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Let's Discuss ... / Re: Lets discuss- Silver mine
« on: March 20, 2023, 01:22:38 pm »

Don't know what you all think is wrong with it

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: How to optimize player level?
« on: September 02, 2022, 11:56:05 am »
If you haven't played in 12 years or even 6, the kinds of things that separate top level players from those below them have changed well beyond the card pool. Depending on how you like to improve, I suggest joining the Dominion Discord (linked in signature) and poking around a bit and asking questions - it is much more active than these forums are now.

The good news is now you can't expect anything to happen in a real game so both threads are valid

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Getting back into things!
« on: May 23, 2022, 08:19:51 pm »
I suggest joining the discord (link in signature). It is definitely more of the community hub now, and has lots of places where people will help you out.

Setting your min card pool level to 5 is equivalent to the previous wait for expansions

Tournaments and Events / Tournaments are still taking place
« on: January 15, 2022, 08:09:06 pm »
Although hosting Dominion tournaments on this forum has fallen out of favor, there is still an active online tournament scene on the Dominion Discord. Join it at

Dominion League / We've Moved!
« on: January 15, 2022, 07:58:12 pm »
The Dominion League is still going strong, just not on this forum.

Please visit our website at to learn about the league and sign up.

If you have any questions, head to the Dominion Discord at We do not monitor this subforum.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Weekly Kingdom Design Contest?
« on: May 20, 2020, 09:50:42 pm »
My guess is that you would have much better luck with this on the discord, because, well, there's people there.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Defining the difference between levels
« on: December 19, 2019, 11:52:25 pm »
The difference between a higher rated player and a lower rated one is that the higher rated player does everything slightly to a lot better.

If you're able to attribute certain actions to higher rated players you already do them you're just worse at them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lessons learned
« on: November 14, 2019, 09:00:48 pm »
Be sure to learn from your wins too

Late with this post but here is my perspective for this match:

And all of my matches from season 35:

Video from me:

My other matches from this season and 3 others I commentated with xtruffles:

Dominion League / Re: Rules & Regulations Changelog
« on: March 30, 2019, 07:37:45 pm »
In VII. Respectfulness:

Players are expected to treat one another with respect at all times. Examples of poor conduct include swearing at another player or otherwise harassing them, excessively complaining about luck, rage-quitting and leaving a scheduled match, or intentional slow-playing.

We wanted something added about undoing. Changed to:

Players are expected to treat one another with respect at all times. Examples of poor conduct include swearing at another player or otherwise harassing them, excessively complaining about luck, rage-quitting and leaving a scheduled match, intentional slow-playing, or unexpectedly changing pre-match arrangements (such as undo usage).

Dominion League / Re: Rules & Regulations Changelog
« on: March 30, 2019, 07:26:51 pm »
VIII. Late Finish Penalties

The official deadline to report your match results is the day after the official deadline (a Monday) at 15:00 UTC, so that people from the western-most time zones can easily finish and report matches which they started playing on Sunday night.

Players who are responsible for finishing their games late in two consecutive seasons they play will get their overall score reduced by 1. This penalty will only count for the own total and own average score and not for the calculation of any tiebreakers. Responsibility is determined by the group moderator, and any players who believe their opponents are responsible for the delay should send their moderator all relevant communications for evaluation.

If late game results are not reported within a week of the deadline, the responsible players are considered to have dropped out mid-season, with more severe penalties as described in the following section.

We are eliminating the penalty but putting another rule in place, so changed to:

VIII. Late Finishes

The official deadline to report your match results is the day after the official deadline (a Monday) at 15:00 UTC, so that people from the western-most time zones can easily finish and report matches which they started playing on Sunday night.

If players are unable to finish their matches by the deadline, they must contact their moderator to request an extension for up to a week with information about when the late matches will take place. If such communication does not take place or late game results are not reported within a week of the deadline, the responsible players are considered to have dropped out mid-season, with penalties as described in the following section.

Dominion League / Re: Rules & Regulations Changelog
« on: March 13, 2019, 04:34:23 pm »
From II. Match Structure:

The League suggests completing all 6 games of a match on the same day, but this is not required. When scheduling, keep in mind that a matches typically take 1.5-2 hours. After completing a match one of the players should post the result (via Google forms sent to each player at the start of the season) as soon as possible.  If a match is started, but not completed, the partial result, including the number of times each player has gone first should be posted in the Partial Results thread. When the match is completed, the partial result should be removed.

Changed to:

The League suggests completing all 6 games of a match on the same day, but this is not required. When scheduling, keep in mind that a matches typically take 1.5-2 hours. After completing a match one of the players should post the result (via Google forms sent to each player at the start of the season) as soon as possible.  If less than 6 games are played, the result of those games just played should be submitted in the same fashion. Multiple reports between the same two players will add to the full score.

Well based on the astounding quality of this list I would suggest that GendoIkari should write half the  card lists for next year.

werothegreat's and faust's enthusiasm about what lists should look like indicates to me that they would be excellent candidates for splitting the other half.

Dominion General Discussion / The Dominion Card Lists 2018 Edition: Prizes
« on: February 20, 2019, 04:02:29 pm »
Given recent events, I felt it was necessary to place this list (and the Knights) in a less easily editable format for posting on this forum. To that end, you may view the nicely formatted Prizes list here:

For simpler discussion reference, a list without commentary is reprinted below.

5. Bag of Gold
4. Diadem
3. Princess
2. Trusty Steed

Dominion General Discussion / The Dominion Card Lists 2018 Edition: Knights
« on: February 20, 2019, 04:01:30 pm »
Given recent events, I felt it was necessary to place this list (and the Prizes) in a less easily editable format for posting on this forum. To that end, you may view the nicely formatted Knights list here:

For simpler discussion reference, a list without commentary is reprinted below.

10. Dame Josephine
9. Sir Vander
8. Sir Martin
7. Dame Sylvia
6. Dame Natalie
5. Sir Destry
4. Sir Michael
3. Dame Molly
2. Dame Anna
1. Sir Bailey

Please reverse the order; this is backwards from all the other card lists; and opposite of how a countdown normally works.

For some reason the standard way to post these is such that I need to scroll to the bottom and then read going upwards. If posting them in the way that doesn't bother me does bother you I suggest doing the same.

Fell and should keep falling: Sauna - Sauna didn't fall much but it could be somewhat significantly lower. It is typically a card of last resort, whether for its trashing or village effects, and if you can you would rather be using neither, the former because it is so slow and the latter because it is somewhat awkward. In many cases leaving the Sauna pile untouched until Avantos are revealed is the proper move, so Sauna shouldn't have quite the standing it does here.

Fell and shouldn't be falling: Walled Village - Why Walled Village is so far below cards that do roughly the same thing is puzzling. Sure it costs $4 and plays mostly as a standard village, but that's roughly Farming Village and Mining Village too. Villages are necessary to a lot of decks. Respect that and don't drop them in rank because they're boring.

Rose and shouldn't be rising: Bridge - Bridge is really good. It deserves a high spot on this list. It doesn't deserve that spot though. While often centralizing when a deck can be built for it, Bridge suffers without draw and isn't that special as the only +buy on single-terminal boards. For those reasons it falls short of the other top cards on this list for what they can do for you early, and could settle back to its previous spot behind them and close to Inventor.

Rose and should keep rising: Ranger - With an honorable mention for Exorcist which has less distance to cover to its proper spot, it is a bit stunning that Smithy could be so many spots above Ranger when the first Ranger played in a turn draws as many cards as 2 Smithies and gives +buy on top of that. When building decks with terminal draw this means you typically want a Ranger pair in addition to whatever else you are doing, either for the additional gains on a card that is otherwise useful or for the added consistency of a huge first draw.

Scheme doesn't do a very good job of letting me play my Masquerade turns 3 and 4 regardless of shuffles.

Okay for the list as a whole:

Fell and should keep falling: Fishing Village - Placing Fishing Village in this category isn't so much about Fishing Village as it is about the other cards on this list. Fishing Village is quite good but the lower cards, particularly the trashers, Dungeon, and Gear, often do more for consistency than having a start-of-turn extra action. Also, the first two or four are very impressive but then you would most often rather have another village that draws. I would argue for Ghost Town being above it if consistency building is your main reason for rating this so high.

Fell and shouldn't be falling: Gear - Along with Dungeon should be in the top 10. Few cards do more for you early: while it doesn't feel spectacular, having turns 3 and 4 go more correctly is a big deal. After this speed has been gained, Gear will then act as a strong consistency measure, giving a bit of draw but more importantly allowing the setting aside of either cards necessary to draw or those that would prevent you from doing so such that they do not get in the way.

Rose and shouldn't be rising: Gladiator - Menagerie was a close second here, but Gladiator's rise should have been a fall rather than roughly staying put. Contrary to what people have been saying in the other thread, Gladiator acts as a terminal Silver, and going out of your way to make it a Gold is typically a bad plan, not that either card is special or even good. Being able to play with Gladiator against poor opponents where revealing Fortune is significantly better for you than them likely makes it feel better than it actually is.

Rose and should keep rising: Smugglers - Against competent opponents, Smugglers is a gainer that will gain what they want nearly regardless of cost, which is likely what you want too. This card can warp games with people being careful about their gains as to not give more away than they get, and often plays as better than buying. While the top half of this list is already loaded and there are other cards (Develop, Improve) that should be moving into or at least close to it, a place can also probably be made for Smugglers.

I was thinking how to express an opinion for each list because I don't really like focusing on absolute position. I settled on doing the 4 cards that I think most characterize:

Fell and should keep falling: Delve - Adding extra Silver to your deck tends to not be so hot, especially early. Delve can be decent in money strategies but even in many of those you lose more pace from having an extra card than you gain from having a bit of extra economy until later. Fool's Gold is comparable as economy that is easy to get early but makes a deck suffer more than it helps.

Fell and shouldn't be falling: Courtyard - Courtyard is still very strong to open with and provides a fair amount of use throughout many games. Being able to make turns 3 and 4 be closer to ideal is a very strong effect, and after that the little bit of draw it provides keeps Courtyard from becoming useless. Comparing to Moat and Faithful Hound, Courtyard's strength early on makes it significantly better, although the later draw effects of the others should go more appreciated.

Rose and shouldn't be rising: Lurker - Lurker requires a lot to get it working early and is fairly annoying to use later on. The tricks and pile control are nice but for most of the game it acts as a slow gainer, which while good to have at $2 doesn't compare well with many of the cards above and below it that work to speed up decks instead of just the end of the game.

Rose and should keep rising: Save - At some point Save should break into the top 5. It does a huge number of speed tricks early and later on is a great consistency measure. Like many events on this low-cost list, Save likely goes underranked because people never let themselves try to win without it so they don't appreciate how much it does.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Dominion Scavenger is Back
« on: December 25, 2018, 11:59:40 am »
The mu in the column is the opponent's rating. The only thing that is affected by your rating is the expected win rate.

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