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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: January 03, 2022, 01:55:40 pm »

At the start of your next turn +2 Cards
When any player gains a Victory card, you may play this from your hand.
This seems like it is a bit worse than Black Cat. When you buy a victory card, its better, since its like a den of Sin rather than just plain +2 Cards. However, when another player buys one, Black Cat is much better, giving everyone else a Curse. Also, Black Cat can just be played normally, while Quibble is useless unless someone buys a Victory card.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 09:06:39 pm »
Thanks for the great feedback everyone!

1. I wonder what color it should be then. Is there a standard color for this?

2. Yeah it would be garbage, but you also play the one you buy. That being said, maybe it should be balanced differently, like +3 horses or something similar.

3. I'm wondering if it works well as a sort of hostelry, since I've heard that can form a good amount of draw. That being said, maybe there's some balancing that can be done.

Ah, I missed that you play it when you buy it. that makes the card much more playable, though I still think it is probably a bit weak.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Contest #139: Highly Irregular
« on: December 31, 2021, 01:26:42 pm »

Not sure whether it should cost 3 or 4.

Isn't this pretty much garbage? Buying the first one is buying a dead card. buying the second one now makes you now have 2 dead cards and 2 horses to negate the bonus of the dead card. Buying a third one will get you 4 Horses and you will have 3 dead cards if you are lucky, which basically means you have just one horse for one deck cycle and 3 Dead cards for the rest. Even getting very, very lucky with this card, I'm not sure I would take them for free if I had the choice.

I think you can remove the "only itself" caveat from Animal Fair.

If you gain an Animal Fair by trashing Necropolis on one opening turn, and buy nothing on the other, you have a 10 card deck, so one of your 5 card hands will have Animal Fair and at least one Copper.
Thanks! Will do.

Thanks, Holger! I'll add those to my list.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 17, 2021, 01:50:58 pm »
Whoa, awesome, ty Nobody.

I'm of two minds about which mechanic I want to judge on - either
Wonders, a landscape card that can give big rewards, which we'll have to have some deliberation on ground rules for use, since it's been implemented a couple different ways
Route tokens, a coin token+mat mechanic that wouldn't require deliberation

So sound off on which you want to design for, and we'll go based on majority vote on Friday around noon EDT. If you opt for Wonder, toss in what you think the ground rules should be.
I'd love to see Wonder cards, like the ones the X-tra had.

I've just added Enhance (ONLY IN SHELTER GAMES), which I think always works?

Donate should definitely be on the list.
How does guarantee? You are probably right, I just want to confirm (and my brain isn't functioning enough to think about it).

Works for 3/4 and 4/3:
Turn 1 - Buy silver
Turn 2 - Donate down to silver and 4 copper (4 or 5 debt)
Turn 3 - Pay off debt
Turn 4 - Buy 5 cost action
Thanks! I'll add it.

Donate should definitely be on the list.
How does guarantee? You are probably right, I just want to confirm (and my brain isn't functioning enough to think about it).

It's unclear to me what Plan is doing on the list... I mean, you could have a board without Action supply piles, then clearly Plan will do nothing.

Also, Night Watchman should be on there.
If you have a board without any Action supply piles then it becomes incredibly difficult to "guarantee a $5 action by the fourth turn".

Sure ;D. But even when there is a $5 Action on the board, I don't see how Plan is supposed to give it to you by turn 4, as it doesn't to anything before you somehow get to $5 without it.
It would require a terminal Silver that costs $3 on the kingdom, so, yeah, it probably shouldn't be up there I'll remove it. (if there is a terminal silver, though, then there is a guarantee that you can reach $5.)

It's unclear to me what Plan is doing on the list... I mean, you could have a board without Action supply piles, then clearly Plan will do nothing.

Also, Night Watchman should be on there.
If you have a board without any Action supply piles then it becomes incredibly difficult to "guarantee a $5 action by the fourth turn".

But in general, many of the things listed, especially the cards, depend on the rest of the board.
Eg if your opponent plays Fortune Teller before your 3rd turn, you might start your 3rd and 4th turns with just CCEEE.

I started compiling a list of cards (and WELPs) which would prevent Silk Merchant from guaranteeing $5:
  • Tax
  • Ill-Gotten Gains
  • Messenger
  • Fortune Teller
  • Bureaucrat
  • Militia
  • etc

I think BBobb you need to clarify what boards are under consideration.
Suppose X is an item from your list. Which kingdom does it need to work in?
  • Festival + X + nothing else
  • An Action >=$5 of your choice + X + nothing else
  • An Action >=$5 of your choice + X + rest of the kingdom chosen by someone trying to make X not work
You guys are right, plan shouldn't be on the list. I was intending it to basically be:
The card/WELP itself (obviously)
a random $5 action
single player
with Shelters or not

I'm going to attempt something really silly, probably broken (and untested on top of that)! I might withdraw it in the situation where the good people of this forum makes it really obvious to me that it's broken/not working as intended :) . Anyway, here goes nothing:


Institute can be a non-terminal Smithy if it draws you 3 Treasures/Victory cards. Big Money dudes are happy. You start with a deck of 15 cards. 3 turns until the first shuffle instead of 2. Your opening split could be //; or //; or //. Or it could be none of that should you want to trash the junk-y Grants instead of taking their money. If you do, well, your deck is leaner, yay! But adieu, cool opening splits (and adieu 1 too, I guess).
I think that this is a really cool idea. The only thing is, it is almost strictly better than Scout. I don't find it a problem since Scout sucks and is removed, but I just wanted to mention it.


My Submission:

$2 - Action

+2 Actions
+1 Buy

  +1 Card per empty Supply pile. 

Return this to the Supply at
the start of Clean-up.
Setup: 2 copies per player.

Just wondering, but why cant this have a normal pile size?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 11, 2021, 02:03:12 pm »
That card could cost 1$. It's a Necropolis variant.
It's a throne variant. It's not to play a number of cards from your hand, it is to play a card from your hand x many times. Yeah, but very weak.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 11, 2021, 01:26:36 pm »
Something pretty simple:

I feel like this is overpriced. Obviously you can save them up, but I feel like this could definitely cost $4, or even $3.

I think the Ways of Horse, Otter and Owl do work if you buy a Silver turn 1 and play Necropolis as the Way on T1/2 (unless you open 2/5, in which case you trivially get a $5). It gives you a six-card hand when used on Necropolis. In case this gives you the other two Shelters and just 4 Coppers, you still get $5 in turn 3 with the Silver bought.

Pig works e.g. with opening Silver/- (or Double Silver) and only pigging the Necropolis on the second shuffle. Similarly, Great Hall guarantees you a $5 card by turn 4 - you open GH/Silver, trashing Hovel and getting you effectively a 10-card deck with total economy $9 after turn 2.

Mouse with any terminal Silver works as well as Sheep.

Edit: Multiple corrections/additions.

Thanks! When I was doing the ways, I was kinda tired, so I wasn't really sure if they would actually work. This works. I'll update my post.

advance also works with Nomad Camp games.
Yeah, I'm sure that there are other cases. This is just a list if it were a single card kingdom (other than shelters).

I just wanted to list out all of the ways that you can guarantee to get a $5 at any time before your fourth turn
Do you really mean before the fourth turn? (i.e., by the end of turn 3) Because a lot of the things you listed don't seem to function then (Save, Expedition, Ghost Town, Flag Bearer, Silk Merchant, Pageant, Exploration, Sinister Plot)
Oops, no. I meant before the fifth turn. I'll change that.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Route tokens
« on: March 09, 2021, 11:04:53 am »
Safehouse: The wording looks a bit odd.
Yeah, I agree; that seems to be a side effect of intentionally making it miss the shuffle - the usual wordings keep things moving the usual way. The point comes across though?

I think what makes the wording looking odd (to me) is the sum of several parts that slightly deviate from the wording used for official cards. Despite that, the instructions are clear.
Anyway, here is an attempt for a better wording:

- The first part: Official cards keep "set" and "aside" together and put "under this" in parentheses.
- The "after shuffle" part: I just realized that I use this condition for some of my Equipment cards. I use: "Directly after shuffling your deck,..." Maybe, "your deck" isn't necessary.
- Last part: "set-aside" instead of set aside; "for" (or "and") instead of "then".

So, altogether it would look like:


   Set aside a card from your   
hand (under this). Directly
after shuffling, discard this
and the set-aside card,
for +1 Route.

"for" makes it contingent on discarding the set aside card - you still get the Route if you play safehouse from an otherwise empty hand.
I think the "for" just makes it contingent on discarding either the set aside card or safehouse itself, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I just wanted to list out all of the ways that you can guarantee to get a $5 at any time before your fifth turn since it is very important as there are many very powerful $5 cost actions. I think it is mostly going to be events tho since most cards will just miss the shuffle. Also, this is assuming worst shuffle luck. If you think something should be removed, added, or don't understand why something is on here, you can put it down below. Anyway, here is the list I've made:


Advance (this is ONLY in shelter games)
Transport (though it technically doesn't gain the action, it puts it in your deck)
Scouting Party

Baker (setup)
Overlord (though not really, via emulation)
Ghost Town
Pooka (Cursed Gold)
Flag Bearer (only if no one takes the flag from you)
Silk Merchant
Fisherman (itself)
Night Watchman

Sinister Plot
City Gate

Ways (all of these require shelters, namely, necropolis):
Way of the Horse
Way of the Sheep
Way of the Otter
Way of the Owl
Way of the Pig
Way of the Squirrel
Way of the Seal

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Route tokens
« on: March 08, 2021, 06:41:38 pm »
I like the concept as well. It looks simple and elegant and much better than the Henchman/Mooks/Jobs that you presented a few days ago, which I find quite confusing.

A few comments:

Study: This should be discarded from hand. Is "reveal" necessary?
Ah, good catch. I think reveal is necessary because cards from militia are discarded all at once otherwise - no reveal means dumping two studies only gets you 1 Route
I think it isn't necessary. See Beggar and probably others.

Quote from: Codger
$4 - Action
Exile a Copper from your hand and if you did, gain a card costing up to $1 per Copper on your Exile mat.  Otherwise, reveal a hand with no Coppers and Exile a Copper from the Supply.
Setup: Each player Exiles 2 Coppers from the Supply.
I think you can tighten up this language a bit:

"Exile a Copper from your hand and if you did, to gain a card costing up to $1 per Copper on your Exile mat."

See Beggar, Duplicate, Enhance, Fool's Gold, Haunted Mirror, Hostelry, Improve, Market Square, The Earth's Gift, The Sky's Gift, Tunnel, Urchin, Way of the Butterfly, and Way of the Rat.

Thanks - I've updated the OP with the wording you suggested.

That wording is only used for optional effects. It isn't used for mandatory effects like Codger; see Pillage, Madman, and Wish.
I think either way is fine. The new Embargo text is a mandatory trash and uses "to". But anyway here is a list of mandatory self-trashers with either "to" or "if you do/did":
"to": Embargo
"if you do/did" or the similar: Treasure Map, Pillage, Madman, Wish, Magic Lamp

So yeah, you should probably use the "if you did/do" wording.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New Weekly Contest: Fan Card Mechanics
« on: March 05, 2021, 11:40:44 am »

Oops, yeah its supposed to say "non-dawn"
This is what happens when you rush the text of a card in 5 minutes
This should specify "from your hand".

Here is my second attempt at a card:

It's a smithy, except it gets you one extra card this turn and one fewer card next turn. Playing multiple of them per turn is probably the best way to go (only 1 -1 card token)
Hey, could someone pls give me feedback on my card?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Henchmen
« on: March 02, 2021, 04:21:40 pm »
The text below the $2 should start with "When you play this..." (See, Idol and Magic Lamp; also, e.g., Coin of the Realm, Counterfeit, Diadem, Relic, Spoils, Supplies, and Treasure Trove).
Actually, from the 2020 printings onward, there is no need for this. (See IGG, Loan, Contraband, Venture, Bank, Fool's Gold)

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