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Messages - DooWopDJ

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Dominion General Discussion / Total number of card permutations
« on: April 11, 2021, 10:31:38 pm »
Excluding the Black Market deck (or even including that option), what is the current number of card set permutations possible?  And if possible with and/or without the Landscape type cards

Dominion General Discussion / Any tips for tracking IRL cards played?
« on: April 11, 2021, 10:28:35 pm »
We tend to play randomized sets with the onine randomizer.  Are there any tracking tools that would log the cards that we have already played? Especially tracking them in an online randomizer?  The only solution I can think of is to enter cards to 'ban' for each time I randomize?

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Cumbersome discard pile mechanics opinions
« on: March 10, 2021, 11:26:49 am »

That just seems to me to make more work than it saves.  It doesn't take that long to look through your discard pile to pick out the coppers, and you only need to do that on turns you actually play CH, but separating out the Coppers would be something you'd need to do any hand in which you have one or more Coppers, and then recombine them when you shuffle

You make a good point.  I had not realized that I was just 'moving' the separation task from the 'look through once', and just moved it to the 'each time i discard a copper phase'.  So in reality, I probably added MORE time to the task of separation.
Note: this is one reason why I enjoy the online game, it tracks this information as we play.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Cumbersome discard pile mechanics opinions
« on: March 08, 2021, 09:18:55 am »
Quote from: DooWopDJ
Counting House ... flipping over each card in my discard pile....

Huh? I don't understand this. The cards in your discard pile are already face up, and you just look through them and pull out the Coppers. If I'm playing IRL, I'll put all the Coppers on top of my discard pile, rules be damned.

We also play a 'variant' with CH.  We just set the Coppers aside in a separate discard pile.

Let's Discuss ... / Cumbersome discard pile mechanics opinions
« on: March 07, 2021, 04:50:18 pm »
Finally getting back to playing IRL games.  I am usually not one to 'critique' any aspects of Dominion, but I thought I would post a question to determine how others viewed certain mechanics, that just make playing some cards mechanically cumbersome.

My current example are
 Counting House ... flipping over each card in my discard pile....
 Philosopher's Stone.  counting my cards every time ...

Luckily I only play 2P, and would not enjoy this card in multiple player

Any other thoughts on cumbersome mechanics?

Rules Questions / Necromancer - checking vs not checking
« on: December 26, 2020, 08:06:55 pm »
The Official FAQ states "...if the card checks to see if it was trashed (such as Pixie), it was not, but if the card does not check (such as Tragic Hero), it will function normally...".
My question is some more examples of 'does not check'.  I am currently playing the Tragic Hero from the Trash 1) I keep the Tragic Hero in the Trash 2) Do not 'trash' the Tragic Hero (as it is already there) 3) But I still 'gain a Treasure'

Rules Questions / Ghost rule questions
« on: November 19, 2020, 10:40:58 pm »
1. It is my guess that when Ghost plays an Experiment (or other action that might get returned to the pile once it is played the first time), that the 2nd time to play the Experiment can still happen.  I am basing this on the 'If Ghost plays a card that trashes itself, it will play it a second time even though the card is no longer in play."

2. The rules states "you cannot resolve other effects in the middle".  Does this if the action card has 'things to do' that I cannot resolve all of them before I play the Action card a 2nd time?  It would help to have an example of what other effects we cannot resolve in the middle

Rules Questions / Re: Way 'for its own ability'
« on: October 27, 2020, 04:18:24 pm »
Thanks.  Can you clarify an example of what you mean by '...for the purposes of things that care about what card names are in play...'? Apologies for not understanding the lingo on this thread.

Rules Questions / Re: Way 'for its own ability'
« on: October 27, 2020, 12:59:34 pm »
Here is my current understanding.  Now that GendoIkari has clarified with the example of what the use of "play" meant.  I was getting confused with things such as' +1 Card or +1 Action as an 'ability' that the card had 'at least one of its plays was for its own abilities' remaining.  I had been viewing these as 'it still has stuff left to do' (as GendoIkari said), as they would be 'left to do' on the next players turn and my next turn.

So now unless I use a different card that activates a secondary 'play' usage (such as Throne Room) then the Duration card would get cleaned up during it's initial play (because it is NOT really a Enchantress it is a Way), but it would stay out if I use the Duration card as itself (and not use a Way card as it's replacement Action).

Rules Questions / Way 'for its own ability'
« on: October 26, 2020, 10:15:18 pm »
The Ways rules states "... If the card you are playing is a Duration card, it only stays in play if at least one of its plays was for its own abilities..."

Are there some guidance as to how we determine 'at least one of its plays was for its own abilities'?
Are +1 card and + 1 action each a 'play'?
Or maybe like the Enchantress, we are ignoring the 'top rule' and use the Way directions, but on the 'duration' part (the +2 cards) we still draw the 2 cards? But maybe we should not ignore the top rule?

Rules Questions / Re: Clarifying playing the action with Toil
« on: October 26, 2020, 10:07:54 pm »
That helps.  You also helped me ensure that we were following the 'cannot play additional treasures' that the Action card may have put into our hands.

Rules Questions / Re: Clarifying playing the action with Toil
« on: October 26, 2020, 05:17:37 pm »
So since I am still in my Buy phase, can I still use $$ (either virtual or not) that I have remaining from my previous Buy towards other Buys?

I had thought the release date was Mar 16, 2020.  But earliest we can order it online is Mar 31? Or is it now mid-April.  Does anyone have a better resource as to the availability online?

Rules Questions / How do Ways work?
« on: March 13, 2020, 09:08:07 pm »
I could not figure out how the new Way cards work.  How do you get them? When are they used?

Very excited about the new expansion.  I am confused about the release vs ship date though.
Amazon shows release date as March 16, 2020, but it is not shipping until September 2020?
Can someone clarify this? Thanks.

Rules Questions / Necromancing a Mining Village?
« on: April 11, 2019, 12:54:10 pm »
So with the best of my abilities I still cannot determine correct way to play if a player plays a Necromancer to play a Mining Village card from the Trash pile.

The rule question is 'Does 'Trashing" mean from anywhere in the card (so can I trash a card from the trash back to the trash?)

By "... simply doing exactly what the cards say...' it seems (a horrible assumption it seems when asking a question in the forum, but I am going to ask anyways), that a player would get "+2", because I could not find a ruling that said where Trashing could not happen from the trash, although 'Trash rules do state '... Trashing a card usually means removing it permanently from your deck...' but then again the word 'usually' is there, so thus my question to clarify if my question.

Rules Questions / Re: Idol Count during Resolution
« on: April 03, 2019, 08:16:07 pm »
Clarification on how to play EACH Idol during the Buy phase

I start my Buy phase with 3 Idols in Hand.  I play my 1st Idol, given that when you play a card (including Treasures, you 'resolve them as they are played... correct?) and then per card text rule '... When you play this, if you then have an odd number of Idols in play, receive a Boon..., so I would take a Boon and resolve the Boon.
Note: see my other question about how to resolve an Idol's Boon here >>>

So now that I have resolved the playing my 1st Idol and resolved receiving the Boon from having only 1 Idol 'CURRENTLY" in play.

Then I play my NEXT Idol from my hand, NOW... I resolve the 2nd Idol per the card text rule "... f an even number, each other player gains a Curse...'.  So now I do not get a Boon, but each other player gains a Curse...'

And then if I play a 3rd Idol I go back to the resolution that was done playing the 1st Boon.

Maybe this was clarified somewhere, but thought I would add how I read the card. (I have been wrong before though...sigh)

It's not clear what your question or confusion is here... The entire point of Idol is that every-other-one does something different. The first, third, fifth idol you play do one thing, while the second, fourth, sixth idol you play does the other thing.

Simply play the card, and do exactly what it says.

It was a request to ensure that there was some clarification.  As in this thread, it was not clearly spelled out that you play each one and alternate the odd and even resolution with each play.  If I missed that clarification in this thready, my apologies.

Rules Questions / Re: Resolving Boons for Idol
« on: April 03, 2019, 08:11:20 pm »
1. Yes; you can still play any treasures you drew, because you haven't bought anything yet. Drawing Victory cards is still good because it means they aren't in your next hand instead. Drawing actions is usually worthless, but with things like Villa, or Quest, it can still be helpful.

2. "Discard" always means from hand, unless it says otherwise. Just look at the wording on Cellar, Mill, Vault, etc...  they all tell you to discard cards; and none of them specify "from your hand". There's no reason a Boon would be any different.

3. Why would it do any of those things? Cards do what they say and nothing else.

Again, your questions can all be answered by simply doing exactly what the cards say, and not wondering if anything has any hidden meaning or functionality.

I appreciate your clarifications and patience with my questions.  Yes it is clear I 'read more into the cards' than is there, but it a matter of not understand the definitions of what 'discard' means over all.

I was confusing 'trash' and 'discard' as trash usually specifies from your hand, but there are no cards that have 'discard from your hand' text.

On #3, I think we were realizing the same thing that Donald X has with Boons and Idols, that there are a few of them that are not very useful when playing an Idol..


Rules Questions / Re: Idol Count during Resolution
« on: April 03, 2019, 12:31:00 pm »
Clarification on how to play EACH Idol during the Buy phase

I start my Buy phase with 3 Idols in Hand.  I play my 1st Idol, given that when you play a card (including Treasures, you 'resolve them as they are played... correct?) and then per card text rule '... When you play this, if you then have an odd number of Idols in play, receive a Boon..., so I would take a Boon and resolve the Boon.
Note: see my other question about how to resolve an Idol's Boon here >>>

So now that I have resolved the playing my 1st Idol and resolved receiving the Boon from having only 1 Idol 'CURRENTLY" in play.

Then I play my NEXT Idol from my hand, NOW... I resolve the 2nd Idol per the card text rule "... f an even number, each other player gains a Curse...'.  So now I do not get a Boon, but each other player gains a Curse...'

And then if I play a 3rd Idol I go back to the resolution that was done playing the 1st Boon.

Maybe this was clarified somewhere, but thought I would add how I read the card. (I have been wrong before though...sigh)

Rules Questions / Resolving Boons for Idol
« on: April 03, 2019, 12:29:33 pm »
We encountered a couple of instances where a player played an Idol and the Boon's text was not clear how to Resolve it.
I have only 3 examples, but the main question is the #2 question below on 'discard' is not required to be 'from my hand'.
I would be curious has to how to resolve these 3 examples and maybe someone can point out some other 'not so great Boons' for the Idol card.

this issues seems to be alluded to in this thread post by Donald X >>>

1. The Wind's Gift >>> +2 Cards.  Discard 2 cards.
(well the card was clear, but unless I drew Treasures, this Boon was useless? And if we drew any Treasures, I could then play them since I am still in the midst of my playing my Treasures, and have not bought anything yet)

2. The Earth's Gift >>> You may discard a Treasure to gain a card costing up to 4.
It does not say it could be from the player's hand, so does that mean I could discard one from Play (and thus not have that Treasure available in Play when I Buy a card?

3. The Field's Gift >>> +1 Action +$1 (Keep this until Clean-up.)
So does the +1 Action carry over to my next turn? Do I return to the Action phase? I do Play another action in my Buy phase now, then continue playing my Treasures?

Dominion Strategy Wiki Feedback / Credit for Materials?
« on: March 29, 2019, 05:17:03 pm »
There are credits for card and box illustators. Who should we credit for Materials?
- Tokens (Coins, Debt, Embargo, Victory, Adventure tokens)
- Mats (Trash, Tavern, Coffers, Villagers, Fishing, Island, Pirate Ship, Trade Route)
I may have missed a few, but I have included a portion of these images into my Fan Cards and want to know who should be listed in the Credits.

This was already done, in the second printing of the base cards set.

See the pictures on the back of the box here:

Awesome.  I will order them now.
FYI - The Wiki did not have any update, so thus my question. (Could someone update this in the Wiki?)

Dominion General Discussion / Victory Card design considerations?
« on: March 22, 2019, 02:01:53 pm »
Was there ever any consideration of putting a Victory Point value (similar to the Treasure Value in the upper corners of the Victory Cards? (yes, there would be ? for those accumulative Victory cards like Gardens, etc).

I will probably at least adapt to turning the 2nd Edition versions upside down so that the lower right would be the upper left so I can see the VP value in my hand.

Just a thought (not a complaint).

Dominion General Discussion / Base Card set 2nd Edition time frame?
« on: March 22, 2019, 01:52:41 pm »
Is there any time frame or plans to update the Base Card set with the 2nd Edition revisions?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion Card Image Generator
« on: March 21, 2019, 03:54:14 pm »
It could just be my eyesight, but there are two "+" symbols that do not seem to be 'bolded'
The + $1 Coin and the +1 %

Also if you start off you remove the space in the +$1 it is really big

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