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Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Landmarks: Wolf Den
« on: February 02, 2017, 03:01:34 am »
Shelters gets a bit annoying with this.  You'd really better make sure you get rid of that Hovel, as that's also +3pts for you now!  If there are no trashers, then at least everyone else is also taking -6 for the Necropolis and Overgrown Estate. 

I'd like to think that having only 1 Plat. and Colony is bad, but the engine and sheer VP respectively should be able to make for for the -6 VP hit. 

It's games without +Buy where Wolf Den becomes significantly more tricky. Tracking your deck is really important!

You also need to watch out for remodelers, if you have two golds and remodel one into the last province, you aren't getting as many points as you might have thought!

In my first ever game with Wolf Den, I made sure to trash all of my Estates, then on the last turn stupidly picked up an Estate with my Province, causing me to lose. Oops!

Worse for me was with $7 and 2 buys, I got a Duchy and Estate.  4pts + -6pts = -2pts  ???
I would've been better off just buying 2 Estates!

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Landmarks: Baths
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:59:26 am »
Although it's a bit of a shame to not get the FULL effect of a Duration card, since some of the benefits are deferred, those are still not so bad with Baths.  The neat thing is Duration cards like Bridge Troll, Enchantress, and Swamp Hag have a more passive effect that really doesn't push you towards gaining cards now, but their "durated effect" is much nicer, so just buy a card on your next turn.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: let's discuss guilds cards: baker
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:23:20 am »
If nothing else, Baker enables the 3/5 split, or 2/6 split  8)

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: overlord
« on: February 02, 2017, 01:20:57 am »
The "up to 5 coins" has definitely been significant vs. Band Of Misfit's "up to 4"... a mere difference of 1.  Of course, Dominion players are well aware a $5 card vs. a $4 card can be significant.

Even nicer if you can Ferry or apply other discounts to bring action cards costing more than $5 down to $5 or less to be Overlord-ed
Well, BoM is usually "up to $4". But Overlord also has the advantage that across-the-board cost reduction actually lets you play it as more cards. Without something lilke Ferry, BoM really isn't helped by cost reduction.

Right.  Overlord can pretend to be any action with enough Highways in play.

Are you also somehow magically discounting and ?
I'm going with benefit of the doubt and say that debt and potions were implied to be off limits.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Offline Pass and Play
« on: January 29, 2017, 02:42:15 pm »
I don't see how pass-and-play is really much better than solitaire. You can't see what the other players did on their turns unless there's some kind of turn replay feature. If you want pass-and-play, play Scrabble or something.

You know what would be great for pass-and-play? Kingdom Builder. Does the Kingdom Builder app have pass-and-play?
This ends up happening in the IRL version anyways... having to ask what each player did, so same difference here if it's between a game log or animation.

If people actually announced cards they were playing and buying like it says to in the rules, then this wouldn't be an issue in real-life games.

If someone's taking a long turn, they would rather just be told "I bought a Province and Duchy", rather than having to pay attention for a minute just to get a few seconds worth of relevant info.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: sacrifice
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:51:02 pm »
This feels like this is what Transmute should've been.  Granted, that card usually replaces a Trashed card with something else, but it's more so the "trash stuff and do X depending on what you trashed" part, and without the Potion cost.

One would think that sacrificing little Rats would make the gods angry. BUt it turns out they really like Rats.
Them Dominion gods ain't picky.  That's good to know!

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: overlord
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:47:39 pm »
The "up to 5 coins" has definitely been significant vs. Band Of Misfit's "up to 4"... a mere difference of 1.  Of course, Dominion players are well aware a $5 card vs. a $4 card can be significant.

Even nicer if you can Ferry or apply other discounts to bring action cards costing more than $5 down to $5 or less to be Overlord-ed

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Landmarks: Defiled Shrine
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:43:49 pm »
Ahh.. the "Puerto Rico effect".... one normally won't do this, but make it juicy enough... one will bite!

This makes the Curse worth n-1 pts due to the VP tokens (also what 'n' represents), but all the better if you can Trash that curse.  Otherwise, it only takes up one card in your deck.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Landmarks: Wall
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:39:46 pm »
If you have the chance to Trash cards end game, then that's pretty much free points!

I need to remember that getting a card out of your deck, like via Native Village, Island, Tavern mat, etc. isn't the same thing because those cards will go right back into your deck for the purposes of deck size!

Also, buying an Estate is meaningless, as Wall cancels out the 1pt it's worth.  In a game with Bonfire, with $11 and 2 buys, it was better to buy out the last Province, and Bonfire 2 cards in play (a Silver and Gold at that) than the usual Province + Estate!

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: forum
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:35:52 pm »
I played a game where this was a key card. Settlers/Bustling Village was in the game, and Obelisk was on Forum. I had a turn where I got $37 and 4 buys through Fortune and just bought 4 Provinces, then lost the game by a point. Lesson: you should probably always buy Forum/Something more expensive over something more expensive/nothing.
$37 after doubling seems odd.

It was actually $42 but I had <5>.
Now we're even!

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Landmarks: Keep
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:31:56 pm »
I've never dabbled much with Masterpiece, so this'll be a "double whammy" reason to do so now!

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Offline Pass and Play
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:18:43 pm »
I don't see how pass-and-play is really much better than solitaire. You can't see what the other players did on their turns unless there's some kind of turn replay feature. If you want pass-and-play, play Scrabble or something.

You know what would be great for pass-and-play? Kingdom Builder. Does the Kingdom Builder app have pass-and-play?
This ends up happening in the IRL version anyways... having to ask what each player did, so same difference here if it's between a game log or animation.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: January 28, 2017, 06:07:41 pm »
+1 Card
+1 Action
Also set up the other cards in the "outer space" set

outer space - Victory
10 VP
You may only buy this
This can only be bought if you reveal and trash 5 Gold from your hand, deck, and/or discard pile

outer space - Victory
17 VP
You may only buy this
This can only be bought if you reveal and trash 5 Platinum from your hand, deck, and/or discard pile

outer space - Victory
21 VP
This is not in the supply
Place your permanent -1 Action token on your deck

Alpha Centauri
outer space - Victory
33 VP
This is not in the supply
Place your permanent -2 Actions token on your deck

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Dominion offline details?
« on: November 19, 2016, 12:45:35 am »
Any updates on Dominion offline?

Will it be a choose one platform and that's the one you get?  Or here's your username and password which we use to validate you and you can run it on different platforms?  Will it get updates or just be a flat app that never changes?  Will it be available for purchase?  Will I be able to buy expansions I don't already own to use on it?

I'm finding the absolute silence on both offline and online puzzling given the go live date is just over a month away.

IIRC, it was set to come out in 2017.  That doesn't necessarily imply it'll be released on JANUARY 2017, but sometime, any month in 2017

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Guess the Flavor Text
« on: September 24, 2016, 03:12:32 pm »
Chop chop!


Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Clarification on 2017/2018 pricing??
« on: September 23, 2016, 03:51:37 am »
I don't understand. Imagine you're paying for a gym membership. The gym adds another location down the street, offering a small fee to allow you to use both gyms or the same fee to keep using the one gym. Would you be so angry that the other gym isn't given to you for free, that you would quit using the original gym? Even though neither the price nor the product changed? I don't understand this.

I suppose some people are seeing it a different way... They're paying for a gym membership. The gym buys a new machine. They want to use this machine, but then the gym tells them that they'll have to pay more to get access to it. It feels like they're just trying to milk more money out of a customer.

I'm not saying I agree with this sentiment, but I understand it. People hate price increases. They would probably be happier if you just charge the slightly higher price from the start.

In this case, the gym won't increase the price.... at first.  If later on they see that a combo of these extra improvements and equipment isn't maintainable, they'll find other ways to make up... put off new projects, cut some employee hours, raise the prices in other areas like extra services, concessions/drinks, or offer less services while keeping the same price.

As a last resort, they'll increase prices since that tends to be the most noticeable.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:11:55 am »
I'm sure if you offer $1000 upfront, you might be able to get a lifetime subscription to Dominion.
I'd knock off about a decade of online gaming and also get the boxed game itself 8)

Note that we can't offer you lifetime because we don't have a lifetime contract.
Well, legally, you'd probably be in the clear anyways, as you didn't specify that it was HIS lifetime... but more so the lifetime of the game itself ;)

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Offline Pass and Play
« on: June 15, 2016, 02:49:23 am »
When each person has their own device, that's technically not PnP. 
PnP definitions aside (that's pass 'n play board gamers... not Print and Play ;)), Using Bluetooth or local wifi network could work out better for some. 

There's merit to this, as folks may not want to have to deal with online connectivity.  A feature where you push a button and it replays players' turns via animation or game logs could solve the issue of "what did you do on your turn?".  Amongst some of the f2f games, other players only care about what they bought.  A Province, a Gold, etc.  They don't want to sit through and know the gory details of how you played a Village, played another Village, played a Market, played a Smithy, played an Oasis, discarded an Estate, played another Oasis, discarded a Copper, etc.

Dominion General Discussion / Thematic presets?
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:20:02 am »
The presets in the rulebooks not only show off some interesting interactions of cards, combinations, and mechanics (new and old), but some of are well named, if not thematic.  Do folks have their own themes they try to set up?  "Gameplay balance" and "fun factor" not necessarily primary factors.  I've thought up of...

Chess board
Pawn, Page
Knights, Tournament
Kings Court, Throne Room
Fortress, Walled Village

Militia, Apprentice, Goons, Mystic, Cultist
Rats, Giant, Bridge Troll
Amulet, Gear

Page, Peasant, Guide
Rats, Giant, Golem
Amulet, Gear, Relic, Dungeon

Settlers of Catan
City, Farming Village, Highway
Thief, Market, Monument
Conspirator, Swindler
2 more random

Seafarers of Catan
City, Highway, Fishing Village
Thief, Market, Monument
Pirate Ship, Wharf, Merchant Ship, Cache

Cities & Knights of Catan
Knights, Fortress
Festival, Swindler, Merchant Guild
Alchemist, Saboteur, Doctor, Bishop, Spy
use Shelters

Puerto Rico
Governor, Quarry, Mine, Tunnel, Inn, Spice Merchant
Market, Grand Market, Wine Merchant, Merchant Guild

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Dark Ages: Rats
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:53:10 am »
There needs to be a promo card specifically designed to deal with Rats!.... Cats!

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Dark Ages: Count
« on: May 24, 2016, 12:51:41 am »
Trashing is less fun when you're dealing with attacks that lower your hand size.

Gaining a Copper isn't always that bad.. if it's towards the end, a Copper or 3 isn't going to distort your deck that poorly.  Early game, it can be worth it to take on to Trash 4 lousy cards.

Reminds me of Mandarin where you're down one card in order to get +$3 (which is often a nice thing for a $5 card)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: May 22, 2016, 04:04:34 am »
Toyrn Village - $5
Reveal any number of action cards from your hand.  Then play them in any order

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Scout in Intrigue
« on: May 14, 2016, 02:59:17 am »
With all the VP token cards and (probably) no actual green cards in Empires, Scout is going to be even weaker than it already is. So sorry, Roadrunner. :(
Not quite true. We got a whole lot of castles.....

2 of them are actions, with one being a treasure.

Dominion FAQ / Re: Dominion Lingo Dictionary
« on: May 07, 2016, 06:03:13 pm »
DBG = deck building game
ABC = Action phase, Buy phase, cleanup phase.  Aka, turn order in Dominion

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Guess the Flavor Text
« on: May 07, 2016, 06:01:53 pm »
Yes captain!  Perhaps today IS a good day to die!

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