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Messages - exfret

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I think the "cycling" mechanic of seasons is really difficult to accomodate. I'd much rather have things like Husbandry, like "for each season/year passed". Is this okay?

Create a card that combos with the last card posted here (the contest runner for the week starts). People can post multiple times, but must make it clear which post is their real submission; if it is unclear, it will be their latest post.

And no split piles / unique piles / traveller lines. One card to a kingdom pile.

Are existing non-Supply piles such as Horses or Spoils (or even Supply piles like Ruins) allowed?

Assuming Ruins are allowed:

Saves the trashing for the end of turn for tracking purposes.

P.S. I had this exact challenge in my list of potential contest ideas.

Doesn't this just burn through the ruins really quickly? Seems like you could only play it thrice or so. Also, scrap is almost strictly better because, while you can't get an effect more than once, you can choose your effects and you get them all at once and on the turn you play it.

Design a duration card that has more than a two-turn effect, but that doesn't just stay in play.

Canon examples are Crypt and Archive.
By two-turn effect, I mean avoid the typical duration "now and at the start of your next turn" - at the end of the second turn, it should still be in play and cued up to do a thing.
By "doesn't just stay in play", I mean the Hireling/Champion style "This stays in play." is no-go; If you want to have like a "pay to keep this around" type mechanic, that's fine, but please review how durations do things and word your card appropriately to avoid "bonfire my hireling for invisible hireling effect" situations.

No preference on action/night/treasure; please avoid new fan mechanics, but if you can point to an old post that has the fan mechanic, I'll do my best to wrap my head around it.
And no split piles / unique piles / traveller lines. One card to a kingdom pile.

Judging will be promptly on 7/9 (friday); the 24 hour notice will go up on 7/8 (thurs). As always, ask questions if you have them, i'll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

Wait, can you actually do that with Hireling??

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest 119: Triple Threat
« on: July 01, 2021, 06:02:22 am »
Not really. Many Action cards are pointless or borderline pointless in the Night phase.
KC is so brilliant because it converts even a lousy Pearl Diver into a Lost City plus village. So cantrips are what you often wanna Throne and Dark Carriage doesn’t do any tricks with cantrips.

Dark Carriage is also an Action card. You can still Throne a Pearl Diver in your Action phase, and have a Hireling + Village effect at the start of  your next turn.
I did not see that. Then the card is obviously overpowered as it is far better than Mastermind.

EDIT: Sorry, I was going off a different version that didn't effectively play a card four times... this is bonkers

How is it far better? It can't chain itself and only acts twice...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Credit Card
« on: June 30, 2021, 02:47:47 pm »
I don’t like it. The cost is weird (you want it to be cheap but ungainable via Workshops and Remodels or what is the idea?), you need at least one copy to prevent one dude from running away with eternal debt but then it is basically just a Copper/Silver.

Good Credit only lets you buy cards with no debt cost while having debt - you'd still need to pay off debt before you can buy something with debt in its cost, so if there's good debt-cost cards in the game, then you'd still want to pay off your debt, while in games without other debt-cost cards, it becomes rather useless
This is wrong. The card is a Gold in Kingdoms without any cards that cost Debt as long as it is uncontested.
Sure, contesting it lately implies that the player who ran away with it now has to pay back a huge pile of Debt but I nonetheless think that you want a copy of this early on in most situations. Which is precisely what I don’t like about it. All players are likely forced to go for at least one copy and this is then a bad card in your deck.

That sounds accurate. Maybe I should have Good Credit be a State that goes away when you start the second phase of your Buy phase with more debt than coin or something, so that it's not necessary for other players to go out of their way for it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Credit Card
« on: June 30, 2021, 05:14:55 am »
Basically, except for a few edge cases like Capital, this functions as a payload card that can be a copper, silver, or gold depending on how much you're willing to ignore the debt and risk Good Credit being taken away. That being said, maybe this isn't particularly compelling. I think I'll stick this idea on the backburner for when I have enough design experience to make it work.

Variants and Fan Cards / Credit Card
« on: June 30, 2021, 01:41:05 am »

These are some cards I've been refining. The basic idea is a card that gives you the ability to buy things with debt cost (for a debt-based expansion I'm working on). Thoughts?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: June 30, 2021, 01:17:54 am »
Also, in addition to the above post, I think jinx tokens are extremely weak. I mean, they're 1/6th of a curse, and while curses are strong that is a really low proportion. I think they should be every other or *maybe* every third. But even then I don't see the advantage to just giving the curse outright.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Kru5h's card ideas
« on: June 30, 2021, 01:12:18 am »
fika monster, are you alright with me using your mechanic in my cards?

I attributed you on the card text at the bottom.

EDIT: Nvm. It probably makes attack cards too weak and things like Desperation too strong. It needs a nerf but there's no more room on the card.

EDIT: After thinking about it, I think "unused Action" might just be better actually, since it's less wordy and I see you have other cards like this. I'd still recommend not specifying "Action, not Action card" since you can't really "spend" Action cards anyways, so it should be clear.

I like this card, but the wording is really weird. Just say "if you have at least one Action, you may spend it for +2 Cards" without using the word "unused" or "Action, not Action card"... it should be clear what it means and I think this sort of wording just adds confusion.

I also don't understand the bottom line text. Is above line not enough?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest 119: Triple Threat
« on: June 27, 2021, 09:20:34 am »
Action - Attack - Reserve [$5]
+1 Buy

Each other player gains a curse to thier hand. Put this on your tavern mat.

When another player gains a card costing [$4] or more, you may call this to gain a Gold.

I almost missed the call line; maybe you could see about making it not as long?  :P

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, can you elaborate?

I mean, the line separating "When you call this" from the rest of the text spanned the full page, so I assumed the post ended before then and was really confused why it was a reserve card.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest 119: Triple Threat
« on: June 25, 2021, 04:53:23 am »
This entry is using some more obscure types.

Legate - $4

If there are less than 3VP on the Legate pile, add 1VP to the Legate pile and play a non-Command Action from the supply, leaving it there.
When you gain this, take the VP from the Legate pile.

Darnit, the competition is getting pretty tough this week.  ;)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest 119: Triple Threat
« on: June 25, 2021, 02:27:29 am »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest 119: Triple Threat
« on: June 25, 2021, 02:08:38 am »
Action - Attack - Reserve [$5]
+1 Buy

Each other player gains a curse to thier hand. Put this on your tavern mat.

When another player gains a card costing [$4] or more, you may call this to gain a Gold.

I almost missed the call line; maybe you could see about making it not as long?  :P

Nice to see you judging Mocha~


Tutelage is my submission for the week.  In theory, you could use Tutelage to chain several Action cards (e.g. start with playing a Prince, then Forge, then Hunting Grounds, etc).  I believe Throne Room variants would allow you to re-start the chain with higher cost cards.

Sounds nutty, as it would almost be like having unlimited Actions, but I don't think this this will be a common occurrence as pulling off a mega-chain would depend on having the right cards available in the Kingdom, the right deck composition, and good draws.  In practice (although this has not yet been playtested), I think you would probably be able to chain 1-2 Actions together with this on average.

I've priced this the same as Barracks and Innovation, but feedback on the cost would be welcome.  Unlike Barracks, you don't get what is essentially +Action if you don't have suitable cards in hand, but if you do, then you can potentially get more than +1 Action.  Tutelage can have the same effect as Innovation with cards that gain to hand like Sculptor and Falconer (without Innovation's once per turn limitation), but of course wouldn't work this way with any Workshop variants that gain cards normally.

The effect will apply even when you play cards during your opponents' turns (e.g. if you react with Falconer).  It could be quite disruptive, but I think it's fine to keep it that way.

I don't think a Project that essentially provides unlimited Actions would be all that interesting, but I don't think it would be quite so easy to pull that off with Tutelage.  In any case, my hope is that this Project would create some interesting decisions about the optimal order in which you play your Actions and how you build your deck.

Does seem pretty low-priced, but I don't think that is the problem (and neither are the "long chains" you mention). Rather, the fact that this can trigger any number of times per turn seems fairly dangerous... From my experience, it's always best to playtest before jumping to assumptions, but I am at least afraid that this card-shaped-thing could be game-warping.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fly-Eagles-Fly's fan cards
« on: October 19, 2020, 01:15:41 am »
Fish seems really overpowerd at its price-point. Sure, it's a treasure, but effectively it's a lab, which seems really good. In fact, with Villa, it really *is* a lab.

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