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Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:37:51 pm »
Also, in games with both cultist and witch, it is a huge mistake to ignore either.

My opponent didn't play their best, but it still shows the power of both even when the only village costs 5. In this game I went witch first because maradaur was on the board, but I think cultist is better slightly with no other looters.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:27:52 pm »
I'm fine with either ordering of Witch/Cultist, but what I don't get is how they're so far below Mountebank. There aren't *that* many cases where you can ignore Cultist but not Mountebank...
To be honest though, there aren't many cases where you can ignore any of the top ten cards in the first place.

Help! / Re: Difficult Power Cards Kingdom
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:47:49 pm »
Tournament-Apprentice is not a bigger thing than MS-Apprentice. You (AI) could just as well have done Tournament-MS-Apprentice and probably could have gotten rolling faster.

What are you talking about here when you say MS? I am aware of the fact that Market Square / Apprentice is a strong combo, but Market Square is not in this kingdom.

On the board, wow. One option is to get a thin deck, get to $8, and start winning prizes. I think that a tournament ambassador opening does just that. Lighthouse is a great pickup on those $2 ambassador hands, as it blocks junking and helps get to $8. Duchy/duke countering all the ambassador coppers wouldn't work, as the engine player could start throwing estates or curses. Duchy/duke also has no real supporting cards, and the only option would be mountebank D/d. I feel that the engine is the clear way to go.

Dominion Articles / Re: Market chain, Gardens, Transition
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:54:24 pm »
I would guess that with chapel, a village + moat engine is feasible to build to reliably double province via golds with a few markets, I don't think gardens is feasible to compete in terms of points or speed.

Really? You think your Chapel deck is going to grab ALL 8 Provinces before your opponent creates an insurmountable Gardens lead? With a Village/Moat engine? Unlikely.

Don't underestimate the village moat engine when there is the strongest trashing in the game on the board. I would 100% go engine on this board, theres draw, attacks, strong trashing, and cantrip +buy.

Game Reports / Some games just make you cringe
« on: August 14, 2013, 04:30:25 am »
This is one of them.

Familiar really is my least favorite curser, it's just to swingy. It's incredibly powerful, but if you dont draw $3P until turn 11, it's really lights out.

Edited for stupidity :P

Dominion Articles / Re: Market chain, Gardens, Transition
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:20:45 pm »
Also, this may not be the best place to ask for help. Consider going to either the Game Reports tab, or the sub-tab Help under Game Reports.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Suntastic Summerish Season Signups Sthread
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:26:42 pm »
/in for sure! Just got back to dominion, all sets -promos

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 05, 2013, 11:34:59 pm »
47.   Watchtower
This card now has 854 different combos with on-gain, on-trash, and all kinds of other benefits. It's also a pretty nice defense against most of the nastiest attacks in the game, and it can be a pretty nice drawer in many circumstances.

42.   Ghost Ship
This attack is hammeringly powerful, completely dominant on many boards, and telling you that with any village at all, you are going engine (okay, maybe combo or rush; this nerfs BM HARD). But there are about 72 counters by now, and engines can reasonably often shrug off the attack without THAT much harm.

Are these numbers for emphasis? They seem a bit high.


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Artisans Guild
« on: July 27, 2013, 02:43:02 am »
DonaldX has gone to great lengths to minimize the effect of politics on Dominion. There are only 2 cards with politics in the entire game[masq and embargo], all attacks effect everyone equally. The card seems to be too weak to want to play it more than once. +1$ and a buy in order to have to move the token from its previous (most likely good) spot? Not worth it unless your opponent switches strategys. I think this card would just accelerate the game, where the tokens get put on silver / power 5$s in the early / mid game and province duchy at the end.

Game Reports / Re: Combo: Hermit/Madman + Coppersmith
« on: July 27, 2013, 02:34:25 am »
One of the key characteristics of a specific combo is that it works without supporting cards. This wasn't hermit madman + coppersmith, but hermit/ coppersmith/ beggar/ candlestick maker. Extremely unlikely to show up on a random board with all cards, which is why there aren't too many 3+ combos.

Game Reports / Re: Butcher on the Hunt
« on: July 25, 2013, 08:13:25 pm »
I have yet to play a game with both butcher and hunting party, but here are my thoughts.

While HPX is normally paired with a 3-4 cost card (baron, monument, swindler etc), it also is useful with certain 5 costs. Mountebank is one, Counting House has the potential of being another, though it has no other upsides besides near-guaranteeing 8, stash and royal seal work in a pinch, and there are a few new compelling Dark Ages cards. One is Rogue, which has the potential of trashing the opponents HP's in a mirror, and the other is count, which can store excess HP's on top of the deck, and if you happen to hit  8 without needing it's +3 then you can duchy province for fairly cheap.

Of all the 5's there are a few that really stand out. Mountebank(duh), Butcher, Count, and Rogue. Whether these overcome the loss of tempo it takes to gain them is debatable, but I think they are all certainly strong options to consider.

Game Reports / Re: Mint can be a super sexy card
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:50:42 pm »
I'm not so sure that the extra mints helped all that much in that game. I think they would be better used as either bakers or death carts. Too many mints just gives terminal collision, and the added benefit of cloning platinums just doesn't help as much if you're trashing three silvers to do it. You bought those silvers for a reason man!

Game Reports / Re: Stonemason: Not just an engine card anymore.
« on: July 23, 2013, 05:12:15 pm »
I really agree. It just supercharges any engine. You need less + buy because you can just get two of any engine piece for only 2$ more. The card itself isn't awful: it can trash curses / coppers, turn golds / plats into green or two good 5 cost engine parts, it can trash colonies for +2 points. It has its uses in the early game for coppers, and end game for green, but in-between it's usually a dead card.

Game Reports / Re: Stonemason: Not just an engine card anymore.
« on: July 23, 2013, 03:43:29 pm »
And the next game I play has another stonemason heavy game! I'm really starting to like this card.

Game Reports / Stonemason: Not just an engine card anymore.
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:43:14 pm »
The board: Chapel, Herbalist, Stonemason, Wishing Well, Gardens, Horn of Plenty, Upgrade, Adventurer, Fairgrounds, Hunting Grounds

I looked for something on this board to go engine with, but with no + actions and not enough cantrips to make a Horn deck work, I went for the alternative route. There are some tricky combos that you might see, and I managed to pull of on turn 12.

I'm not sure what my opponent was going for, but it didn't really work out. My real question is: is anything faster on this board?

Goko Dominion Online / Cheapest way to buy all expansions
« on: July 22, 2013, 02:34:28 pm »
A few months ago, back when Iso was going down I remember hearing that it was more expensive to get the "Ultra Pack" than to get each of the expansions individually, or some combination of 3 set packs and singles. Is that still the case?

Dominion Articles / Re: Article: Forager
« on: July 21, 2013, 02:13:53 am »
Forager works extremely well with cultist, turning into a grand market with extra cycling. You get +3 cards, +X money (by the time you start trashing cultists, you should make sure to have a silver in the trash), and get an action all to boot. When you've won the ruins war this is a great way to get rid of excess cultists. Also, Forager is much better in games with junking attacks, such as ruins. In games with additional kingdom treasures, forager shines even more. Loan is a great example, speeding up trashing while also adding a new unique treasure to the trash. Spoils is also an option, but unless you have a way to keep up with the trashing of forager, I doubt it would be worth it.

Now we come to the tricky portion.  Like City, Forager can "level up" as the game goes on--and just like City, the leveling is equal for everyone.  It's not worth any money until at least one Treasure, probably Copper, has been trashed with it.  And if you trash a Copper now, your opponent can trash an Estate next turn and get a free $1 from your trashed Copper.  Each trash of a new Treasure with Forager is a bit of a gamble... if your opponent is also going after Foragers.  If you're the only one going after Foragers, though, you can get away with trashing higher-power Treasures--just be aware that your opponent is $3 away from picking up his/her own Forager.

I think that while this is something to think about, it isn't overly important. If your opponent does not have a forager, than it is beneficial to try and "level up" your own foragers to at least +1. In my games I found that trashing a copper early (sometimes even over estate) is better than waiting to burn through your estates to trash coppers.

Forager is what Trade Route tried to be. It is easier to activate, trashes much quicker due to being non terminal, and gets to be a powerful source of money later in the game. Because it's non terminal, it's a safe pickup in any game that includes non draw junkers. All in all, one of my favorite 3-cost cards. I am inclined to think that it should cost 4, just because in 95% of all cases, it's straight up better than Trade Route.

Whoops. Feel free to delete this post then.

If it were 6 it would be more powerful in that it could replicate all the good 5 cost cards. Would it be broken at 6, fine, or weaker than it is currently?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: King's Court–Big Money combos?
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:58:57 am »
If the board has king's court and draw (can even be just +2 cards), it'll usually be an engine. But on a board with no + draw, BM is usually better.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Coin tokens and Possession.
« on: June 27, 2013, 01:31:22 am »
So, can the player who is possessing use their opponents coin tokens? Do they go away?

Game Reports / Re: Watchtower + Rats = Lab Rats
« on: May 10, 2013, 05:50:26 pm »
It's the general consensus that Watchtower + Dark Ages is incredible in almost every combination. Glad you got to experience it first hand.

Well, I'm going to call this game a success. Played as town, and didn't get lynched. Was fun all!

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