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Messages - naitchman

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No longer my submission (see post below)

Cards that normally aren't played such as victory cards and curses have no effect when played. It basically has 2 uses.

1) You can use it to play cards during unconventional times; e.g. play a quarry during your action phase so your workshop become stronger, play victory cards and treasures to draw more with your library, play your estates/curses so you can trash them with bonfire.

2) However, it won't have some cool use like this most of the time. Usually it will benefit a draw engine that has too many actions ($2 consolation prize).

Edit: I made some slight changes to the card to make it less wordy. Regardless, I think this card just isn't interesting enough to really change the game. I've submitted a new card.

So is judging happening soon?

I just wanted to note that I had done a mechanic contest in the weekly design contest about a year ago, and there were some pretty cool submissions (some of them are already in the atlas). Here's the link

Here's a short list of the mechanics submitted
2 sided events by grep
Morning Cards by Spineflu
2 sided events by Majiponi
Single Cards by NoMoreFun
Armor by 4est
Reload by mandioca15
Workers by D782802859
Rules by grrgrrgrr (similar to edicts)
Jewelry by scolapasta
Strength by X-tra
Equipment by [TP] Inferno
Card Costs by Aquila
Mount Cards by Gazbag
Threat Cards by Fragasnap
Roundabout Cards by Snowyowl
Enchantments by Something_Smart
Leaders by Kudasai


Started pretty simple, then realized it needed some fluff. "Non-Duration", "On their turn", etc.

Still. Go on. Play your Militia. Do it. I'm eagerly waiting  :) . Something as naïve as playing a Village is helpful. Gives you a hand of 6 cards. Then trashing a card from your hand on your next turn becomes even more appealing. Imagine your opponent playing a King's Court first on their turn, lol. Their turn? Your turn now.

Isn't this disqualified because it says "first time"?

Keeping it simple:

Fair Tide - $6
Dawn - Subdeck
+2 Cards
How can you justify $6? Isn't this strictly worse than Lab?

How do you figure? I mean, if it cost $5, you could lab turns 3&4 at least. That's a high roll for lab

Ok. It looks like I misunderstood aquatic type. The fact that it comes faster is nice, but I still don't think it's better than lab. As you point out, it's dead on draw, and can't be throned.

Here is my submission for now:

Pretty self explanatory.

Keeping it simple:

Fair Tide - $6
Dawn - Subdeck
+2 Cards

Laboratory (Sea's gift) that bottom-decks from gain/play; effectively top-decking with the shuffle. However, as a Dawn card, it can't be conventionally drawn into and played (so being made to discard one from hand is really bad), nor throned/imped.

Edit: Updated to cost $6: the card's on par with hireling, and opening these would snowball super effectively.

How can you justify $6? Isn't this strictly worse than Lab?


This is another card I thought of with this mechanic. You can set an action card to sleep and reactivate on a precise schedule. The benefit is you get to continuously play it every three turns, the downside is it's no longer in your deck. Can also be used to get rid of actions you no longer need (moneylender, witch, etc.).

Here's a card I found I had made some time back (tweaked it a bit).

There are 20 Riots in the supply.

It's a self gaining lab, with the important caveat that if you play too many, you won't be able to play anything else (you have to keep the riot under control), so all the cards you draw won't do you good if you overdo it. It works similar to Enchantment except it gives you nothing instead of +1 Card +1 Action.
I allowed for trashing coppers since they'll be useless in a deck like this.

Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify, if you played dissolve on turn 3 (without another one) you'd remove the first ice token on turn 4, and the second on turn 5, so you'd get it back at the end of turn 5 not turn 4.


Frozen Mine
Action - Reaction
You may trash a Treasure you have in play, or in your hand, to gain a Silver to your hand.
When you gain a card, you may play this from your hand to set that card aside with 4 Ice tokens on it.

A mini-Mine that has some utility. Early game it upgrades your Coppers to Silver, later it freezes Green and Junk to keep the deck clean. Probably not a card I would ever buy more than one of. Feedback is welcome.

This seems too cheap. It can mostly mimic the benefits of a mine while providing some benefit in the later game. Also, you probably don't need the in play clause because it's very rare to have treasures in play during action phase (mine just allows trashing from hand).

You do need the "in play" because of the reaction that lets you play it when you gain a card.

But I also agree that it's too cheap. I would think it needs to cost at least $4. Otherwise it's almost a no-brainer to open with 2 of them.

Now that you mention it's not exactly clear how the reaction works. If I gain a card, can I play frozen mine for free (and trasha treasure for a silver) and freeze the gained card? This just makes it even more powerful.


Frozen Mine
Action - Reaction
You may trash a Treasure you have in play, or in your hand, to gain a Silver to your hand.
When you gain a card, you may play this from your hand to set that card aside with 4 Ice tokens on it.

A mini-Mine that has some utility. Early game it upgrades your Coppers to Silver, later it freezes Green and Junk to keep the deck clean. Probably not a card I would ever buy more than one of. Feedback is welcome.

This seems too cheap. It can mostly mimic the benefits of a mine while providing some benefit in the later game. Also, you probably don't need the in play clause because it's very rare to have treasures in play during action phase (mine just allows trashing from hand).

My Submission:

Quote from: Ice House
ICE HOUSE       
+ per Ice token on one Frozen card you have (your choice).

This is gained Frozen with 5 Ice tokens.

A Poor House variant, this provides terminal money in variable amounts. If you Buy them at regular intervals, they can both be the source of the Ice and the mechanism to cash in on it. But if it's the only card with the Frozen mechanic, should they run out, you could end up stuck with a lot of dead cards (and the last one you buy will never be useful).

Small wording suggestion: instead of "This is gained Frozen with 5 Ice tokens", you could use "When you gain this, freeze it with 5 ice tokens" (or "freeze it 5 times" or whatever language). I think it's a little easier to read and it's more clear to me how it interacts with other alternative gains/when-gain triggers.

I like the concept either way!

To be fair, in Gazbag's original post the cards use the wording "This is gained frozen with X ice tokens" (See frigid village and Glacier). Then again, there is some wording inconsistency in Gazbag's original post (sometimes it says frozen with x ice tokens, and sometimes it says to set the card aside and put x ice tokens on it).

So cards 'naturally thawed' at turn start would also wait until turn end to be discarded? That would mean one Freeze keeps a card out of deck for 1-and-a-bit turns, which would affect the usefulness of something like segura's Scout heavily.

The ice tokens are basically a countdown tracker which is something dominion doesn't really have a way to track. As the rule was originally, one ice token is mostly the same as, "set aside this card. If you do, at the end of this turn, put it in your discard pile", which is something dominion cards can do without the mechanic. So if you want to delay cards for just this turn, use that wording, and if more, use ice tokens.

Segura's card could be worded this way without using ice tokens, though like I said, everyone is free to ignore it or adopt it; I just thought it worked better with my card.

Ok Here is my card (Please read the note lower down)

Theme: Straight from the lab, the alchemist has invented a solution to help thaw things faster, however it takes time to make more.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I think the ice token mechanic is overall fine. The only problem is that it discards cards at the beginning of your turn. That means the first ice token doesn't do much (instead discarding at the end of your turn, you discard at the beginning of your next, which usually doesn't make too much of a difference). The other big problem is that it cause cards to miss the shuffle. With this card in particular (with the original rules as is) it's hard to make it work no matter how many ice tokens you put on it:
1 ice token: Can have infinite loops
2 ice tokens (my original thought): If you have a chain of them and use them to remove the other ice tokens, each will have one at the end of the turn and will come back at the beginning of your next which is pretty much a lab.
3 ice tokens (the not so great solution): Ok so add one ice token and everything's fine right? Not really. Labs tend to be in decks meant to draw your deck, thus the turn before you get them back, you likely triggered a reshuffle when drawing your starting hand, meaning frozen cards will likely go into an empty discard pile. Even if your deck was still strong enough to draw to them, it would be pointless because at that point you've already drawn all of your payload. It would have this really staggered and weak lab effect.

Solution: Ice token rule change - When you remove the last ice token from a card, discard that card at the end of that turn.

This does pretty much the same (just with one less ice token) except you get to shuffle the incoming cards into your deck, and have a chance at drawing them.

Fika, can you confirm that you are ok with this rule change?
I am just using this rule change for my own card. Feel free to adopt it or ignore it.

If "once" is intended to mean "with one ice token", then the latter is the wording used in the actual fan expansion. Igloo says "You may freeze this with 3 Ice tokens".

You are probably right. I did not even notice that it did not say how many ice tokens.

On the contrary, it is absolutely necessary as you can also freeze a card twice, thrice, four times and so on.

I don't really understand. Can you give a case where 'once' will make difference?

you can't freeze a card twice from your hand since it will not be in your hand anymore. Does it mean 'once' as in you can't freeze with two scouts?


Winter is coming. It is like Stables, but you gotta discard the good stuff and the good stuff cannot be redrawn this turn (this includes Clean-up and thus your next hand).

I think the word "Once" is unnecessary.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Menagerie Bonus Previews
« on: March 11, 2020, 11:02:34 am »
Here is an infinite loop:

+1 Card on King's Court
+1 Buy on Lurker
a Watchtower in hand
a King's Court, a Lurker and a Mandarin in Trash
2 Platinums in play

buy Gamble to play King's Court (Draw a Lurker via +1 Card token)
play this Lurker three times, gain Lurker (top), King's Court (top), Mandarin (trash)
gaining Mandarin topdecks 2 Platinums
buy Gamble twice to play them
buy Bonfire to trash a King's Court and a Lurker

Here we gain 10$ and 3 Buys by spending 9$ and 1 Buy. The board is now identical to the begging. That is an infinite loop.

Nice loop.

That being said, infinite loops already exist without this card. It's not even worth paying attention to the existence of a loop if it requires more than 5 specific cards (it's almost never going to come up). This requires at least 6 specific cards (don't forget the bonus tokens requires peasant). It's possible, but this is not something that going to come up realistically in gamble games.

Way of the turtle has some interesting combos.

Lining up your treasure maps is now gauranteed. Also, this is another way for you to gain an imp from your tormentor and not end your action phase.

Not quite guaranteed.  If you Turtle one map away, you can only use it if you draw the second map with your initial 5-card hand, since the Turtled card can only be used at the start of your turn.  If you draw the second map during your turn (unless, of course, it's with a start-of-turn draw like a Den of Sin or a Turtled draw that you resolved first), you're out of luck.  And note that it wouldn't work to Turtle the second map either, because it says to trash a second map from your hand, and cards that are set aside are not in your hand

No, if you didn't have your second treasure map in your initial 5-card hand, you would just Turtle the first Treasure Map again. And repeat until it does line up. Yes, if you draw the second Treasure Map at some point during your turn, you've missed it for that shuffle. But if you are drawing a lot each turn anyway; then you wouldn't use Turtle on Treasure Map to start with.

Okay, that's a good point.  You'd almost certainly hit it after a couple of reshuffles.  Still, it's not completely guaranteed, since you could still miss it on each reshuffle

.... Although I just realized that Cobbler and a Turtled Treasure Map would be an absolute guarantee, since Cobbler gains a card costing up to $4 (which Treasure Map is) to your hand at the start of your turn!  Since you get to choose the order of start-of-turn effects, choose Cobbler first, gain that second Treasure Map, then play your Turtled Map!

It's impossible to miss a treasure map on the reshuffle; you still get the card.

Turn 1 and 2 buy silver and tm
Turn 3 and 4 buy tm and pass
By turn 5 you automatically have started turtling your tm. Now it's just a matter of when you draw your 2nd tm. guaranteed turn 5-7.

Way of the turtle has some interesting combos.

Lining up your treasure maps is now gauranteed. Also, this is another way for you to gain an imp from your tormentor and not end your action phase.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 20, 2020, 08:41:30 pm »
Contest #62: A card that has +1 Buy and uses it well.


A more expensive Woodcutter with potential draw rewards down the road. The +1 Buy helps empty piles, but will mostly get in the way early game. Skipping turns can net you Twice Industrious, but that is risky. Any feedback is always welcome!

Lumber Camp: Action - $4
+1 Buy, +$2, When this is one of your first two gains of the game and you: don't have Industrious, take Industrious; do have Industrious, flip it over to Twice Industrious.

Industrious: State
At the start of your turn, +1 Card per empty Supply pile.

Twice Industrious: State
At the start of your turn, +2 Cards per empty Supply pile.

I think the whole twice industrious seems to add swingyness and doesn't need to be there. I imagine going for it and getting $3 on turn 3. With just one Industrious it's more straightforward what your tradeoff is.

Maybe change first 2 gains to first 2 buys so weird interactions don't screw with this (someone opens Ill-Gotten-Gains).

As a whole, I wonder how many I'd buy. Unless there was absence of other +buy, I'd probably only ever buy one.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 19, 2020, 12:55:16 pm »
Updating the wording on my card to allow for buying events or projects:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 10:14:42 pm »
Ok, so here is an updated version of my card which hopefully is a little more clear.

Technically if you can't buy curses or coppers (due to contraband or empty piles) and you have too few coins to buy something and you have coffers, you would be forced to use the coffers if it would allow you to buy cards. Not a likely case though.

How does this work with having debt?

I'm not 100% certain of your question. Can you give a specific case?
You would have to pay off debt and buy a card if possible. If not, you wouldn't have to pay off debt (but then again why would you not pay off debt?

Technically you could do cute tricks with debt to avoid the mandatory buy. If you have $6, you could buy one overlord and then end your buy phase (because you can't buy any cards). It's uncommon enough that I'm okay with it (like capital's loophole with Mandarin or herbalist).

Random aside:
I think I'm going to update the wording to count buys used rather than cards bought to include events and projects.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 18, 2020, 06:08:17 pm »
Ok, so here is an updated version of my card which hopefully is a little more clear.

Technically if you can't buy curses or coppers (due to contraband or empty piles) and you have too few coins to buy something and you have coffers, you would be forced to use the coffers if it would allow you to buy cards. Not a likely case though.

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