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Road Network is good against Replace giving out Curses. You still get a Curse, but you also draw a card!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 2022 Additional Errata
« on: July 02, 2022, 02:46:20 pm »
I guess we can argue, that the problem is Duration cards period; that they should have e.g. always stayed out one turn (with some cards then not getting made). But given that they get to care "are we done," and that the point we check is in Clean-up, well it shouldn't be that stuff can happen after that that makes a difference. Anything I'm willing to allow after discarding cards from play should also not be something that cards trigger off of.

For tracking, "non-duration" never actually goes the distance, since you can trash a Throne Room that played a Duration card. For loops, once-per-turn is obv. all you need, yes.

Why not have a rule that says something like, "If an effect would remove a Duration or a card tracking a Duration (such as a Throne or Command) from play before it's 'done,' that effect fails."? Obviously, there are edge cases, like Cargo Ship and Highwayman (which has an effect that discards itself).

Crossroads + Ways. If you play your first Crossroads as a Way, you don't get +3 Actions from any of your Crossroads.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What cards do you ban and why?
« on: May 26, 2022, 01:56:55 pm »
My only bans are Harvest and Philosopher's Stone, since they basically reduce the kingdom size by 1 card each.

My disliked list is Border Guard, Guardian, Lighthouse, Governor, Rebuild, Annex, Triumphal Arch, Tower. I don't like the play pattern of games with Lighthouse/Guardian and strong attacks. Border Guard tends to snowball too quickly for such an innocent-looking card. Governor and Rebuild lead to too many monotone strategies. Annex is basically blank. The landmarks are there because I don't like boards that incentivize quickly emptying 3 piles and not really doing much else.

I have these as disliked rather than banned because they do do something, some people want to play with them sometimes, and I do enjoy seeing some of them occasionally.

Opponent went for Pirate Ship. I had 5 Treasures left in my deck and drew them all, so I bought a Mandarin.

Later that game, opponent played Skulk, hit Greed, then played Pirate Ship.

Livery + Way of the Butterfly

If you've played a few Liveries and are overdrawing your deck, you can play Horses using Way of the Butterfly, gaining 4-costs and more Horses. If those 4-costs give you extra Actions, repeat.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: March 25, 2020, 11:32:37 am »
Another weird one: React a Fool's Gold, then play 7 Sheepdogs as Chariot Race (Way of the Mouse), winning each one.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: December 29, 2019, 11:15:07 am »
In an IRL game, I bid 40 for Mountain Pass. I then proceeded to Smuggle 2 Provinces (I played two Bridges first) and use gainers to cause a 3-pile and win.

Lurker + Pouch

With the right split, you can open with 3 Lurkers, which may or may not be good, but is definitely neat.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 03, 2018, 09:11:56 pm »
If Miser let you put any Treasure card on your mat, things could get very confusing indeed with Capitalism.

There's also Coin of the Realm for Miser shenanigans in that scenario.

Donate + Tomb

Duh.  Trashing synergizes with getting points for trashing.  But, this particular interaction creates a bunch of weird dynamics:
  • Spare buys/gains? Consider gaining junk and then buying Donate (this turn or later).  Feels similar to Goons or Triumph.
  • Junkers slow your opponents down in the short term but give them points in the long term.
  • Interesting endgame considerations: If you know the game's about to end, Donate as much of your deck as you can afford.

Bandit Camp + Guildhall

Ever put your +1 Action token on Baker and wished, "Man, I wish these things also gained Spoils"?

Treasurer + Monastery

Gain Coppers out of the Trash, play them, and trash them again.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: June 26, 2018, 02:24:14 pm »
Druid can quintuple Province.

Druid has Swamp and Field (and something else).  You have 5 Druids in your deck, and you have 12 Wisps.  You start this turn with 5 Wisps.  First 7 Wisps draw Gold+Wisp.  Next 5 Wisps draw Gold+Druid.  Play all Druids for Field ($5). Play 12 Golds ($41).  Buy 5 Provinces.

I had a Mystic in hand, and my opponent gave me Greed.  Next time I had my Mystic in hand, I received Bad Omens.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: How many gains can you get with n cards?
« on: April 24, 2018, 10:56:36 am »
Random question on the "trash begins empty" edit: Does that mean we cannot use Necromancer or would Necromancer just not spawn any Zombies?

Yes. Zombies begin in the Trash if Necromancer is in the Supply.  (Too many edge cases to keep track of!)

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: How many gains can you get with n cards?
« on: April 23, 2018, 07:19:29 pm »
The maximum is unbounded because you can keep gaining the same cards from the trash and then trashing them over and over again. I'm pretty sure we can do that with n=2 using this and Diadem (Tournament can replace Pooka or Tracker, as those are only used for their Heirlooms which we don't need because of Diadem).

You're right; of course I forgot something :/.  I had meant to only count a gain the first time a physical card is gained in a turn, and I've edited the original post to reflect this.

But, without that change, I guess f(2) is at least 276 plus however many Wisps and non-Diadem Prizes you can gain on this board (probably all of them).  Though, f(n) has to be greater than or equal to f(n-1) for some n>2, since you can have Kingdoms with more available cards than this one.

Puzzles and Challenges / How many gains can you get with n cards?
« on: April 23, 2018, 01:24:30 pm »
First, the less mathematical/less precise/TLDR version: How many cards can you gain in a turn, starting with an n-card deck all in your hand?

Mathematical Definition/Precise Rules:
Define a function f(n) as follows:
  • Set up a legal two-player Dominion kingdom.
  • Don't give out any starting cards (so there are 60 coppers in the Supply).
  • Select n cards from the supply and/or available non-supply cards for that kingdom, and put those n cards into your hand (and you have no other cards in your deck).
  • Your opponent has no cards whatsoever, and the trash begins empty* (EDIT).
  • Play a turn.  f(n) is the maximum number of cards you can gain in that turn.
  • To avoid infinite loops, a "gain" only counts the first time you gain a particular, physical card in the turn, and it doesn't count at all if you started with that physical card in your hand. (EDIT)
*aside from possible Zombies

Extra restrictions/clarifications:
  • The turn you take is effectively the first turn of the game.  So, you have no Durations in play, cards on mats, tokens on piles, etc.  And your opponent did nothing on their last turn (matters for Smugglers, Treasure Hunter).
  • To avoid extra shenanigans, if Black Market is in the Kingdom, the Black Market deck is automatically one copy of each card removed from a First Edition.  These cards cannot be used otherwise.  (In my opinion, this should become a standard restriction when Black Market's mechanic is wanted, but its shenanigans are not desired.)
  • Shelters can only be used if there's at least one Dark Ages card in the Kingdom.  If Shelters are used, you may only have up to one of each Shelter among the n cards, unless the Kingdom would allow something else to happen (e.g. Masquerade or Lurker+Trasher).
  • Heirlooms are treated similarly to Shelters (as are Ghost/Wish if their respective Heirlooms are the only ways to gain them).
  • Platinum/Colony can only be present if at least one Prosperity card is in the Kingdom.
  • At most two Events/Landmarks.

The questions:
  • What are f(n) for some small values?
  • For which n is f(n) maximized, and what is the maximum?  (Eventually, f(n)=0, so this has to exist.  Presumably, it will be an n for which you can empty the supply and possibly non-supply, and the board has sufficiently many cards.)

Some examples:
  • n=0.  Alms for Death Cart gains 3 cards.  So, f(0) is at least 3.
  • n=1.  Start with an Engineer.  Engineer for Death Cart, trash it for Death Cart, Alms for Death Cart gains 9 cards.  So, f(1) is at least 9.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Trade
« on: April 19, 2018, 10:42:49 pm »
Balance and power-level wise I think this is clearly a little too good at $3. I think this compares favourably to Moneylender and Sacrifice even ignoring the when in-play part of the card. I'd like to see this at $4 at least, although I think it needs a built in way to get nice things into the trash/mat.

I think Canal (with Trash interaction) might be fine at $4.  In the absence of other trashing, there are at least Estates in the trash to fish out in the endgame.  The weirdest thing this would let you do is recur Haunted Mirror and Magic Lamp.

Hoard + Aqueduct

Not especially strong, but, as long as there are VP tokens left on the Gold pile, buying a Victory card is worth an extra point for every Hoard you have in play.

Skulk + Gardens

Skulk is 2 cards for the price of one, gives Buys, and helps you hit $4.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: March 29, 2018, 10:55:58 am »
Play tracker in action phase, (get a boons that doesn't gain you anything), don't buy anything, use exorcist in night phase on an expensive card for ghost, topdeck ghost, play devils workshop for cemetery, trash overgrown estate, draw ghost, play ghost. Right? If there's a way to do it with no on-trash abilities then I have no clue. Unless it's something goofy with possession or masquerade or 22 player noble brigand/messenger/lost city shenanigans

Technically that doesn't work because you can't gain Cemetery if it's a board without Haunted Mirror, but obviously you can achieve the same effect very easily just by using any Night that trashes, such as another Exorcist.

EDIT: for extra hard mode, you can gain Blessed Village with Vampire and get the +1 card boon to draw the Ghost, or you can get the +2 cards, discard 2 cards boon to draw the Ghost. Does that count as two different possible solutions?
I suppose that's correct.

My two solutions work without Boons though.

+1 Card Token on Werewolf would do it.
True! But that doesn't cover hard mode.

Right.  Forgot about that.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: March 28, 2018, 08:52:19 am »
Play tracker in action phase, (get a boons that doesn't gain you anything), don't buy anything, use exorcist in night phase on an expensive card for ghost, topdeck ghost, play devils workshop for cemetery, trash overgrown estate, draw ghost, play ghost. Right? If there's a way to do it with no on-trash abilities then I have no clue. Unless it's something goofy with possession or masquerade or 22 player noble brigand/messenger/lost city shenanigans

Technically that doesn't work because you can't gain Cemetery if it's a board without Haunted Mirror, but obviously you can achieve the same effect very easily just by using any Night that trashes, such as another Exorcist.

EDIT: for extra hard mode, you can gain Blessed Village with Vampire and get the +1 card boon to draw the Ghost, or you can get the +2 cards, discard 2 cards boon to draw the Ghost. Does that count as two different possible solutions?
I suppose that's correct.

My two solutions work without Boons though.

+1 Card Token on Werewolf would do it.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: March 26, 2018, 12:35:31 pm »
Play tracker in action phase, (get a boons that doesn't gain you anything), don't buy anything, use exorcist in night phase on an expensive card for ghost, topdeck ghost, play devils workshop for cemetery, trash overgrown estate, draw ghost, play ghost. Right? If there's a way to do it with no on-trash abilities then I have no clue. Unless it's something goofy with possession or masquerade or 22 player noble brigand/messenger/lost city shenanigans

Using the Devil's Workshop to gain a Blessed Village, receiving Sea's Gift or Wind's Gift would work.

If there's baker prince moat and pooka, and you get the 7/2, you get a prince and a moat, and then if you get both if them on turn three, then you get a starting hand size of 7 every turn.
I had a game the other day with Prince, Baker, and Pooka.  I opened 7/2.  I chose not to open Prince because Ironworks/Tunnel/Mill/Donate was more important.  But I thought long and hard, knowing the opportunity might never come up again.

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