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Messages - Hideyoshi

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Innovation General Discussion / Re: Figures with no Echoes is the best
« on: August 10, 2013, 10:17:26 am »
Well, I agree with your argument on balancing issue. But I often say it is the problems of luck rather than balancing. It is probably the most important things about facing bad luck problems.

I would also suggest that the drawing system has changed when figures are introduced. In the old drawing system, many "strong" echoes cards are actually very weak, such as almanac and watermill. As echoes are actually designed for old drawing system, I think it is not quite fair to compare the cards directly.

Innovation Game Reports / Won by Kim Yu-Na
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:24:49 pm »

It seems it is the first game reports for figures.
I just hope there are something more like won by Emperor Meiji, Caresse Crosby, Pele, Jackie Chan, Shigeru Miyamoto (I hope I have not missed anyone with sudden win)

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Extra Achievements for Figures?
« on: July 24, 2013, 11:47:10 am »
To be frank, I also prefer to play an extra achievements in echoes game, but 7 achievements for echoes is still ok. But for figures, it is even easier to claim achievements as there are five more decrees. There are some figures which often help you to claim achievements too, such as Zhang Heng at age 2 can help you to claim Wealth easily. It should be noted that Wealth is normally cannot be claimed at age 2 as it is quite impossible to get 8 bonus on your board at age 2.

It often causes the game ended too early, maybe at around age 3-4 with 8 achievements. I will try some games with 9 achievements first to see whether it is better anyway.

Innovation General Discussion / Extra Achievements for Figures?
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:08:28 am »
Does anyone here think that an extra achievements rules are more suitable for adding both figures and echoes, which means you need 9 achievements to win the game for 2P? According to official rules, you need only 8 achievements to win. But I often find that the game is too short and also boring. The problem is that it is too easy to claim achievements for figures and the game may often end at age 4.  :-[ 
There are also so many figures cards which can make new achievements such as Marie Curie and Robert E Lee.

I don't know whether anyone think the same things as me. I just think using 9 achievements (or even 10 if available) may solve the problems. Any ideas?

It's good that Darthcaboose have written the introduction of figures. I've found that I am very weak in playing figures of sand, and I may need to read these guides carefully first. ;)

Innovation Game Reports / Re: Industrialisation
« on: July 07, 2013, 01:50:15 pm »
As an experienced player in echoes, I often do something to prevent opponents to get overpowered by industrialization. It is an important strategy for echoes games which is similar to deal with fermentation or mathematics.

I may say industrialization is very powerful but not TOO powerful, at least you have many methods to solve the problem when you are facing it at age 6. Compared to almanac at age 3, you have much more ways to deal with industrialization.

Innovation Game Reports / The Most Wonderful Epic Fail Moment
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:42:27 am »

Fermentation VS Camcorder

I nearly won by fermentation to reach age 11, but I failed to do so by camcorder. It was probably the largest return that I had seen.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Memorizing the cards
« on: June 24, 2013, 04:22:23 am »
You may need to memorize the cards through playing games rather than just sitting down and memorizing the cards online. It is not effective at all, and the more important point is that you need to memorize what a card can do but not just the words.

In real game, you are only allowed to inspect all the things which are shown on the table of your opponents. It means that you can inspect the top cards, the icons splayed, but not any information which are covered by cards.

Well, if anyone want to inspect the top cards, you may need to just read it on table but not pick it up. You may try to pick up all the cards in the same color, but it is quite impossible to do so anyway.

If I do not remember wrong, there is a rule that you cannot inspect any information which are covered. Hope anyone can find the rules on rule book.

Innovation Game Reports / Collaboration
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:31:02 am »

Thank Hank Scorpio for a fun game.
Well, the game may not be too special, but it is quite special to me. I seldom play a game with a large board like that in base set and without scoring. I often claim achievements, but this time I can just do some board building. It is also fun for me that I just claim monument but not other special achievements even that I splayed my board.

The other fun fact is that we both just do board building without scoring. At some period at around age 5-6, I really want to find a measurement to win by 1:0 but I failed to do so. Anyway, I won by collaboration, which it might be my first time in base game. (Well, I won by collaboration in echoes set before, but it may probably the first time to do so in base.)

Innovation Articles / Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 5
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:35:42 am »
Hi all, it's Hideyoshi again~

It really takes me a long long time to write on age 5, as there are too many to write on. Anyway, I hope everyone will like it~

Some may not like age 5 echoes as it gives you many “strange” cards. Well, for me, actually I like these cards. (That’s why I write much more than other ages.)  Age 5 is often considered as the mid stage of the game, which you are far away from the starting stage and away from castles. But it is not the ending stage as you do not have clocks anyway. You may need to do something with splaying or board splaying to place more useful icons at age 5. You may also need to attack some useful cards from your opponents. Well, there is a very wide range of strategies. It is better for players to get familiar with different strategies.


Pressure Cooker
I would like to say pressure cooker is the age 5 echoes card which I like most. It may not be the most useful card at age 5, but it is a very funny card to me. There are two different uses generally:
1. Return all your cards and draw some new cards. It is a very good strategy if you have just a few useless cards in your hand, but you have some high bonus on your top cards, such as some 5s or 6s at age 5, then it would be much better effect than just drawing a 5. You may need to know that you can arrange the order of value of drawing, which you can draw a higher echo card as you want.
2. Return all your opponents cards by sharing. For me, it is more important than the first effect as it is probably the best method to return all opponents cards, more efficient than physics. You may combine this effect with pencil echo effect and yellow cards splaying right. Even if your opponents have no cards in their hand, they need to “forced draw” and “forced return” without doing anything, and then you get a free draw!!
As this is one of the favorite echo cards, two game logs are attached:
You may read Hideyoshi turn 18 and turn 20. I had a pencil with splaying right at these moments. At turn 18, I shared pressure cooker effect to Andy which made him to return 7 cards in total with drawing nothing. At the same time, I returned some useless cards and drew some new cards. (The loom was drawn by pencil, so actually I planned to return 3 cards but not 4.) At turn 20, that was what I am talking about “forced draw” and “forced return” and I have a free draw. You may see Andy just drew Encyclopedia and returned it.
Pressure Cooker happened at my turn 13 and 15. At both turn Tree were using paper to draw a lot of cards. You may find that Tree was forced to return 16 cards in total at turn 13 and I drew some new cards (including steamboat). It was probably the largest amount of returning I had tried.


I do not know why I always mix it with Dentures. Anyway, Stove is a card for scoring which have two ways for scoring in one card. The echo effect is visible when your yellow cards are splayed left. The effect can score a top card without factories on your board. I do not know whether it is a good or bad effect. You may benefit from it by scoring a top card, but you may destroy your board at the same time. You may need to plan your route first with care, especially stove is as your echo effect. The first main effect is quite useful if your board have some cards of value below 4. You may combine the effect with the echoes one which score some high top cards and some low top cards may be left. However, in most cases, stove is just drawing and tucking a 4 without scoring a 4. The problem is if you can score a 4 by this action, it means that your top cards are just some low tech card. At age 5 if you still have a lot of 2 or 3 as your top cards, it means that your board cannot catch up to your technology. Stove may probably benefit the most if stove are meld by something like mathematics which a lot of low tech cards left your board. Anyway, just use it wisely depending on situation. Splaying green cards may be a useful bonus, as it is the only green splaying right card featured factories.

Some may love palampore as a great scorer. To be frank, palampore is not a great card for me. The problem is that you need to have a couple of the same bonus on your board in order to score a card. Some may think it is an easy job to do so as palampore have a bonus of 5 already. However, the real situation is that you only have 5-6 same bonus of each value in all 105 echo cards and you are not supposed to draw an echo card each time. I even do not count the efficiency of splaying for each color.
The other problem is that palampore seems to have three effects, but I may say the 2nd and 3rd effect is not useful in repeating. The second one is purple splaying right, which is useless in repeating. The third effect is claiming the special achievements Wealth, which is often considered as a bonus if you can do so. Anyway, if I consider the 1st effect deeply:
1. If you have a couple of bonus of low value, such as 2 or 3. I may say it is not useful to just score a 2 or 3 in one action. I may find some other routes to do better.
2. If you have a couple of bonus of high value, such as 8, you often have some better top cards to do more rather than just scoring a card.
3. If you have tucked many bonus to gain a couple of bonus, such as using industrialization, I would like to repeat industrialization rather than using palampore.
As conclusion, the only situation I may use palampore is when I have a couple of bonus of value from 4-6. Frankly, I will plan to score more cards in a action rather than just score a card. If I want to draw and score a card, I probably use machine tools, which is more simple and efficient in most cases.

If you can use it to score 5 cards, it is the most wonderful moment in innovation!!
Anyway, in all echoes game that I played, I think about or more than 200 games, piano can successfully score 5 cards in 2 games, which one are by me and one are by my opponent. I do not have the game log anyway, as I cannot find that wonderful moment again. Well, piano is generally not a tool for scoring as you may find that it is very difficult to have 5 top cards of all different values. You may need to do a lot of job to do so, but I may just do something else rather than melding a lot of new cards. In most cases, you may find the echo effect is more useful. You can draw a card which you are not able to draw in normal situation. In most cases, you may draw a higher card when your technology is lagged, which means you can catch up by drawing a high tech card which your opponent get it. You may try the combination of echo effect of piano and democracy with purple splaying right. It is a very silly but useful combination, which you may consider it as “draw and score a 8” if your bulbs are leading.

Tech Up

Well, I do not like thermometer, but it seems many players love it. You may compare thermometer with printing press, but for me they are quite different. Anyway, to make it simple, it is a card of luck, so I do not talk about the possibility of reaching age 11 by thermometer. As the possibility of melding a new yellow card is 20% which is quite small, you may just consider the effect as “Draw and meld a card of value one higher than your yellow top card”. Therefore, at age 5, if you need to tech up, you need to have a top yellow card of age 5. That’s why I do not like this card as you may not do so in most cases. I would use other cards such as astronomy and coke, even physics, to tech up, as least they are much simpler. The echo effect… I have not found a direction combination of blue cards making it useful yet. If you find it, tell me and I add it in. (I have thought of lightning rod and thermometer echo effect with blue cards splaying right. Well, I have not tried yet but it may be useful by luck… no, I just get too confused…)

Compared to thermometer, it is much simpler. The echo effect is “draw and tuck a 4”, which is really a bonus in most cases. The main effect is much useful, but you may need some statistics.
Echoes: 3 cards with factories out of 10, with 2 cards with factories are red
Base: 6 cards with factories out of 10, with 2 cards with factories
If you want to benefit from coke most, keep your hand with at least one echo cards in order to draw a base 6. To be frank, the three echoes cards with factories, loom, shrapnel and dentures, are not a great card, even two of them would meld over coke. Compared to the base, most of them are more useful, as you may get vaccination or canning, even industrialization and machine tools which are red may benefit more. It is also the most effective way to help you to get industrialization by tech up from age 5.

Board Building

Tuning Fork

Some may ask a question: Why I need to use Tuning Fork to return a card and meld a new card of the same value, but not directly meld the card? I may say Tuning Fork is a strange card and in real situation, it is not a useful card. If you want to use tuning fork to meld a card, what you need to do is to return a higher card which you can ensure it is higher than all top cards; otherwise, you will just do some returning. Then, the problem is, why I do not meld the card originally? The answer is quite easy: because I do not want to meld the card. Sometimes you may get a high but unwanted card in your hand, such as encyclopedia or emancipation, tuning fork may help you to meld a new card. The echoes effect seems useless for looking a card, but it may help you to check whether you want to meld the card which you are going to meld. It is quite like what tuning fork in reality do by checking the sound. Well, I may say, tuning fork is quite impractical in most situations, but it is a good combination with some effects that can help you to draw a higher card. You may see the combination of tuning fork and printing press meld a better 7.

Lightning Rod
Compared to Tuning Fork, Lightning Rod is a simpler and more useful card. You may read the card as “Tuck two 5s, and then you may return a top card from your board” and with a demanding effect as “draw and tuck a 5 and return your top card with the same color”. The demanding effect is a random effect which you really do not know which color your opponents will tuck unless you set a trap. Anyway, the demanding effect is not too efficient and I often consider it as a bonus. The main effect of lightning rod is the first one as you can tuck two cards and return the top card. Tucking two cards in echoes game is not a good effect as you may add some new echoes effect; if not, you will just add some new icons on it. You may return any top card from your board, even lightning rod itself. You may find it is interesting if you use mathematics to meld lightning rod as a new blue card. You can just return it by lightning rod. It is also a strategy to return some useless top cards in order to make new top card, and I often do so. Lightning rod is probably the freest way to return/score any top card with no restriction. For beginners, you may feel this is a card which is difficult to use, but you may need to learn the “freestyle playing” of innovation which includes returning some top cards for your own good.

Board Attacking

I often mix this card with Shuriken at age 4 mistakenly, with the same icons pattern and similar board attacking effect. Anyway, Octant can steal non-red top cards with leaves or factories, and the compensation is drawing and foreshadowing a 6. You may draw and foreshadow a 6 also as the second effect. Without melding a new card, you can repeat Octant to steal all top cards from your opponent. To be frank, it is not as good as Shuriken. At age 5, you probably want to steal a factory rather than a leaf in general situation as factories are more important at age 5 – 6. However, Octant cannot steal red cards with factories, which most of them are very important, such as industrialization, coal, coke or even combustion, mobility and parachute. You may compare it with banking and corporation which cannot steal green cards with factories. You may find that octant is weaker than banking and corporation as green cards with factories are something like metric system and palampore, which are not too dangerous compared with those red cards. If you consider stealing leaves using octant, it is much better than compass as you can avoid making a mess with the exchange of cards in compass. You may also read octant as you can steal all cards with leaves as only one red card have leaves, bandage at age 8. However, the problem becomes what cards with leaves you need to steal at age 5 – 6. To be frank, if you still steal fermentation or almanac at age 5, you are really in a danger as you opponent may get a lot of cards or scores already. It is often too late to do it at age 5. I may say there are not many key cards at around age 4 – 7 with leaves but without factories. The most important of them are probably reformation. If you aim at canning, banking may do so as it has factories. That’s why I do not like octant as you may find it is not strong enough for stealing cards.

Seed Drill
It is one of the cards which make new achievement. Among these four cards, however, seed drill seems to be the worst one. The problem is it does not have any bonus, any echo effects, and even any good effects other than making new achievements. It includes a demanding effect which can return opponent’s top card, but it can only return 1 or 2, not even scoring them. Generally, at age 5, this demanding effect is quite useless as most cards of value 1 or 2 are also useless, except some as mathematics and fermentation. It is more common that your opponents do not have such top cards. I will not say this effect is totally useless, but even you can do so, it is not efficient enough to make damages. There are more cards which can do better at age 5, so the demanding you may just think it is quite silly. The second effect is often considered as the main effect, but it is still too weak if you compare it to others. Making a new achievement 3, 4 or 5 is the worst among those. Chopsticks and toothbrushes can help you to claim a second achievement of value 1 or 2, as these are easily to claim twice. Ice cream is better than seed drill as you can often use it to end the game by claiming the 7th achievement. At age 7, it is also crazy enough to make 90 scores to claim an achievement 9 at the second time. But at age 5, you often cannot get 50 scores to claim a second achievement 5. You may try to do so with second achievement 3, but I may consider there are more ways to do better than claiming a new achievement at age 5.

Some base cards changes

Well, I have tried to combine it with octant to buy all factories from your opponents. It looks silly but it seems helpful.

The same as above as you can combine it with Shuriken to buy all bulbs. Well, really silly… but very funny move!!

If you want, you may calculate the possibility of crushing if adding an echo card to it. Anyway, you can tried to have three cards with the same color now! (And I really tried this wonderful moment once…)

If you draw an echoes card, you may meld the green or blue cards as bifocals, stethoscope, hot air balloon and steamboat. Unlike the base one, you do not have encyclopedia, and to be frank, these four are not bad card to meld. Stethoscope and hot air balloon is better card to meld for astronomy, and you may not want steamboat if your opponents are lagged by technology. Anyway, that’s luck problem.

I often miss this card changes in echoes… In base, I often consider this as splaying card which you can splay any colors right, which may be considered as similar to metric system. In echoes, however, I often consider this as tech up card rather than just splaying right. Because of the increase of the number of cards in echoes, each color has 42 cards rather than 21 cards, which is quite easy to get more cards in echoes in one color. Well, at age 5, it is quite common for getting about 7 cards in a color, which mean you can get tech up by measurement. You may also find that measurement can end the game by reaching 11 easily at the later stage, such as at age 7 which you can have more than 10 cards.

You are right. Most demanding cards in 4P game is very powerful, even oars will be very powerful for demanding three times if you get enough castles. To be frank, base only is not suitable for 4P game. It would be much better for echoes set. If you have base only and 4 players, you may try team play as it is much better than directly 4P game.

It is quite interesting about age 8:

You may find that you can quite easily to score an 8 below age 7. You have democracy and evolution to directly score an 8 (and some indirect methods like chemistry which you may score an 8). For other ages, there are not so many cards which tell you to "draw and score a X" directly. But you may find that in the game you can hardly directly tech up to age 8. There is only 1 card which can directly tech up to age 8, electricity. Unlike most of the other tech up cards, electricity features factories instead of bulbs. It is also probably the only card featured factory which can help you to tech up.

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:12:25 pm »
I think you may write on Word or something like that first, just as I did before to prevent sudden crush of computers.

Well, I would like to apologize that I was too busy in the previous two weeks and I do not really have much time to write. (And I have not played innovation for about 10 days, as some may discover that I disappear on iso.) I have finished the age 5 before, but not proofread yet. I hope I can post it in these days. If ksasaki can write age 1, then I think I can skip age 1 anyway. Anyway, I may have more spare time to write in the coming weeks, so I hope I can finish the guide in May.

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: May 06, 2013, 02:15:04 pm »
Well, I will write Age 1, but my plan is age 1 is my last article about echoes guide.

Well, as I did not know that you put my article in the blog, then I just finish age 1 first. That's not really matter for me, but I need some time to do so.

Innovation Articles / Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:03:37 am »
Hi everyone, that's Hideyoshi again~

I am sorry that it takes really long time for me to write age 4 as it is quite difficult to write on age 4 compared to others. I hope that's would not happen again anyway. I am also very happy to see some guys reply my article last time. 8) I hope these article would help you guys anyway~

PS. Starting from this article, I would use some game log as example. That's not too many, just very few of them would be used. I hope you would not mind for using them. If you find that I use yours and do not like them, please tell me and I will delete it soon.

To me, both base and echoes set age 4 give me the same feeling: They are not always useful and very dependent on the situations. That’s really what I feel so, even in base game. In echoes set, I often try to tech up at age 4 if I cannot find the card which is suitable in the situation.


In echo age 4, Chintz is the only card helping you to score which are not dependent to others. In order to draw two 4s and score a 4, there is a restriction which you must have no cards in your hand. Well, it is not a very good card overall as you often have some cards in your hand. Score a 4 is not too bad but you cannot claim a new achievements by just gaining a 4, as you need to gain at least 5 to claim a new achievement. It is a good card if you can claim a new achievement by gaining score 4. But if you are lagged behind too much, no matter by technology, icons, scores or achievements, Chintz cannot help you too much. If you lead your opponents, Chintz also do not help you to lead further as it just does something a little bit. Anyway, if you have something which can use all your cards in hand in one action, such as reformation to tuck all cards, it is a good combination to repeat Chintz effect.

Tech Up

Slide Rule
When I play this card at my first time, I feel this card quite strange as you cannot splay your blue cards right. Anyway, slide rule is a good card for tech up, but you need to do more things first for a successful tech up in most cases. If you just aim at age 5, I advise you use pencil or experiment as they are simpler. The first point for slide rule is you should not have any top cards which too low value, which means 1 or 2. The next point is you should have a good way to splay colors no matter in which directions. Globe is a good one which helps you to splay three colors in one action. Paper also helps you as you can splay green and blue. After all, slide rule can probably help you to tech up to 3-4 ages higher, by probably 3+5=8 to age 8. You need to notice that you can tech up to highest age as 9 by 4+5=9, but your opponents can share it and tech up to higher than 10. I have tried once to reach 11 by sharing, which you may find amazing. Well, just once, so do not aim at it in normal games.

Compare to slide rule, it is an easier and simpler way to tech up by draw a 5. I will not repeat the advantages of getting an echo effect when you splay your yellow cards right which you may find it is useful when it combines with ecology or perspective or something you need cards in your hand. I will focus on the foreshadowing issue. Some players, mostly beginners, do not find pencil useful, as you actually use 3 cards in hand to foreshadow 1 card. However, pencil is the age 4 echo card which I love most. There are some points you may need to know about pencil:
1. At age 4, it is often not suitable to return the 5 you just draw, or otherwise you just draw 6s to foreshadow one. Then the situation will become similar to glassblowing which you foreshadow a too high card which you cannot use it in the few turns.   
2. In most cases, return a 4 and some lower cards is the best choice to choose and foreshadow a 5. After all, you may just forecast it by melding the 5 you draw. It is somehow like you use experiment and dogma it in one turn. But for pencil, you have the right to choose which card you meld and dogma it.
3. You do not need to return 3 cards in all situations. Even if you just return one card and foreshadow it, such as return a 4 as foreshadow a 5, you also benefit from it by forecasting the card.
4. The most important point, you need to choose the best card for your situation. I do not talk about which card in age 5 are the best, but you just fit the best card in your situation.

Yes, I do not put it in wrong place. To me, barometer is really a tech up card rather than foreshadowing. You can tech up to age 5 by drawing the 5 in your forecast. You may combine it with telescope, or just barometer itself. In real game, I seldom use it to foreshadow unless I can forecast the card in a short period. One reason is that you actually draw and foreshadow a too high card. I have tried to foreshadow a 10 by having an ice-cream in my board, but I actually cannot use it in the game as I never reach to age 10 to win. You may find it is more useful if you have a bonus of 2 on your board to foreshadow a 4 and forecast it in next action, but in most cases you can do something better than this. Claiming Destiny by barometer is somehow just a bonus. You can use it to claim the last achievements which is often cannot be blocked by your opponents, but it is not suitable to continue foreshadowing at age 4.


It is probably the card which can help you to splay most colors in one action. The other one may also do so is cell phone at age 10, but you probably do not need splaying at age 10. Anyway, Globe helps you to splay up to three colors left by returning three cards from your hand and with a bonus of draw and foreshadow a 6. This time, I would consider this foreshadowing as a good one. It is because you are not just foreshadowing a high card as an action, but you also splaying your cards. Well, if you need to use globe, the first point is that you need some cards in your hand, no matter which value they are. The second point is you need to know why you want to splay left in age 4 as you can start splaying right at age 4. One possible reason is that splaying left may be more helpful to let the echo effects visible for some colors, such as purple and blue. But in most cases, I dogma globe is for a good combination with other cards. In my game, I often use it with slide rule for splaying all five colors and tech up by slide rule. As you have foreshadowed a 6 using globe, the tech up of slide rule also help you to forecast the 6. The other combination is with invention and paper, but this time you need to meld the card over globe.

Score/Hand Attacking

The echo effect of the clock is splaying your color with most cards right. It is one of the first cards to splay your colors right, which it benefits more if you have some colors with the same number of cards with the most cards. The echo effect is just simple, but the demanding effect is actually a complex. It is probably the first card which attacks all cards of a value from your opponents, but the value is not chosen by you but by luck. Some people may love it for scoring a lot of cards, but I do not like it anyway. You may try it if you are really lagged by a lot of score and you cannot find any methods to catch up other than clock. But if you are just leading or lagging by a little bit, clock is not a good choice as the effect is too random. You cannot control which value you are attacking and you may just attack nothing. The most common values of attacking are 3, 4 and 5. If your opponents get a lot of these cards, you may try; but if not, you may need to try other routes.

It is also a card which can return opponent’s score just like homing pigeons. Compared to the pigeons, however, toilet is somehow too weak. The main problem is you need a suitable highest bonus on your board in order for successful returning, as well as your opponents have such cards in their score pile. In most cases, you find the values do not match each other, leading to the returning not efficient. You may also find the other effect for you which “draw and tuck a 4” and “returning and drawing a card of the same value” are not too useful in most cases. That is why toilet is seldom used in most games. Well, draw and tuck a 4 is useful as an echo effect. Redraw a card is somehow a trick in some special cases in the new drawing system. You may return an echo card to a empty pile, and then you can draw a higher echo card.

Board Attack

Well, this card is somehow useful in some situation. At age 4, I seldom dogma the demanding effect of Shuriken, but when I dogma it, I probably repeat and repeat and then I win the game. The problem is that you can steal both castles and bulbs using Shuriken, which means your opponent may just give you a castle at age4. However, castles are generally dangerous at age 4 which may be attacked by gunpowder. The effect of castles are also not too useful in most situation at age 4, especially for the non-red one. At the later stage of the game, however, I often consider Shuriken as a dangerous weapon to steal bulbs. Most players would not have a top card with a castle after age 5, so you may just steal bulbs using Shuriken. Compared to societies which also steal bulbs, Shuriken is better as the compensation for Shuriken is just drawing a 4. In echoes game, you may find that it is common to have some 4 left in the pile, and drawing a 4 is actually just a small compensation compared to drawing a 5 in societies. On the other hand, Shuriken can steal purple cards with bulbs while societies cannot; and red cards with a bulb are generally less useful and there are just a few of them. You may steal something like Democracy which becomes a key card to the game.

To be frank, I do not like this card. I classify it as board attack rather than board splaying as at age 4 you seldom splay cards left. It is probably the only card which can splay your opponent’s cards, which mean you can splay it from right or up to left. It often occurs at later stage but not at age 4. In 2P game, unless it serves as echoes effect, otherwise you may not have time to splay others board. Forget about the splaying first, if compared to Engineering, Gunpowder and Katana which also attacks castles, Kobukson return all castles from other board rather than scoring it. That’s why I do not like this card as you have at least three cards being more useful than just returning. It also gives a compensation to your opponents, but other three does not. For the compensation to yourself as tucking a 4, you may find you at most draw and tuck two 4s in 2P echo game, which often you just draw and tuck a 4 rather than two. It is more useful in team play or 4P game, but 2P game I often consider Kobukson as a dummy.
If you are interested, you may read the game log below, which is probably my best game to use kobukson. Starting from around turn 7, I want to splay my green cards left for Chintz with the echo effect of umbrella. However, I do not want to share the effect as my opponent antony get some dangerous cards if share the effect of philosophy. Kobukson probably the best card to splay my green cards left due to the leading of factories.


I do not know whether I should put it as forecast or achievements, as this card is not too useful in any aspect anyway. Let talk about forecast first. You can draw and foreshadow a 5. That’s it. You may forecast the card if you have a 5 in your hand, but it is quite a dummy action if you are still at age 4. The other problem is that there are too many ways to draw and foreshadow a 5, even glassblowing can do so. I may consider a blue card for foreshadowing only is not a good blue card, as you often need blue cards for tech up. The main effect of telescope is for achievements, which you need to have at least 2 cards in your forecast to do so. Among the cards which help you to achieve more achievements, telescope is the one which I usually consider it as useless. The main problem is you do not have so many cards in your forecast, especially in 2P game. The forecast are also most high cards, at least value of 3, which are not easily to be claimed at the second time. The third problem is you cannot repeat it to claim more achievements, compared it with hot air balloon and television or something like that. In most cases, I do not think you have so many forecasts to repeat it. If you consider this as the last resort to win the game by claiming the 7th achievement, telescope is a good card for sudden attack. But generally it is not worth to do so if you are not going to win. You may answer the question: why I need to claim an achievement by telescope with a lot of work, but not claim the standard one directly? If the standard achievements was claimed, then why I need to claim an extra one rather than just going on to catch up the next one?

Some base cards changes

Well, I just think the base cards are just doing the same things as base game. You may consider invention which can claim Wonder easier, but that’s not really a big change.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Innovation Puzzles
« on: May 02, 2013, 06:48:14 am »
Actually, I do not understand the question at all.....

what do you mean by single color by claiming monument...?

Completely off topic, but something that's come up a couple of times and bothered me:

When scoring your whole hand through bicycle, isotropic doesn't award Monument and I always expect it to. Is this right?

It is right. Bicycle is exchange but not score. You cannot claim Monument by bicycle.

Innovation Articles / Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 3
« on: April 26, 2013, 10:08:45 pm »
Hi everyone, that’s Hideyoshi again~

Well, it seems that no one reply my writing last time...  :-[
anyway, welcome for any comment and discussion, and I will continue~

At age 3, there are many good cards in the echoes set. Compared to age 2, you may find more useful cards in base 3, and some of them are “too powerful” that you may still use them at later stage of the game.


You may read the effect easily as “Draw two 3 and splay your purple cards left”. It is a very simple card, or you just consider it as “super wheel” by drawing 3 but not 1, or as “super calendar” by no restriction. You may find purple cards splaying left useful as bell and flute both have echo effects when you splay purple cards left. As the echo effect of novel is also visible after splaying left, you may still have the echo effect “draw a 3” after melding a new card. It is a good combination with democracy and novel with bulbs dominant to all players, which you just score a 8 by returning your 3 drawn by echo effect. Claiming Supremacy by novel is just a bonus anyway. It is easy to do so when you have just 2-3 top cards, but it is a difficult job when you have 5 top cards. Well, I usually claim Supremacy by its requirement rather than novel.


In the old drawing system, it is a useless card as there are less echoes cards in the pile, and you even do not know the echo card whether has a bonus. But in the new draw system, many people just consider almanac as a bug, as you can keep no echo cards in hand and foreshadow and score a lot of cards, even reaching age 11. If you get it, the easiest way to use it is just keeping no echoes cards in hand (well, at least one base card) to draw and foreshadow an echo card. You may repeat this until getting enough cards in both score pile and forecast, and these cards will become a hard crash to your opponents. To counter this bug card, the easiest way is to get enough leaves to share the effect. You may also do some trick to cover it by demanding or sharing, such as compass and sailing. Anyway, the card does not need so much skill, and I do not talk about it too much.

Well, you may consider it as splaying card, but I generally use it as scoring rather than just splaying. You may notice that, if you do not get any colors splayed, this card is actually completely useless; but if you get anyway colors splayed, you may splay all colors in a few turn with the same direction, with the echo effect of scoring some cards from your hand. To be frank, sunglasses is not very useful at age 3, unless you get a combination of paper and sunglasses. At age 3 you can just splay the cards left but actually you are not supposed to splay all cards left at age 3, even in echoes game, unless you get cards called paper or slide rule. Generally, splaying left is useful for blue and purple for more echo effect, but not for others. I prefer to tech up or score or other things rather than just splaying left at age 3, as you can start it splaying right at age 4. However, sunglasses is more useful at later stage when you get any colors splayed up or right, as you are actually doing something like metric system or flight, with scoring at the same time. If you have your purple cards splayed up, you may gain the echo effect again. Well, it is not too useful anyway, as you may not really need it at age 8…

Liquid Fire
It is a very useful card in multiplayer game or team play, with demanding all players to get a lot of cards in score pile and forecast. But in 2P game, liquid fire generally serves as the only red card with 3 bulbs rather than its effect. The problem is you only benefit one cards in 2P game, and you even do not know this card would be entered your forecast or score pile. You may try this at later stage when your opponents have a high bonus, such as 7-9, but I prefer doing something more useful such as direct scoring or splaying. Well, you may try to reach age 11 when your opponent has a Sudoku on his board…. There is no one win by Sudoku, and I think the possibility of reaching age 11 by this method are even lower…

Tech up

Magnifying Glass
Well, it is not a bad card, but you often just draw a 4 and return a card, and splay your cards left. You can easily tech up by the echo effect, but you need to have one card to return; otherwise, you just return the card you draw. There are 4 cards in both base and echoes for directly tech up to age 4 – paper, alchemy, charitable trust, magnifying glass – among all these, magnifying glass is generally the worst one as you need to have at least one card in your hand originally. The splaying left action is just a simple move, which may lead to your echo effect on magnifying glass visible after melding a new blue card. The main problem is the first action, which you can return three cards of the same value to draw a card of value two higher. It looks similar to tools, or some may compare it with education or lever. Although it looks like a “super lever”, it is actually a bad dogma for itself. You actually need to get three cards of the same value first, which means you need something for you to get a massive draw. At the same time, you are actually returning three cards to draw a new card, which may be quite depends on luck. You may get a very good card, but you may also get something useless. Well, you may combine it with something like explosive to reach age 11, but generally this effect is not useful for me.

Charitable Trust
It is a very simple card, draw a 3 or 4, and then achieve or return your top green card if you meld the card you draw. Generally, you return Charitable Trust, or your do something with the card you just draw if you draw a green card. If you are shared by some players, you may do something else. Some people consider this as a card to claim achievements, but I generally just use it as tech up from age 3 to age 4. I seldom draw a 3, unless I really want to do so to find some cards. If you draw a non-green card, you may just meld the card and return the Charitable Trust as it is commonly not useful at later stage. Well, you may leave it here as you may want a echo effect when your green cards splayed right.

Board Building

It is a very simple, but very useful card at age 3. Well, actually, I do not like this card much as you may find it will destroy your board when your yellow cards splayed right at later stage. You will get a “Draw and meld a 3” when you execute the yellow cards, and you may make some trouble to yourself. Anyway, if you just consider it in age 3, it is quite useful. At age 3, you usually get a double of “Draw and meld a 3” as you often get some castles on your top cards. You may draw a 4 at later stage, when you have no castles. Well, the card is somehow too simple such as sailing, you just use it when you want to meld some cards. You may consider it as an alternative of optics.

It is a useful card at age 3 in order to return some 1 and 2 and draw some new cards. Because of the new drawing system, returning cards is one of the new strategies in echoes. Well, I do not talk about this too much, as this is too complicated as it is not easy to explain in words. Sandpaper is also a very simple card and I do not spend too many words to talk about. Just to remind, you may meld something new rather than the drawn cards, which means it is possible to renew some cards and then meld a 8 which is completed separated from the drawing.

Board Attack

This card is similar to engineering, which you score the top cards with castles. For Katana, you just score two cards, but it is acceptable as you generally just score two cards even you use engineering per time. Especially if you played with some experts, they often just have 1-2 top cards with castles at age 3, so Kanata may just demand one or two times in the game. You get a foreshadowing as your feedback, which is generally more useful than the splaying left in engineering. You may need to prevent gunpowder anyway.

Score Attack

Homing Pigeons
I often consider it as the first card for score attack for echoes game, which I generally consider map making as scoring as draw and score a 1 is more important than stealing a 1 in map making. Anyway, homing pigeons is not too difficult to use, which you need some cards in your hand. Some beginners may misread the effect as they think they need to have at least two cards if they want to attack two cards in score pile. Actually, you can just have a 3 in your hand, and your opponents need to return up to two 3s from their score pile. Well, this card is useful in some situation, but you may find it is useless in some cases. To use the pigeons wisely, you must need some cards in your hand which match your opponents score pile. The next point is that you may not have some cards with too low value. To be frank, just returning a 1 or 2 is generally useless in most situations, unless you want to combine it with anatomy for returning opponents top cards. At age 3, I think the most useful way is to return some 3s from opponents. You may return higher cards at later stage, but there are more cards helping you at later stage such as combustion and Indian Clubs. Splaying left is a bonus effect for you, anyway.

Some base cards changes

Splaying left cards (Paper, Engineering, Machinery, Feudalism)
As splaying left is generally stronger in echoes game for the echo effect, you may consider these cards are more useful. Especially for feudalism, as you may get a bell below it, you may find feudalism and bell is a funny combination which steals other hands and scores them.

You need to remember that there are 4 cards with a crown in echo set. As there are totally two read cards in echo set, the possibility of melding a red card is 1/5 for melding a echo card, but not 1/9 anymore. Anyway, it is just a small statistics change.

Hope all guys like this~

Innovation Articles / Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 2
« on: April 25, 2013, 04:07:24 am »
Hi everyone, that’s Hideyoshi again~

Ya, I will talk about age 2 first. Age 1 will be left as my last post due to some accident...

Compared to the base set, age 2 cards in echoes do not act as active as the base cards. It may be because some cards in base set are too “powerful”, such as fermentation and mathematics. However, most echoes cards in age 2 are more likely to act better at age 2, as most cards are very useful in age 2 but not in other ages. Not like mathematics, fermentation, or even canal buildings, they are more powerful in later age. Anyway, let’s see how these cards are.


(Glassblowing and Scissors can both used for scoring, but I put them in forecasting and board building separately, as they probably do these rather than scoring as their main job)

It is the demanding action to attack cards with bonus in hand. Well, I often consider this as “weaken Oars”, as it attack something too unique mostly, but it do not include a bonus action to “draw a 1” in oars. You may need a statistics of from age 2-10, cards with bonus for each age is 6, except age 6 with 5 only, and age 1 has 9 in total. You need to know that there is only one echoes card in most cases in the new drawing system, unless your opponents use some cards to steal your echoes cards. You may try it if your opponents get an echo card of value 5 or more to let to you to claim a new achievements, but generally crossbow is just useful for its bonus of 3 itself.

Tech Up

I generally consider it as weak Mathematics. It is helpful for you that you can dogma it at any age for tech up, just like mathematics. However, it has strict restriction that you need at least two cards for you for tech up, which probably need one more turn to draw one more card, or some specific card help you to draw. You may also find it is annoying for just drawing it but not melding as Mathematics in most of the time. Well, the most valuable things compared to Mathematics is that lever is helpful for forecasting as you can meld the card you draw and forecast a useful cards. It is quiet useful with the combination of some cards which foreshadow cards with one value higher, such as almanac with blue cards splaying left. Anyway, this kind of combination may be too complicated…

Compared to its blue partner, lever, linguistics is simpler in the game. You can directly draw a 3 for tech up, and draw a card of value equal to a bonus on your board. You may also choose to foreshadow a 4 rather than draw a 3, but it is not common at age 2 but you may do so at later stage. This card is somehow very simple, just like writing, but you probably need a card with a bonus in order to dogma it to benefit the most. You may also need some card with a bonus of one higher than its age, such as chaturanga with a bonus 3 at age 2. You may need to pay attention to the drawing arrangement of the card, as you will dogma the echo first. Rearrange your hand first depending on which value of echoes card you want to draw.

It is the first card of the series “draw and meld a higher value card” without returning any card (just to exclude Mathematics, as I am talking about something like experiment and atomic theory). However, you need a card with the same color in order to meld the 3; otherwise, you just foreshadow it. To me, unless you have nothing in your hand, it is usually a helpful card for tech up. Compared to lever and linguistics, meld a card is usually better than just drawing a card, as least you can avoid stealing hands. Even you just foreshadow a card, you can forecast it later when you get a 3 in your hand, which is not a difficult job when you repeat pagoda dogma. In real game, pagoda is generally used for several times, until you meld a good card. I usually prevent having a purple card in hand in order to avoid melding a purple card over pagoda, and 3 of the purple cards in age 3 are generally you do not want to meld at age 2 (except novel).

Board Buildings

You may consider it as Domestication with drawing two cards, but it is strictly restricted to echo cards with bonus only. You may use this to meld the card with bonus rather than just melding it, just like the benefit of domestication, but you may not have the bonus anyway. You may notice that if you meld a card by chaturanga, you may also draw a card with bonus (as you lose the echo card already). It means you can repeat chaturanga again and again, if you continue getting a card with a bonus. If you are lucky, there are 1-2 cards with high bonus in each age, which means you can actually tech up using chaturanga. If you do not have it, you just foreshadow a card. In 2P game, you often draw and foreshadow a 4 or 5, which I often consider it as impractical action at age 2 in real games. That’s why I often use it only when I have a card of bonus.

It is somehow like chaturanga as you need a card with bonus too, but in this case you tuck it rather than meld it. I do not like this card anyway, and I often use it for fun only. You may notice that it may include tech up when you continue tucking a card with bonus, such as you tuck a card with a higher bonus. Well, it is a game of luck and somehow too impractical, as you may just stop tucking when you just tuck a card. I may try to use it when my tech is too low compared to others, but in most cases I just leave watermill as a three leaves top yellow card to prevent some leaves attack.

It is a funny card to me. You may find it useful, but your opponents may find it annoying when you share it. Well, I do not talk too much about scissors beating paper anyway, as I just saw this happened once only. The main use of scissors is returning a bottom card from your board to your hand, and then you meld or score up to 2 cards from your hand. You must remember something important which beginners may not notice that: actually your number of cards in hand do not increase, unless you do not meld or score a card. It should be used when you have some cards in hand, at least one, for melding or scoring, or you may just consider as meld a bottom card. Scissors is quite useless in most early stage, as you really do not need to return a bottom card. You may consider it as a double scorer or meld two cards like road building, but it is inefficient compared to other scorers and road building at age 2. However, in later stage, it is probably a better card, especially you have some card to draw and tuck a card such as coal, toilet, or even rubber. You can meld the high tech card you have just tucked, with a bonus of scoring or melding another card. Well, a sad fact is that if you splay your green cards right with scissors inside, you may find the echo effect becomes annoying as it is a negative effect of destroying your board in most cases.


It includes an echo effect for scoring a card with bonus from your hand. Well, I do not consider it as a useful scoring effect, as most cards with bonus is actually useful and I prefer melding it rather than scoring it. Generally, I just consider it as a card for foreshadowing a higher card. However, I just do not like foreshadowing a card with too high value, especially at age 2 as a very important age. I generally consider it as a useless card in most of the time. Well, you may draw a 11 by glassblowing anyway, but I never do it. You may find it is useful with the combination of paper and glassblowing with green cards splaying left, which draw and score at the same time.

Board Attacking

To be frank, I do not like this card. The problem of horseshoes is that the demanding range is too large, which the card just needs no factories and castles. I find it often cannot aim at that I want to steal. It probably just steals something useless in most cases, such as writing. The other problem is that it features castles for demanding but it only has 1 castle on it. Well, melding a 2 is destroying others board at later stage in most cases, but it needs to beware of the using time anyway. Forecast a 2 may be considered as a feedback for you.


Well, it is a mix of three dogmas. The echo and the first effect may be combined to be considered as a “super code of laws” by tucking a lot of cards. It can be combined with some cards with massive drawing effect, such as paper or even the wheel to help you to get the monument. For me, I consider it as the first card which I consider it can easily claim monument, even easier than masonry. Just want to remind some beginners, do not tuck toothbrushes when you are using fermentation and reformation combo by yellow cards splaying right; otherwise, you will do some silly things as “drawing all the cards and tucking all the cards”. For the last dogma, it returns a 2 as the available achievements. You may find it is not as useful as chopsticks as you need 20 scores to claim a second 2. Well, if you can still claim it after you make the new achievements, just do so.

Some base cards changes

You may find fermentation and reformation combo is less effective in base set, as there are more methods to destroy such combo. In real game, I often use fermentation just drawing some cards up to age 3, rather than continue drawing to find a bicycle. You may need some others for scoring, such as umbrella is a new good way to do so.

Generally it is the same as in the base game, but you need to avoid a new trap for scoring in the new drawing system. If you do not have any echo cards in your hand, after returning you keep scoring echoes card actually. If you return a 2 at this moment, actually you will go to score a lot of echo 2! Just avoid it by keeping your hand having some echo cards.

Mathematics is somehow more important in echoes game, as you may find it needs more time to draw all the cards at one age. If you do not have any methods to tech up, you may find it is more difficult to catch up the tech with others using Mathematics

Just to remind a trick: philosophy + bell + flute + purple cards splaying left = “Super philosophy”!!

Road Buildings
Well, you just get something new to transfer, such as bangles and plumbing.

Hope all guys like this~

Innovation Articles / [Featured] Echoes Strategy Guide: Basic Strategy
« on: April 25, 2013, 04:05:01 am »
Hi everyone, that’s Hideyoshi again~

There are more and more people start playing innovation, and some are already experienced players or even experts in base game. Some may want to like to start for the echoes after playing lots of base game, so I would like to write some strategy guides about echoes. I would like to say, I am not an expert in echoes game, and I am not even the top five in iso (normally sixth or seventh, anyway). But I just want more people enjoy the strategy in the innovation, so I just share some strategy from all my experience.

Anyway, I will separate the echo cards according to their ages, and this time, I start with a basic strategy guide in echo guide. I assume that all of you know about base set strategy already, such as the importance of scoring, tech up, broad building. If you do not know much about base set, please stop here and play base first; otherwise, you will just get a mess in echoes games.

A quick reference to all cards:

PS. It seems some people would not like to read too much at a time. I just post mine in separated topics rather than in one topic. If anyone thinks it is not OK, just tell me and I combine them anyway.

New features and new strategies

1.   In base game, you can win the game at age 4 by six achievements, but in echoes generally you cannot (at least I have never tried to do so). It is because it is not quite possible to get 7 achievements at the early stage of the game. But you may find that at echoes game, you may end the game early easier than base, more often end the game at age 7. It is because there are 5 new special achievements in the echoes game, and you may get them quite easily at age 7 by board expansion. You may say tech up and board expansion becomes more important than the base. Well, to me, age 7 echoes cards are really strong, much stronger than those in base set.

2.   Forecasting is the new features to the game. You may consider forecasting as setting a trap to your opponents or a sudden attack. It is often good for forecasting and foreshadowing, but it is not a good idea to foreshadow as sole dogma in one action, unless you really want to do so. It is a common mistake for beginners to foreshadow some high tech cards without actually tech up (such as using glassblowing to foreshadow a lot of 5s at age 2). In the reality, you do not contribute anything at this stage. Your opponents will use this period to score and claim achievements, however. Well, I advise beginners to foreshadow some cards you may forecast it in a short time, but do not forecast a card with too high value. Moreover, do not try to foreshadow 7 cards to claim Destiny as your first aim, but leave it as last resort. Destiny is not too easy to do so. And I often consider claiming Destiny quite wasting time actually.

3.   Echoes effect is the second features to the game. You may find it becomes useful when splaying. Well, some echoes effect may make damages to yours, but that’s not too many. Anyway, echoes effect makes the board splaying more important, which may lead to more effects for your dogma. However, you may need to remember, one more echo effect means you miss one more icons for your board. You may need to balance it; otherwise you may be lagged by icons.

4.   Bonus is the third features to the echoes game. Well, it is quite useful for scoring as every bonus counts as score, but it may not help too much if you are lag with a very large amount of score. Do remember only the highest bonus counts as its original value and the others only counts as one. It is similar to echo effect, which bonus may also reduce your number of icons on your board.

5.   Some specific new effects are introduced in the game, which making more achievements are quite new to the game. Some cards may return some cards as new achievements, which are chopsticks, toothbrushes, seed drill and ice cream (I hope I do not remember wrong). You may not return it, unless you are sure you can claim it by yourself, as these new achievements can be claimed by everyone. Among these four, chopsticks are generally the scary as you can easily claim a lot of 1s. Some cards may just achieve some cards in play, such as soap and hot air balloon. Well, just ensure you have enough score and a top card to claim it; otherwise you will waste a move.

6.   Due to introduction to new drawing system, drawing and returning is a strategy for drawing a new echoes card. Just to remember, if you wish to draw an echo card, you should keep no echo cards but some base cards in your hand at the moment of you draw. Due to the new drawing system, you may consider you can only have at most one 1 echoes card in your hand, unless you have something to steal others hands.

7.   There are more different strange effects. They may not be all strong, but they are quite new to the games. Some effects involve randomness, such as dentures and shrapnel, which you may not know which color is really scored until you use it. Some cards are more powerful at this age, such as you can return cards in score pile at age 3 by homing pigeons. Anyway, I will talk about these later.

8.   There are more cards for you to win suddenly, but these cards are generally more difficult to do so than the base cards. (And some cards are really a sudden attack, such as saxophone and rock.) Well, just to remember them, but you are not advised to use them as your first aim anyway…

9.   Last but not least, keep it in your mind, echo cards are not always more useful than the base cards. Some of them are really powerful, but not all. You may still get some dummies in echoes, even in age 10.

Hope all guys like this~

Innovation Articles / Re: Best / Worst card of each age
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:13:35 pm »
Banking can help you to steal some key cards to the game. I may say, key cards with factories are more than non-key cards with factories.

Key cards with factories: coal, machine tools, combustion, mobility...
Non-key cards with factories: colonialism, physics, steam engine ...

If you are leading, that's not really matter to give your opponents 5 score
If you are lagging, just depends on cases by cases. If you can catch up and become leader after banking, you may do so.

Innovation Game Reports / I want a measurement
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:47:39 am »

Thanks for antony first. We played a very good and very interesting game~ Probably one of my most interesting game~

1. Aim: I messed up everything in the game
2. I had 13 blue cards when I am at age 5. I really wanted to find the measurement, but I failed to do so. If I want to, I can forecast all blue cards and meld all blue cards from my hand to make 18 blue cards in total (hope I do not count wrong)
3. It was probably the only game that I got history as my first achievement. Well, I just do not want it as thermometer melded over mathematics
4. Well, I got Destiny as my sudden achievement. At that time, I do not aim at achievements anyway.
5. I had thought whether I splayed my blue cards right. I will missed out all useful echoes when I splayed it from left from right, but I gained a heritage as a bonus.

last: I cannot find the measurement...

First of all, your experiment is actually not fair test and nothing can be told. The problem is if I know my partner must meld metalworking as opening, I must meld something with three castles to share the effect. That's why you may find that your opponents often score a lot of score at the beginning.

If you want to show your friend that metalworking is not unbalanced, just play normal game. Actually, I think in team play metalworking is even weaker than in 2P game. Anyway, if you want to check the unbalance of metalworking, you may need to play more to get familiar yourself into the game first, especially at some later age. Otherwise, you may just lose by metalworking by doing something wrong at the game.

Second, luck is involved in innovation game, but not 100%. Even if you are extremely lucky, if you use wrong strategy or do some silly things, you still get lose in the game.

There should not be any icons as the most important, as it depends on different stages and situation.

Well, it also depends on what is your playing style, as you may choose crowns if you want to steal all cards from your opponents, and you choose bulbs if you would like to tech up.

It is somehow if you are lag behind by achievements at age 6, which one will you choose:
1. Canning: you can score all your top cards to catch up the score
2. Atomic theory: you can tech up to get to get technology lead
3. Vaccination: you can return score from your opponents
4. Metric System: you can get more icons by splaying
5. Enterprise: you can steal your opponents card for destroying his board

That's no absolute answer, just depending what is your style.

If I need to choose from six of them, well, I may choose bulbs and leaves as my most important icons.
If you are lag by crowns, your board and score may be all stolen.
If you are lag by clocks, you may see your opponents doing something amazing, such as satellites and quantum theory
If you are lag by factories, you may see your opponents getting a lot of scores by coal and canning
If you are lag by castles, you may be sudden attacked by something like archery

But you are lag by leaves, you can get lose by Bioengineering!
And if you have 20 bulbs, you can win by Empircism!

(And in echoes game, if you are lag by crowns, factories and castles, you can win by social networking!!!)

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Guide
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:07:51 pm »
Oh, you have written a good article, but your topic is quite similar to what I am writing...

It's OK!  Write your own and then I can try to synthesize them.

Good, but I still need some time for my writing anyway. Echo is much more than base to write...

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