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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:38:00 pm »
Yeah, but oftentimes they will win eventually, so I don't have any qualms about pointing it out.

Rules Questions / Re: Premature Clean-up of action duration cards
« on: August 10, 2013, 11:47:36 am »
Technically, you're breaking the rules by discarding it prematurely, so you should undo it. Although, it's rather infeasible to undo it if you've already drawn cards from your new deck.

GokoDom / Re: GokoDom II: Round 1 Results *ONLY*
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:52:38 am »
This may be posted somewhere else, but what exactly is a "match point"? Do you get one for each win? I'm guessing so, but I think this should be explicit on this thread.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:13:17 am »
I'll do that sometimes, right before the game is over...

I don't have an issue with that.  It's the people who do it just because you had a good turn or they had a bad one or something but then don't resign they play on hoping to turn it around.  Either the game is over or it isn't.
But it can be a good game even if it isn't over!

I do it typically only once I'm certain that my opponent has a way of ending with a win. Once I'm certain of that, a "gg" can help as a subtle reminder that they can end the game and that I don't like sitting through long and overplayed mega-turns.

Some other things are lacking in the Super Quiz, specifically cards from Dark Ages and Guilds:

Edit: Sorry, i missed it declared that DA and Guilds where not included in the quiz. So consider this post a help on how the answers would have to be expanded if DA and Guilds were included:

"Card Set" - Add Dark Ages and Guilds
"Victory card worth variable victory points?" - Add Feodum
"Card which can put a curse into the opponent's deck before their first reshuffle?" - Technically, this is any curser, provided your opponent only buys Mandarins...
"Card that can add 12 or more cards into your hand at once?" - Add Madman
"Card that makes you verbally name a card?" - Add Mystic and Doctor
"Card that makes your opponent verbally name a card?" - Add Advisor
"Action card that gives +$3?" - Not actually necessary, but Poor House and Death Cart might be considered cards that give +3$ (as they give more - 4$ and 5$) Maybe Harvest should be added? It can give +$3. But then you'd have to add Salvager. Count should be added here too.
"Action card with 4 different action options?" - The same way, one could argue this should include Count (which gives 6 options) Actually, it gives 9 options
"Attack card that specifically attacks the opponent's treasure?" - While they don't trash them, one could argue that Cutpurse and Taxman should be allowed here
"Attack card that can trash an opponent's victory cards?" - Add Rogue and Knights
"Treasure card that costs $0 and is not copper?" - Add Spoils
"At most, a Copper can be worth how many $? (Allowing King's Court)" - As noted by eHalcyon, this becomes insanely high. With DA and Guilds allowed, i would kill this question. Procession allows playing all Processions, playing all Coppersmith twice, trashing all Coppersmith and all Processions but one. Playing cards like Rogue and Graverobber, one may get some of them back from the trash, then repeat. Somehow, one will run out of Processions or Graverobbers/Rogues, but of course Processing these is also possible. at the end, whatever you did with KC can be done to play all Coppersmiths again.

Some edits in Bold.

Help! / Re: What could I improve?
« on: August 07, 2013, 03:49:22 pm »
I think that my approach on this board would be to open Remake/Silver, and then quickly get either a potion or a second Remake. I think that Familiar is fairly skippable on this board. Then, get a pile of Caravans, money and points. Maybe a Merchant Ship, but that's not really necessary. Although you could get it by Remaking the Potion.

To be specific, your own Possession doesn't actually give you a second consecutive turn. However, the Possession of the player to your right puts you in a position of taking two consecutive turns. It's just that one of them is completely controlled by the player to your right.

Got all but J and K in the blitz quiz, and got all the cards in the super quiz. Both were pretty fun!

I apologize if I offended anyone; my tastefulness circuits may have been malfunctioning.

I do have a bit of a proclivity toward the "black comedy" though. Humor is one of the best ways sometimes for me to deal with the heartbreak and absurdity of reality.

Anyway, here's a vehicular catastrophe that happened less recently:

Oh, so now this thread's crashing and burning instead.

I think I missed something about this thread.... is it the Harry Potter / Doctor Who / Power Rangers crossover thread?
Has anyone in the Variants and Fan Cards forum made a Doctor Who fan card, sort of like Knights?

We currently have 11 doctors, so that would be 10 kingdom cards + 1 randomizer. Since Matt Smith is leaving at the end of this year, now would be the time to do it.

I think that there should be a "Master" card so that we have Master and Apprentice as well as Master and Doctor.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:32:36 pm »
I'm guessing either that or high school course upgrades.

Herald: My lord, the Adventurer we dispatched has returned.

Adventurer: Great King, I have traveled through distance Provinces, across the Silk Road. I stowed away on a Merchant Ship, then found some Smugglers at a Black Market to help me dodge an Embargo. I outwitted cunning Rogues, villainous Swindlers and a subtle Spy. I outfought Marauders, and avoided the Curses of a malevolent Witch. I and a ragtag Band of Misfits infiltrated a King's Court to thwart the vile Schemes of an evil Chancellor and his Conspirators. I hid in a Death Cart, to hide from their hired Goons, and faked my death with the help of a friendly Graverobber. I then defeated Knights and Squires alike at the royal Tournament, in order to present the Princess with evidence of his treason. I then fled the country, pursued by that treacherous Advisor's Minions, and accompanied only by my Trusty Steed. There, amid Ruined Villages and Abandoned Mines, I found the untouched remains of a Native Village, from which I acquired these two veritable Masterpieces.

King: ...Masterpieces? What part of "bring me some Fool's Gold" did you not understand?

...Why would someone going for Fool's Gold have Silk Roads, Merchant Ships, Smugglers, Black Markets, Embargoes, Rogues, Swindlers, Spies, Marauders, Band of Misfits, King's Courts, Scheme, Chancellor, Conspirator, Death Carts, Goons, Graverobbers, Knights, Squires, Tournaments, Advisors, Minions, Native Villages, and Masterpieces?

Well, Smugglers can get your more FGs in a mirror, Swindler can turn FG into Estate in a mirror, Marauder gives your opponent non-FG junk (but you wouldn't want it because it hurts you too in this case), Goons would probably work reasonably well in an FG deck as a later addition, and NV might help in some sort of not-just-FG strategy. But the others... they just don't belong.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:46:18 am »

All topics have been derailed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:30:53 am »
You can easily get 1 + 3n buys by KC-ing things, but you can often add in some extra buys by having some non-KC'd +buy cards, or the weird case of KC-ing a pawn or Squire.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 31, 2013, 05:31:21 pm »
That is the single most awesome wikipedia page ever!

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: July 31, 2013, 01:10:53 pm »
So did I.

Got 204 this time! Really surprised that I forgot such cards as Grand Market, Bridge, and Rebuild. Oh well.


Got all the knights except Sir Bailey, got all of Cornucopia except for Farming Village, and all of Guilds except Advisor. Had pretty big gaps in Intrigue and Seaside.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:08:44 pm »
Wow. I gave up after about frame 2000. There was a lot in the last 1000 frames.

Game Reports / 30 turn engine game?
« on: July 26, 2013, 06:44:34 pm »
I just played this really weird game:

We both slimmed down to an engine pretty quickly, and it looked like the game would end soon, but he got a Thief and destroyed my economy. I started rebuilding my economy with Stewards and a Hunting Grounds (and some extra Native Villages), and I thought I'd be able to end it soon, but he got a crazy turn 21 which ran out the Duchies and gave him a lead. Since I only had 1 buy/turn with no Develops, I couldn't get more than 6 pts a turn and since he had a 6 point lead and I was P1 I spent quite a while buying Harems in the hope that he'd stall and I could get the last Province to win. Then the Harems got dangerously low (NVs and Duchies were gone), so Tunnels became my 2 point cards for a bit. Then suddenly, his engine discovered that it was out of action cards to procession, which left him with 2 dead turns which allowed me to get the last Province and win.

So, my question with this game is: He played his first Thief on his 12th turn. From then on, should the game went a lot slower. Did the game have to slow down this much, or did my poor play against the Thief cause the deceleration, or did we just get an outcome on the edge of the bell curve?

Game Reports / Re: Butcher on the Hunt
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:52:10 pm »
Another good $5 to get for HP X is Merchant Ship: HPs only need to find it every other run through.

And, you can even step it up to $6 on occasion for Goons, or (significantly less awesomely) Harem.

Tournaments and Events / Re: International Dominion Team World Cup
« on: July 25, 2013, 03:39:24 pm »
I'd love to play. But sadly, I don't believe there are many other Canadians on this site. Could other Canadians correct me or could I have a place on some Northern US team? Please? Pretty Please?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 24, 2013, 01:46:05 pm »
My 2 cents on chips vs. tokens:
Imagine the following (likely boring) card:

$? Action
Take a coin token.

Now, how do we price this card? It's been discussed elsewhere that a terminal Gold would probably cost $5. This is a terminal Gold with a bonus. So, it could probably fit in at $5 or $6.

This is not supposed to be the be-all-end all of this discussion, but I think that this suggests that coin tokens are better than chips.

Game Reports / Butcher on the Hunt
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:48:12 pm »
As I discovered in this game Butcher works quite well as a Hunting Party buddy. Basically, you use Butcher as the X in a hunting party + X strategy, and just consider the trashing as a bonus.

What makes it work quite well is that there are often turns in a HP strategy where you end up with $9 or more, because the first card drawn by at least one HP was a duplicate Copper or Silver. With Butcher, you can save up to two of those coins for later turns when your engine doesn't fire, or you can save up for a big improvement of a card you don't want to a VP card at the end.

Butcher also helps in the early game, as you can get rid of Estates; which while not strictly necessary can still help HP significantly. These Estates can become Silver and get you an extra token to save, but can also be turned into other useful parts like Hunting Parties. Making Hunting Parties can also deal with the occasional extra Silver you pick up in the early game.

Any thoughts on Hunting Party + Butcher?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 22, 2013, 07:06:00 pm »
Yeah, it looked good in the previews, but I only really buy it if I can get to a point where I can muster at least 7, and really want some trashing.

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