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Messages - Udzu

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Very minor suggestion, but instead of using the new word "precisely," you could use the word "exactly," which is used in official cards like Remake and Upgrade.

Fixed, thanks!

A vanilla Reaction! Can be a Copper or a Loot! Can protect you against junkers! Lets you buy a Grand Market using Coppers! Is this a good idea? Who knows! (though Hovel does already come close)

Note that the "would gain" phrasing is required to prevent repeated on-gain reactions.
Does a card that costs less than another card also cost precisely $0 more than it?

Also, I would suggest getting rid of "would gain" and using the exchange mechanic instead, the way official cards do. Since exchanging is not gaining, that would also prevent repeated reactions.

I would argue that no, a card that costs less than another card (in $ or potions or debt) does not cost precisely $0 more than it. Though obviously open to suggestions of how to phrase it more clearly without overly increasing the amount of text.

Good point re exchanging. I did originally write it like that, but for some reason convinced myself that it would result in on-gain reactions, not sure why. I'll fix it.

A vanilla Reaction! Can be a Copper or a Loot! Can protect you against junkers! Lets you buy a Grand Market using Coppers! Is this a good idea? Who knows! (though Hovel does already come close)

Update: use exchange mechanics [previous]

Update #2: replace "precisely" with "exactly" [previous]

Update #3: revert to "would gain" mechanics, as this allows you to react with multiple Barters (and also to fully protect against Cursers by discarding). [previous]


This is really neat!

Very minor formatting change: “choose one” cards, even those with only 2 choices like Specialist, use a semicolon to separate the choices.

Will fix, thanks! I originally had it as "Either ... or ..." but changed it to "Choose one:" at the last minute. I should also capitalise "discard".


Update: tweaked punctuation [original]

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 05, 2023, 09:01:33 am »
The focus of my entry is on whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow or not (though there is a small nod to the time loop too).

Uses two State-Ways which are printed on opposite sides to each other (like Deluded-Envious): taking one overrides the other and lets you use the associated way.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:33:55 am »
^ This seems like a super cool idea, but also very similar to Transmogrify.
Transmogrify is an Upgrade variant, not a Remodel variant.
It's sort of in between: it's $1 not $2 but it's "up to $1" not "exactly $1".

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:31:58 am »
^ This seems like a super cool idea, but also very similar to Transmogrify.
Ooh, good point! I liked the idea of deciding what you want to get before figuring out how to get it, which Transmogrify doesn't do. Also making it a Duration rather than a Reserve makes it Throne Roomable, which Transmogrify isn't. But I agree that they are pretty similar, possibly too similar.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 05:32:18 am »
A back-to-front Remodel. Timing is a bit more flexible but it can't green at the end. At least it's easy to keep out of your deck when you've finished with it!

As a bonus, Estates can be turned into $5s. And $9 Provinces should slow the game down a bit.

Sorry, but I doubt that Star Realms Dominion is much more than a random mess. You can extrapolate from Black Market and common sense: if only one player exclusively gets an early junker or a junker, the game is likely already over.

It doesn't sound for me but some people prefer more random in their games. I mean Talisman sold over 800,000 units :)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 21, 2023, 10:26:52 am »
(Take two) A one-shot but versatile Fortune:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 20, 2023, 08:39:23 am »

Set aside a non-Victory Action card from the supply next to this and place your project cube on it.
When scoring +3VP per card you have from that pile.

- Not happy with the wording regarding the scoring but I am trying to imply that if this is put on a split pile all cards in that pile score 2 points each.
- The non victory clause is to prevent a player claiming the Castles pile by setting aside one that is also an action.
- I am a bit unsure of the pricing for this. For the number of points it can potentially score without adding cards that clog your deck it needs to be expensive. I feel it has to be more then Colony but other than that I am not sure.

- Following feedback I have reduced the cost to $10 and given 3VP per card instead of 2.

Just spotted this after posting a very similar idea (which I've now withdrawn as it's too similar). I phrased it as a token Event similar to Pathfinding though, which I think works a bit better: you don't need to set anything aside, and it explicitly refers to a pile so there's no ambiguity about split piles or Castles.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #175 - Super Expensive
« on: January 20, 2023, 06:16:07 am »
Update: just spotted that this is very similar to Gentrification, so withdrawing it and will try to think of something else.

Update 2: new submission.

Build your own Obelisk?

Rules Questions / Re: Lantern, Elder, Harbor Village, Moat
« on: January 19, 2023, 11:58:26 am »
-how can Moat block a Chameleon'd Witch if you aren't following the Witch's instructions?
- Again the rulebook text says that Way change what a card does - A Way of the Sheep'd Witch results in Witch making $2, Witch is making the $2, that's what the Way rules say. So Moat means you're unaffected by that.

Apologies if I misunderstood, but does this mean that you've finally had to rule on how Masquerade would behave as a Moatable Attack? I.e. what happens if you play an Attack, someone Moats it, then you use Way of the Mouse to play a set aside Masquerade?

No, see similar question about Mouse and Duchess here: The difference is that Mouse causes you to play a card, so that card's effects are separate from the original played card's effects. If Mouse had Masquerade's text printed on it directly, then yes a Moat would protect you from Masquerade (which would cause all sorts of issues).

Interesting, thanks. So you're "not affected" by Mouse's playing of Masquerade, but you are affected by Masquerade itself.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Trait ideas
« on: January 19, 2023, 09:53:03 am »
Should Droit Du Seigneur include "Not in the Supply"?

Probably, though the Loots don't so it's possible that this is no longer necessary.

Rules Questions / Re: Lantern, Elder, Harbor Village, Moat
« on: January 19, 2023, 09:47:10 am »
-how can Moat block a Chameleon'd Witch if you aren't following the Witch's instructions?
- Again the rulebook text says that Way change what a card does - A Way of the Sheep'd Witch results in Witch making $2, Witch is making the $2, that's what the Way rules say. So Moat means you're unaffected by that.

Apologies if I misunderstood, but does this mean that you've finally had to rule on how Masquerade would behave as a Moatable Attack? I.e. what happens if you play an Attack, someone Moats it, then you use Way of the Mouse to play a set aside Masquerade?

Variants and Fan Cards / Trait ideas
« on: January 19, 2023, 06:43:21 am »
Looking to add some Traits to my landscape expansion. Here are five untested ideas (including one non-supply pile for tracking). Feedback welcome!

A planned economy Village.

Socialist Village - $4
Action - Duration

+1 Card
+1 Action

The next time you play an Action and have no Actions left afterwards: +1 Action.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #168: Turkey Time
« on: November 12, 2022, 06:27:57 am »
This is way too good. I'd argue this is stronger than Feast, since it's non-terminal and gets the gained card immediately next turn. Pretty much the only time this isn't better than Feast is if the gained card is a Victory card, or if you have enough draw to play a Feast and then draw the gained card in the same turn. I don't think this works at any price.
Yeah, definitely needs to lose the +Action then.
The same argument still applies even without the +Action. I think it might be fine if it instead dropped the "to hand."

Worth remembering that Feast is stupidly weak though, so being almost always stronger than it is not necessarily a problem.

Just wondering, would this wording just be better:
"During your action face you may discard an card to remove an mutineer token"

I think that would allow you to discard even if you didn't have any tokens left, so you probably still need an "if you have" subclause.

Rules Questions / Re: Throne Room/Kings Court and Reserve Cards
« on: November 03, 2022, 08:38:49 am »
Where can I find these rules?

The original rules on TR/Duration was in the Seaside rulebook.

This came about because we added Adventures to our collection. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see anything in the Adventures rules about how reserve cards interact with TR/KC type actions.

I even looked in the Dominion Wiki to find some clarification on reserve cards, but there was nothing more there regarding TR/KC.

That's because (as the other comments have already mentioned) there are no special rules about how reserve cards interact with TR. You need to understand how TR interacts with cards that leave play, but that's been the case since Dominion 1E and Feast.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #167: Monster Mash
« on: October 30, 2022, 01:23:16 pm »
Take two. Again, might need to play with it to get the balance right.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #167: Monster Mash
« on: October 29, 2022, 01:36:01 pm »
[King Rat]

It’s a lot like Summoning Circle posted above.  Rat King seems more appropriately priced.  It could use something to mark the set-aside card, like how Inheritance uses the Estate token.  Maybe make it a Project, and move your project cube to the set-aside card? I also like the theme in terms of the relation to existing Dominion cards.

Didn’t spot Summoning Circle, sorry! Given how similar it is, I’ll withdraw this and see if I can come up with something else.

Regarding making it a Project: I did do that originally, but then realised that projects don’t normally do anything when you buy them other than placing a cube.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #167: Monster Mash
« on: October 29, 2022, 10:31:42 am »
Bastard child of Prince and Way of the Mouse. Not sure how to cost this. Significantly weaker than Inheritance and useless as an opening buy (unless Necropolis is the only village I guess?). Also requires not playing the set aside card on the turn you buy it, so starting at $4. Opinions welcome.

Update: it’s just been pointed out that this is essentially a duplicate of Summoning Circle (which I didn’t spot, sorry!), so I’m withdrawing this.

Wine Merchant variant (with a hint of Galleria):

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