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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 12:10:09 pm »
It's a gold with a +buy. The Catch? You must use the buy. This means using this to spike high points doesn't work as well (you can do it, it will just come with a copper).

It took a long time to get the wording right but here's what I got. I wanted only the buys from this and your orginal buy to be mandatory (or else worker's villages/ Market Sqaures would really mess with this). If anyone has a better way of saying it please feel free to say so.

Wording suggestion that changes the card a little but also streamlines it:
"If you have unused Buys at the start of Clean up, choose one: gain a Copper for each Bulk Order in play; gain a Copper for each unused Buy. (Do this once, rather than once per Bulk Order.)"
This changes its interaction with
• other +buy cards
• debt
• Counting House - maybe you want more coppers - you can elect to do that with this.
• removes ambiguity from "when is the end of your Buy phase?" with Villa.
• buys used where you didn't buy cards - you bought events, etc. Less tracking for paper players.

I want to avoid this for 2 reasons.

1) The interaction with other buy cards. This card would become almost unusable if you had workers villages. The idea is to make it's own +buy mandatory, and leave your other + buys optional.
2) I want this to be used for its coin and buy not for a copper gaining ability. This could be used in conjunction with gardens to gain a lot of coppers (play 5 bulk orders, buy 5 cards, gain 5 coppers).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 08:06:58 am »

1) Not sure how villa makes a difference. Could you explain in more detail.
2) if coppers and curses are gone (which almost never happens) and you have no coins you can end your buy phase because of the part at the end "or you cannot buy any cards in the supply".
3) i thought of using something like that, however, first i feel it's a little clunky. Second this would have differences when stacking multiples. If you play 5 bulk orders and buy 5 cards, my version forces you to buy one copper, your version gains you 5 coppers.

1 & 2) Ah, there was a miscommunication here. As written, the clause, "or you cannot buy any cards in the supply," presents an alternative to "you can't end your buy phase," rather than "you've gained x cards." That is, it says: "if you can't use all the necessary buys, you can't buy anything at all," rather than: "if you can't buy anything, the game is allowed to continue." You seem to be intending the latter, which makes a lot more sense  ;). Technically, you can fix this by removing the comma before "or you cannot buy any cards"; however, this would leave the sense ambiguous rather than clarifying your intended meaning, so I would still try something else.

3) As I understand it, once you've gained one copper, the rider, "unless you've gained more cards this turn than you have Bulk Orders in play" should block the other four triggers in your scenario. Is this not the case?

1 and 2) I woke up this morning with a sudden epiphany of our miscommunication and the technical ambiguity of my wording. Lemme see if I could phase it a little better.

3) You are correct. I'd assumed it would use buys and didn't notice you used gains instead. This creates it's own problems however, since you then aren't forced to use the buys if you gain cards during the turn with cards like magpie or workshop. The idea is to have a non optional buy.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 12:44:04 am »
It's a gold with a +buy. The Catch? You must use the buy. This means using this to spike high points doesn't work as well (you can do it, it will just come with a copper).

It took a long time to get the wording right but here's what I got. I wanted only the buys from this and your orginal buy to be mandatory (or else worker's villages/ Market Sqaures would really mess with this). If anyone has a better way of saying it please feel free to say so.

This doesn't really work as-is, mostly thanks to the fact that Villa can provide an uncertain future to your turn, which can prevent you from saying for sure whether it's possible for you to use all the necessary Buys if, say, the Coppers and Curses are gone.

I came up with the following: "At the end of your Buy phase, if this is in play, gain a Copper unless you've gained more cards this turn than you have Bulk Orders in play."

Since people were just going to take Coppers with their spare Buys anyway, this is mostly the same but uses less text and is easier to parse.

1) Not sure how villa makes a difference. Could you explain in more detail.
2) if coppers and curses are gone (which almost never happens) and you have no coins you can end your buy phase because of the part at the end "or you cannot buy any cards in the supply".
3) i thought of using something like that, however, first i feel it's a little clunky. Second this would have differences when stacking multiples. If you play 5 bulk orders and buy 5 cards, my version forces you to buy one copper, your version gains you 5 coppers.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 17, 2020, 09:00:35 pm »
It's a gold with a +buy. The Catch? You must use the buy. This means using this to spike high points doesn't work as well (you can do it, it will just come with a copper).

It took a long time to get the wording right but here's what I got. I wanted only the buys from this and your orginal buy to be mandatory (or else worker's villages/ Market Sqaures would really mess with this). If anyone has a better way of saying it please feel free to say so.

Update: fixed wording a bit so it is a little less ambiguous.
Update 2: Fixed wording to allow buying events or Projects

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 16, 2020, 08:15:19 pm »
As I said before, I'm very impressed by the quality and quantity of entries this week. Props to all of you.

With that out of the way: It's Judging Time!

2 sided events by grep
When I first saw the idea of 2 sided events, I was a bit skeptical. My main concern was that this would become a game of figuring out if you should buy the event and open up the other side to your opponent, which might work well in 2p but feels more random in 3 or 4 player games. I think you handled this well by giving the events +buys, keeping the price low, and making the 2 sides synergize with each other. This makes it likely (and worth it) to buy both sides in one turn, meaning the side that starts face up on your turn is less relevant. Overall, it's simple yet interesting; I like it.

Morning Cards by Spineflu
The idea of Morning Cards (cards that are played at the beginning of your turn as opposed to night cards) has been suggested before ( (not a negative, just pointing it out). I have a couple of issues with this implementation.
1) This one gives effects to all players, and only a slightly better effect to the person who actually played it. In many cases, it feels like buying a morning card is a sucker move, because you waste the time and money buying it and playing it (which takes 1 card if you draw it naturally at the start of your turn, and 2 cards if you hold onto it from one turn to the next), and your benefit doesn't seem to be worth all the trouble.
2) You can only get the recurring benefit of one card (which can stop if someone else plays a morning card). This means you can't even stack the benefit. And if someone else gets a morning card, getting one yourself becomes even less worth it; The only extra thing you get by playing it is the bottom half. In addition when your opponent plays his morning card again, your morning card goes back in your discard to clog up your deck again.
3) Rather than having a homogeneous pile, you have 4 different types of cards in each pile. Most of the time I think the personal benefit is marginal, but in some case, like if there's no other +buy, getting Dew or Sunrise becomes really strong. If it was a homogeneous pile, it wouldn't be as bad, because everyone would buy one. But because this is a mix, it can lopside things.Player 1 might buy Dew turn one and have little reason to buy any other morning cards (since only 1 will stay in play). Meanwhile, Player 2 needs a +buy to be competitive but the top card of the morning pile is now Dawn Chorus. Does he buy it with the hopes of hitting a Dew or Sunrise? He might have to buy 3 or 4 junk morning cards before he hits the morning card he's actually going to use.

I think allowing someone to hold onto a morning card in addition to their new 5 cards as opposed to as part of their new 5 cards would help a little bit (since it wouldn't clog your deck as much every time you play it) but there are still some kinks to work out on this one.

2 sided events by Majiponi
I'm not sure whether you independently thought of the same idea as grep, or saw his idea and decided to add some more cards. I'll assume the former.

Suggestions: I don't think you should have the duration type on these events. Duration usually goes on things that stay in play, but events never really go in play. You can just leave the next turn effects above the line (like expedition does)

Ignoring the duration thing, I liked grep's implementation of the idea a bit more; his usually went for some synergy between the 2 sides when bought in one turn and gave +buys to many of them which meant buying both sides in one turn was very likely. Without the +buy it becomes a game of trying to figure out if you should buy the event and thus open up the other side to your opponent. In 2p this could be interesting, but in 3p or 4p games this starts to fall apart and feels more random and dependant on who's sitting to your left.

Single Cards by NoMoreFun
I've tried in the past making cards with only one in the game and it is definitely hard to do. If it's too powerful, it just becomes a race to get it. Also, if it stays in one players deck, whoever gets it is going to have an edge. Overall I like the way you did many of these cards, allowing them to return to the piles or transfer to other people. They're also done in such a way that it's still worth it for the first person who actually buys it. The only card I think doesn't work is Communion; why buy it if everyone's going to share in the benefit? I could see some situations, but in general I could see games where no one buys it because it doesn't give you enough of an edge over your opponents. That aside, I do like the mechanic in general (it's interesting to see cards passed around and affect the game in interesting ways); well done.

Blockade by somekindoftony
I'm not sure exactly what the new mechanic is; this seems like a single card not a general mechanic. I'm guessing the mechanic is blocking piles? I would be interested to see some more examples of cards that could use this. That being said, I imagine there is only so much you can do with mechanic; it would pretty much be used to strategically block your opponent from getting cards you don't want them to. Other cards with this mechanic would probably feel similar. Besides the questions of how returning cards/cards that tell you to gain the card specifically work, I'm also not a fan of completely blocking the pile. Embargo doesn't block the pile, it just makes you take a hit to buy from it (and it doesn't affect gaining). Also the lack of +buy on this card means that if I want to unblock piles my opponent blocked (let's say provinces), I might have to wait another turn to actually start buying the cards (compare this to Doorman by NoMoreFun). Overall, I think this needs some work.

Armor by 4est
Suggestion: I think a dividing line with the equip part on the bottom would look a little nicer

That being said, I like the idea of this, beefing up cards for the rest of the turn. I can definitely see how this could be used in plenty of different situations (and you did a good job showing a few). Nice job.

Reload by mandioca15
Suggestion: Rather than +1 reload, I think plain "reload" would be better since you're not getting a new reload (and there's no such thing as +2 reload, so the 1 is really unnecessary).

At first I thought this was very similar to "discard your deck", but I see the difference now. It's a new shorthand that allows you to gain cards and kind of topdeck them (but not completely). It's cute, but I think the uses will feel pretty similar (put something in your discard pile, then reload to have a chance at getting it on the top of your deck).

Workers by D782802859
I think you did a pretty good job of showing how these can really shine. There's a lot of ways you go with these cards (which I like). Some of these can be used in a coffer/villager way (get something to be held onto for later time). I particularly like the cards that can untap themselves (which gives you the decision of keeping the card for more uses or getting the moreful effect). Pretty good.

Rules by grrgrrgrr
Suggestion: Golden era should probably say that Gold costs $1 less (because then it doesn't get confusing with bridge). Fair start has some problems with shelters and heirlooms as pointed out by scolapasta.

Overall these are nice and versatile. While it is new to the official game, I've definitely seen different iterations of these with the same idea over the forums (I know someone called them Edicts).

Jewelry by scolapasta
I think the idea it's good that you attached a +buy to all these cards. You have some interesting effects. I don't know how I feel about adding yet another phase to the turn (and messing up the easily understood ABC acronym), but in general the idea is pretty good. It allows treasures to care about buys and yet still give $; something we couldn't previously have.

Strength by X-tra
A bit of rules for this one but I think I get it. I think the 2nd iteration (not allowing you to use cards from your hand) definitely fixed some issues. To some degree, I can picture some fun battles for strength, but on the other hand, I can see some problems coming from it.

1) Very strong attack that have a likely chance of not hitting; and by that I mean not hitting at all, not just one person who has a moat. This means there's quite a swing to these; most attacks in dominion have a positive benfit to the person who plays it, meaning that even if it's blocked by all players, you still get something. And it's possible to only be blocked by some of the players and not others. Some of these cards have quite a swinginess depending if you win the battle or not (flamethrowers, Experimental Magic, Gunpowder Barrel).
2) Forced to go for it: I'm not such a fan of cards that demand you buy them because of their mere presence (regardless of the rest of the kingdom). I've never played with these cards, but my hunch is that (at least in a 2p) if one person goes for them and the other doesn't, the "stronger" player will have a huge edge because of how powerful these cards are when they "hit".
3) 3 or 4p interactions: I could see games where 2 out of 3 players go for these and knock each other out because they keep preventing the other from using their cards to the full extent. I can also see this making dominion more political (something many players don't like); A and B decide to not block each others pikemen while they both block C's pikemen.

I also feel that this a lot to learn and will probably slow the game down.

Equipment by [TP] Inferno
I feel this has potential, I just don't think you showcased this well. Like others have said, many of the cards don't really have an interesting choice of when to hold them and when to discard them (the strategy is to just hold). I'm sure it's possible to come up with cards that will work with this and make it interesting; like you said, it's back to the drawing board.

Card Costs by Aquila
I really like this one. It has the benefit of making non $ costs without the downsides of potions. And unlike debt (which is pretty much strictly cheaper than $), this is a different category of cost altogether (BTW, I'm assuming 2 different cards with card cost are uncomparable cost-wise). You did a great job showcasing how this could be implemented in different ways (especially including your "musings"). One of my favorites from the contest.

Mount Cards by Gazbag
An ability you can keep using until it becomes too much. I think you did a great job on this one, and it can really add a lot to the game.

Threat Cards by Fragasnap
These seem like a reactionish attack on top of an action card (since you can do both). To me, it doesn't feel like it adds more than already exists. It's kind of like a duration attack that gets to be played early. It would seem that the things you could do with these cards could be replicated pretty similarly with the existing mechanics. I'd probably have fun playing with some of these cards, I just don't know if the whole new type feels justified. Also, I do think having an unblockable attack is something that shouldn't be done, but that's just me. All that being said, cool cards.

Roundabout Cards by Snowyowl
I have a couple issues with this:
1) Extra Setup: This doesn't technically add any extra setup, but when I draw a roundabout card, I'm going to have be more careful with the order of the kingdom cards. Imagine you're drawing kingdom cards for the kingdom and the 5th one is Pearl. Oh shoot! what was the order of the other ones? And once you figure that out, you gotta be careful to not lose track of the order of the next 5. If anything, the mere presence of this in your box (not even in the kindgom) can add setup time, because I'll have to be careful about the order of any kingdom for fear of drawing a roundabout card. Of course, you could instead randomize an order after you draw all kingdom cards (if there's a roundabout card), but then it's still more setup time.
2) Putting cards in an arbitrary order can be annoying to some players. I don't know how other people setup their table, but I usually order the kingdom cards based on price (like they do online). Having them in a circle with real order would drive me nuts.
3) This whole thing seems like a roundabout (pun intended) way of avoiding tokens which would probably be more appropriate here. Many of the piles could just use some tokens or pile markers (like young witch's bane marker). Pearl could use 3, smuggling ring could use 1, and with some differences in rules many of the others could too.

Enchantments by Something_Smart
I like the idea. It feels a great way to build up your cards and engine. I can see the depth of strategy and the versatility of the mechanic. Great job!

Side note: I think Arcane tower might be a little broken as a defense against cursers. Buy one arcane tower and buy a curse with it in hand; you are now impervious to curses (of course you do get 1 curse but it's not in your deck).

Leaders by Kudasai
Like I said earlier, this is technically dq, but here are my thoughts. I really like the idea. It adds a bit of personality to each person's deck. I'm assuming the idea would be to have different sets of leaders that would sometimes be available. I don't know if the ones you showcased would be balanced but the idea in general seems fun.

Final Results: Among the top contenders were (in order of posting) Single Cards, Armor, Workers, Card Costs, Mount Cards, and Enchantments.

Runners Up: Single Cards and Workers. Both have so much potential and flavor to add to a game.

Winner: Card Costs by Aquila. I really think this opens a new avenue on ways to acquire and alot could be done with this. Congrats Aquila.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 16, 2020, 01:44:21 am »
Wow! Seems like a lot has happened since I was gone. I guess I want to say a couple of things:

As far as judging: It is currently 1:30 am where I am, so I am going to go to bed and judge the entries in the morning. I think there's still a bit of time left of my 36 hour warning, so if anything comes in the next couple of hours I'll count it. That being said, I'm guessing there probably won't be anymore entries. Because of the large number of individual cards (I think there might be close to 100), I'm not going to comment on every single card, however I might comment on interesting/intriguing cards and give suggestions if something catches my eye. My plan is to comment more on the general mechanic and give suggestions if I think of any.

Kudasai: Sorry for the judgement that didn't go your way. I think X-tra said it well; it's unfortunate you're put into this awkward situation and most of us know that your thinking doesn't necessarily mirror segura's. Like I said, the decision was not so clear cut, and I was on the fence; but I ultimately felt it didn't count. I didn't explain my reasoning at length in the original post, but I felt if heirlooms didn't count, than leaders couldn't either. Many people keep cursed gold in the same stack as pooka meaning setup is minimal (especially considering there is no decision time), so heirlooms have less setup than leaders. I didn't say this in the original post, but I was planning on giving feedback on leaders if you didn't change your submission (Perhaps saying this might have made the situation not blow up as much).

Segura: I'm sorry this judgement has bothered you so much. It's also unfortunate that I wasn't able to respond to your comments (due to Shabbat) because I feel that might have deescalated the situation. I've explained my reasoning in the paragraph above in more detail than I did in the original post. Judgements sometimes don't go your way but as a general rule, we need to accept judgements (even those we don't like) so the system can work. On the flip side, judging is sometimes hard; you have to aware of the inevitable ramifications. In this case I was aware of the downside of disqualifying kudasai's card; however, if I had allowed it, some people might have complained saying they held back ideas that were similar because they didn't think it would qualify. In the end, I had to go with my gut, and what I felt fit within the framework of the contest. I would like to state that I hold no ill will towards you because of this; everyone makes mistakes and everyone has bad days. You've been on this thread for quite some time and have contributed many good ideas, and I know that you are usually respectful and considerate. I don't take this personally at all and look forward to you joining us again soon.

To all entrants: Wow! Great job. I thought this week was going to be hard and was worried there would be too few entries, but you guys definitely did deliver. I think there's at least 18 new mechanics. What's great about this is we can all use these ideas for future card ideas (I probably will). Also, as Gazbag has pointed out, you are all disqualified and Gazbag wins with blank cards. 😜 (As an aside, I burst out laughing when I read that)

To those who felt this week was a little harder than normal, sorry about that; hopefully you'll get back on the train next week.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:32:51 pm »
Challenge 61: Create a New Simple Mechanic Submission:

First of all, I'm not sure this submission qualifies as it adds an extra game setup step. If it doesn't I'm happy to remove it!

Leader Cards: These play exactly like Projects. The big difference is each player may chooses one and only one Leader for free before the start of the game. All Leaders are available to be chosen and they are not pile limited (so multiple players may choose the same Leader). All Leaders provide a benefit, but beware, all Leaders also have drawbacks. If the Kingdom lacks an extra Action, the Industrious Leader might look appealing, but all non-terminal Actions will cost you $1 extra for the whole game!


These may not be exactly balanced, but again these are just to highlight the concept. Thanks for looking!

Challenge 61: Create a New Simple Mechanic Submission:
Industrious: At the start of your turn, +1 Action. During your turns, cards with +Action amounts in their text cost $1 more.

Devout: During your turns, once per phase, when you discard a card (from anywhere), you may trash it. At the end of each turn you trashed any cards with this, each other player gets +1VP.

Political: During your turns, Victory cards cost $1 more. When you gain a Victory card, +1VP.

Tactical: At the start of the game, take 9debt. At the start of your turn, +$1.

Not Sure if I understand correctly, but it sounds like you'd use cubes to denote who has which leader. In that case, it wouldn't work because of the extra components needed.

I'm kind of on the fence if you would use 4 copies of each card, and each player would take one before the game. It feels pretty similar to shelters and heirlooms (maybe even a little worse, since setup takes a little extra time while you wait for everyone to make their leader choice). I think I'm going to rule that it won't count. Sorry for the delay in getting to you on this.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:26:25 pm »
Like I said in the original post, this contest is gonna run slightly more than a week. I'm going to start judging the submissions on Sunday morning. The last time to submit will be Saturday night (my time). I would give a 24 hour warning, but can't because I'll be observing Sabbath at that point. So here's your 36 hour warning.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 07, 2020, 03:13:42 pm »
I just want to say that while I won't disqualify an entry that has less than 3 examples, I think it's to your benefit to have more than one to give examples of what the mechanic can do.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 07, 2020, 03:03:23 pm »
How about different cardbacks, like Stash?

That would work provided it's something you do for more than one card. Remember the goal is to have a mechanic that can be used on more than just one card. So stash itself wouldn't work, but a series of kingdom cards that all have different backs for some reason would work.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 07, 2020, 01:33:09 pm »
I assume that Reserve cards would go in the list of "wouldn't work" due to the Tavern mat?

Yep. Knew that I forgot something.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 07, 2020, 01:05:14 pm »
Thanks Spineflu. That was fun.

Chllange 61: Create a new simple mechanic

So I've always found it fun when new mechanics are introduced into Dominion, however, I hate having to deal with the setup (looking at you adventures). My favorite are the mechanics that are self contained within the card itself.

For this challenge create a new simple mechanic that can be used on different cards. Also provide some cards that can use this mechanic (at least 3 but no more than 10). I will be judging more on the mechanic than on the cards themselves (unbalanced, not priced right, etc.); they are more a way to showcase what the mechanic could add to the game.

By simple mechanic I mean the mechanic must have no extra setup (beyond the pile itself) - No tokens, Mats, extra piles/cards that have to be pulled from the box (even if they are exclusive to that pile like Hermit, Urchin, Young Witch, travelers, or Artifacts etc.), or cards to replace starting deck (Heirlooms/Shelters). Having a specific order (like split piles) or random order (knights, castles) is okay. Also sideways cards are okay (even though you technically have to pull out one more kingdom pile when you draw it). New types of cards are allowed as long as they don't have extra setup.

Here is a list of current Dominion mechanics that would be ok:
1) Choices on cards (introduced in Intrigue)
2) Duration Cards
3) Reaction Cards
4) On Gain/Buy Effects
5) On Trash Effects
6) Overpaying
7) Events
8 ) Landmarks
9) Night Cards
10) Split Piles

Here is a list of Dominion Mechanics that wouldn't work
1) Potion Cards (Extra Pile of Potions)
2) Colony/Platinum
3) Shelters
4) Looters
5) Spoils
6) Coffers
7) Villagers
8 ) Vanilla Bonus tokens
9) Journey token
10) Travellers (because of the extra piles)
11) Debt
12) VP Tokens
13) Gathering Piles
14) Fate and Doom cards
15) Heirlooms
16) Artifacts
17) Projects (because of the cubes)

I will be judging based on how much depth the mechanic adds to the game, how versatile the mechanic is (can it be used in a variety of ways?), and how fun it is. Good Luck!

P.S. I probably will give an extra day until judging because of my schedule.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:38:39 pm »
24 hour warning?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 31, 2020, 10:46:42 am »
Here's my submission. Might have to tweak the effect or price.

Your opponents can save (bribe the judge) to spare some of his cards, and then you judge which card is guilty.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:27:51 am »
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action, +$1. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. The player to your left chooses an Action card from the revealed cards. Discard the rest, then play that card.
The large amount of sifting makes it look more like a Wandering Minstrelish+ than a Bazaar-.  I concur that this would be on the weaker-half of $5-cost cards but is surely too strong in the average case at $4 due to the guaranteed non-terminal nature of it.

I'm not sure of your logic. First of all, it compares very well to bazaar bc if it hits an action, it is essentially +1 card, +2 actions, +$1 (which is bazaar). Yes it does sift, but sifting isn't usually as beneficial in an engine (where I would expect this card to be bought), due to the fact that you're likely drawing your deck every turn anyway. This sifting is not the same as warehouse where you draw good and discard bad, it's more like navigator or chancellor where you just discard cards off of your deck.

Second, here is a small list of other non-terminal sifters that cost $4 or less
1) Wandering Minstrel (sifts 1-4)
2) Ironmonger (sifts 2 or more cards)
3) Night watchmen (sifts 0-5)
4) Advisor (sifts 3)

Third, this is definitely not strictly better than wandering minstrel. Here are some camparisons
1)if your top 3 cards contain no actions- both discard the top 3, WM gives you +1 card +2 actions (village), Scribe gives you +1 action +$1 (copper). Neither is strictly better, but WM will usually be more helpful.
2)if your top 3 cards contain 1 action- WM topdecks the action (discarding the others). net result is +1 card +2 actions and 2 sifted cards. Scribe plays the action. net result is +1 card +2 actions +$1 and 2 cards sifted. So scribe would usually be better in this case
3)if your top 3 cards contain 2 or 3 actions- WM topdecks the actions (in order you choose).  net result is +1 card +2 actions (plus some deck inspection and rearrangement, which is helpful in an engine). Scribe plays the worst action. net result is +1 card +2 actions +$1 and 2 cards sifted (not good sifting, because it's cards that you wanted.) This is highly situational and it's hard to say either is better in this case.
WM's advantage is the fact that it keeps the actions (which are the cards you need to continue the engine).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 23, 2020, 07:52:59 pm »
A problem I've noticed with almost all of the entries so far is that they play a card from your deck and then discard the other revealed cards. You can look at official cards like Ghost and Golem to see that it should be "discard the other revealed cards, then play that Action." The reason is because, for example, let's say Privateer hits an opponent's Fortune Teller. All of the cards that were revealed by Privateer are still in revealed "limbo," so it's unclear what happens. Are those cards ignored by Fortune Teller's Attack? And if I hit Bob's Council Room and it makes Bob reshuffle, he doesn't get to shuffle the revealed cards in.

Good Point. I'll Edit my card. I guess I was copying my text mostly from advisor.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:58:53 pm »

You should be a little more clear when you say return. Return to the player's top deck or the supply? Or are you talking about the action played from the supply? (it shouldn't need returning since it shouldn't move). I'm guessing you mean to the top of the players deck, otherwise this card would be way too harsh.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 23, 2020, 03:19:21 pm »
Here's my submission for now:

priced at $4 bc it's slightly worse than bazaar.

Cool card!  Is this strictly better than Herald?  I think I would go here above Herald almost every time.  I think it might be underpriced.  Maybe you can do something like let the other players draw and discard a card to balance it out at $4?  Just my .02!  Cool card!

When Herald succeeds, it is like +2 cards. When Scribe succeeds, it is like +1 card.

But doesn't +1$, plus extra sift, plus a much greater likelihood of hitting an action more than account for that?  In most like kingdoms, I am grabbing this above Herald all day long.  It is also more fun imo.

It might account for it; but it definitely stops it from being strictly better. +1 card is much stronger than + by itself. The extra sift is probably countered by the fact that your opponent chooses the card, meaning you lose your best action for the shuffle unless you only reveal exactly 1 action. So it comes down to the higher chance of it working vs extra strength of +1 card vs +. Also that when they both miss; Herald is better.

As a whole I think this is similar in strength to Herald, but not better than it.

You make some good points.  I still think for $4 it is underpriced.  And the only kingdoms in which I am favoring it would be those without villages, or ones where I have a very diverse and dense action deck.  Like a Cornucopia kingdom.

Sorry for not giving more of an explanation behind price. I kind of dropped this post and then had to go to an appointment.

Here's the thought process:
1) Originally this did not have +$1. The problem is, it's just too weak. At best, it hits an action and is essentially +1 card +2 actions, aka vanilla village. And you don't have control over what you play. And if you don't hit an action this is a ruined village. The only time I'd rather have this than village is if I had village in hand with no other actions, since scribe would more likely hit an action to keep the chain going. At the end of the day it's be pretty weak and have to be priced at most $2 (probably less).

2)So I tacked on the +$1. Now what to price it? If it does hit an action it's +1 card +2 actions +$1. So it's a bazaar with less choice. Similar comparisons exist between vanilla village to the original (#1) as do bazaar to this one. So it would seem this should be less than bazaar (not strictly worse than bazaar, but probably not as good). $4 felt right for what it does. I thought about herald but I think they both have pros and cons:

Herald is either a simple cantrip, or +2 cards +2 actions, which is worth at least $6 (if you hit an action); scribe is either a copper (kind of) or a bazaar ($5). Herald has better payoffs than scribe but it's harder to hit because you only get one card. In addition, scribe gives your opponents the choice, which means you're more likely to play weaker cards with it. They can also make you discard great cards making you go through the reshuffle to get them (Reveal Grand Market, Champion, and pearl diver. Guess what you're playing and what's going into the discard.)

So in short the pros of herald are: Greater payoffs when you hit an action, immune to interference from your opponent, more likely to play better actions with it.
the cons are: less likely to hit an action, no cycling.

That was the logic, and I think it holds up.

P.S. Upon further reading the comments, I think Gendoikari pretty much said everything I write here in less words.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 23, 2020, 11:10:55 am »
Here's my submission for now:

priced at $4 bc it's slightly worse than bazaar.

UPDATE: Changed order of discard and playing to take care of Gubump's problem.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 22, 2020, 02:05:19 pm »
is judging today?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 14, 2020, 08:49:03 pm »
Here's my entry. (Mix of Tactician and Fortune)

It doesn't combine and with fortune to quadruple. It's way cheaper than fortune, but doubles before you play treasures, and discards the rest of your hand (meaning no more treasures).

I like this. My only concern is that it could show up in a Kingdom with no actions that give .

There are a decent number that give virtual coin.
Most cards have kingdoms that favor them and those that don't and many are useless (or virtually useless) without support (rats without other trashing, conspirator without + actions, moat when there aren't attacks, etc.). If it's not worth buying, people just don't buy it.

Problem is, you also need the virtual coin to either be non-terminal or have Villages in order to play Profit afterwards. And most virtual coin is +, which makes it very hard to make Profit make more than even a Woodcutter.

There are plenty of games where I've generated coin mostly off virtual coin (peddler variants help). I've played double tactician plenty of times and that requires complete virtual coin (yes the extra 5 cards helps, but it's not absolutely necessary).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 14, 2020, 07:44:27 pm »
Here's my entry. (Mix of Tactician and Fortune)

It doesn't combine and with fortune to quadruple. It's way cheaper than fortune, but doubles before you play treasures, and discards the rest of your hand (meaning no more treasures).

I like this. My only concern is that it could show up in a Kingdom with no actions that give .

There are a decent number that give virtual coin.
Most cards have kingdoms that favor them and those that don't and many are useless (or virtually useless) without support (rats without other trashing, conspirator without + actions, moat when there aren't attacks, etc.). If it's not worth buying, people just don't buy it.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 14, 2020, 01:55:55 pm »
Here's my entry. (Mix of Tactician and Fortune)

It doesn't combine and with fortune to quadruple. It's way cheaper than fortune, but doubles before you play treasures, and discards the rest of your hand (meaning no more treasures).

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 07, 2020, 12:26:39 am »
Here's my submission

Similar to black market, but you have better idea what you're going to get. Not as many possibilities, but more certainty. Obviously, the value of this card will depend on the cards on the mat.

I priced this at $4, because while it's not strictly better than Woodcutter, it does seem better. It's essentially $2, a buy, and access to cards impossible to get otherwise (which presumably you want because you bought the card). Seems a little more helpful than BM because what you get is more predictable.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 26, 2019, 05:41:13 pm »
I think we should wait until 72 hours and then let grrgrrgrr take over (considering the holiday)

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