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Messages - awildnoobappeared

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I remember a game where I beat Cultist with PStone+Storeroom (which is known to be a strong combo, made even stronger by all those Ruins) - it was close though, and I have no idea what its win rate is like against it.
Even then, you had to pick a strategy that works well specifically against Cultist -> you didn't ignore Cultist.

True, I guess that "Harvest" and "don't buy Cultist because I think something else is better on this board" are not the same thing. :P

Cultist and Witch below Wharf??

yes and they belong there. wharf is super extra amazing, maybe the least often skippable card in the game
This is a list of situations where you can ignore Cultist:
Oh, and I almost forgot this one:

i remember a bunch of games where i ignored cultist and won. vineyards and JoaT are possible reasons, but also stronger junkers (i.e. Mountebank). lighthouse may be enough of a reason too, when combined with a strong trasher. stonemaison + scrying pool + trasher is probably enough

I remember a game where I beat Cultist with PStone+Storeroom (which is known to be a strong combo, made even stronger by all those Ruins) - it was close though, and I have no idea what its win rate is like against it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: March 31, 2014, 05:58:49 am »
Homeopathic Doctor
Action, $3+
Name a card. Reveal the top 0 cards of your deck. Trash the matches. Put the rest back on top in any order.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpaid, look at the top card of your deck; put it back.

I saw Scrying Pool on the list and voted for that without even looking at the other answers, as it's by far my most disliked card solely because the attack makes turns take forever. I swear that card made me ragequit this whole game (for a few months, anyway!)

Apart from that probably Swindler because of its swinginess, and Cultist and Familiar because of how screwed you are if your opponent gets lucky and you don't. All the rest are fine IMO.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:13:38 am »
Some sort of visual notification when you receive a chat message would be awesome, as there's been plenty of times I've missed messages in the log.

Perhaps a flash of color in the chat window, or something like that?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Most instructive cards
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:06:27 am »
Comparing Workshop with Feast highlights the gap between what to expect from a $4 and $5 card.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dominion TableTop Version (Goko Windows App)
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:32:47 pm »
Well, Taxman is certainly better here.

And Contraband a lot worse!

Anyway, besides the obvious problem of being able to see other player's hands (I suppose you would use a book to cover the screen where your cards are, or a divider like Battleship - both would make any more than 2 players impractical on any touchscreen), this raises nothing but questions.

  • Will there be more expansions after Guilds?
  • If I were to buy this app, do I have to re-buy all the expansions? (I assume not, as this app allows online play on what I assume is Goko's main server)
  • Where's the iOS app?
  • Will there be an Android app?
  • Do I have to re-buy expansions for iOS/Android when and if they come out? (once again, I assume not)
  • This has been published by Funsockets - didn't Goko ditch them? Is this an oversight, or are Funsockets still contracted to develop other Goko Dominion clients? Even if so, why are they publishing this when Goko supposedly has all rights to online Dominion?
  • What is Goko actually up to? As far as I can tell, there's been nothing but silence from Goko apart from the occasional promotion or new product.

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup Signup
« on: November 09, 2013, 05:30:27 pm »
Australia (I hope everyone is okay if ashersky completes the team - including himself of course)

I'm of course happy to, but not without the consent of all three other true Australians.

I definitely don't have a problem with it.

It is of course okay by me as well - welcome to the team!

Tournaments and Events / Re: Dominion Team World Cup Signup
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:53:24 am »
Count me in for Team Australia

name: awildnoobappeared
cards: all sets, but no promos

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko down?
« on: October 19, 2013, 07:11:40 pm »
I'm able to log in again, so maybe give it a try now?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko down?
« on: October 19, 2013, 06:51:51 pm »
Yes.  It won't let me log in and when I tried to get a password reset it said that it couldn't find my username in the database.

I use my Google account for sign-in, and that also doesn't work.

Game Reports / Re: A slow and brutal game, could I have done any better?
« on: October 17, 2013, 02:16:44 am »
Thanks for the feedback everyone, it confirms my first thought - I misplayed the board, but my opponent misplayed it more than I did.

Game Reports / A slow and brutal game, could I have done any better?
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:14:59 am »
Embargo, Fortune Teller, Shanty Town, Watchtower, Coppersmith, Thief, Wandering Minstrel, Harvest, Stables, Adventurer

I just played out this 35 turn uber-slog. Granted, it's a very weak board and there's no real trashing or any +buy to be found, but surely this should not take 35 turns to end? (though I had won by about turn 25 as I had an unassailable lead, and ended up ending the game by buying out double-Embargoed Watchtowers)

We both started out with Coppersmith as there's just not a lot else out there as a starter, but after that our strategies diverge, I hit Stables hard with Shanty Towns and an early Thief (intention - steal Coppers to boost Stables and hurt him a little), while my opponent just doesn't seem to do much of any use.

My Thief was super effective, hitting Golds the first 2 times I played it - obviously that hurts like hell and possibly decided the game. Eventually he picks up a couple of his own but they either whiff or hit when it's far too late.

So my question is, surely neither of us played that well if the game stretched out to 35 turns and the Provinces still weren't gone? Surely there must have been a better strategy out there, perhaps involving Fortune Teller or Harvest (!!!) for virtual money (especially with Thief around and decent potential to play it often, though neither of us did?)

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 7 Discussion Thread
« on: October 05, 2013, 07:50:31 am »
awildnoobappeared and loppo draw - loppo 34-25
Duchess, Embargo, Village, Familiar, Moneylender, Nomad Camp, Procession, Talisman, Bazaar, Junk Dealer
So there isn't a lot on offer here, there's heaps of trashing but not really much to do once you're trashed down. loppo lands a Junk Dealer on turn 2 and therefore can trash into a thinner and richer deck than I can, and I'm left chasing Embargoed Duchies. - awildnoobappeared 30-21
Haven, Urchin, Wishing Well, Caravan, Moneylender, Rats, Governor, Minion, Mint, Pillage (shelters)
Lots of tough decisions here, but Urchin's presence means this is a Governor game. I have first player advantage, and manage to get my nose in front at the end - I think Mercenary did just enough to keep loppo from ending the game before I do. - loppo 37-21
Embargo, Fool's Gold, Pawn, Urchin, Throne Room, Bazaar, Hunting Party, Stables, Tactician, Vault
I try some Hunting Party thing with Mercenary, it takes too long to get moving against double-Tactician with Vault even with Mercenary's trashing and discard attack. - awildnoobappeared 42-33
Lighthouse, Advisor, Envoy, Scavenger, Baker, Highway, Jester, Rabble, Nobles, Peddler
Fairly straightforward game without trashing or +buy, and the only +actions is Nobles - this means there isn't a lot on. I go for lots of Bakers with a decent amount of money - some good draws, plenty of saved up tokens along with loppo having nothing at all on turn 18 mean I can finish the game fairly easily. - loppo 29-20
Transmute, Shanty Town, Workshop, Death Cart, Marauder, Moneylender, Procession, Treasure Map, Knights, Adventurer (shelters)
I still have no idea how to play Knights. They wreck an opponent's deck so hard, but likely if you've been concentrating on them your deck is pretty bad too. And there's a decent chance your opponent has been able to sneak a Province if the split is about even, which is bad news when both your decks are awful.
Loppo managed to build a better economy besides me winning the Knights battle, and his Death Cart was the difference in the end game, allowing him to buy enough Duchies to get a decisive lead. - awildnoobappeared 42-35
Scrying Pool, Oasis, Philosopher's Stone, Cutpurse, Island, JackOfAllTrades, Smithy, Counterfeit, Embassy, Explorer
Loppo gets a pretty bad 5/2 opening on a board where Counterfeit and Jack are going to dominate. I'm tempted by Embassy at some point, but decide against it as Counterfeit is just going to be too good with all that free silver. In the end it's fairly close but my luck holds out just long enough.

Thanks to loppo and everyone else I've played this tournament. This brings my tournament record to 2 wins, 2 losses and 3 draws, with a games record of 15 wins and 16 losses - I'd have taken that going into the tournament, especially as I came up against some excellent players. I'll certainly be watching the finals series with interest!

I made Robber Baron.  I just sort of threw it together.  I hindsight, it's kinda shitty.

I like the basic idea of a card where you discard a Ruins for some sort of benefit, but it needed to be much stronger as this card was no better than Militia if you connect it with a Ruins (assuming the Ruins you gained would've been a Copper), and dead otherwise.

I can imagine it working if the discard wasn't contingent on discarding a Ruins, and discarding got you $4, though maybe that is too strong as it makes it easy to repeatedly get to $5 even with a rubbish hand.

I made this card, a few people liked it but not a lot of people talked about it:

Ignoble Brigand
Types: Action – Attack – Looter
Cost: $4
+$1. You may trash a Treasure from your hand. Each other player may discard a Treasure. If he doesn't, he gains a Ruins.

I still think it's neat, it's not complicated but it still involves some uncomfortable decisions which is what I aimed for. If anything it may be a little too strong, as cards which achieve multiple aims in the early game tend to be really strong (examples: Ambassador, Masquerade, Jack, Junk Dealer)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: September 16, 2013, 05:22:07 am »
The princess ride

-insert anything that could be fun-

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 5 Discussion Thread
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:38:20 pm »
awildnoobappeared drew with zporiri

Once again thanks for the games zporiri, and best of luck for round 6. What's interesting is that while the match was drawn, none of the games were what I would call close - player one always ran away with the game. awildnoobappeared 42-21
Oasis, Swindler, Feodum, Island, Plaza, Procession, Hunting Party, Inn, Fairgrounds, Bank (Shelters game)
We both buy Hunting Party in the opening. My first Swindler hits zporiri's HP, and he doesn't ever really recover. He also has two dead turns in a row fairly early, that must have hurt a lot. He also has really bad Swindler luck of his own, hitting Provinces of mine twice. zporiri 62-38
Apothecary, Masterpiece, Wishing Well, Philosopher's Stone, Council Room, Duke, Embassy, Rogue, Royal Seal, Soothsayer (Shelters game)
My strategy is not all there on this board - I tried something with Apothecary and Wishing Well, and it was no match for a Masterpiece silver flood facilitated by Embassy. zporiri 63-36
Masterpiece, Steward, Feodum, Nomad Camp, Talisman, Golem, Bazaar, Harvest, Inn, Harem (Colony game)
My strategy is even less all there on this board - Steward was a terrible purchase on a Masterpiece/Feodum board. It always collided with my Nomad Camp, but I should never have bought it in the first place. Anyway, I don't know how well a Colony focused strategy would have gone here, to be honest I don't think it would be able to compete as with Masterpiece/Feodum the Silver pile empties just as fast as the Masterpieces. awildnoobappeared 64-34
Poor House, Fortune Teller, Monument, Wandering Minstrel, Band of Misfits, Graverobber, Library, Wharf, Witch, Fairgrounds (Colony game)
I take a chance early on and buy a second Witch even though I've got a Monument as well and no villages. It works out for me as I win the curse split - later on, the big draw from Wharf keeps my economy reasonably strong, and allow me to Graverobber surplus Witches and Misfits into Provinces. awildnoobappeared 50-31
Poor House, Lighthouse, Ambassador, Warehouse, Plaza, Talisman, Saboteur, Trading Post, Farmland, Grand Market
Definitely a Grand Market board. Both of us thin our decks with Ambassador with Lighthouse for protection, and while zporiri gets the first GM I've already got two Poorhouses and plenty of Plazas, and my deck is quite a bit thinner, and I run away with the game. zporiri 21-18
Philosopher's Stone, Feast, Ironmonger, Procession, Scavenger, Bazaar, Counterfeit, Ghost Ship, Rebuild, Treasury
Rebuild dominates here, I haven't played a lot with it and I didn't quite realise what a tricky card it is to play. My turn 11 was just one mistake after another... it looks close but it wasn't really. zporiri suggested that winning the Duchy split in a Rebuild game is probably more important than having more Rebuilds, does this sound correct to anyone else?

This was my card, it got 5 votes:

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+3 Cards. +1 Action. Each other player draws a card, then reveals and discards one or more cards. He gets +1 VP per Action or Treasure card he discards.

I noticed that Prosperity doesn't have much in the way of draw cards, so I decided to add one which I thought fit the theme of "more expensive but better version of something that already exists". It's intended to be a stronger Laboratory with a drawback to keep it in check somewhat, but of course it's ended up being a heck of a lot like the draw option of Governor. Some people thought it was cool anyway, I still like it as I think the drawback is noticeable but not crippling.

If I were to change it I'd give it something a little extra to boost it over Governor, $1 might be too much but could work. I don't really want it to have +buy, that would make it a little too easy to get over the VP penalty.

At least it's better than my Hinterlands entry, man that card stinks.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 4 Discussion Thread
« on: September 07, 2013, 07:33:02 am »
awildnoobappeared drew with Mr. Anderson

I had a couple of bad games where I didn't know what I was doing, but the rest were hard fought and close. Thanks for the games Mr. Anderson, and best of luck for the coming rounds.
Cellar, Herbalist, Moat, Loan, Sage, Ironworks, Band of Misfits, Cache, Council Room, Treasury
Neither of us sees much besides Council Room BM, and I get to open with one. I buy a Cellar as well, which is probably a mistake, as using it costs me a turn 3 Silver. It's still close, as CR games tend to be, but I hit only $7 on turn 14 and Mr Anderson ends it next turn.
Embargo, Chancellor, Woodcutter, Spy, Bazaar, Festival, Horn of Plenty, Laboratory, Mandarin, Torturer
Confession: I love Torturer games, I almost always seem to do well in them.
We both go for it besides the villages being expensive, and both the Torturer and Bazaar piles disappear pretty fast. I figure that that probably means it's time to green with the Curses disappearing, and that turns out to be the right move. Turn 17 Mr Anderson lands a good chain while I have a rubbish hand, but that leaves a single Curse in the supply, and I buy it to end ahead.
Hermit, Masquerade, Storeroom, Island, Bazaar, Graverobber, Highway, Market, Mystic, Farmland
Pretty much a dream Highway/Market board, with all sorts of support. Neither of us use many of the cool support cards, though. I take a Hermit early, and a Madman turn from that helps me even out the Highway split. Eventually some Farmland shenanigans helps me end in front.
Oracle, Bridge, Death Cart, Gardens, Tournament, Catacombs, City, Ill-Gotten Gains, Merchant Ship, Altar
Don't know what I was thinking here, I go Tournament while Mr Anderson rushes IGGs and Gardens, and even though I get lucky with a Prize it doesn't help much.
Forager, Great Hall, Woodcutter, Bureaucrat, Quarry, Rats, Count, Jester, Pillage, Rogue
I try to trim my deck down with Rats and Forager in order to Rogue and Pillage, it doesn't achieve much against Mr Anderson's fairly simple Count and money strategy. It was funny to watch, but I'm kinda ashamed of this game.
Scrying Pool, Storeroom, Philosopher's Stone, JackOfAllTrades, Talisman, Thief, Cache, Count, Cultist, Jester
I run PStone/Storeroom against what turns out to be Cultist BM, and squeak a victory. I'm not sure I played this all that well as I wasn't able to get as many Stones as I wanted - it's the first time I've seen this combo. A lucky turn where I have Storeroom and 2 Stones gets me 2 Provinces late, and I can play an Abandoned Mine + Stone for exactly $8 to end the game.

Interesting note - second player won all of these games.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: September 02, 2013, 07:32:36 am »

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 3 Discussion Thread
« on: August 30, 2013, 07:45:55 pm »
awildnoobappeared d. bama 3-1

bama and I played some very close and interesting games. Thanks for playing, and best of luck for the following rounds.
Sage, Farming Village, Ironmonger, Navigator, Mountebank, Rebuild, Saboteur, Trading Post, Harem, Expand
This is a really interesting board with some tough choices. I ignore both Mountebank and Rebuild and win, I doubt that happens too often.
I'm quite proud of how I played this, my first $5 is a Trading Post instead of one of the power $5 cards. Then when bama buys a Rebuild, I take Saboteur and manage to slim my deck, get a good money density and hammer away at his Rebuilds, and eventually win fairly easily.
Fool's Gold, Squire, Storeroom, City, Duke, Explorer, Journeyman, Outpost, Adventurer, Goons
We both see Fools Gold combinations - he takes Squire while I prefer Storeroom. I originally intend on picking up Journeyman to draw heaps of FG at once but the FGs pile out in no time, and we start contesting Cities and Goons.
Due to some fairly lousy luck and Goons hammering I lose the City split 7-3 - but I think that bama made a mistake draining the City pile, as the extra buys and empty pile let me pull off a fortunate 3-pile one turn before he would have finished the game for sure.
Native Village, Squire, Fortune Teller, Talisman, Trader, Library, Outpost, Vault, Venture, Witch
Not a pretty game. We both take Traders in anticipation of Witches, and bama goes harder on them (Tradering a Squire into 2 Silvers and a Witch is nice) and this pays off for him as I eat most of the Curses. My Witch always seemed to hit his single Trader, and I lose fairly comfortably.
Fool's Gold, Haven, Herbalist, Secret Chamber, Scheme, Warehouse, Minion, Soothsayer, Goons, Hunting Grounds
Warehouse+Soothsayer is fairly obvious here, and bama buys one right away. Fortunately, it's not long before I have two of my own and a few Warehouses. No villages means that there isn't all that much to transition into besides as many Goons as possible. bama buys a Minion at one point, at the time I don't understand why but I suppose it isn't bad with all the handsize reduction going around.
Anyway, I'm slowly able to rack up VP over the course of the game, and keep a 3-pile ending on the cards. On turn 21 I reduce the Estate pile to 1, effectively gambling that as his last turn was strong that he wouldn't be able to buy a Province or Duchy+Estate the coming turn (all games had VP on). It pays off and he concedes defeat.

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