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General Discussion / Re: Math Nerds...
« on: February 14, 2012, 09:10:35 am »
Yeah, sorry.  I was thinking in a high school math teacher mindset.  Tau is a lot easier for non math oriented people to intuitively understand than Pi.


I mean, I'm math-oriented, so I can't tell.  But I'm surprised  either would be easier than the other.

Simple.  Pi times X radians = X/2 times around a circle.  Tau times X radians = X times around the circle.  Or, put another way, to circumscribe a pie one must go through a length of... 2pi.  Because the trigonometric functions are intimately related to the circle, it's much more useful, in teaching terms, to teach that one-third of a circle is equivalent to one-third of the circle constant... rather than 2/3 of the circle constant.

The unmodified sine and cosine waves have period tau; a phase shift of tau is the same as the original, while a phase shift of pi is the negative of the original.

Thanks for the explanation; it was very clear.  Too bad it's prohibitively hard to change well-established conventions.  Guess we're stuck with pi and QWERTY.  :)

General Discussion / Re: Math Nerds...
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:47:54 pm »
Yeah, sorry.  I was thinking in a high school math teacher mindset.  Tau is a lot easier for non math oriented people to intuitively understand than Pi.


I mean, I'm math-oriented, so I can't tell.  But I'm surprised  either would be easier than the other.

General Discussion / Re: Math Nerds...
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:39:42 am »
Isn't there a similar problem in electrical engineering?  All the signs are backward, and people have learned to deal with it, but if we had a time-travel machine obviously everyone would prefer it to be the "right" way even though it doesn't matter so long as you're consistent.

I often feel that way.  On the other hand, it can actually be useful to separate the concept of "electric current" from "flow of charge carriers", since the same electrical current can stem from physical carriers moving in either direction.

Electric current in metals comes from negatively charged electrons, so it flows oppositely to the charge carriers.  On the other hand, ionic solutions can carry current with positive ions just as easily as negative ones.  Even in solids, semiconductors which are p-doped (I believe) have their current carried by "holes", which flow in the same direction as the current.

Still... honestly, I guess I'd probably switch the convention if I could.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Trash-for-benefit that includes potions?
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:15:09 pm »
Well you'd also have to consider things like remodel golem into province and expand alchemist/familiar into provinces. Probably not broken but some of the interactions might get a little interesting.

I think the house rule should only affect things like Trader and Salvager, and leave the Remodel-type cards alone.  They already "see" the Potions as it is (e.g., Upgrade can turn Apothecary into Familiar, but not into Village).  Besides, it would be just too confusing if you could choose whether to treat the Potion as $2 or not.

Excellent work!  I'm very flattered to see my suggestions implemented (PrizeFighter and ChampionPrizeFighter).  And it's nice to have the rarest achievement.

Interesting data; it seems to support my conjecture that Blitz is harder to get than Onslaught, though I was wrong (barely) that Imperial is harder to get than Archon.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Isotropic pictures?
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:10:03 pm »
Counting House is an illustration for Sing a Song of Sixpence.

My kids sing that song all the time, and it always makes me think of Dominion.  I'm tickled to know there's a connection there!

(The song also makes me think of Gardens.)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Why "isotropic"?
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:15:19 am »
Just curious if anyone knows how and why the name got picked. I can't figure out what a state of constant entropy has to do with Dominion, unless there's another definition to the word that I'm unaware of.

I can't figure out what a state of constant entropy has to do with isotropic!

(Are you thinking of isentropic?  :) )

Ah, I get it now.

Your range number used to change only on days you played at least 1 game. After he switched to, and switched back from, the 30 day leaderboard a month or two ago, the range number now automatically decreases on each day, regardless of whether you play or not. This has upsides and downsides I'm guessing, I don't understand the intricacies of it that well, but it is how it is.

Wait, does it always decrease?  I've had days where my range contracts, and days where it expands.

Is it rather that on days you don't play, the range expands, because the system becomes more uncertain about your present skill level?

Game Reports / Torture me... please!
« on: January 28, 2012, 06:39:07 am »
Here was a fun game with Border Village/Torturer on the board.  I like how it highlights different responses to Torturer chains, and why it's often desirable to take the curse.

First Four Turns:
My opponent opens three Silvers and a Cartographer; I go for Silver/Smithy/Native Village and am the first to get a Border Village/Torturer.

Turns 5-8:
Opponent follows suit by buying BV/Torturer three times, and Torturer the fourth.  This is not looking good!  She is also the first to play Torturer, which she does on turns 7 and 8.  Meanwhile, I pick up a Native Village, Silver, Border Village, and 2 Torturers.

Looking back, this is where my opponent's stronger money/Cartographer opening started to shine.  I probably should have skipped the Smithy, since I was going for a deck full of Torturers, right?

Turns 9-12
Now the fun begins.  She tortures me 3 times on Turn 9 (I take 2 curses), and picks up another BV/Torturer.  I fire right back with 3 attacks and a BV/Torturer pickup of my own.  She strongly prefers the discard option, so she's left with just one good card when her turn starts.  Unfortunately, it's a BV, which digs down to a Torturer and pulls off another 3-Torturer turn.  I manage a double-Torturer in response, and we each pause to pick up a Trading Post to deal with all the Curses.

My turn 11, things get interesting.  I quadruple-Torturer my opponent, and she never takes a Curse.  I think this is usually a mistake, especially with Trading Post available to kill 2 Curses at a time, and Torturer increasing handsize to bring them all together.  This Curse-Averseness on her part will come to define the rest of the game.

Oh, and I also pick up a Duchy, starting to think about the endgame.

Final four turns:
She recovers from her missed turn, and plays a triple-Torturer attack; I take 2 Curses and she keeps pace with a Duchy of her own.  By keeping my handsize intact, I can fire back with four Torturers, turn those Curses into a Silver, and pick up a Colony (note there is no +Buy).  Next turn is the same story: four Torturers, trash a Curse, gain a Colony.

Both times, she never takes a curse, preferring instead to discard her whole hand.  I think this was the key mistake where the game was lost.  In a 16-turn game, you can't afford to throw away three of those turns entirely.

Now one thing I've picked up from these forums is that good players look for 3-pile opportunities when they have a solid lead -- I'd say 2 Colonies with no +Buy qualifies!  I notice there is 1 Border Village and 2 Curses left -- sounds like a plan.  I take the last BV on Turn 15, and pick up a Curse with it (I love doing that!).

Now I'm grinning, just waiting for my opponent to play a hand for the first time in 3 Turns.  She's got 6 Torturers and no other strong draw -- surely she can't resist "attacking" me!  Sure enough, the Torturers come, and I gleefully gain a Curse in hand to empty the third pile.

And that's how I won a game by my opponent playing a Torturer.

Final thoughts:
I think she had the stronger opening in retrospect, and she had more Torturers.  During the game, I certainly felt like I was getting hammered worse than I was dishing it out, so it was very satisfying to outlast it and emerge victorious.  I think this game highlights the importance of taking Curses sometimes during multiple-Torturer onslaughts; losing a whole turn just hurts too much.

Also, I'm just now noticing this was a Colony game with no treasures higher than Silver involved.  Interesting.

It is also extremely fun to win by emptying the Curses.  In retrospect, it would have been smarter to take a Duchy with the Border Village, since I could expect multiple Torturers on her turn.  But grabbing a Curse with my BV was too fun to pass up.

It's more entertaining running out the Gold pile

28 Golds?  You beat my record!
Though you're still quite a ways from my single-turn record.

Still would love to see somebody get a PileDriver on Gold.

I won a game today where my opponent Bishoped a Colony.  I'll sometimes Bishop a Province, but rarely if ever consider Colonies.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Attention-whoring thread.... I did it!!
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:46:40 am »
I can't figure out how to view older versions of the leaderboard. Could someone help me out? I would love to see my all time high which must have been sometime during late 2010 or early 2011.

I found this page:

Unfortunately it only seems to go back to last March.

As an aside, look at the filesizes growing as the game grows in popularity!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Golem + Scheme + 1 good action/attack
« on: January 27, 2012, 09:16:04 am »
I recently stumbled across this combo too.  Just like the OP, I didn't have a real plan, but it slowly dawned on me what I had done.
Starting at turn 12, I start every hand with a Market, 2 Golems, and 2 Schemes, and I can consistently play 5 schemes.  Trader had left my deck full of Silvers, so I could buy a Province every turn.

It's also notable for how I lost the game.  My opponent had good drawing capability, with King's Court and Envoy, plus a few Markets, but couldn't come up with the cash.  Enter Coppersmith!  His final turn involved 9 coppers worth 7 each, and he grabbed the final 4 Provinces plus enough Duchies to take the win.

Council Room Feedback / Re: Vanity Accomplishments
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:48:25 pm »
I would like to see the following added:

PrizeFighter: Obtained all 5 prizes from Tournament.
ChampionPrizeFighter: Obtained all 5 prizes from Tournament in a single turn.

Council Room Feedback / Re: Vanity Accomplishments
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:47:09 pm »
A spot check of a couple of games showed that it does give badges for lower accomplishments...  happened for both Archon/Imperial and BOM/BOMMinator

I have Archon but not Imperial, so I don't think that's correct.

By the way, I think Imperial is "harder" to get than Archon.

Council Room Feedback / Re: Council room not updating?
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:37:47 am »
Never mind, it's back up!

Council Room Feedback / Re: Council room not updating?
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:45:57 am »
Nope, seems to be down again :P

Game Reports / Re: What's the "treasure" people keep talking about?
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:29:42 pm »
I love no-Treasure decks.  Here's a more viable one I recently built; 4 Colonies and a Province in 15 turns.

(Naturally, Conspirators played a role.)

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Funny Things on Isotropic
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:27:06 pm »
There is one name I really love - "Sadly, she". Things like "Sadly, she plays a Witch" or "Sadly, she reveals a Province" (to your tournament) and of course "Sadly, she wins!" are hilarious.

I just met a guy named "It is you who accidentaly" (and there is also a guy without the last word). Also funny, but "Sadly, she" is better  ;D

Inspired by these names, I played sometimes (not logged in) with names such as "He randomly", or, "When Chuck Norris plays Dominion, he".  It was amusing to win games using the latter name.  :)

I tried to use, "He doesn't always play Dominion. But when he does, he".  Unfortunately it got abbreviated in the logs.  Oh well.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Funny Things on Isotropic
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:23:51 pm »
I ran across an opponent named Voltaire, who opened Mountebank.  I couldn't resist adapting his most famous (mis-attributed) quote...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: To veto or not to veto
« on: January 23, 2012, 09:33:04 am »
I used to play with veto mode sometimes, but I've soured against it and never use it anymore.

For one thing, it often takes forever for someone to pick their card, time I'd rather spend playing.  We used to play with veto mode with our friends to "speed up" the game.  Eventually I realized we were really slowing it down -- and if there are more "slow" cards than players, we're stuck anyway!

I also changed my philosophy.  Previously, I'd look to veto cards like Possession, Black Market, IGG, JoaT... really, anything I didn't like.  Then I realized hey, the other guy's in the same boat I am.  For whatever board we get, there is some way to win.  The fun of Dominion is to figure out that strategy for the 10 random cards you get.  Now I enjoy the challenge, win or lose.

(Okay, I do decline auto-match games with King's Court and Masquerade.  But everything else is auto-accept.)

Game Reports / Re: Uber Tactician Pattern
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:02:12 am »
Dang!  I knew I should have posted this earlier...
— chogg's turn 26 —
chogg draws 5 cards and gets +1 action and +1 buy from the Tactician.
chogg draws 5 cards and gets +1 action and +1 buy from the Tactician.
chogg draws 5 cards and gets +1 action and +1 buy from the Tactician.
chogg draws 5 cards and gets +1 action and +1 buy from the Tactician.
chogg draws 3 cards and gets +1 action and +1 buy from the Tactician.

Just fooling around, trying to get a consistent draw.  I wanted Scrying Pool for big draw, and Warehouse to make sure my Golem would hit the right actions. My impression is that with all the cards you need to have in place for each additional Tactician, you get some pretty severe diminishing returns.  This isn't likely to win games, but it's pretty cool you can even do it at all.

Game Reports / Re: 16-point vineyards!
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:42:03 am »
I don't think I've ever seen someone get three PileDrivers before in a game.  And I like the way you gained the Potion on your last turn, through Remodeling into a Border Village.  Nicely done!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: News on forthcoming expansions
« on: January 15, 2012, 04:32:09 pm »
Everyone is going to have to wait on details until the company chooses to make them available. I do not even know if I can name the company.

Thanks for explaining.  I had wondered why so few details seemed to be known!

I don't know what kind of "fair warning" you'd expect or why you'd think someone would need it, outside of the tournament, which will get to finish. I expect councilroom will get a chance to archive the last of the logs, and what else exactly would you need to finish up? Whatever it is, get it finished. I do not know how much warning there will be, but it might not be much.

Oh, I didn't have in mind anything in particular to get finished up.  It's just hard to get a game night together when we have young kids, not to mention all our gamer friends who live in other cities.  Being able to play our favorite game with anyone anywhere has been just wonderful.  I'd be sad for it to go away without getting some last games in with everyone.

Naturally, we're going to buy the digital version soon after release.  But probably not all of our friends will.

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