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Messages - LordClockworks

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Played a Populate + Way of a Horse. It was fun - like buying some Super-Experiment:)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 10:02:23 pm »
I think in general, Way of the Mouse sounds like the most Powerful Way. Sure there's plenty of weak and cards, but they're almost all strictly better than several of the other Ways.
Way of the Turtle sounds to me as decent contender. It also makes some actions super OP.
In many boards, Chameleon is incredibly powerful to the point of being occasionally broken.
I looked a couple examples and didn't find anything "broken" in the Chameleon. Sure it is a nice Way, but mostly it is like cool to have this, when there is a lack of draw/virtual money with abundance of the other or adds a flexibilty, when you're working with your engine.
Way of the Turtle at least gives you a Bridge combo. Simply buy Bridge(silver if not enough) and play it as turtle till you have enough Turtle'd Bridges too wipe a Province pile. And I thought about a couple other actions, which become great with a "start of turn" play.
While not always gamebreaking, there are several cards, such as Courtier that can function as superlabs or labs with upside, like Coven. Festival gets to be a better Lost City, Scholar gives you +$7, and Animal Fair can be a Council Room without the penalty.

Right, while not any more game-breaking than King's Court; it does make a lot of cards suddenly strictly better than various official cards.

And if you combine it with King's Court/Mastermind, it can really get insane - Scholar in particular, if you choose Chameleon for the first two plays and the normal option for the third, you have +$14 and a 7-card hand!  If there's any +buy in the kingdom, you're almost guaranteed a double Province, and even triple Province isn't out of the question

And if you want to get absolutely absurd - Fortune with all that.  Assuming there's enough +buys available, you could easily get quadruple or more Province!
Way of the Turtle with KC transforms your engine into something super-reliable: play and buy everything you need and then lay out your next turn any way you want to.
As I look at different actions it gives almost each and every one some new tricks.
It's downside that you'll need villages to play the cards reliably often, but it also turns the one that you would like to play at certain timings into much more deadlier ones - you can combine attacks into a brutal chain, set the trasher for when you'll hit the things you'll like to trash, wait out the Lighthouses, and simply "pseudo-trash" all unneeded action cards (like Cursed-out Witches, Trashed-Out Trashers and Ruins). You can make an interesting Turtle-Vineyard deck, with a little bit of support. And well it generally helps combine actions into some combos.
As for the Chameleon: I think you actually listed almost all more interesting cards. Courtier and Festival are very good. Scholar is not very interesting, it's too easy to hit province, which i think will make luck a dicisive factor (without KC/Throne combo). I looked through cards and Chameleon mostly makes better non-terminal silvers (as +1 Card>+1$ usually) and some attacks, that have normally given money become more brutal, as you can chain them like a Torturer.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:49:53 pm »
I think in general, Way of the Mouse sounds like the most Powerful Way. Sure there's plenty of weak and cards, but they're almost all strictly better than several of the other Ways.
Way of the Turtle sounds to me as decent contender. It also makes some actions super OP.
In many boards, Chameleon is incredibly powerful to the point of being occasionally broken.
I looked a couple examples and didn't find anything "broken" in the Chameleon. Sure it is a nice Way, but mostly it is like cool to have this, when there is a lack of draw/virtual money with abundance of the other or adds a flexibilty, when you're working with your engine.
Way of the Turtle at least gives you a Bridge combo. Simply buy Bridge(silver if not enough) and play it as turtle till you have enough Turtle'd Bridges too wipe a Province pile. And I thought about a couple other actions, which become great with a "start of turn" play.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:23:27 pm »
I think in general, Way of the Mouse sounds like the most Powerful Way. Sure there's plenty of weak and cards, but they're almost all strictly better than several of the other Ways.
Way of the Turtle sounds to me as decent contender. It also makes some actions super OP.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:22:09 pm »
Way of the Lurker makes any pair of actions into "Gain any Action". Seems to me too easily escalatable (Buy and gain any actions, and then they start multiply like rabbits). You need a little bit of luck to have at least a decent actions in the kingdom, but it's still sounds bonkers to me.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:09:09 pm »
As for Pixie, that doesn't work because of the lose track/stop moving rule. Pixie expects itself to be in play, so it can't trash itself to get the Boon. You'll just continue to cycle through the stack without actually receiving any of them.
Oops, yeah, that does rule Pixie out of being too powerful, simply Pig  :)
That leaves me with Encampment, Experiment, Lurker and Ambassador as best Ways of the Mouse cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:32:23 pm »
Maybe its better to name Way of the Mouse: Card as Way of the Card? Like Way of the Ambassador.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:31:27 pm »
Other than that, WoM: Pixie is nice to always get double boon. WoM: Ambassador - Dominion Grand Slam edition:)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:11:44 pm »
The game should go crazy very soon with WoM Lurker as well...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Mouse as other Ways
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:09:22 pm »
Way Of the Mouse: Encampment. Truly beast.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie rule book is up!
« on: March 18, 2020, 03:02:41 am »
From Reddit:
Donald_X 25 points · 11 hours ago
Here are the 7 Ways that aren't in the rulebook and haven't been previewed, in text form.

Way of the Camel: Way Exile a Gold from the Supply.

Way of the Frog: Way +1 Action When you discard this from play this turn, put it onto your deck.

Way of the Goat: Way Trash a card from your hand.

Way of the Monkey: Way +1 Buy +$1

Way of the Mule: Way +1 Action +$1

Way of the Otter: Way +2 Cards

Way of the Worm: Way Exile an Estate from the Supply.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 13, 2020, 07:37:02 am »
Feels like Workshop is better, because you can actually gain Gardens with it.  Eventually with Camel Train you'll need to figure out how you're going to consistently hit 4 while flooding with Gardens.

Beggar has that same advantage, flooding your deck with stuff and also helping you actually get Gardens.
Well, you aren't forced to keep every card exiled. You can start exiling silvers till a point you ready to go gardens(preferably just before a shuffle), then gain one silver and then your next shuffle is flooded with money to gain gardens, while you can start exiling gold to fight for provinces/duchies on lucky turns. So no - i think it is a good garden enabler.
If you're playing a Gardens rush, the point when you're ready to go for Gardens should be like the third shuffle. The "flood" of Silvers at that point is like 2 at best.
I was talking more about a gardens slog. Thats the main synergy of CT with gardens after all. You can keep exiling hoards of useless cards upping your gardens points without junking your deck. Though if you aren't trying 3-pile exiling gold is probably the smartest option.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 13, 2020, 04:24:43 am »
Feels like Workshop is better, because you can actually gain Gardens with it.  Eventually with Camel Train you'll need to figure out how you're going to consistently hit 4 while flooding with Gardens.

Beggar has that same advantage, flooding your deck with stuff and also helping you actually get Gardens.
Well, you aren't forced to keep every card exiled. You can start exiling silvers till a point you ready to go gardens(preferably just before a shuffle), then gain one silver and then your next shuffle is flooded with money to gain gardens, while you can start exiling gold to fight for provinces/duchies on lucky turns. So no - i think it is a good garden enabler.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 12, 2020, 06:47:01 am »
Camel Train seems to be a cool new way of hoarding unused cards as well: For example you can hoard 10 coppers for Fountain, a mountain of useless actions for Vineyard or a mountain of silvers for Feodum and skip the pain of having to draw all of it. Or and you can simply hoard anything useless for your Gardens as well!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: The Missing Nocturne Curser
« on: November 07, 2019, 04:29:48 pm »
I see an issue as a tabletop player: it does not track the amount of trashing, so people will forget and lie about how much they can trash when playing physical dominion.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 28, 2019, 04:07:18 am »
Cheif's hut: The way to make use of them is to chain CH on itself: as you replay your CH you can each time choose a different (or the same) action to replay greately increasing your payloads power. You can't however chain it into a draw like King's Court (unless you have a forced play action like vassal), however you will gain a loads and loads of gold on top of your deck this way - which will decrease your action density. These types of cards (from Primordial village and on) are specifically designed to have drawbacks that a player will need to overcome to make full use of the card's power.
Oups, you were right. You need to play either payload card (and have actions to do so) or have an action that forces a play from your hand to chain CH.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:48:20 am »
Primordial village: i think you are mistaken. +buy comes after the coins even on woodcutter.

No it does not.
Oh. My memory messed me up. Sorry, my fault. I'll change that soon.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 28, 2019, 02:47:31 am »
Replying to Gubump part 2: Pagan totem - it is different from Cathedral in a way that it does not force you to trash, so you have 4-card hands as well, but it takes longer to shuffle and you don't need to trash your provinces to keep playing your hands. You can also enfasten trashing by buying more totems and then trash them anyway with each other (topdecked curses really helps with totems). So my thoughts about it were that it may be too OP actually.
Cheif's hut: The way to make use of them is to chain CH on itself: as you replay your CH you can each time choose a different (or the same) action to replay greately increasing your payloads power. You can't however chain it into a draw like King's Court (unless you have a forced play action like vassal), however you will gain a loads and loads of gold on top of your deck this way - which will decrease your action density. These types of cards (from Primordial village and on) are specifically designed to have drawbacks that a player will need to overcome to make full use of the card's power.
Shaman's hut - I based it on the lab actually. It's different from forum in the way that you cannot draw discarded cards  (becuse they are set-aside under the SH) (and by the way forum also has a +buy effect on-buy which SH lacks - it is actually one of the power points of Forums) and on the other hand - it is weaker than a lab for the next turn becase you cannot draw your whole deck every turn with SH (either you skip a turn or half your deck is under the SHs).
Traditional Rites: I like your rewording. I'll use it. About power level: in this case you may be right, however when I was designing it, I thoght the demerits were enough: it's missing the shuffles along with a delayed effect of the second remodel effect along with inability to be used in hands with different card costs (while this is not often to be the case - it will be more often that you don't want to remodel things that you can with it), you also can't simply trash your coppers with it like with Remake. It probably should be tested to see if it is OP or not.
Cheif: Oh, yeah. I liked the design of this card. It may not be obvious, but it isn't as good as militia actually. Reason is - the reaction part of a Chief makes it that the attack is actually detrimental, if another player also has a Chief (or multiple). So, if there was only 1 Chief in the pile - then yeah it would've been close to strictly better than Militia. But as a pile it's reaction part balances the card out.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 28, 2019, 01:54:31 am »
Replying to Gubump: Yeah, i designed all these cards after reading the guide.
Slaves: The whole point of slaves is to be easy to get. Thats why it is both action and a treasure.This way it would be more useful in games without Cursers. Well, they are designed as an economy you would like to trash later and can lose you a game, if you hadn't planned for it. They change the Cursers in in a interesting way: whould you curse your opponent, if he gets a Silver instead of curse each time and is gonna trash -4 points later in the game anyway? If there is no trashing however you need to give your opponent 10 curses before he starts taking Slaves. By that point your opponent will most probably have enough Cursers himself to help you get some Slaves.
Slave market: you think? Slave market itself is a nonterminal and non-stop +Buy, even by itself it can generate decent megaturns and with support it can make itself way out of hand with such a low price. I don't think its proper to compare it to MS as their reactions are useful in different situations.
Pagan Shaman: or yesh i thought out that blocking copper was way too powerful and forgot to mention reveal your hand. I'l reword this soon.
Freeloader: you never played with ill-gotten gains? I actually though freeloader is very op.
Omen Tracker: Hm, i designed it based on rabble, without support it shouldn't be that deadly, especially as you may not even have a card in hand to discard. With support it is powerful yes, but unless you are way ahead i think it will give enough leeway for a defending player, while you need to remember that you yourself will also be under the effect.
Feud: Well - trashing provinces with estates IS the inteded attacking way. The thing is you can easily defend by buying and trashing estates beforehand.
AR+BL: well you are right with the exeption: what if all AR were in the hands of 1 player? In 2p there are only 4 of them. If you bought/gained all of them you can freely buy BL, while your opponent is scared of your AR. To not be in this situation your opponent will then need to buy AR himself and then it would be a game of risk/return whether you buy BL or not.
Free land is a easy tfb fuel and end-game controller. You sholud always be wary of 8vp swing (or less without support) and gameending in the presence of ANY type of ganer/+buy.
Shared land: i like your rewording, thank you. I'll use it.
Mound: You forgot, that it is not only a vp it is also a trasher itself. You would often buy it even as a simple trasher of coppers and as for vp its not the heavy trashing actually but heavy gaining that makes it worthwhile (so that you gain lots of treasure and trash it to mound). Yes, i somehow forgot to reword it after changing the "may" word.
Primordial village: i think you are mistaken. +buy comes after the coins even on woodcutter.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 06:00:44 pm »
Border Land designed to be OP in comparision with Provinces. It is a bottom of a split-pile with Ancestral Rights on top, so you can buy them until all Rights are out, and Rights themselves have an ability which makes it a risk to buy Border Lands, if your opponent has some of the Ancestral Rights. I should probably reposition these cards for better visibility.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 04:10:45 pm »
Anyway - maybe some thogths on a card concepts? I don't really created this set for a discussion about offensiveness.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 04:09:13 pm »
yeah i think it would be; imo bad judgment calls were also made in Harem and Native Village - both perpetuated some pretty crappy stereotypes. but just because there's offputting themes in past/canon expansions, thats no excuse for failing to try to be better in what we make now.
No, I meant it in a sense, that on the other hand the card can be liked by people due to its theme, no? Trying to always be non-offensive to everyone is not a very artistically creative option, while on the other hand your comment about Harry Potter satany fans (or smth) sounded really offensive from a certain point of view - like its totally okay to offend these guys.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 02:54:59 pm »
Nah, i mean there is a Torturer card and is it not offputting for a lot?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 02:23:05 pm »
I just thought that any concept could be offputting for some people. But the images maybe bad yeah... I'll try to find something else.

Variants and Fan Cards / Stone Age Set
« on: October 27, 2019, 11:51:17 am »
I designed this set with an idea of "outdated" cards, where each merit they give comes with a some sort of a demerit. There are 4 main sub-themes: 1) Slavery - cards, that interact with Curses in your deck; 2) Self-destructive attacks - Hurt them more than yourself; 3) Alt-VP - Being useless until the end of the game is there own demerit and as such i decided to include them; 4) Vanilla cards with demerits - a variations on the Base set cards with some sort of demerits a user needs to overcome to properly apply a card in his deck. Each non-Victory pile has a 10 cards in it, with Victory piles having 8 copies for 2 players and 12 copies for 3 and more players. Exeptions numbers listed in figured parenthesis.


{The number of slaves at the start of the game should be equal to the number of curses used in the game}

Slave trader

Slave master

Slave market

Pagan Shaman


{The number of Freeloaders at the start of the game should be equal to the number of curses used in the game}

Omen Tracker


Next is Alt-VP Split-pile. {4/4 copies for 2 players and 6/6 copies for 3 and more players.}

Top half:                                                Bottom half:

Ancestral rights                                      Border Lands

Free land

Shared land

Secret land


Primordial village

Primitive smithy

Pagan totem

Chief's hut

Outdated workshop

Storage pit

Shaman's hut

Tradional rite


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