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Dominion General Discussion / Re: CARD OF THE WEEK #3: Moat
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:49:30 am »
* For which Attacks is it worth getting a Moat for?

Completely depends on the board and what enablers and/or counters are available. (Also, too many "for"s there.)
Also, this:
Defending is much more powerful in 4P then it is in 2P. In 2P, if you play with moat/moat against someone who plays with witch/witch, you will lose bigtime. In 3P it will be close. In 4P if you're the one with the moats while all the other players have the witches you just win.

* Do you ever get Moat when there are no Attacks in the kingdom?
* Have you ever used Moat purely for draw?
* Is Moat a *good* card?

The first two of these are pretty much the same question, and the third is a closely related one. As others have said, Moat can at times be an important source of draw, but is not generally one of the better $2 cards.

* Should people who make Moat jokes be put in the stocks for a day?

The running Moat gag is old and tiresome; I will say that the one thing it had going for it is that some words are intrinsically funny, and well, Moat is one. Heh heh, Moat.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Put-in-your-hand...-ers
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:16:02 am »
It's not a category that makes sense. Do we need to have a category for cards that put other cards on top of your deck?

At least with top-deckers you can sort of say that Mystic likes them, although that's barely a thing because they tend to be terminal and so would also have to be lined up with villages.

With into-handers, I can't think of anything that's even close to being a thing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Put-in-your-hand...-ers
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:38:34 am »
Yeah, I don't see how these cards as a group are any better for Apprentice than regular drawing cards are.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Put-in-your-hand...-ers
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:33:32 pm »
With the addition of Transmogrify, we now have quite a few cards that can put things in your hand other than by drawing - Mine, Explorer, Fortress, Trading Post, Ill-Gotten Gains, Torturer, arguably Counting House and Masquerade (is it considered drawing if it's from your discard pile?).

With the addition of the -1 Card token, "draw" actually now has a more restrictive official definition, and cards like Catacombs, Advisor, and Envoy are not drawing cards. This is likely to be a source of communication issues.

Yeah, it was done that way pretty much to prevent any form of Throne-Room + Treasure Map ever working.

It's the "another copy of Treasure Map from your hand" part that stops Throne Room + Treasure Map from working.

"If you do trash two Treasure Maps" could have been shortened to "If you did" and it would have changed nothing pre-Adventures.

Wow, never realized until just now that Pirate Ship's wording was kind of already broken. "Take a Coin token" on Pirate Ship means something fundamentally different from the exact same phrase on the Guilds cards. Certainly if the Guilds cards had existed when Pirate Ship was made, the Pirate Ship tokens would have been given a different name.

So Estate-as-X is really different from Band of Misfits-as-X.

This all looks really cool, but - considering that not long ago Donald X adamantly insisted that the "who did" should have been left out of Soothsayer for simplicity and accessibility (in the easy-for-regular-folks-to-understand sense) - it seems like Dominion has taken a giant leap away from simplicity and accessibility.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Lack of quality posts
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:53:46 pm »
I made a Scout joke in that card combos thread, but at least it was a good and original one. What's tiresome are the endless repetitions of the same old joke, like the "explaining the joke makes it funnier" joke, and the Moat thing.

But I don't see a dire lack of outlet for serious Dominion discussion, and - although maybe a subforum or tagging convention could be OK - I don't see a need for any systemic change. I think if you say, at the start of your thread, something like: "Please post only real things. Feel free to use humor in your writing, but no content-free joke posts, please", people will respect it.

Amulet: One of the strongest cards in the game. You can gain two Silvers every time you play it! I'm guessing the other two options are just there so that the card isn't dead once the Silvers run out. This doesn't hold a candle to Trader or Masterpiece, but it's still likely to be the best Silver gainer on the board. Usually you want to win this split.

You can also use it to trash two Feoda to gain six silvers!

Huge dilemma, though: at the $3 price point, it competes with Silver!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Features Thread
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:15:31 pm »
Although the reporting feature would be a nice bonus, I think the ability to blacklist specific players is far more important. Hope that's in the new version, along with the ability to filter based on rating.

I also think the ability to see what card sets someone has before joining a pro game is much needed. (I don't mean show the kingdom, of course; I mean show what sets the kingdom will be generated from.) This seems like such a basic need that I hesitate to even call it a feature.

And I agree with everyone that the always-visible log is a must-have for the desktop version.

So Throne Room - Hireling gives you 2 cards each turn forever.
What does Procession - Hireling do???

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Haunted Woods
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:23:19 am »
Moat must be revealed (or Lighthouse be in play) when Haunted Woods is played to block the attack effect.

Tracking issue in multiplayer games? I believe it's unprecedented in Dominion for the rules to require you to remember something that happened more than one turn ago.

Well, whatever you used to block the attack will be either in your hand or in play when your turn starts, so it's not so awful.

Not if you choose to discard the Moat for whatever reason (Militia v Library, Minion with a bad hand, Vault etc)

And being in your hand doesn't mean that you revealed it, or that it was even in your hand at the time the Haunted Woods was played.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Haunted Woods
« on: April 01, 2015, 08:59:14 am »
Moat must be revealed (or Lighthouse be in play) when Haunted Woods is played to block the attack effect.

Tracking issue in multiplayer games? I believe it's unprecedented in Dominion for the rules to require you to remember something that happened more than one turn ago.

And, is there an official definition for "resolving an Action"? I assume it implies playing an Action, but since "Action" also means "Action card", I can see arguments being made that resolving the reaction of a Horse Traders - which is an Action (card) - could be called resolving an Action.

Horse Traders is an Action that also happens to be a Reaction, those things aren't actually related at all, and functioning as a Reaction is not playing an Action.  Note that Fool's Gold and Tunnel are both Reactions, but not Actions, and no one has ever been confused about whether discarding Tunnel to an Oasis would be enough to activate their Conspirator or not.

I'm aware of all this; the point still holds that in the absence of an official ruling/definition, the words "resolving an Action" could be parsed to mean something other than playing an Action. "Horse Traders is an Action; I resolved (the Reaction function of) a Horse Traders; ergo I resolved an Action!"

Edit: Yeah, what AJD said:P


Im interested in the way Goko are going to implement Duplicate. It's going to be a nightmare if the game asks you every time you gain something (trash Urhin style)

I just hope that goko is nice to us and does not ask us after every action if we want to use our coin of the realm

Yeah, even more frustrating with that.
Well we have discussed this very issue. For Coin I believe they will handle it similarly to how isotropic does, which is, there's a thing you can click on to use the Coin, only there when you can do it. That works great (there is a corner case for Peddler).  For Duplicate I don't think you can do better than ask after each gain.

Why is it "Directly after resolving an Action" instead of "During your Action phase"?

And, is there an official definition for "resolving an Action"? I assume it implies playing an Action, but since "Action" also means "Action card", I can see arguments being made that resolving the reaction of a Horse Traders - which is an Action (card) - could be called resolving an Action.

Important question: How do you pronounce Duplicate? Verb or noun?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:25:51 am »
Ruined Lookout
$0 Action-Ruins

Look at this card.

Even better: Chapel/Scout. So you can trash your Scouts.

Anyway, it was fun. Thanks faust and everyone.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M59: Blink Mafia (D3)
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:16:25 am »
I'm thinking Rubby is town though, right?  Is there a scum narrative there?

So the answer to this is:
Newbie scum goes into Day 3 planning to bus his partner, who the scum team thought would be in trouble for his lurkiness. Is somewhat surprised by the relative lack of interest in an Egor wagon, still decides to put initial vote on Egor because he doesn't want to look scummy by L-1ing chairs so early (and can't count on his partner being there to hammer). Is genuinely surprised by WW's quick L-1ing of Egor and gets jumpy. And gets an amazingly fluky stroke of luck.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M59: Blink Mafia (D3)
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:47:13 pm »
Actually rubby you should at least leave it up to wifom. If you like your plan then do it. But don't 100% it incase egork is scum.

Got it - I'll give myself a non-zero probability of looking at Egor. But WW should definitely look at Hydrad.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M59: Blink Mafia (D3)
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:37:11 pm »
I propose Hydrad and Egor target WW, and WW and Rubby target Hydrad.

I'm disagree with this. This means there is either a no kill or scum wins if its egork or rubby with the double kill. if there is a no kill we still have to pick between me or WW.

The other way if there is a kill WW is now a IC. plus it stops the odd chance that you or egork are scum and double kill and win.

Huh? I don't see how Egor can be chairs' partner. And I don't see any remotely possible narrative for me being chairs' partner.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M59: Blink Mafia (D3)
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:30:52 pm »
I propose Hydrad and Egor target WW, and WW and Rubby target Hydrad.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M59: Blink Mafia (D3)
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:27:52 pm »
chairs quickhammering? Missed by 12 seconds?

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