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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #140: Choose Three
« on: January 11, 2022, 08:33:36 am »

I'm not sure if this is a serious submission or not. The name certainly isn't serious.

Should it instead be "...may trash up to 1 (2) cards..."? Otherwise you have to trash exactly 2 or none, which is sometimes worse than zero or one, which is what your opponents get.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 09, 2022, 11:36:20 pm »
Spineflu, I don't understand the feedback on my card. Of course, if you play it as a worse experiment, it's, uh, going to be a worse experiment. The whole point is that you have the flexibility to just load up on Horse Factories and then play a bazillion a turn. The more Horses you have in your deck, the easier it is to draw all your Horse Factories in hand to buy a Horse Factory for a lot of Horses etc. I don't know if it's quick enough for competitive play, but at my play level (50 on the ladder) with the others I was playing with, it was certainly able to serve as the main draw for my engine, whereas experiment on its own can't.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 05, 2022, 03:53:05 pm »
Let us talk about power level. This is Experiment with an extra Buy on top (+) and the option to Labify previous Horse factories (+).
It is more expensive (-) and a potential anti-Lab if the Horse Factories don't collide (respectively you stop going for Horse Factories) (-).

I'd try it at $3 and $4.

Thanks for the feedback! I had it at $3 but bumped it up to $4 before playtesting. It's pretty crazy! Not in a powerful way, but in a more "it can gain a *lot* of horses way". Haven't played with it too much, but the people I've played with didn't like the number of horses it gained, and since that's part of the concept of the card I don't think there's a way to fix it. Let's see what OP has to say when the contest is over though.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 05, 2022, 07:21:38 am »
Hopefully the final version now!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 05, 2022, 06:56:22 am »
I ultimately decided the duration wasn't worth the extra wordiness, so this is my version for the contest now.

EDIT: Even worse, I might revise it again  ;)

I'm a bit confused how you could ever play any from your hand, since as soon as you gain it, you play it and it goes back to the Supply. So how would it ever be in your hand?

Hm... Yeah, I was trying to find a way to return it to the Supply easily so that you can run off it more easily, but it may make it too complicated and weird. I'll probably get rid of the returning aspect.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 04, 2022, 06:03:48 am »
EDIT: Okay, hopefully version 4 below is the final one!

I ultimately decided the duration wasn't worth the extra wordiness, so this is my version for the contest now.

EDIT: Even worse, I might revise it again  ;)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 02, 2022, 04:28:17 am »
Here is my updated Horse Factory.

Some comments/clarifications on this new version:

  • It's less swingy since as a duration it has a higher chance of finding another Horse Factory. Also, I like it being a duration since I can color it all orange instead of having to find some special color. ;)
  • Returning to the Supply is mandatory if you played at least one Horse Factory with the first.
  • If you want to get rid of a lot of your Horse Factories, you can just gain one, use it to play another which plays another etc. Alternatively, you could just not play any, stockpile Horse Factories, then start buying and returning just the one you bought for massive stonks amounts of Horses. This is actually a really good strategy if you're able to kick it off with some other draw or sifting and get a few of these in your hand and if you have the economy for an extra 4 cost buy each turn (I playtested doing this with some people from the discord and it was pretty good).
  • Changed to on gain rather than on buy because why not.
  • The return to supply is there so that it's more unlikely for the pile to run out and end you up with a bunch of dead cards. It's still possible for your opponent to screw you over by buying the last couple if you depleted the pile though, so be careful.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 02, 2022, 04:07:28 am »
EDIT: Retracted for version three in a later post!

Here is my updated Horse Factory.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 08:57:01 pm »
Thanks for the great feedback everyone!

1. I wonder what color it should be then. Is there a standard color for this?

Maybe just use the Shelters color? There isn't a single-color thing in red yet.

Sounds like a good idea! Especially since, except for necropolis, the shelters are essentially "do-nothing" types.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 03:36:36 pm »
Thanks for the great feedback everyone!

1. I wonder what color it should be then. Is there a standard color for this?

2. Yeah it would be garbage, but you also play the one you buy. That being said, maybe it should be balanced differently, like +3 horses or something similar.

3. I'm wondering if it works well as a sort of hostelry, since I've heard that can form a good amount of draw. That being said, maybe there's some balancing that can be done.

I just playtested it and it can be really crazy. I was gaining 12 horses a turn easily when it went off. It takes some building to collide them, but it's certainly not weak.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 02:21:32 pm »
Thanks for the great feedback everyone!

1. I wonder what color it should be then. Is there a standard color for this?

2. Yeah it would be garbage, but you also play the one you buy. That being said, maybe it should be balanced differently, like +3 horses or something similar.

3. I'm wondering if it works well as a sort of hostelry, since I've heard that can form a good amount of draw. That being said, maybe there's some balancing that can be done.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 03:10:47 am »
EDIT: Retracted from contest for my new version.

Not sure whether it should cost 3 or 4.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 30, 2021, 06:41:02 pm »
I agree that it should be fine to have zero types rules wise, but honestly I think it just looks ugly asthetically.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #133: A Time to Feast
« on: November 07, 2021, 01:04:12 am »
Sorry, still only have access to my phone so the markup is a little weird, but hope this is okay!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #132: All Hallow's Eve
« on: October 31, 2021, 01:58:55 am »
Good judging and comments! After reading the comments on my card, I definitely agree with them but I’ve always been a huge critic of the “official cards do it so all fancards have to”. Especially in this case, just because no official cards round up doesn’t mean rounding up should be disallowed…

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #132: All Hallow's Eve
« on: October 26, 2021, 08:38:59 pm »
I’ll be away from my laptop for today and tomorrow, so I hope you’re fine without a picture! 😢

4 coin cost
Night - Reaction
This Cleanup phase, draw an extra card for every two differently named cards you’ve gained this turn (rounded up).
When another player gains a card, you may discard this for +1 Card for every two differently named cards they’ve gained this turn (rounded up).

Some comments:
  • I’ve heard complaints about being able to draw your deck with a single copy of this card in a previous version of this card without the “uniqueness” requirement. This should definitely not be a problem here, since it’s hard to imagine a situation where anyone’s even reliably gaining 5 unique cards a turn.
  • If you want to activate it on your opponent’s turn, there is a slight tempo increase (you get the cards for the coming turn rather than later), but you have to guess when they’re gaining their last unique. This is an interesting mechanic but might need to be reworked to make it easier to tell when someone wants play this.

After playing with summoning circle and seeing how well-designed it is, I'm starting to feel salty looking back on this and seeing it not even making finalist (and it's not even my card!). Part of me ponders what it would be like to have multiple people judge so that the results are more accurate.

the results are supposed to reflect what the judge values about dominion, and as a result, are accurate. The diversity in opinions is supposed to help us all grow as designers, both with the prompts and with the results - there were several cards that I thought should be actual cards this week, and not all of them made the finals list, summoning circle among them, philosopher among them. Only one of them made me keep thinking about the card when I walked away from the computer, and that was exhibit.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the whim of the judge - even if you playtest them and do like a tournament ranking, how/when you use them will influence your opinion. I full encourage you to use your own stats-based judgment methodology when you win - stats have little to do with what I like in dominion.

Having a more stats driven contest might be interesting, but its fully something I'd be uninterested in - games are supposed to be fun; feeling a deck go brr, or feeling a deck flop under the weight of hubris, or figuring out an unintuitive strategy? those are fun. One shot gainer-thinner with a drawback that takes a couple turns to proc? I'm feeling that less than some of the other entries. It's sort of one-note. Yeah it has a nice self-synergy (where one sets up the next).

Having a multijudge contest just means that new people's voices won't get heard over more established voices. Honestly the most thrilling this contest is is when a new poster with a single digit post count, who has never won before, comes up with something bonkers as a prompt and vamishes so there's no clarifying questions all week. Like, yeah stuff will get DQ'd on technicalities, but its wild to see how different enclaves of dominion fans think about the game than those of us in the discord or f.ds, and celebrating that is really what the contest is about.

tldr: the results were as accurate as they could've been, because the person who was the judge for that contest did them.

Thanks for the thought-through response. I hope my comment didn't come off as an attack on you personally (and it seems like you didn't take it personally, thankfully), it's just really hard for me to understand a lot of people's judgements on fan cards in general and this has led to a lot of frustration.

After playing with summoning circle and seeing how well-designed it is, I'm starting to feel salty looking back on this and seeing it not even making finalist (and it's not even my card!). Part of me ponders what it would be like to have multiple people judge so that the results are more accurate.

I like this card quite a bit, note that a lot of Estates imply a crappier deck. But if your buying power suffices to get a Duchy in each post game turn, this is nonetheless 4VP for $2 which is too strong.

Not necessarily. If you have enough buys, you could easily just pick up a few Estates in the last few turns. Also, in a kingdom with Exiling, you can have those Estates without the junking

Yes I 100% agree with this, which is also why I think this card-shaped-thing is broken. I think it might work better with a different trigger if you're trying to go for a fleet on steroids effect.

Compound (Project, $5)

At the end of the game, take an extra turn per Estate you have.

Isn't this strictly better than an existing project?? Also, how do you tell how many estates you have? Are you supposed to look through your whole deck when the game is supposed to end?


This uses The Alchemist's version of Seasons, where we start in winter. To explain the debt cost, I was afraid of weird interactions possibly with cost reducers, but there are no debt cost reducers so it's good. Also, I'm doing a debt-based expansion, so debt cost seemed fun.

Since most games end before turn 15, this is usually at most a +1 card/+4 Action card with an average of about 2 actions across the game. Even in slog games that last, like, 30 turns, sure you'll have that one turn with 10 actions, but that doesn't do much so it doesn't really become oppressive. Now, if it gave cards instead of actions that would be something... but it doesn't. In fact, the main drawback seems to be the fact that even if it gives a lot of actions you need to still rely on drawing it (where with something like Port, drawing is more reliable), so I feel like it's pretty balanced.

Hope it looks interesting, too!

I'm making it cost one less:

What is the purpose of the Debt cost? I don’t see why such a weak card should be ungainable except via buying.
Engineer is the only official cheap card with Debt cost and it has two very good reasons for it.

I thought that would have made it easier to get, not harder, hm... Does seem that way now that I think of it since +Buy is the major issue.

Also, is it really that weak? It's only 1 coin and 1 buy less than winekeeper and has to stay out for a turn, but other than that is nonterminal, costs 3 less, and you can pay it off not all at once.

What is the purpose of the Debt cost? I don’t see why such a weak card should be ungainable except via buying.
Engineer is the only official cheap card with Debt cost and it has two very good reasons for it.

I thought that would have made it easier to get, not harder, hm... Does seem that way now that I think of it since +Buy is the major issue.


This uses The Alchemist's version of Seasons, where we start in winter. To explain the debt cost, I was afraid of weird interactions possibly with cost reducers, but there are no debt cost reducers so it's good. Also, I'm doing a debt-based expansion, so debt cost seemed fun.

Since most games end before turn 15, this is usually at most a +1 card/+4 Action card with an average of about 2 actions across the game. Even in slog games that last, like, 30 turns, sure you'll have that one turn with 10 actions, but that doesn't do much so it doesn't really become oppressive. Now, if it gave cards instead of actions that would be something... but it doesn't. In fact, the main drawback seems to be the fact that even if it gives a lot of actions you need to still rely on drawing it (where with something like Port, drawing is more reliable), so I feel like it's pretty balanced.

Hope it looks interesting, too!


Trying to come up with something better, but this is what I've got. It's like a cheap wine merchant. You got some extra money leftover? Maybe help pay off that cash advance so you can get it into your deck again. It's sort of weaker than Stonks, so gotta make it cost 2, and also the fact that it has to stay out at least a turn doesn't help.

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