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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Type colors and Reserves
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:52:03 pm »
Even with the cards on the mat, it can be easy to forget about the card. The coloring does help as a reminder. Also, coppers can end up on your mat. Personally, I think the coloring makes sense.

I guess it would make a lot more sense to me if Distant Lands didn't have the Reserve type.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Type colors and Reserves
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:38:58 am »
To remind you to put them on your mat?

To remind you to do what the first on-play instruction explicitly tells you to do?

Cards like Island/Madman/Feast/Spoils certainly don't need a special type and color to remind you to put them somewhere other than the play area.

The tan color reminds you that if a Reserve is actually in play, you're getting the "call" effect, and not the "play" effect.

That makes some sense, but then why do Distant Lands and Wine Merchant have this type?

Dominion General Discussion / Type colors and Reserves
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:21:14 am »
There has always been a beautifully clear, practical logic to card types in Dominion, and to the assignment of colors to certain types. But I'm not sure I see it with Reserves.

Treasure: Color reminds you that it's played in a different phase of your turn.

Victory/Curse: Color reminds you that it's not played, and is very convenient when counting your points at the end.

Reaction: Color reminds you that you can use it at special times.

Duration: Color reminds you not to discard it on the turn you play it.

Ruins/Shelter: There is arguably no obvious, practical in-game reason for their coloring, but it is convenient for sorting purposes when cleaning up at the end.

Reserve: This is the only type where I really don't know why it wants a color - or a type, for that matter. Like Reactions you can do things with them at special times, but unlike Reactions they're not in your hand at those times; they're already clearly distinguished by being on your Tavern mat. And actually, you CAN'T do anything at special times with Distant Lands.

So why is Reserve a colored type?

Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:38:50 pm »
Pleased to see Stef's analysis (mostly) validate my strategy in that game. I figured getting Ironmongers, and hopefully an early Wharf, was more important than racing Fool's Golds. Being able to play multiple Wharfs later was critical. There was some luck involved, but my strategy made me much less likely to have a sad turn like Qvist's turn 12.

Game 6: Yeah, my Explorer opening was silly.

BTW I was both amused and bewildered by TheHornetSquad's (Seprix') comment on the YouTube video. Where did that come from?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: 2.0 Closed Beta Begins
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:31:55 am »
I just agreed to say nothing about the closed beta beyond the fact that I'm part of it.
So here I am saying absolutely nothing except that I'm part of it :)

Can you tell us anything about the closed beta?
Yes off course.

Fact 1: It's closed.
Fact 2: It's beta.

Fact 3: Stef is part of it

Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Results
« on: April 30, 2015, 07:32:29 pm »
D4: Qvist - Rubby: 3 - 3

Rules Questions / Re: "Resolve"
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:24:14 pm »
What I mean is that TR and Golem don't use any of those words that say anything about timing, so they aren't applicable.

They don't use the word "after", but they do raise the question, at exactly what point do you consider the first Action to have been "played", so that you can play the second one? My point was that understanding the answer to that question should allow you to understand the meaning of "after playing".

Rules Questions / Re: "Resolve"
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:23:05 am »
My point was that we've been fine with intuitively knowing when a card was resolved for the entire history of Dominion, without "resolved" ever being used on a card.

But now that it is used on cards, it's confusing that there is no clear, official specification of its meaning, especially considering that "resolve" is regularly used in the rulebooks to refer to non-on-play effects.

I think "Directly after playing" would be less confusing. Of course the concern there would be people thinking that means before completing the on-play instructions. But cards like Throne Room and Golem already require the understanding that to play an Action is to do all the stuff, and the rulebook is a bit more clear about this.

I don't think TR and Golem really apply here.  Thta wording would be confusing because "when play" effects typically kick in right when the card is played, before you resolve it.  When an opponent plays Minion, you have to reveal Moat before she chooses whether to use Minion to discard or not.  The words "Directly after" may push the intended meaning, but it's just as valid to interpret it as having the same timing as the "when play" on reactions like Moat.

Well, you could also say it's just as valid to interpret Throne Room as having that same timing for when you can do the second play. The rulebook/FAQ could clearly point out the distinction between "when play" and "after playing"; it's true that the "Directly after playing" wording wouldn't make it automatically clear to everyone.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:11:56 pm »
Why doesn't "calling" just set it aside until Clean-up, avoiding the confusion of putting a card into play that you're not playing?

How is that at all confusing, though? It's spelled out really clearly in the rules.

It's not that it's not spelled out, or that it's a huge deal - it's just that putting a card in play has always meant playing it (and even the term "in play" obviously lends itself to that association). People definitely will sometimes mistakenly count CotR's coin.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:17:25 pm »
I also tried "calling" putting the card in your discard pile at first.

Was the issue with this the possibility of re-drawing/playing it on the same turn? Why doesn't "calling" just set it aside until Clean-up, avoiding the confusion of putting a card into play that you're not playing?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:12:08 pm »
How bothersome do you find forum posters' criticisms of cards, or wordings and such?
(And since I feel like I've made a bunch of nitpicky posts lately, may I just say: I LOVE DOMINION more than any other game ever!)

Rules Questions / Re: "Resolve"
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:34:17 pm »
My point was that we've been fine with intuitively knowing when a card was resolved for the entire history of Dominion, without "resolved" ever being used on a card.

But now that it is used on cards, it's confusing that there is no clear, official specification of its meaning, especially considering that "resolve" is regularly used in the rulebooks to refer to non-on-play effects.

I think "Directly after playing" would be less confusing. Of course the concern there would be people thinking that means before completing the on-play instructions. But cards like Throne Room and Golem already require the understanding that to play an Action is to do all the stuff, and the rulebook is a bit more clear about this.

Rules Questions / Re: "Resolve"
« on: April 26, 2015, 05:32:15 pm »
I guess the most straightforward way to think of it is that it's "resolved" when you've done everything you can do, in terms of following the card's instructions, at that point in your turn. When you get the first +2 cards from Wharf, you've done everything you can do because it's not "your next turn" yet. When you do the top part of Scheme, you've done everything you can do because it's not Clean-up phase yet.

Rules Questions / Re: "Resolve"
« on: April 26, 2015, 04:57:35 pm »
I think the real characterization of when you have "resolved" an Action is, an Action is resolved at the time after playing it at which you can either play more Actions or proceed to your Buy phase.

Which creates a circular definition with this from the base set rulebook:
the player must fully resolve an Action card before playing another one

It would seem more satisfying if it were officially specified that for these purposes an Action is considered resolved upon the completed execution of all of its (on-play) effects that take place in the Action phase of the turn in which it is played. Or something like that.

Dominion General Discussion / Card names
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:50:19 am »
I was going to post this in the Name a card that fits its name thread, but I didn't want to derail that thread.

Depending on how broadly you choose to define "matching what it does", that list could contain the majority of cards in the game; in general I think Dominion does a really good job of making the card names fit their effects.

Thinking of cards whose names don't fit seems like more of a challenge. "Bazaar", being another word for market/marketplace, is an unfortunate name for a card with no +buy, and I believe according to Donald it has that name only because they wanted to use the second Market illustration that had mistakenly been done. It would have been nice if that card had "village" in its name. It would also be cool if Port were named "Harbor Village".

Anyway, no rules for this thread - feel free to post any thoughts about card names.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Adventures on Wiki
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:21:47 am »
Good work on the wiki! Will the Adventures symbol icon be getting upgraded to a hi res one like the ones for the other expansions? And will the Traveller cards be getting star-cost icons like other non-supply cards (and Peddler) have?
Where do all those icons come from, anyway?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Gokoins/payment discussion
« on: April 22, 2015, 02:23:29 pm »
Can the discussion about the merits of various payment systems be split into another thread?

It's confusing when a thread is moved/split without retaining an indication of its origin, because to anyone new to it, it's like why is someone posting in the payment discussion thread that payment discussion should be in another thread?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Features Thread
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:09:39 am »
MF developers shouldn't have to pore over the Rules Questions board or the Wiki; there should just be a dedicated forum for bug reports.

In any case, right now I think we're a lot more concerned with essential Salvager features being implemented than edge cases where you care about the order of a Princed Workshop and a Throned Wharf.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Selection of bots on MF/Goko
« on: April 14, 2015, 02:40:44 pm »
If I've re-read you correctly, I can go into a lobby, but play against bots rather than humans, as opposed to hitting the "Play Bots" button from the home screen?

Yeah, it's weird and unnecessary that they have "Play Bots" as a separate mode. The best way to play bots is not in "Play Bots" mode but in "Multiplayer" mode. When hosting a game you can fill any seat with a bot of your choice. Clicking on an open seat gives you a list of the bots and their ratings. (In the game creation page you can select "Private Game" to prevent humans from joining.)

Sometimes you get a blank popup window where the bot selection list should be. When that happens I hit the refresh button on my browser and create the game again. It always works the second time.

Rules Questions / Re: Bunch of Duration Questions
« on: April 13, 2015, 03:52:38 pm »
I think it's convenient that Outpost stays out to remind you that you're taking an Outpost turn, and therefore can't take another turn due to another Outpost you play this turn. It's a shame that there's no such tracking mechanism for Mission.

There's also no tracking mechanism for having just had a Possessed turn, which also prohibits taking another turn due to playing an Outpost. But I guess that's a relatively rare situation.

I wouldn't have thought the lack of tracking mechanism for Mission would really be an inconvenience -- just as I wouldn't think a non-Duration Outpost would be inconvenient -- but as you are one of the lucky few who have played with Mission (and a card design guru), I defer to your expert opinion.

Rules Questions / Re: Bunch of Duration Questions
« on: April 13, 2015, 03:21:00 pm »
Mostly for convenience most cards that can have effects like that are Durations, so that they normally are still in play when they have effects, but it's still not them being in play that has an effect (unless it's an effect that is an when-in-play effect of course (as for Lighthouse). It's easy to believe that a card like Caravan has an effect because it is still in play, but it's the other way around – it's still in play because it has an effect (and it hasn't been removed from play by Procession or whatnot). When you've realized that the implication is in that direction there is not that much confusing going on, even in strange cases.

So what's convenient about it in the case of Outpost?

Seems to me that without the Duration type, Outpost would play pretty much the same but would not generate all these tough questions or necessitate seemingly bizarre (but dictated by rulebook wording) rulings. If anything it would be more convenient -- many players who have seen other Durations find it counterintuitive that it does nothing once the extra turn starts, and some are confused that it doesn't stay out for a whole orbit like all other orange cards do.

Rules Questions / Re: "Naming" a card
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:06:17 pm »
My new house rule (inspired by AdamH) is that when you're told to name a card, you have to name it Kevin.

Rules Questions / Re: Bunch of Duration Questions
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:33:42 am »
So wouldn't it make more sense for Outpost not to have the Duration type? It's not actually doing anything on the extra turn (the "only draw 3 cards" applies to clean-up of the original turn). All it's doing is reminding you why the extra turn is happening. But why do you need this? Neither Possession nor Mission leaves anything in play to remind you why extra turns are happening.

Dominion League / Re: Season 7 - Results
« on: April 10, 2015, 09:23:10 pm »
D4: Rubby - Jeb: 4 - 2

IMO it would be far from perfect even if they had the randomizer backs. People who keep a randomizer deck would want an additional, non-randomizer copy of each Event so that if they occasionally use an app or just decide they want to play a game with Inheritance or something, they wouldn't have to fish stuff out of there.

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