web UI impossible to build for this expansion!"

I fully stand by my statements.  Go test the Caravan variant for yourself and tell us how it went.

Imagine a Tactician that still stayed out for an extra turn, but got all of its bonuses on the current turn. So…

FastTactician: Action-Duration, $5
Discard your hand. If you discarded any cards, +5 Cards, +1 Action, and +1 Buy.
(This stays in play an extra turn.)

Tell me to my face that that's weaker than Tactician.

Of course that's weaker than Tactician.

Tactician can be very strong in Platinum games with no or limited non-terminal action money. FastTactician is worthless in those games because you're just discarding a four-card hand of treasures in favor of a five-card hand of treasures that you would have anyway without FastTactician taking up extra space.

That sounds like a really poor use case for Tactician.

I've been out of the game for a long time, so I went ahead and simmed it. Made it simple: Colony game with Big Money vs. Big Money that buys one Tactician at priority just above Silver. Tactician wins (edit) 75%+. That's a pretty solid edge, and the deck doesn't necessarily play Tactician effectively (possibly discarding a big-money hand it should keep) or make use of other cards that Tactician might strengthen.

Of course, maybe the Tactician is just winning the long slogs, I'm not sure default Big Money in the web simulator is very well optimized for Colonies.

edited because I didn't sim enough games the first time.

I fully stand by my statements.  Go test the Caravan variant for yourself and tell us how it went.

Imagine a Tactician that still stayed out for an extra turn, but got all of its bonuses on the current turn. So…

FastTactician: Action-Duration, $5
Discard your hand. If you discarded any cards, +5 Cards, +1 Action, and +1 Buy.
(This stays in play an extra turn.)

Tell me to my face that that's weaker than Tactician.

Of course that's weaker than Tactician.

Tactician can be very strong in Platinum games with no or limited non-terminal action money. FastTactician is worthless in those games because you're just discarding a four-card hand of treasures in favor of a five-card hand of treasures that you would have anyway without FastTactician taking up extra space.

I don't think so. The easy situation to see how the delayed draw is better is in any draw-your-deck situation. The modified Caravan and a Lab will both draw you the same number of cards each turn. The Caravan+ gives them to you all at the beginning of your turn though, whereas you have to actually find the Labs to get the extra cards. So theoretically you'll draw the same either way, but you're way way more likely to kick off with a 10 card starting hand (assuming an even Caravan+ split).
So you wanna seriously argue that you would buy Caravan over Lab (it is the same difference as between what you label Caravan+ and Caravan) in this situation?
And even if this were the case, Lab would still be on average better than Caravan.

You're gonna fizzle more often with Labs. A five-card hand is more likely to contain no Labs than a seven-card hand is to contain no copies of Caravan+.

Caravan is worse than Lab so +1 Action; at the start of your next turn +1 Card, +1 Action is worse than +1 Card, +1 Action; at the start of your next turn +1 Action which is again worse than Village. Delayed effects are nearly always worse than immediate effects with terminal draw (Tactician, Haunted Woods, Enchantress) being the only potential exception that comes to mind.

You're missing the reason why Caravan is worse than Lab. It's not that the draw is delayed. It's that Caravan is unavailable next turn because it's a Duration. You need twice as many of them to get the same number of cards, which is also part of the reason so many old-school games opened with Caravan races. You needed lots of them. You didn't need lots of Labs, what the hell are you doing, there are better ways to spend $5, get some

If you had a Lab that was a Duration, where the Duration effect did nothing but keep it on the table an extra turn, it would be more similar to Caravan then to the current Lab. I presume it would be slightly less powerful.

You're gonna need lots of them, since they do get stuck in play like Caravans, but that's why the on-gain effect is really cool. There's not a huge penalty to buying lots of these, you get the instant reward of a larger hand.

Furthermore, if your argument were correct Ghost Village would be better than Village in several ways whereas in fact it is better in some ways (the quasi-Summon effect, the possibility to play this after having played a terminal draw and not having any actions left) and worse in others (worse than a delayed village).

I do think Ghost Village is stronger than Village in several ways and weaker only in the fact that it's a Duration (which makes it less available to your deck), but that's the sort of thing we'll have to find out for ourselves. Well, mostly you. Because I don't play anymore, I just look at the shiny new stuff and talk strategy. There was a time back on Isotropic where there were two names at the top of the leaderboard and then my name, and that didn't last very long but I'm still dang proud of it. After a long time, I learned that those two names were always going to be above me and maybe the correct thing to do was go get better at something else instead. Anyway, that's my life story. This is fun. I had to look up Haunted Woods and Enchantress because I've never played with them, they're after my time. You kids don't know how good you have it, or something.

It is a bit weaker as it is not a cantrip this turn (i.e. you'd usually rather have +1 Card +1 Action; at the start of your next turn: +1 Action than +1 Action; at the start of your next turn: +1 Card +1 Action ) and a bit stronger as you can play it after having drawn it and being out of Actions.

No! You wouldn't rather have the +1 Card on the current turn. We learned this from Tactician - decreasing your current hand strength to improve your next hand strength is a powerful effect. I would argue that's the defining feature of this card.

Ghost Town is interesting... mechanic-wise, it should be called Fishing Villa. It has the substantial advantage of drawing a card the next turn, but that comes at the cost of no economy (which is fine) and no Village effect the turn you play it (more problematic). I guess overall slightly weaker, but of course Fishing Village is super good, so this is probably still quite good.

I'm surprised you're the only one so far to mention Fishing Village. This is exactly how you should think of this - it's slightly weaker on the current turn (since it doesn't village you), but it's much more powerful on the following turn. Starting a hand with six cards is powerful. Starting your next hand with six cards on the hand after you buy it is very powerful.

It doesn't improve your average cards in hand, but it fizzles itself in your current hand in order to add to your next hand, and one should never forget that unbalancing your hand strengths is VERY powerful.

Then again, maybe this is basically Haven with a Village effect and I should chill out a bit. (Credit to Minotaur, who mentioned this but I didn't notice on my first read.)

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Cards: Coin of the Realm
« on: January 19, 2016, 03:45:01 pm »
It's a weaker Fishing Village.

Fishing Village: +$1, +2 Actions. Next turn, +$1, +3 Actions effective.
Coin of the Realm: +$1, +1 Action effective. Next turn, +3 Actions effective. Can be reserved for a later turn.

Fishing Village is so damn powerful I'd be tempted to put this in a high tier, but I'm just not sure. You need multiples for it to be effective, and this isn't the sort of card you love having tons of copies of. If your kingdom has really strong draw and +Buy, sure, but that's a pretty low percentage of kingdoms.

2015 / Re: Game Reports
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:02:57 pm »
1: 1-0. Dunduks 0 (resigned) - 6 Stealth Tomato:
I opened 2/5 on a Cultist board, and even with Remakes in play, it didn't take much more than that.

2: 2-0. Stealth Tomato 3 - -6 Dunduks (resigned):
On a non-trashing Familiar board, I got a Familiar in 3/4, he didn't.

3: 2-1. Dunduks 40 - 24 Stealth Tomato:
Crazy wacky Tactician engine board. My draws were, well, almost as horrifyingly bad as his were in the first two.

4: 2-2. Dunduks 33 - 31 Stealth Tomato:
Long, knock-down, drag-out battle of Masquerade/Ill-Gotten Gains. Needing to either hit 8 or Masquerade me his last Curse on his final turn, he pulls off the latter.

5: 3-2. Stealth Tomato 36 - 26 Dunduks:
The first really, really good game of the match. I got a Haggler thing going early, while he played a longer strategy focused on Foragers into a Margrave deck. He wasn't quite able to catch me after my early Provinces, and I was able to close it out.

6: 3-3. Stealth Tomato 49 -59 Dunduks:
He beat me to the Feodums. One of my most glaring weaknesses after a year away is not remembering how to play canonical boards optimally.

7: 3-4. Dunduks 42 - 40 Stealth Tomato:
Farmlands game that I lost by a single coin. Failed a Duchy on two of my last three ($1/$6/$4). This is the only game where I feel like I definitely had the superior strategy, but it didn't work out. I left myself a bit money-light at the end, but I came just short of what I needed a number of times, and Hunting Grounds was completely inert in 2 of my last 3 shuffles. I drew it with the option to trash it for Farmland-Province-Duchy in the first of those, but it seemed too early to sell out for an extra 5 points.

Good games, sir! Back to my quiet retirement.

2015 / Re: Schedule & Results
« on: October 05, 2015, 08:47:38 pm »
Stealth Tomato 4 - 1 Jeb

Good games, man! Was a nice reintroduction to the game.

2015 / Re: Signups
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:09:48 pm »

Considering it's been about a year since I last played a single game, this could be interesting.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:38:40 pm »
I'm really happy that I spawned a half-page discussion on six-player games in the Ask Donald X. thread.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:09:11 pm »
Port got 12 to get an even split in 2-player games.
Conveniently, it also splits in 3p games. And 6p, I guess. Gotta keep those 6-player games in mind. Can't have them getting unbalanced.

2015 / Re: discussion: seeding
« on: May 14, 2015, 02:01:59 pm »
I vote we seed everyone, if only because it means I could sign up and be a really terrible first-round draw for one of the top-seeded players.

(Since I haven't played in months, I assume my rating has fully decayed.)

edit: Apparently Isotropish doesn't really have much of a rating decay. I'm still ranked 21st on the all-time leaderboard there. Damn.

Maybe it adds a board.

Dominion: Trains

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Coming up with names for stuff
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:42:13 am »

I'd be down for a weekend thing in NYC after I get back to college (in Philly) in September. Virginia is probably a little far for me though.

If we're looking to get all the VA/DC area folks (which it seems was kind of the intent), we'll probably end up somewhere in Northern VA (the DC suburbs). Not as far as, say, Richmond.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Upgrade a spoils into...
« on: July 21, 2014, 12:07:33 pm »
Same puzzle, but this time it is a 2 player game where...

1) Your opponent has already bought up all 10 Band of Misfits
2) He has set 8 of them aside with Islands
3) He has one of the remaining Band of Misfits in his hand of 5 cards
4) The last Band of Misfits is somewhere in his deck or discard (which total n cards)
5) He is trying to keep you from getting those Band of Misfits.

Now what is the maximum pure Victory card cost that you can upgrade a Spoils into?
What is the maximum value of n for which you can reliably do this?

You're a horrible person.

RVA here, can't host (I have an 800-sq.ft. 1br) but will travel.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Saying gg and leaving
« on: July 10, 2014, 01:46:18 pm »
I glhf and gg because it feels to me like bowing before and after a martial arts competition. Honorubu opponentu-san, i sarute you!

Before it got blatantly racist, this was shaping up to be a really good comment.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion oxymorons.
« on: July 10, 2014, 01:44:44 pm »
Mint a Counterfeit.

Edit: Counterfeit a Fool's Gold. Funny that this actually works.

Is a Counterfeit Harem secretly men? Will a Counterfeit Potion kill you? What the hell is a Counterfeit Loan? (answer: better than Loaning a Counterfeit!) Can I Mine Counterfeits in a Counterfeit Quarry?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Saying gg and leaving
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:47:37 am »
Sometimes it wasn't a very good game but I say good game and then I leave. It makes me feel weird inside.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Saying gg and leaving
« on: July 01, 2014, 09:57:54 am »
This thread is now about trains.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion oxymorons.
« on: June 24, 2014, 05:03:21 pm »
Dead-drawing Ghost Ship is kind of the opposite of this.

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