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Out of curiosity, what would people rank Chapel if it cost $3 instead of $2?

Why is amulet above bonfire? Their main purpose is to trash cards but bonfire is super-duper fast wich is better than being able to trash estates.

Only being able to trash cards in play is a bigger limitation than it sounds, I think. Estates, Curses and occasionally Ruins are impossible to trash. Amulet's versatility counts for a lot, too. Being able to either trash part of a bad hand or boost a good hand goes a long way.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Next-turn Village
« on: November 09, 2015, 11:44:58 pm »
Would "now and at the start of your next turn: +1 Card, +1 Action" be interesting? It makes the card a useless cantrip this turn, but gives you a great start next turn.

I've seen the term weighted used in these rankings and I'm unsure exactly what it means. I guess each person's ranking is assigned a weight based on some metric, but what is it? Iso rating? Games played?

Iso rating

Wait, my iso rating is actually negative (with a grand total of 8 games played) since I exclusively play bots. It doesn't bother me that my lists doesn't matter a fly's fart, but if you are using a weighted mean by the absolute iso ratings then my list is being considered upside down! ;D (or is it?)

No, if you have a negative level, I assume a level of 0.

Is it weighted purely by multiplying by the iso rating (so that someone with a rating of, say, 200 has twice the influence of someone with a rating of 100)?

It has the issue like Spy and Pawn where you make long, irrelevent decisions.

I disagree that the decisions are irrelevant, and I don't know what's relevant about the decisions being long. Being slow to resolve does not make a card any worse.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Champion and Teacher speculation
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:00:43 pm »
What about something crazy:

Trash this card
Gain one victory card
Gain one treasure card

The Champion retires, having earned herself a large amount of land and a small fortune.

Precisely! They come home with all their treasure.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Champion and Teacher speculation
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:56:54 pm »
What about something crazy:

Trash this card
Gain one victory card
Gain one treasure card

Here's a way to ensure they get the same play as all the other cards, accounting for the fact that you'll never have more than two in play in any one game.

If you have every expansion and promo there are ~236 kingdom cards. So you could make a deck of 24 coppers and 2 estates, shuffle, and draw 10 cards. For every estate you drew, add in one event card at random.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Giant
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:14:09 pm »
I hope there's a card that benefits from the Journey token being face down. Balancing the two cards in one game would be brutal!

I am guessing that the +1 action token is no longer effective once the supply pile you put it on its empty (a la band of misfits)? Or is it viable for the rest of the game, regardless?
The token works even if the pile is empty, and can be put on an empty pile.

So, if the pile is empty, and we can't set aside the card, we get the benefit anyway?  ???

You set aside cards with estate tokens, not action tokens.

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